genius evil

Chapter 1257 Suppress me

Chapter 1257 Suppress me
Since it was Situ Aofeng who took his own humiliation, Jiang Chen would not be polite in the slightest, and he must do a good job.

The aura in his body was mobilizing, and when Situ Aofeng's fist struck, Jiang Chen did the same, striking with all his strength.

The collision came in a blink of an eye. At this moment, Situ Aofeng was surrounded by blue light, his energy was billowing, his spirit was shining, and he had an invincible demeanor.

It is a pity that such a scene is destined to be full of irony.

Because Situ Aofeng was doomed to be unable to fulfill his wish. Once again, he was knocked back by Jiang Chen. It was very tragic that he retreated to the edge of the ring, and he reluctantly stopped.

The meaning of embarrassment is beyond words.

Compared with the power of Situ Aofeng's shot this time, this is an astonishing contrast, which surprised many people. After all, it is too incredible.

"Peak attack, is Jiang Chen still helpless?"

Someone asked such a question and felt puzzled.

It is reported that Situ Aofeng has only half of his foot in the Transformation Realm, and ordinary Returning Yuan Realm warriors are vulnerable in front of him, and can be suppressed by raising their palms.

But what about Jiang Chen?
It is clear that the aura fluctuations on Jiang Chen's body are very different from Situ Aofeng's. This means that there is a big gap between Jiang Chen's cultivation base and Situ Aofeng's, but it is actually under Situ Aofeng's full strength. Under one blow, Situ Aofeng showed a distressed side, which was completely incomprehensible.

"Situ Aofeng, I think, you must have deeply realized what despair is, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, he shrugged his shoulders, leisurely and relaxed.

"I really underestimated you." Situ Aofeng said in a cold voice.

He thought that there would be a situation of ebb and flow, but in the end it was a heavy lesson, and he didn't push it too hard, but it was still in the physical body, and he would be crushed.

"It's not that you underestimated me, it's just that you're too stupid." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Perhaps, you are right." Surprisingly, Situ Aofeng did not refute Jiang Chen's words.

Because, Situ Aofeng was reminded by Jiang Chen's words, and realized that he had inadvertently entered a dead end.

This is making yourself cocooned!

The void oscillated and twisted, and Situ Aofeng finally brought out the blue axe.


With a low drink, Situ Aofeng threw out the Sky-Opening Axe, and slashed towards Jiang Chen.

This seems to be a random shot, but the Skybreaker is too miraculous, it can break the rules at will, no matter how powerful the physical body is, it will become vulnerable in front of it.

"go with!"

Jiang Chen lightly flicked his fingers, black light flickered, and a black glow tore apart the phantom, and quickly headed towards the sky-opening axe.

The cyan small ax and the flying sword collided in the air for the first time, and the sky-opening ax slashed horizontally, sprinkled with cyan light, and the black flying sword volleyed in the air, with an invincible sword intent to release.

Both of them are powerful, releasing a palpitating coercion.

Then I saw that the void was shattered and distorted again and again, and it was impossible to withstand the collision of these two magic weapons.

This space was pulled and shaken. At the critical moment, that big hand resurfaced and suppressed it, which prevented innocent people from being affected.

"The flying sword?"

Situ Aofeng stared at the past, he was surprised again.

The sky-opening ax has an extraordinary origin, and ordinary magic weapons, even treasures, cannot withstand a single blow and will shatter.

However, Jiang Chen's black flying sword slashed horizontally without leaving any traces.

This is destined to be another result that is difficult for Situ Aofeng to accept. Could it be that it is just that the physical strength cannot be crushed, and there is nothing to do about such magic weapons?

Previously, when Jiang Chen fought Yuan Hao, he sacrificed a flying sword, and when he fought Qiu Zhifan, he also sacrificed a flying sword.

But in those two battles, Situ Aofeng didn't go to watch the battles. He just knew that Jiang Chen's black flying sword was very impressive, but he didn't expect that the degree of magic was no less than the sky-opening axe.

How would Situ Aofeng know that the Sky Opening Ax has an extraordinary origin, but this flying sword is also strange. It was born out of the black iron outside the sky, and has been tempered by the innate Yimu Qingqi.

Although, this is not a magic weapon, but Jiang Chen's swordsmanship is supernatural, and the sword control technique directly points to the true meaning of the swordsmanship. Under such circumstances, no matter how powerful the power of the sky-opening axe is, if you want to suppress it, you will Yes, it's even harder.

In fact, it was at this time that Jiang Chen felt that this battle was somewhat interesting.

The previous collision was at best a warm-up.

Under the challenge arena, everyone tensed up subconsciously, not daring to take a breath. They raised their heads and looked at the sky above their heads.

There, the cyan small ax and the black flying sword, blooming splendor, kept colliding, as if they were being pulled and controlled by two invisible hands.

Jiang Chen's control of the flying sword is like a commanding arm, and Situ Aofeng's use of the sky-opening axe is also proficient.

Every time that kind of collision happened, monstrous energy exploded, forcing the big hand to strike repeatedly to suppress it.

It's hard to imagine that this is just an outer sect, that is, a battle that has already surpassed the cultivation level of Yuanyuan. If you look at the inner sect, how unimaginable is that kind of battle scene?

Those who watched the battle were all dazzled, their minds were agitated, and it was difficult to calm down.

Perhaps, only at this time can we know that the number one on the top [-] list is definitely not in vain, and we can even know that Jiang Chen has made a sound several times, with certainty, and wants to pull Situ Aofeng from the altar , What an extraordinary background.

"How could this be?"

Some people couldn't bear it, and exclaimed, because both eyes were stung, and tears flowed down. Who would have expected that Jiang Chen would be so strong?

