genius evil

Chapter 1251

Chapter 1251

"Obviously, your understanding is correct." Jiang Chen responded leisurely.

Those gazes that glanced over were full of deep meaning. If it was someone else, I'm afraid there would be great pressure, but Jiang Chen ignored them all, casual and chic.

Hehe smiled, and Lu Xun said: "Then I'm curious, why does the beautiful Luo Xi praise you? Could it be that she has taken a fancy to you?"

"Of course, it's not impossible." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be so charming. Even Luoxi, the beautiful woman, is unavoidably tempted." Lu Xun just laughed.

This kind of conversation was heard by a group of onlookers, who were all speechless.

"First provoking Situ Aofeng, and now, openly provoking Luo Xi, is this going to offend everyone?" someone said.

"You two idiots, I don't know how they died sooner or later." Some people were also indignant, thinking it was a blasphemy against Luo Xi.

In this way, it is not only Luo Xi who will be offended, many people will be offended invisibly, and in the future, they will inevitably trip Jiang Chen.

Only Princess Meng understood that Jiang Chen was clearly attacking Luo Xi.

Because, before this, Luo Xi and Jiang Chen had never met each other, even if they had heard each other's name, their impressions were not that deep.

And in this way, Luo Xi's impression of Jiang Chen was hard to imagine.

As a result, even if the two sides know each other, Jiang Chen's pursuit and attack on Luo Xi will become more violent next time.

"Stinky rascal." Princess Meng cursed endlessly.

This guy is always so unscrupulous, even chasing girls, he looks like a hooligan, can't he be a little more serious?

In vain, she used to think that Jiang Chen was a very serious person, but he was completely fooled and deceived.

Suddenly, Luo Xi stared at Jiang Chen and said coldly, "Shut up."

Obviously, she also heard the conversation between Jiang Chen and Lu Xun, and was irritated, she was very displeased, and didn't want Jiang Chen to continue talking.

This can be said to be blasphemy that has never been seen before.

Even before, she had a good impression of Jiang Chen, thinking that Jiang Chen could go to a very high position, and he would be able to go very far in the future.

"Big beauty Luo Xi, am I handsome?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly, not caring about Luo Xi's scolding.

Luo Xi didn't respond, she suddenly saw a small black vortex emerging from the center of her eyebrows, which was clearly an expression of anger.

"I think, I must be too handsome, so handsome that you can't shut your mouth from ear to ear." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Following Jiang Chen's words, the small black vortex in the center of Luo Xi's eyebrows spun crazily, and the black light flickered like electricity.

It seems to be a gossip plate, releasing terrifying power, which makes people tremble with fear.

"Beauty Luoxi, have you noticed that we are a match made in heaven, a perfect match?" Jiang Chen said again.

At this time, many people were awe-inspiring, with numb scalps and weak legs.

Even though Luo Xi hadn't made a move yet, everyone could feel how terrifying that little black vortex was.

Lu Xun was very uncomfortable, with cold sweat breaking out on his back, because he was the one who raised the topic before, and worried that Luo Xi would anger him, so he secretly tugged Jiang Chen's sleeve, telling Jiang Chen to stop talking.

"Actually, you not only discovered this, you must be like me, you think so." Jiang Chen was still talking, he was fearless, it was impossible for him to be overwhelmed so easily.

Moreover, Jiang Chen was very interested in the small black vortex that appeared between Luo Xi's brows. He was observing while talking.

"Well, it seems that it has never been fully formed?"

With his spiritual consciousness swept away, Jiang Chen's perception was exceptionally sharp.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, the small black vortex seemed to be only half formed, and the other half was only faintly visible, with white light appearing indistinctly and fleetingly.

That is to say, it is not a Bagua plate, but the shape of Tai Chi. It is almost the same as a Tai Chi plate.

"The power of Tai Chi?"

After observing, Jiang Chen was slightly surprised.

"Original magic weapon?" Jiang Chen murmured.

That should be Luo Xi's original magical weapon, but it has not been completely refined, and its shape has not been fully revealed. Naturally, the power will be greatly reduced in this way, but it is already extraordinary and very rare.

"No wonder, they have the ambition to be number one on the top [-] list." Jiang Chen chuckled.

Ambition, in the final analysis, is strength. If strength is not enough, if there is no ambition, it will only become a joke.

Luo Xi has both ambition and strength. If the Tai Chi disc is fully revealed, then maybe it will directly crush Situ Aofeng!


The speed of rotation of the black vortex became faster and faster, the pressure was astonishing, the air vibrated one after another, and then, the void was distorted and forcibly crushed, and it was collapsing, forming a vacuum.

This kind of power moved many people. They trembled and did not dare to look directly. Some people who stood near Jiang Chen subconsciously stepped back.

Because, once the black vortex launches an attack on Jiang Chen, it will be devastating and irresistible.

"Luoxi, it's just two jumping clowns, don't worry about it." At the critical moment, Situ Aofeng spoke, and he waved his hand to signal Luoxi not to get angry.

In his opinion, Jiang Chen and Luo Xi, one is the dust on the ground and the other is the stars in the sky. They are destined to be people from two worlds. No matter how hard Jiang Chen is, they are destined to never meet.

