genius evil

Chapter 1255 Goal, No. 1 in the Sky Ranking

Chapter 1255 Goal, No. [-] in the Sky Ranking
"Have you heard that Situ Aofeng said a lot of nonsense, and between the lines, without exception, it was revealed that he was standing in front of Jiang Chen at this moment, very unconfident, and he was destined to lose today and be pulled down from the altar by Jiang Chen. The myth ends here, and a new legend officially begins today!"

On the challenge arena, Jiang Chen and Situ Aofeng stood facing each other, like the tip of a needle facing a wheat awning. The surrounding air suddenly became tense, and a collision could occur at any time.

Lu Xun commented on it leisurely. He smiled slightly and continued, "This is foreshadowing, because Situ Aofeng has lost his vigor. He knows that he will fail today, so he revealed his tone in advance. In order not to be too ugly, after all, it is to save face."

"Lu Xun, are you so confident in Jiang Chen? Could it be that he still has a hole card and hasn't used it yet?"

At the side, someone heard Lu Xun's words and couldn't bear to ask, thinking that Lu Xun was full of confidence.

Before, Jiang Chen fought against Mu Yuan and Qiu Zhifan respectively, especially the latter. Many people watching the battle realized that it caused Jiang Chen a lot of trouble.

They believed that even though Jiang Chen won in the end, it was a dangerous battle, and he fought very hard. He almost didn't have any reservations, which was a manifestation of exhaustion of potential.

And Lu Xun is so confident that he thinks that Situ Aofeng will be defeated, which makes people associate, wondering if Jiang Chen still has reservations?

Others may not know about this matter, but with the relationship between Lu Xun and Jiang Chen, perhaps, they know something about it.

Only in this way can we explain why Lu Xun is so confident.

"Do you also like to talk nonsense?" Lu Xun sneered, and he said, "Don't forget the identity of this young master. This young master is Jiang Chen's attendant..."

"We all know that you are Jiang Chen's attendant, so there is no need to say more about it." The corner of the man's mouth twitched, and he hurriedly interrupted Lu Xun's words.

This guy often brags to others that he is Jiang Chen's servant, lest others will not know, he looks so honored, as if such a status is so great.

You know, Jiang Chen is indeed very strong, but what does it have to do with his little attendant?
Is it really okay to spare no effort to show off the relationship between him and Jiang Chen?

"Don't you have such a little patience? No wonder you are hard-working and doomed to be mediocre." Lu Xun sneered again, and then, with the ugly face of the person who asked the question, he said leisurely, "I am such a great man. It’s the willingness to condescend to serve Jiang Chen, which undoubtedly proves one point, that is, Jiang Chen is greater than this young master, don’t you understand such a simple truth?”

That person wanted to beat Lu Xun violently in an instant. I have to say, this guy is really shameless. Is there anyone who put money on his face like this?

"Lu Xun, you haven't answered my question yet?" the man said after a moment of silence.

"Jiang Chen's tricks are endless, beyond your imagination. How can you peek at a single thing like a frog in a well? Take a good look at it, and I will definitely surprise you." Lu Xun said, swearing.

In the end, he let out a long sigh, "To you, being born in the same era as Jiang Chen is a kind of sadness, but even more a kind of luck. You will witness with your own eyes the rise of a great being who is destined to be with the mainland in the future." The Tianjiao Goddesses above are competing for supremacy, cherish this time, the time left for you is running out."

Some people around Lu Xun quickly moved away. This guy was so self-indulgent that he couldn't bear it every minute.

"Ah, Invincible, how lonely it is." Lu Xun didn't take this situation to heart. He put his hands behind his back and sighed, as if the invincible person was not Jiang Chen, but him.

This is even more hateful, thinking about whether to think of a way to trick Lu Xun out of the martial arts academy, and then put a cloth bag on his head and beat him to death?

"Jiang Chen, one thing I have to admit is that I am very surprised that you were able to hit this ranking in such a short period of time and have the qualifications to stand in front of me." Situ Aofeng said.

Enraged by Jiang Chen, he regained his composure in the blink of an eye, with a slight smile on his face, and there was an air of renunciation circulating in his gestures and gestures.

It's not that he has cultivated a state of mind where everything is not in his mind, but that his pride does not allow him to lose his composure in front of Jiang Chen.

After all, before that, in his eyes, he was nothing more than a jumping clown, no matter how powerful he was, so what?

"As long as I give you enough time, maybe three months, maybe half a year, when you have the qualifications to enter the second floor of the Seven Star Hall and cultivate a powerful martial skill, even I will be indispensable." Don't worry about it, why, you are too anxious." Before Jiang Chen could reply, Situ Aofeng said again.

"You really have a guilty conscience." After Situ Aofeng finished speaking, Jiang Chen said casually.

"I'm thinking about you. You did a very unwise thing. In the end, you may end your career." Situ Aofeng snorted softly.

Jiang Chen stretched out a finger and pointed to the sky above his head. He said with a faint smile, "The air above is very good. I want to go up and enjoy the wind. Do you understand what I mean?"

