genius evil

Chapter 1252 Luo Xi vs Situ Aofeng

Chapter 1252 Luo Xi vs Situ Aofeng
This kind of attack was extremely swift and violent, and the successive collisions happened in an instant.

There was a big explosion here, and the air was torn apart directly. The strong wind was like waves, rushing in all directions. Under the ring, countless people watching the battle were all staggered by the wind.

The momentum is astonishing. It can be said that it is just an initial temptation, but it has already happened. With such a terrifying power, many people have drastic changes in complexion, ups and downs in mood, and even in those eyes, there is, Deep despair is flowing.

Situ Aofeng, this high mountain in the top [-] list of the Outer Sect, is at the top, and the scenery is infinitely beautiful.

But there are also countless people chasing behind, trying to catch a glimpse of the scenery above the peak.

In private, I don't know how many people are targeting Situ Aofeng, thinking that maybe one day, Situ Aofeng will be able to drive Situ Aofeng off the altar and replace him!
Now, they suddenly understood how ridiculous such an idea was.Because, that seems to be something that is simply impossible to do.

Of course, Luo Xi's performance was as amazing as her own.

You know, now Luo Xi is only No. 6 on the top [-] list. Such a ranking seems to be very high, but in fact, there is still a long way to go before the top three.

Although someone initiated a secret ballot before, in the end, Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng had a [-]-[-] chance of winning, but in fact, it was just because Luo Xi had too many admirers, which caused the vote to be biased.

It can be said that the voting results like that were unfair, and to Situ Aofeng, it was obviously unfair.

At this time, just as Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng fought against each other, there was such a violent impact on each other, which made people dazzled, and I knew that maybe, Luo Xi was serious, and had the potential to hit No.1!

Above the arena, a long black dress was fluttering, Luoxi's hair was dancing, her cold brows were always calm but calm, she flipped her jade palms, and she shot calmly, constantly urging the energy of Yuanling in her body, facing the void in the void. The cyan shadow of the fist strikes.

In the void, the shadow of the green fist was condensed as if it were real, it seemed that it was really Situ Aofeng's fist, no matter how domineering it was against Luo Xi's impact, it was always there, standing still.

That's very mysterious, because it's not how powerful the fist shadow itself is, but it's blended into the air, and the spirit of the primordial spirit between the heaven and the earth is drawn.

Smiling lightly, Situ Aofeng said, "Luo Xi, let's make another move. This style of play doesn't make much sense."

"Are you so confident?" Luo Xi said indifferently.

As soon as the voice fell, the situation suddenly changed. In the void, the white palm print burst into a grayish white light.

That white light directly crushed the cyan fist shadow, no matter how hard the cyan fist shadow tried to resist, it was inevitable, and was obliterated in a destructive manner.

"You are really stubborn."

Situ Aofeng smiled wryly for him, the accident happened in an instant, and it was too late for him to even have extra thoughts. It was obvious that Luo Xi was well prepared to crush his confidence in one fell swoop.

"Be serious, if you lose to me, your face will be ugly." Luo Xi said coldly.

She has always been calm, even in the face of Situ Aofeng, her pride is beyond words.

"Okay." Situ Aofeng nodded.

Earlier, Luo Xi expressed that he wanted to challenge him, but Situ Aofeng didn't feel much about it. Now, he finally understood that Luo Xi had the qualifications for him to fight with all his might.

As Luo Xi said, if he accidentally loses to Luo Xi, then he really wants to lose such face, and he will be very sorry.

On the challenge ring, Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng soon collided again, and the figures in black skirts and those in tsing-cloth intersected again and again.

The monstrous energy, sweeping out, intending to kill, unintentionally released, makes people tremble, feel uneasy, and want to run away.

In fact, the release of such killing intent was extremely restrained.

After all, there are clear regulations in the challenge arena that no one is allowed to die, otherwise they will be severely punished.That kind of punishment is directly, life for life!
This is just an inadvertent release in the middle of a big battle, but it still forms an impact. It wants people to bow their heads and dare not have the slightest covetous heart.


A palm slapped down from mid-air.

Even though most of it has been eliminated, the remaining energy, falling on the challenge ring, is still there, and the challenge ring will collapse into a huge deep pit, and the cracks spread outward like a spider's web.

The material of the challenge arena is strong, and it is usually difficult to wear and tear. Now, it is only a tenth of the energy, but it has been broken, and a small half of it has collapsed.

The ground trembled, and many people turned pale.

They could see clearly that the jade palm belonged to Luo Xi.

The seemingly delicate girl actually seemed to have a ferocious prehistoric beast hidden in her body, and there was energy lingering and flowing in every gesture, emitting white light.

She looks so holy, sacred and inviolable at the moment, it makes people feel inferior, and feels that even a little delusion about it is an unforgivable blasphemy. Like delusion, erased from the mind.

At this time, it is really like a banished fairy coming to the dust, like a goddess descending to the earth, arrogant and charming.

