genius evil

Chapter 1250 This woman, I want it

Chapter 1250 This woman, I want it
Luo Xi wants to challenge Situ Aofeng, this matter is like a tornado passing through the border, within a very short time, it is spread in the outer gate.

That young girl with peerless elegance and astonishment, unintentionally, showed her ambition, which is impressive, which makes people feel deeply moved.

That's right, in this situation, if you think about it together, the final conclusion is ambition.

After all, if Luoxi only has further plans, she still has a lot of choices, but Luoxi is in one step and challenges Situ Aofeng, which clearly means that Luoxi has a strong belief in aspiring to be the first .

I don't know for the time being what the final ending will be, but it is already heartbreaking.

In itself, Luoxi has a strong popularity among the outer sect, and has countless admirers. After such news is passed on, her admirers become, even more.

Some people even launched a secret ballot for this matter, so that everyone can speak freely and discuss who has a better chance of winning, Luo Xi or Situ Aofeng.

In the end, what is jaw-dropping is that with such a vote, Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng's odds of winning are actually [-]-[-].

"Luo Xi will definitely win, and Situ Aofeng will be kicked out of the altar soon."

Luo Xi's fanatical admirer made a sound.

Of course, Situ Aofeng also had many admirers. As a result, before the challenge came, the admirers of both sides fought a war of words, and even had several small-scale conflicts.

But at the same time that this matter was in full swing, another piece of news was circulating.

That rumor was related to Yan Nanfei.

Some people said that the reason why Yan Nanfei rejected Jiang Chen's challenge and accepted Guo Hengyu's challenge was because Yan Nanfei was avoiding the battle.

The statement of avoiding war is already quite polite.

To put it bluntly, it is fear of war.

Because, when Yuan Hao challenged Jiang Chen, someone saw Yan Nanfei appearing, and after that, the scene where Guo Hengyu challenged Yan Nanfei happened.

Another point is that Guo Hengyu has a good friendship with Yan Nanfei, so it has to be said that it is intriguing to have such a challenge at such a time.

This statement was quickly recognized by many people, who believed that what was said was true, that Yan Nanfei was not worthy of the name, and that he specialized in bullying the weak.

However, Yan Nanfei did not respond to this matter.

In addition, Luo Xi's challenge to Situ Aofeng was too much trouble, and it was covered up very quickly, with very few people paying attention.


Time soon came to the next day.

On this day, all the students in the outer sect were alarmed, and even some people who were retreating and meditating came out one after another.

They quickly converged in one direction.

There, there is a place to challenge the ring, and Luo Xi's challenge to Situ Aofeng will be held there soon.

At this moment, it can be said that everyone is looking forward to it.

"Jiang Chen, do you see that these guys are all attracted by Luo Xi's beauty, and they are all too superficial, no wonder, they can't make a difference." Lu Xun pouted, expressing disdain.

This was morning, and Jiang Chen's two challenges were scheduled in the afternoon.

No, taking advantage of the time, Lu Xun couldn't help but pull Jiang Chen over.

"Actually, I'm also quite superficial. I only like beautiful women, such as Princess Meng." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"High, it's really too high."

Lu Xun sneakily gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up. It's this time, and he still doesn't forget to compliment Meng Princess. No wonder he was able to live with Meng Princess so quickly.

Princess Meng pretended not to hear, but in fact, her heartbeat accelerated quietly, and her ears were burning hot.

"Jiang Chen, what do you think is Luo Xi's chance of winning?" Xue Zhengxue asked, they were also called by Lu Xun.

"I don't know anything about Luo Xi's strength." Jiang Chen shook his head, unable to make an accurate judgment.

Another point is that he also knows nothing about Situ Aofeng's strength.

"Jiang Chen, just take a good look at that Situ Aofeng in a while. What kind of means do you have? Fortunately, tomorrow, give him a devastating blow, trample him to death." Lu Xun reminded at this time .

"I'm here for Luo Xi." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to be so hypocritical." Lu Xun rolled his eyes, he wouldn't believe it, even if Jiang Chen was brought here by him.

"Luo Xi is here."

Just when Jiang Chen and his group appeared below the challenge ring, they saw a black shadow rushing towards the sky. The speed was astonishing. In the void, a black line was pulled out. In an instant, it seemed like The void is torn apart.

In an instant, it appeared on the challenge arena.

That is Luo Xi.

She was as cold as ever, without any emotional fluctuations on her beautiful face, like a faint cold light in her eyes reflecting the stars, which made it hard to look directly at.

In the outer door, some people have seen Luo Xi, but not many.

What's more, people learned of Luoxi's existence through word of mouth.

Now that Luo Xi appeared, the countless oppressed people were almost suffocated and unable to breathe. It was undoubtedly a thrilling beauty, beyond the scope of what ordinary words could describe.

This is because, putting any adjectives on Luo Xi cannot truly describe her.

It can be said that Luoxi's beauty is amazingly crushing, making it impossible for people to even have the slightest thought of blasphemy.

"Is she Luoxi?"

Someone murmured, dazzled, distracted, so fascinated, as if they were about to be drawn out.

