genius evil

Chapter 1256 So You Are So Innocent

Chapter 1256 So You Are So Innocent
This battle can be regarded as the one that Jiang Chen has been waiting for for a long time.

This battle can also be regarded as the long-awaited battle of many students in the outer sect.

At this time, the battle finally happened. Everyone's attention was immediately attracted, their eyes were piercing, and they didn't want to miss the excitement.

The blue light covered the sun, it was Situ Aofeng, he punched out a fist shadow, the blue light burst out in an instant, and the green aura rushed out in all directions, releasing astonishing power.

What is particularly shocking is that when Situ Aofeng made a move at this time, the same boxing technique was even more astonishing than when he fought Luo Xi.

This kind of situation undoubtedly proved a point from the side, Situ Aofeng shot with all his strength, and he really went all out to give Jiang Chen enough respect.

Of course, this is destined to make people dumbfounded.

It's hard to imagine that today, Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi, after fighting to such an extent, still hold back a little and don't say anything.

Aside from other aspects, just this endurance is enough, it is heart-palpiating, and it is worthy of the first place in the top [-] list.

This scene was amazing, and it completely made everyone realize the meaning of the so-called fighting with all their strength.

"This kid is too cunning, he even dug a hole, waiting for Jiang Chen to jump into it." Lu Xun saw it, his veins twitched violently, who would have thought that such a scene would happen?

"Jiang Chen is in trouble."

The rest of the spectators whispered, this is amazing, who can see where Situ Aofeng's limit is?

"It's really not easy to be number one on the top [-] list."

Some people sighed, they were dazzled by Situ Aofeng's demeanor.

Jiang Chen made a move, and it was also a punch, which radiated golden light.

To be honest, Situ Aofeng's forbearance was somewhat beyond Jiang Chen's expectation, but when he thought about it carefully, there was nothing unexpected about it.

Although Luo Xi is very strong, but it is only a mere [-]th in the top [-] list, and there is an obvious gap between him and Situ Aofeng.

Furthermore, Situ Aofeng's No.1 position in the top [-] list is as stable as Mount Tai, which in itself shows the strength of Situ Aofeng.

Jiang Chen still had this psychological preparation.

Below the arena, many people were alarmed, but Jiang Chen took it for granted. His fist was wrapped in golden light. The golden light was extremely brilliant, as if another sun had emerged.

The bright golden light burst out immediately following Jiang Chen's attack, forcibly tearing the blue light apart, making a palpitating sound of collision.

The void is exploding, the two colors of light collide violently, the mysterious blue light, and the majestic golden light crush and destroy each other. In the end, the two colors of light dissipate, and the void collapses.

The torrential air wave swept in all directions, sweeping and impacting.

The collision happened so quickly that the crowd of onlookers didn't even have time to react. When they realized the danger, their faces all changed drastically, and they rushed to the rear crazily.

But it was still too late, that kind of collision was so powerful that an ordinary Returning Yuan Realm expert would be injured immediately.

But at this moment, in the void, a palm suddenly emerged. The palm was very real, and one could clearly see the exposed blue veins on the back of the hand.

The palm appeared very suddenly, and no one knew what happened. In the void, with a light sweep, the astonishing collision power was annihilated in an instant, and the peace of this world was restored.


Everyone was shocked, and they searched one after another, but the owner of this palm print was unaware, and no one knew from which direction this palm was taken.

"Are you alarming the big shot so quickly?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"That's it, but I can do it with confidence." Situ Aofeng said.

That big man must have noticed the movement on the ring, and if the scene got out of control, he would definitely stop it immediately, but there is no need to worry, it will hurt innocent people.

"Situ Aofeng, are you the roundworm in my stomach? You actually know exactly what I think." Jiang Chen asked in surprise.


Situ Aofeng sneered, at this time, it is useless to use the tongue.

He shot again, crossing forward, pulling out a cyan phantom on the ring, his fist burst into a cyan light, and bombarded him head-on.

"Is this to compete with me in physical strength?" Seeing this, Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

He stood still, and when Situ Aofeng's fist hit him, he clenched his fist and punched him.




This kind of collision happened more than ten times in one breath, and it was so fast that it was difficult for the spectators below the ring to see clearly whether Situ Aofeng was making a move.

"How could this be?" Situ Aofeng was stunned.

This is undoubtedly the most violent way of fighting. He thinks that his cultivation level is higher than that of Jiang Chen, so he directly wants to crush Jiang Chen with his physical strength.

Jiang Chen accepted the challenge and did not retreat, which was exactly what Situ Aofeng wanted, but how could he know that the final result was far beyond his expectations.

His physical body is tyrannical, and can be called a humanoid weapon. His cultivation has reached such a level, and the strength of his physical body is comparable to some magical weapons.

Situ Aofeng thought that he could crush Jiang Chen in all directions, but he couldn't even shake Jiang Chen.

Situ Aofeng was surprised, he was a little hard to believe that such a result would happen, because he not only failed to crush Jiang Chen.

