genius evil

Chapter 1254 You Look Stupid

Chapter 1254 You Look Stupid

In the afternoon, Jiang Chen's challenge to Mu Yuan and Qiu Zhifan proceeded as scheduled.

Even today, the battle between Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng was impressive and indelible, but these two battles are still enough to make people remember for a long time.

Mu Yuan, ranked No. 15 in the top [-] outside sects.

Qiu Zhifan, ranked fifth in the top [-] outside sects.

This is one of the top [-] powerhouses, and he is proud of his peers, especially Qiu Zhifan, whose ranking is one rank higher than Luo Xi's.

Although the number of onlookers in these two challenges was slightly less than the battle between Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng, they still attracted the attention of the entire outer sect.

In addition, these two battles are related to whether Jiang Chen is qualified to challenge Situ Aofeng today, and it makes everyone wait for the final result.

Some people are optimistic about Jiang Chen, thinking that Jiang Chen will continue to crush and remain undefeated.

Naturally, there are also some people who think that Jiang Chen will encounter Waterloo, and maybe even Mu Yuan will not be able to pass it, and he will lose face.

In fact, Jiang Chen's current achievements are very good. Looking at the entire outer sect, they are all outstanding. However, Jiang Chen is too arrogant and often speaks nonsense, which makes it difficult for people to have too much favor for him.

time lapse.

"Has the result come out?" This is someone asking.

Out of disgust for Jiang Chen, he didn't go to watch the battle, but was just waiting for a result.

"It's out, take a quick look." Those who were waiting for the result together noticed that the ranking above Yubi had changed.

"Mu Yuan failed?"

The man was surprised when he saw Jiang Chen's ranking.

"Jiang Chen was really crushed. Mu Yuan couldn't resist at all. He went one step further. I don't know if Qiu Zhifan can stop him." Someone sighed.

This was not the result they wanted, and they were extremely looking forward to Jiang Chen's defeat. In that case, they could just ridicule them as much as they wanted, and greatly hit Jiang Chen's spirit.

"not good!"

Suddenly someone screamed, because the ranking above Yubi changed again, and Jiang Chen's ranking fluctuated again. In the end, without any suspense, he squeezed into the top ten and occupied the No.5 position.

"What, Qiu Zhifan lost too." Someone exclaimed, almost screaming.

Someone made a prediction, thinking that when Jiang Chen faced Mu Yuan, there was a great possibility that he would continue to crush him, but he would definitely stop at Qiu Zhifan.

However, Qiu Zhifan also failed to resist Jiang Chen's advance.

Jiang Chen's cross attack was too strong, as strong as Qiu Zhifan, and he was defeated. Is this really going against the sky?
Mu Yuan is defeated!
Qiu Zhifan lost!

Jiang Chen seemed to have opened up a road against the sky, where no one could stop him. This was definitely a miracle. In the eyes of many people, even if Jiang Chen and Situ Aofeng fought in the end, they would be defeated. Sha, but there will never be anyone who dares to gossip.

After all, there has never been such a freak in the outer door for hundreds of years.

"Jiang Chen, is this your true strength?" Zhong Lingxiu murmured.

She didn't know much about Jiang Chen, and she met him a few times later, but it was just a brief encounter in the Red Mans Forest, which left a deep impression on him.

The source of such a deep impression is largely due to the death of Uncle Gu.

"You are so powerful, why didn't you save Uncle Gu?" Zhong Lingxiu said softly.

She couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure it out.

Because, Zhong Lingxiu thought that Jiang Chen's rescue of Uncle Gu was just a matter of effort, without any effort.But Jiang Chen did not do that, resulting in the tragic death of Uncle Gu.

This incident seemed to have little to do with Jiang Chen from the beginning to the end, but there was already an obsession in the girl's heart.

This obsession cannot be dissipated.

"Jiang Chen, you have grown to such a level in just a short period of time." Lin Hongyu once again withdrew from the visualization, and found it difficult to calm down and maintain his cultivation.

Her heart has always been like calm water, since she met Jiang Chen, her state of mind has changed a lot. This method of visualization has been practiced for many days, but the progress is very small.

"Am I stunned? Why do you pay so much attention to Jiang Chen?" Lin Hongyu smiled wryly.

Ever since she learned that Jiang Chen came to the Seven Star Martial Academy, consciously or unconsciously, Lin Hongyu had to be distracted every day.

"Perhaps, it's time for me to meet him." Lin Hongyu said.

Going to see Jiang Chen was not the original intention.

But Lin Hongyu knew that if she kept avoiding her, then Jiang Chen's existence would always interfere with her cultivation.

In the end, such interference will be like a seed that will take root deep in her heart, and her cultivation will not only fail to improve, but will instead fall.


In the afternoon, Jiang Chen's two challenges were over, and his record was widely circulated among the outer gates.

Situ Aofeng received the news, and so did Luo Xi, who received the news.


Luo Xi's complexion was a little weird, there was a rare strange emotion on that face that never had much expression.

Previously, Luo Xi had a certain degree of optimism towards Jiang Chen, thinking that it was very likely that he would pose a threat to Situ Aofeng.

However, after the thought in his heart became a reality, Luo Xi still found that the speed was too fast.

"Jiang Chen, are you really capable of pulling Situ Aofeng down?" Luo Xi said to himself.

In the end, there was a little bit of unwillingness flowing in my heart.

Today, when she fought Situ Aofeng, she encountered restraint unexpectedly, which led to her final defeat. This made Luo Xi feel a knot in her heart, which was difficult to untie.