In this way, naturally, there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

Just like him, he never took Jiang Chen's provocation to heart, he didn't think Jiang Chen could really pose a threat, at best it was a one-man show he directed and acted on his own.

"Situ Aofeng, why don't we two compete first? Do you dare to fight?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and said.

"Jumping Clown?"

This guy is really proud, is this ignoring his existence?

Although, Jiang Chen would not be angry because of this, but he also wanted to let Situ Aofeng know what consequences would result from ignoring him.

"I only accept one challenge every day." Situ Aofeng said.

Then, Situ Aofeng smiled and said, "When you have the qualifications to fight with me, you can challenge me again. It's too early for you to say this now."


When Situ Aofeng said this, many people were in an uproar.

All along, it was Jiang Chen who provoked Situ Aofeng. Before that, Situ Aofeng had never made any response. This meant that everyone didn't know what Situ Aofeng was thinking.

But the words now can be regarded as Situ Aofeng's response to Jiang Chen.

"As expected of Situ Aofeng, those words are too domineering." Someone laughed out loud.

"Jiang Chen has been jumping around non-stop for the past two days, but in front of Situ Aofeng, he is nothing." Someone said again, gloating.

"It's not a level of existence at all. Jiang Chen tried to provoke Situ Aofeng several times, but he forgot that he doesn't even have the qualifications." Someone said again, and it was a bad breath.

Jiang Chen's strong rise caused many people's hearts to be covered with a layer of deep gloom.

However, Jiang Chen is not Xeon after all.

If the Outer Sect Top [-] List is described as a high mountain, even though Jiang Chen has climbed to a very high height, there are still many difficulties and obstacles ahead of him.

Although the scenery on the top of the mountain is infinitely good, it is a pity that it is not what Jiang Chen can see now.

"So, do you dare to make an exception today and accept another challenge?" Jiang Chen said with a light smile, he was not angry because of this, he was very calm.

"Are you telling me that the two challenges you are about to undertake today are all guaranteed. Mu Yuan and Qiu Zhifan are destined to be your stepping stones?" Situ Aofeng chuckled.

While talking, Situ Aofeng looked in two directions at random.

In those two directions, there were two powerful auras, namely Mu Yuan and Qiu Zhifan, who were also attracted by the battle between Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng to watch the battle.

At this moment, the two of them were enraged in an instant, their fighting intent was released, and their two vicious eyes fixed on Jiang Chen firmly.

"Situ Aofeng, why didn't you answer my question?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

This is an extremely clumsy provocative method, the purpose is to arouse Mu Yuan and Qiu Zhifan's hatred for him. It has to be said that Situ Aofeng's handling of people's hearts can be called perfect.

But, so what?

It is doomed that he is going to walk sideways, who can stop his footsteps?

If he didn't have the belief of invincibility, how could he be so reckless and arrogant?
"Yes." Situ Aofeng responded.

Mu Yuan and Qiu Zhifan were completely enraged. Today, Jiang Chen will have to go through two tough battles. After the two battles, Jiang Chen will still challenge him desperately. Is there any reason not to be satisfied with Jiang Chen?
Yes, Situ Aofeng found out that after much deliberation, he couldn't think of a reason to reject Jiang Chen.

Of course, in fact, Situ Aofeng never thought of refusing. This is a face-to-face challenge. With his pride, how could he refuse?
"Very good, waiting for you." Satisfied, Jiang Chen grinned and smiled.

"Situ Aofeng, you promised too early." Luo Xi said, the little black vortex disappeared quietly, and she returned to normal, her eyes were cold and indifferent.

"Then, let's start." Situ Aofeng smiled.

Luo Xi was very straightforward, saying that he promised too early, and the implication was that he might not be the one who won in today's battle.

If he lost, then the one who accepted Jiang Chen's challenge would become Luo Xi.


Luo Xi shot immediately. Because of Jiang Chen, she wasted a lot of time. She couldn't even wait for a moment.

That seemingly weak and delicate body burst out with astonishing energy as soon as he made a move at this moment, but it was just a casual move.

The slender wrist stretched out from the sleeve, and just like that, Void slapped lightly, and a white palm print appeared in Void, head-on, and slapped down towards Situ Aofeng.

"Luoxi, I heard that you have learned a new palm martial art, is this it?" Situ Aofeng asked, his words were casual, but a glimmer of solemn light flashed in his eyes.

Situ Aofeng has heard about this palm martial skill, it is amazing, and it is extremely difficult to practice. It is the most important thing to pay attention to a person's talent, but Luo Xi, has he succeeded in practicing it in such a short period of time?
Situ Aofeng then made a move, he punched out, and a green shadow of the fist rushed out.

"Luoxi, this is a boxing and martial skill that I exchanged from the Seven Star Palace. Now, I will use it to compete with you." Situ Aofeng said loudly.

The cyan fist shadow and the white palm print, two colors, are distinct, forming two energy shock waves, and then, in mid-air, there is a violent collision.

The sound of the explosion came out, the air wave swept across, and the void was annihilated.

But the palm prints did not scatter, and the shadows of the fists did not die. One after another, they collided viciously...

(End of this chapter)

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