A look of disdain appeared on Situ Aofeng's face, and he said, "Jiang Chen, is your vision so superficial? As strong as you, what you see is just the scenery of the top [-] list, but I am Already, looking at the entire Seven-Star Martial Academy, the long-term layout, soon, my name, Situ Aofeng, will be on the list that day, and my ultimate goal is to represent the Seven-Star Martial Academy to participate in the Eastern Region a feast."

"Oh, you know quite a lot." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

But in his heart, there was a slight movement.

Jiang Chen naturally knew about the Heaven Ranking of the Seven Star Martial Academy, and now, that Ji Mobai is number one in the Heaven Ranking, with a great reputation, and everyone in the outer sect knows it.

His light bloomed so that everyone could only look up.

As for the grand meeting that Situ Aofeng mentioned, Jiang Chen had never heard of it.

However, Situ Aofeng listed it as the ultimate goal, and that grand event related to the entire Eastern Territory, obviously, it was not simple.

"It's my current strength, don't I have the qualifications to know?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

He knew in his heart that entering the outer door was only half a foot at best, and he had stepped into the Seven Star Martial Academy, and he could not be regarded as a student of the Seven Star Martial Academy in the true sense.

Only after entering the inner gate, that identity can be recognized in the true sense. The carp jumps over the dragon gate, and the bright future begins here!
"Situ Aofeng, you reminded me, then, next, I should change my target." Then, Jiang Chen said again.

"What do you mean by that?" Situ Aofeng asked, feeling puzzled, because Jiang Chen's words were unclear and difficult to understand.

"After today, my goal will be to be number one on the list." Jiang Chen said with a smile, he was casual and unrestrained, but flamboyant.

"This?" Suddenly, Situ Aofeng was stunned, and the way he looked at Jiang Chen quietly became complicated.

As far as Situ Aofeng is concerned, his next goal is to be on the top of the list, not to mention number one on the list, even the top ten on the list, he has never thought of getting involved.

Because, Situ Aofeng is too clear that the inner sect of the Seven Star Martial Academy is the real genius girl who blooms with divine brilliance. As the number one in the top [-] outer sects, he is nothing among the inner sects.

Compared with the Top [-] List of Outer Schools, the competition for that day's list was even more brutal, with various martial arts and supernatural powers emerging one after another, beyond imagination.

However, his goal was only the celestial list, and Jiang Chen was already grandiose, and he had the idea of ​​being number one on the celestial list.

Just like when Jiang Chenfu entered the Seven Star Martial Academy, he openly declared that he wanted to be number one on the top [-] list.

"Is this kid crazy? You can say such things." Situ Aofeng sneered.

From his point of view, Jiang Chen knew nothing about the situation of the Tianbang, so if he spread such nonsense casually, wouldn't he be afraid of being laughed at?
"Is this the gap between me and Jiang Chen?" Then, Situ Aofeng suddenly froze.

He suddenly realized a problem. Even though Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, he at least said that Jiang Chen had the invincible belief in going forward, while he said that he was looking at the sky list, but in fact, he was still too conservative, cautious and cautious.

"It's not a difference, it's just a difference." Situ Aofeng said silently, this was the first time he had to look at Jiang Chen with admiration.

Even if Jiang Chen made a violent attack before, in Situ Aofeng's eyes, Jiang Chen didn't have much weight, and it wasn't enough for him to pay attention to it with all his strength.

But at this time, Situ Aofeng realized that he had underestimated Jiang Chen after all. At least, Jiang Chen could be regarded as a very good opponent.

"Jiang Chen, I will fight with all my strength today." Situ Aofeng said in other words, this is considered respect for Jiang Chen, because Jiang Chen has the qualifications for him to respect.

And on this list of top 1 outside sects, even Na Luoxi has never had such weight, Jiang Chen is No.[-]!
"You'll make me understand. I've caused myself some trouble." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I will let you lose with dignity. Today, because of you, everyone will be able to see the true strength of Situ Aofeng." Situ Aofeng said seriously.

His pride is fully revealed, this is the demeanor of number one in the top [-] list, the halo is added to him, and he is an invincible existence in the outer sect.

He told Jiang Chen that he should be proud of it, because, so far, no one has the qualifications for him to fight with all his strength. His true brilliance will not be released until he reaches the inner sect. This is an honor he gave to Jiang Chen.

In the future, before entering the inner gate, no one will have such glory.

"I can only say that you think highly of yourself." Jiang Chen smiled.

Situ Aofeng is arrogant and domineering, but he doesn't know that this so-called glory is worthless in his eyes. His real purpose is to trample Situ Aofeng under his feet. never changed.

"Jiang Chen, you will soon understand why I said this." Situ Aofeng was calm, he was very calm and invincible.

"Then, let's start." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Yes." Situ Aofeng nodded.

Accompanied by the two, the voice fell, and in the next second, an amazing collision happened...

(End of this chapter)

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