On the contrary, in that kind of collision, the qi and blood were all vain, and the internal organs surged, which showed that Jiang Chen's physical strength was far superior to his.

"Situ Aofeng, after receiving so many punches from you, next, you will also receive a punch from me." Jiang Chen said, a golden light shone on his fist.

That golden light was almost condensed into substance, it was very miraculous, as if wearing a golden glove, when the words fell, Jiang Chen's punch was thrown out straight.

The fist wind exploded, bursting out with blazing light, and launched an impact against Situ Aofeng.


Situ Aofeng retreated quickly to the edge of the ring. He stopped walking, and a trace of paleness flashed across his face.


The occurrence of this scene immediately caused countless people below the ring to gasp in air.

Jiang Chen actually knocked Situ Aofeng back. What an astonishing power this is. Could it be that the number one in the top [-] is really about to change hands today?

It happened very suddenly, they all just saw that Situ Aofeng was going to crush Jiang Chen, who would have thought that in the end, it was Situ Aofeng who was crushed.

"It's really against the sky." Someone said nana.

You know, even when facing Luo Xi, Situ Aofeng has never been in such a mess, right?

"You surprised me." Situ Aofeng stared at Jiang Chen, his eyes shining brightly, and he spoke in a deep voice.

This really shocked him deeply. In terms of physical body, he was actually defeated by Jiang Chen. Of course, he suffered a lot from the battle with Luo Xi today, but Jiang Chen fought two consecutive battles. When it comes to losses, Jiang Chen It's only going to be bigger, isn't it?
"What surprised you even more is that it's still behind." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and he signaled, "I'm quite interested in that small blue ax of yours."

"Oh, do you think that you won?" Situ Aofeng also smiled.

Seeing him around, suddenly a blue light burst out, like smoke billowing, resonating with the primordial spirit energy between the sky and the earth.

Then, with Situ Aofeng's body as the center of the circle, the Qi of Yuanling from all directions gathered at an astonishing speed, and then, like a river pouring backwards, it rushed directly into Situ Aofeng's body.

With the infusion of that primordial spirit energy, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the aura on Situ Aofeng's body became stronger, until it returned to its peak.

The occurrence of such a situation made countless people watching the battle feel horrified.

Because, Situ Aofeng directly receives the energy of the primordial spirit between the heaven and the earth to nourish his own consumption. Doesn't this mean that the energy of the primordial spirit in Situ Aofeng's body is endless?
What kind of powerful cultivation technique is this? To be able to do it like this, it might not be inferior to the most powerful existence in the Mortal Transformation Realm.


Jiang Chen's eyes were brilliant, and he was also attracted. At the same time, he let go of his spiritual sense and quickly discovered that something was wrong.

Because, it's not that Situ Aofeng's exercises are so miraculous, but that he clearly, like Luo Xi, contains the original magic weapons in his body.

After the original magic soldiers were mobilized, Situ Aofeng was able to directly plunder the spirit energy between heaven and earth, turn it into energy, and enrich himself.

"This guy is hiding really deep enough." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Previously, Situ Aofeng made a strong move, which made people see that he did not try his best in the battle with Luo Xi, but now, there is another hidden card.

Jiang Chen knew the existence of this hole card, but Situ Aofeng probably never used it once, and few people knew about it.

"Sky-opening axe? Origin magic weapon? It's really a tough one." Jiang Chen murmured.

Situ Aofeng recovered to the peak, his blood and energy became full, and his temperament seemed incomparably aloof at the moment, and there was a powerful energy flowing in every gesture.

"Jiang Chen, next, I will let you know what despair is." Situ Aofeng said, he still had an indescribably strong self-confidence, thinking that he was invincible.

"Really?" Jiang Chen was noncommittal.


Before Jiang Chen's words fell, Situ Aofeng started, and his body merged into the air, and the air was aroused, making a slight bursting sound.


A punch burst out, and the blue light boiled, containing a terrifying fighting spirit.

Wherever he fell, he got up from where he fell. Situ Aofeng's pride was reflected in every aspect, since, physically, he was suppressed by Jiang Chen.

Then, he will suppress it in this respect.

This is a pride that cannot be humiliated. In fact, Situ Aofeng did exactly this. He did not hesitate to expose one of his trump cards. What he did was to suppress Jiang Chen.

"Do you want me to despair like this? Situ Aofeng, so you are so innocent." Jiang Chen smiled.

Jiang Chen couldn't understand Situ Aofeng's calculations. After recovering to the peak, Situ Aofeng calculated that he had suffered a lot.

It's a pity that such wishful thinking was misplaced.

On the one hand, after Jiang Chen tore the first shackles of his body, the breath in his body was endless; , came astonishingly.

If Situ Aofeng wanted to suppress him in other aspects, it would be fine, but he didn't know how to live or die, and was obsessed with obsession. This could be regarded as hitting the muzzle of a gun, and he meant to humiliate himself...

(End of this chapter)

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