"Hmph, I'm looking forward to it now, you will pull Situ Aofeng down." Luo Xi said again in a short while.


"Unexpectedly, you really have the qualification to challenge me." Situ Aofeng said with a smile.

This seems to be a small accident, but when you think about it carefully, it is not surprising.

Because, from the very beginning, Situ Aofeng didn't have much confidence in Mu Yuan and Qiu Zhifan, otherwise, he wouldn't have deliberately angered them.

"What a waste!" Situ Aofeng scolded, referring to Mu Yuan and Qiu Zhifan.

If one of them could stop Jiang Chen's footsteps, then Jiang Chen would become a big joke.

But now, the two have fulfilled Jiang Chen.

"Then, I will start from this moment and look forward to today's battle between you and me. I will let you know what despair is." Situ Aofeng said.


After Jiang Chen won two consecutive victories, the next focus was the third battle he and Situ Aofeng would have today.

Everyone in the outer door was alarmed, even the teachers were dispatched to go to that place, Jiang Chen has been using the challenge arena for the past few days, and was waiting for the battle between Jiang Chen and Situ Aofeng early.

"Today, Situ Aofeng and Jiang Chen both consumed a lot of energy. Is it necessary for the two of them to fight?" Someone asked such a question.

Situ Aofeng fights Luo Xi.

Jiang Chen fought against Mu Yuan and Qiu Zhifan.

Both sides have experienced a bitter battle, which means that the consumption is huge, and the strength is not at the peak. This is likely to cause the battle between the two to be much less exciting.

"Eh, calculated in this way, Jiang Chen seems to have suffered an invisible loss." Someone said belatedly.

Although Luo Xi was strong and once caused great trouble to Situ Aofeng, Qiu Zhifan's ranking was higher than Luo Xi's, not inferior to Luo Xi's.

"Yes, Jiang Chen is too reckless. Originally, he was very likely to be able to threaten Situ Aofeng." Someone expressed regret.

Over there, Princess Meng also had this concern, and so did Lu Xun.

"Jiang Chen, how about changing the challenge time?" Princess Meng made a suggestion for Jiang Chen's consideration.

"It's not necessary, we should go." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Jiang Chen, don't be brave." Lu Xun said hastily.

He explained, "Situ Aofeng is too cunning. He clearly agreed to accept your challenge on purpose. In fact, he calculated this early in the morning. He must be afraid."

"You're right." Jiang Chen nodded, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Then let me continue to crush, let him know that in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a paper tiger."

"Jiang Chen, don't be brave." Lu Xun said with a bitter face, hoping that Jiang Chen would reconsider.

Jiang Chen smiled, stepped forward, and walked out. Princess Meng and Lu Xun looked at each other and had no choice but to follow.

On the other side of the challenge arena, there were huge crowds of people, and someone saw Jiang Chen from far away, and then, they took the initiative to make way for him.

Then, Jiang Chen saw Yuan Hao.

After the previous battle, Yuan Hao was healing his wounds and never appeared again.

Then, Jiang Chen saw an acquaintance again.

At a glance, Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback, almost thinking that he had made a mistake, because, it was Lin Hongyu.

"Oh, beauty Red Fish, have you come to the Seven Star Martial Academy?"

After confirming that the woman was indeed Lin Hongyu, Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing. It seemed that his life in the Seven Star Martial Academy was destined to be lonely.

Lin Hongyu made up her mind to meet Jiang Chen, but going directly to see Jiang Chen always felt bad, and it would be easy to reveal her flaws if she created a coincidence, so she chose this timing.

Not too obtrusive, not too conspicuous.

To Lin Hongyu's surprise, there were so many people at the scene, Jiang Chen actually noticed it, as if they were so cautious, and Lin Hongyu was a little embarrassed to be exposed all of a sudden.

When Jiang Chen glanced over, she nodded slightly, as if she had greeted Jiang Chen.

"Beauty Red Fish, I have a lot to say to you, I'll talk to you later." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, who is that beauty? Do you know him?" Lu Xun asked, seeing Jiang Chen staring at Lin Hongyu all the time, so he had such doubts.

As soon as the words were spoken, when Jiang Chen and Lin Hongyu greeted each other, they staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Listening to Jiang Chen's tone of voice, it is so familiar, and it is clear that he has a good relationship with Lin Hongyu, which makes Lu Xun extremely jealous. Unexpectedly, he finally found a beautiful woman who belonged to Jiang Chen, and let people live .

Jiang Chen's voice was so loud that many people heard it. Lin Hongyu was even more embarrassed, his face flushed, and he quickly lowered his head.

Jiang Chen chuckled, his posture was aloof, very relaxed, and he walked forward slowly.

At the same time, from another direction, a man in green clothes came by appointment. It was Situ Aofeng. He appeared and arrived at the challenge arena around the same time as Jiang Chen.



Next, two figures shot out from two directions respectively, and appeared on the challenge arena at the same time.

"Jiang Chen, have you thought it through clearly, do you have to challenge me? In my opinion, No.5 is not bad, and it is enough for you. Being too aggressive may not be a good thing!" Situ Aofeng said.

"You don't need to be so subtle, you can just admit defeat. Don't worry, I will definitely humiliate you and make you happy. From now on, I won't dare to raise my head to be a human being." Jiang Chen smiled. Said.

"It's this time, and it's really not wise to just focus on provoking me. You're a smart person, why do you do stupid things over and over again?" Situ Aofeng sighed.

"Maybe, it's because you look stupid." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"You!" Situ Aofeng's face changed slightly, and the atmosphere of the challenging arena also changed accordingly, swords were on the verge of breaking out!

(End of this chapter)

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