"Is this the power of No.6 in the top [-] list?" Someone gasped wildly, the corners of his mouth were twisted due to twitching, the feeling of oppression was too strong, it was hard to breathe, and his face was flushed.

During the battle, Luo Xi was in high spirits and aloof, with murderous intent surging around her, but she was still extremely holy and would not make people feel too much of a threat.

It's just that even so, because it's too strong, people can't look directly at it, so there is a little more in my heart, an indescribable throbbing.


A green shadow of a fist punched out, piercing Changhong with aura.

That was Situ Aofeng, just like Luo Xi, he played the true meaning of this boxing martial art, and he no longer dared to underestimate Luo Xi.

Because Luoxi's palm before, even if it was as strong as him, felt the threat of a light on his back, it was amazing, and he was deeply surprised, he didn't expect that Luoxi was so powerful.

The shadow of the fist was flying across the sky, the cyan aura billowed into the sky, and the aura of primordial spirit filled the sky. It was crazily pulled and attracted, and immediately, amidst countless shocking gazes, it faced the white palm print in the void. After bumping into each other, the two sides, once again, collided viciously.

The impact happened in an instant, countless gazes fixed on it firmly, unwilling to miss it, it was a bit of excitement.

This is destined to be a shocking battle, even enough to shake the inner sect of Seven Star Martial Academy.

Like a thunderbolt, it exploded right next to their ears. Everyone stared at that scene in horror. Immediately afterwards, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and a terrifying shock wave swept around. Dozens of figures, defenseless, were lifted Knocked down, badly wounded.

The crowd exclaimed, they were frightened, and they were apprehensive.

Landing on the ground, Luoxi's long black dress was slightly wrinkled, with tear marks on the corners, and her hair was also looking a little messy.

But this did not detract from her beauty in the slightest, her aura was compelling, her slightly pale face made her look a bit haggard, and her red lips curled up in an arc, which was a manifestation of her stubbornness as always.

Situ Aofeng appeared in another direction of the challenge arena as the figure in Tsing Yi charged. His Tsing Yi was also broken in many places, but he was not embarrassed and had an invincible demeanor.

The previous confrontation actually took place within a short period of one or two minutes. By this time, the crowd of onlookers were able to react one after another, and then the voices of discussion broke out.

"Unbelievable." Someone said.

These words refer to Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi.

Only by witnessing a shot of this level with one's own eyes can one be able to deeply understand how tyrannical the existence of the top ten on the top [-] list is.

"Is this considered to be evenly matched?" Someone also blinked with incomparable curiosity.

Under the current circumstances, Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi have not yet decided the winner. It is difficult to tell who is stronger and who is weaker.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure you have your eye on Luo Xi?" Lu Xun said dryly, wiping off the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Could it be that you think she's not good enough for me?" Jiang Chen asked.

Lu Xun was stunned and speechless. After thinking for a while, he said, "Jiang Chen, you know that I've always been very straightforward. I think you might not be good enough for her."

"You think too much." Jiang Chen denied, saying, "I, Jiang Chen, am worthy of any woman in this world."

Luo Xi is very strong, the light she erupted in the battle with Situ Aofeng was somewhat beyond Jiang Chen's expectation.

But on the contrary, this aroused Jiang Chen's desire to conquer even more.

"Jiang Chen, I found that you are even more shameless than me." Lu Xun said in pain, and now he felt more and more how stupid it was to offend Luo Xi.

"So, you can only be my attendant." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Xia Chong was speechless, Jiang Chen lazily said too much to Lu Xun.

Such voices of discussion came one after another, on the stage, whether it was Luo Xi or Situ Aofeng, they were all deaf.

"Go on." Luo Xi said with her jade arms stretched.

"I don't seem to have any other choice, do I?" Situ Aofeng said.

In this battle, there must be a winner. Challenge the ring, but there has never been a tie.


Luo Xi sacrificed the magic weapon, it was a piece of jade, the whole body was square, crystal clear and bright, to be precise, it was a white seal.

The white seal was sacrificed by Luo Xi, shedding light, exuding an upright and magnificent aura, ancient and vicissitudes.

"This seal?"

Situ Aofeng looked over, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and he had some associations, but it was also difficult to be sure, because he had never seen the real thing before, and it was a bit like a legendary existence.

But is that possible?
Legends are illusory, with more lies than truth.

Even if it is true, how is it possible that the legendary existence will appear in Luo Xi's hands?

In an instant, Situ Aofeng also sacrificed the magic weapon, but it was a small blue axe, two inches in size, very exquisite, but the blue light flickered, showing that it was not an ordinary thing.


Luo Xi said softly, a trace of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes, she recognized Situ Aofeng Magical Artifact, and soon thought of it.

"So, was it just warming up just now?"

Seeing Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng both sacrificed their magic weapons, everyone below the ring sighed.

It's just a warm-up, and with such power and influence, how will the next battle be fought?

(End of this chapter)

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