genius evil

Chapter 1258

Chapter 1258

"This is Situ Aofeng's ultimate hole card?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

At this moment, he was startled.

Even though, after sweeping his consciousness before, he found that the breath fluctuations in Situ Aofeng's body were very strange, as if there was a strange force that was suppressed by him in his body!

But it was beyond Jiang Chen's expectation, Situ Aofeng's aura suddenly soared, and he was directly rushing into the realm of transformation!

Martial arts cultivation, before the Mortal Transformation Realm, is at best just an accumulation of numbers, and the energy of Yuan Ling in the body continues to grow stronger and stronger, and in the end, when it enters the Realm of Returning to Yuan, the energy around it billows like wolf smoke.

Once you step into the realm of transformation, it means that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, heaven and earth resonate, life leaps, reborn, and supernatural powers emerge on their own.

That even more means aloof, enough to look down on, the common people in the world!

It was precisely because of such an astonishing transformation that at this moment, Jiang Chen was surprised to feel the change in Situ Aofeng's aura.

What's more, this kind of concealment can't be called not deep. Who would have thought that Situ Aofeng would be so forbearing?
This is destined to be a scene that is beyond everyone's expectations. Although many people cannot understand what happened to Situ Aofeng, when that breath erupts from Situ Aofeng's body, , It still caused countless people to change their faces in a panic.

This is already a completely different life, high above, flying freely.

"What's going on?" Someone murmured, shocked and found it hard to look directly at Situ Aofeng.

Because the aura on Situ Aofeng's body was too blazing, his body was surrounded by azure light, and his spirit was shining brightly, as if his body had turned into a treasure.

"This aura is so strange and powerful. Is this the aura of the Mortal Transformation Realm?" Someone exclaimed, shocked.

All the onlookers, including the teachers who came here, were shocked by this scene, and even some people were so oppressed that it was difficult to breathe.

"Jiang Chen, don't you want me to use my real power? Now, I will help you." Situ Aofeng said, and he regained his transcendent look, very leisurely, unrestrained and casual.

"I heard that there are three thresholds between Guiyuan Realm and Transforming Mortal Realm. I don't know which threshold you have crossed?" Jiang Chen smiled and asked seriously.

"So, you also know about this?" Situ Aofeng raised his brows slightly, slightly astonished.

"It's easy to transform skin into bones, but stepping into the realm of transformation, how can it be a simple and easy thing?" Jiang Chen was noncommittal.

He kept shooting at Situ Aofeng with his spiritual consciousness, capturing the aura fluctuations around him, and finally found that he was very different from the powerful people in the Mortal Transformation Realm he had encountered before.

Transformation of skin, transformation of bones, and evolution of essence and blood, these are the three thresholds between Guiyuan Realm and Transformation Mortal Realm.

Every time a threshold is crossed, life undergoes a metamorphosis. In the end, the evolution of essence and blood is the real meaning, stepping into the realm of transformation.

Earlier, Jiang Chen had heard rumors that it was Situ Aofeng who had half-stepped into the Huamortal Realm. Now it seems that what he said was true. This threshold of human body is impacting the second threshold of bones.

Of course, this is still something that should not be underestimated. It is very impressive. Even Jiang Chen must deal with it with 100% energy.

Otherwise, today, it is likely to end in a fiasco.

"You're right, but so what, my understanding of the world is far beyond your comprehension." Situ Aofeng smiled coldly, he was full of arrogance and domineering.

This is a kind of transcendent life form, contempt for ordinary creatures.

"Really?" Jiang Chen smiled, noncommittal.

"You will soon understand what I mean." Situ Aofeng reminded.

After saying this, he didn't speak anymore, and rushed forward at a speed that broke through the barrier of the physical body, and his fist, surrounded by blue light, bombarded out violently.

This is an incomparably terrifying speed, and even a martial artist who has cultivated at the Great Perfection of the Returning Yuan Realm will fall into deep despair.

It's too fast, it's hard to catch with the naked eye, all I can see is a ball of blue light moving at extreme speed, and then, it appears in front of Jiang Chen.

"This guy?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

With such a speed, it is difficult for everyone below the ring to catch them, but naturally they cannot escape Jiang Chen's eyes. He has a keen sense of consciousness. It can be said that every frame of Situ Aofeng's movement is clearly captured by his eyes. , showing every detail.