"In this battle, even if Jiang Chen loses in the end, he will gain a reputation no less than that of Situ Aofeng." Someone also said.

He was amazed and fascinated.

Jiang Chen has always been talking nonsense. Many people waited to see his jokes, but in the end they discovered that they were a manifestation of conceit, and they were oppressed to the point of suffocation.

Who else can laugh.

"Fart." Someone scolded angrily, but it was Lu Xun.

At this time, no one paid any attention to Lu Xun. They blinked their eyes one by one, but they were unwilling to do so, lest they be careless and miss the excitement.

In the sky, the blue light of the Sky Opening Ax flickered, and the black light of the flying sword shone brightly.

Situ Aofeng tried again and again to cut the flying sword into pieces, but he couldn't succeed at all. His mood quietly became extremely complicated.

"Situ Aofeng, this is a waste of time. If it continues, this battle between you and me will be meaningless." Jiang Chen said.

In fact, he also tried to injure the Skybreaker, but finally found that it was impossible.

Jiang Chen has a keen sense of spirit, so he can feel that Situ Aofeng's control of the Sky-Opening Ax is smooth and smooth, but in fact, it is difficult to display the power of the Sky-Opening Axe, even if it is not even one percent.

It may take a long time to find out, and you will have to wait until Situ Aofeng's cultivation level goes a step further before you can have more understanding.

"What do you mean?" Situ Aofeng asked in a deep voice.

So what about him, didn't he have such a feeling, extremely aggrieved and annoyed.

The Sky-Splitting Ax has always been invincible, and has never encountered an opponent, but it wants to be defeated by Jiang Chen, how can he be willing?

"It's not interesting, I just want to ask you, do you still want to hide it? I know very well that this is not your real strength." Jiang Chen said.

His complexion changed.

Situ Aofeng didn't seem to have thought that Jiang Chen would say such a thing, or maybe, the secret that had been hidden all along was actually seen through by Jiang Chen at a glance, which was hard to accept.

"Situ Aofeng, use your real power, I'm not interested in wasting time with you." Jiang Chen urged.

"Jiang Chen, you made a mistake about one thing, do you think that I can't do anything to you?" Situ Aofeng said, his face was livid, thinking that Jiang Chen had despised him.

"It's true, I don't know good from bad." Jiang Chen shook his head.

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen slid a finger down the void, following the trajectory of his finger, the flying sword was pulled, soaring into the sky, and the black light wreaked havoc, and slashed down toward Situ Aofeng.

This was very sudden, because the Sky Opening Ax simply couldn't keep up with Feijian's speed.

This is the real swordsmanship, taking the head of the enemy thousands of miles away.

As far as Jiang Chen's current cultivation is concerned, it is true that it is far from that level, but Situ Aofeng has forgotten one thing, this black flying sword is not just as simple as the extraordinary material.

The speed was so fast that the void was torn apart. In an instant, the hairs on Situ Aofeng's back exploded, and he felt the threat of death coming.

It was too late to control the sky-opening axe, so Situ Aofeng burst out, but it was useless. The flying sword was like a tarsal maggot, no matter how Situ Aofeng dodged it, he couldn't get rid of it.

"Suppress me!"

Situ Aofeng was shouting and roaring.

The sky-opening ax came across the sky, sprinkled green lights, and blocked the blow of the flying sword for Situ Aofeng.

Furthermore, the Sky-Opening Ax was pushed to the extreme by Situ Aofeng, and all the rules here were destroyed, even Jiang Chen's consciousness used to control Feijian encountered a barrier, and the distance between him and Feijian The connection has been weakened by more than two-thirds.

The black flying sword was trembling in mid-air, and it might fall down at any time.

Such a situation caused Jiang Chen's face to change. Apart from destroying and distorting the rules, can this Sky Opening Ax actually block the rules?

It was clear that his consciousness was stung and almost injured. This was unexpected, because Situ Aofeng had reserved, but he hadn't noticed it before.

"not good!"

The next moment, Jiang Chen's expression changed.

His connection with Feijian has been weakened, and this is the best time for Situ Aofeng to make a move. Situ Aofeng cannot possibly miss it. He urges the Sky Opening Axe, and within a breath, there are dozens of attacks. Hit on the flying sword.

The flying sword was sent flying, Jiang Chen's spiritual control was further weakened, and his spiritual consciousness was further stabbed.

Situ Aofeng was chasing after the victory, and he didn't intend to give Jiang Chen another chance to turn the tables. At this time, his momentum was overwhelming and he could not move forward.

Jiang Chen knew that he had been careless, and there was an unexpected accident. Once the connection with Feijian was completely cut off, then, he would continue to crush Situ Aofeng's sky-opening axe.

A golden light shot out from Jiang Chen's body, the aura in his body circulated crazily, and his divine sense was further amplified, connecting with the flying sword.

In the end, the flying sword appeared in Jiang Chen's palm, and Situ Aofeng also grabbed the sky-opening axe.

"Jiang Chen, the emotion of despair is that you think you have hope, but in fact, when you look back, you will find that you are nothing in front of me." Situ Aofeng said, his tone was cold and arrogant .


The change happened at this moment, Situ Aofeng's joints were trembling, and in just a few breaths, his breath became, very different.

That kind of change is very mysterious, but real, and it is difficult to describe in words. It seems that in an instant, life has undergone a leap and has been completely reborn.

"Is this the breath of the Mortal Transformation Realm?"

Jiang Chen felt it, his face was very ugly, this breath is very familiar, because he once killed Wu Fu, and provoked a warrior of Mortal Transformation...

(End of this chapter)

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