"Worthy of being the number one beauty in the martial arts academy, she can be compared with those proud girls in the inner sect." Some people were amazed, but they kept their minds clear.

"Luo Xi?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyes and looked over, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

In the two lives, Jiang Chen said that he has seen countless women, and it is not an exaggeration. He has seen so many beauties, but this Luo Xi, among the many beauties, is absolutely, can be ranked first. the existence of three.

She has an extraordinary temperament and a compelling brilliance. In the eyes of many people, she seems to be a banished fairy, but quietly, she has stirred a heartstring in Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, your eyes have betrayed you." Lu Xun said with a smile.

He knew early on that as long as Jiang Chen saw Luo Xi, he would definitely be moved. The current situation was as expected.

"I want this woman." Jiang Chen said with a firm tone.

"Okay." Lu Xun nodded.

Originally, he was thinking of saying a few naughty words, like yesterday, to smear Luo Xi, but for some reason, after Jiang Chen said those words, he could no longer say them, and dared not I offended Luo Xi again.

"What an amazing determination!" Lu Xun secretly exclaimed.

The reason why such a state appeared was actually because the aura Jiang Chen unintentionally released had a deterrent effect.

This means that Jiang Chen has the determination to win Luo Xi, and no one else can get involved, or even have such offensive thoughts!
Jiang Chen was so domineering that Lu Xun felt his heart palpitating. Naturally, he didn't dare to speak nonsense anymore, otherwise he was afraid that he would be angered by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, him?"

Hearing this, Meng Gongzhu's delicate body trembled slightly.

Jiang Chen's words seemed to be spoken casually, but to her ears, they seemed to be taking an oath, which was declaring his ownership of Luo Xi.

"Damn it, you're full of gossip." Gritting her white teeth lightly, Princess Meng was very annoyed.

What else to say, she is the most beautiful in his heart, causing her to toss and turn all night last night, unable to fall asleep. In her face, say such words.

It's not that it's difficult to accept, Zhenwu Continent has always been that the strong are respected, but, after all, deep down in my heart, there is such a little discomfort that I can't let go of.

"Princess Meng, what are you thinking about?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile. He couldn't escape Princess Meng's every move. He looked into Princess Meng's little hand and asked.

"I didn't think about anything." Princess Meng was ashamed to admit, and with all her strength, she shook Jiang Chen's hand away.

"Princess Meng, you are actually thinking about who will be older or younger with Luo Xi in the future, but you two are equally important in my heart, no matter how big or small, you must coexist peacefully." Jiang Chen said seriously .

"Ah" Princess Meng almost cried out of anger.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, laughed out loud. As a princess, the proud daughter of heaven, such a child's expression is too charming, which makes him have a lot of evil tastes.

On the challenge ring, Luo Xi was very quiet, she waited silently.

It didn't take long to wait like this, when a figure in Tsing Yi shot towards him.

The man stepped slowly in the void, as if he was coming against the wind, every step he took, was a distance of 30 meters, and in the blink of an eye, he landed on the ring.

"Situ Aofeng?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Jiang Chen sized him up.

This man, in the outer sect, is so outstanding that all the newcomers have nothing but admiration for him.

There are too many people, under his oppression, even despair.

After all, that means there is no way to go beyond!

Situ Aofeng was extremely proud. His pride could be said to be written on his face. After he appeared, Luo Xi was the only one in his line of sight.

"Luoxi, tell me, did you do it on purpose?" Situ Aofeng asked with a wry smile.

He was ready to accept Jiang Chen's challenge, but at the critical moment, he was cut off by Luo Xi, limited to the agreement with Luo Xi, Situ Aofeng had no choice but to reject Jiang Chen and accept it. Luo Xi's challenge.

Because the timing of the incident was too coincidental, Situ Aofeng had such doubts in his heart.

"Yes." Luo Xi said directly, without denying it.

"Oh, you have no confidence in me just like that?" Situ Aofeng said, a little helpless.

"It has nothing to do with confidence, it's just that I don't want to take risks." Luo Xi said, which was an explanation.

"This is still lack of confidence in me." Situ Aofeng said.

He can naturally understand the potential meaning of Luo Xi's words, that is, he thinks that Jiang Chen is enough to pose a threat to him. Even if such a threat is only one tenth or even one percent possible, Luo Xi is not willing. adventure.

Because, she wanted to personally drive him down from the altar.

"If you insist on understanding this way, I have nothing to say." Luo Xi seemed very cold and unwilling to say more. She has always been like this, and she didn't deliberately target anyone. indifference.

"Jiang Chen, if I heard correctly, Luo Xi seems to be praising you, is that true?" At this moment, Lu Xun asked.

Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng did not intentionally suppress their voices. The conversation between the two of them was heard by everyone below the ring.

Luoxi's sentence, I don't want to take risks, is particularly meaningful and reminiscent.

And when Lu Xun asked Jiang Chen this question, let alone suppressing his voice, he was speaking at the top of his lungs on purpose. Therefore, this sentence was heard by everyone.


Very successful, Jiang Chen became the focus of everyone's attention, and everyone's attention was attracted...

(End of this chapter)

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