This is the ultimate speed, and then the extreme shot at the extreme speed. How could Jiang Chen not understand that before, Situ Aofeng suffered a dull loss and became obsessed.

Naturally, this can also be understood as a result of pride. After all, who would have thought that Situ Aofeng would lose the wind in a direct physical collision between the two sides?

"Then let's try, what are the so-called Mortal Transformation Realm warriors, and what are the differences." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Although Situ Aofeng's speed is very fast, it is also similar to the small magical magic illusion technique he has practiced. In terms of speed, he has no advantage at all in front of him.

As long as Jiang Chen is willing, he can easily avoid Situ Aofeng's blow.

But Jiang Chen didn't intend to do that.

To put it bluntly, Jiang Chen directly summoned the woman in the portrait of the Goddess that the old man in the Mortal Transformation Realm encountered before. Although the threat was wiped away in an instant, after all, it left a root in Jiang Chen's heart that was difficult to pull out. of spikes.

Because, that was not what Jiang Chen wanted.

This time, on Situ Aofeng's body, he could feel the aura of the same origin of warriors in the Mortal Transformation Realm. Let's try it out, what's so magical about this kind of living body.

With a thought, Jiang Chen frantically activated the Pure Yang Cauldron without reservation, wisps of golden light were borrowed by him, flowed out of the Pure Yang Cauldron, and scattered towards his limbs and bones.

Jiang Chen's body was covered with golden light, as if he was wearing a golden battle suit, and even every strand of Jiang Chen's hair was filled with golden light, which was incomparably bright.

Jiang Chen turned into a golden man, his heart beat like a drum, and golden light shot out.

This is the first time since the first shackle in his body was torn, Jiang Chen stimulated his own strength to the limit, because Situ Aofeng shot at the limit, he also had to push it to the limit.


The attack came at the next instant.

Jiang Chen's fist was wrapped in golden light, and it collided with Situ Aofeng's blue fist.

The void distorted and trembled, and then an explosion occurred directly, and the air waves billowed into the sky, giving people the feeling that a bomb was dropped in the middle of the challenge arena.

Be it Jiang Chen or Situ Aofeng, the ground under his feet suddenly exploded and was thrown into the air. The entire challenge arena was shattered like a spider's web.

The big hand in the void reappeared, crushing it domineeringly, firmly controlling the impact of that energy within a small range, forming an invisible barrier.

Deep in his throat, he let out a shallow muffled hum. Under the impact, Jiang Chen couldn't restrain himself, staggered back, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

His chest was bulging, and the beating rhythm of his heart became even more frightening, as if it might jump out of his chest at any time.

The internal organs are boiling, the blood is flowing, and there is a tendency to be uncontrollable.

"You are hurt."

Situ Aofeng stared at Jiang Chen and smiled coldly.

He was indeed obsessed and had a tendency to fall into madness. If he couldn't do it, if he suppressed Jiang Chen physically, he might be affected in his cultivation in the future.

Finally, he suppressed Jiang Chen and injured Jiang Chen. Situ Aofeng laughed incomparably at this moment, and the depression deep in his heart was swept away.

As a result, his aura became more elegant and mysterious. This was due to the opening of his heart knot and the transformation of his state of mind. It can be regarded as a breakthrough in his state of mind after being suppressed twice in a row.

This is a great harvest, beyond Situ Aofeng's expectations, he knows that with this harvest, his cultivation will make rapid progress in the next period of time, and he will break through the bones in one go This second threshold is not impossible.

"It really is overbearing!" Jiang Chen said with a wry smile.

At this moment, Jiang Chen is completely aware of what it means to cultivate in the Mortal Realm.

"Jiang Chen is injured, is he going to lose to Situ Aofeng after all?" Someone uttered a voice. At this time, the situation on the ring was already very clear to them.

Jiang Chen, who had maintained his undefeated golden body before, and crushed him all the way, after all, after meeting Situ Aofeng, is the myth inevitably going to be shattered?

"Situ Aofeng stepped half of his foot into the realm of transforming into mortals. He is like the dragon of the nine heavens, with a shocking appearance. No matter how strong Jiang Chen is, he must avoid his edge." Someone said again.

This is to feel sorry for Jiang Chen.

After all, Situ Aofeng hid too deeply, and now all of them erupted, and his true combat power was revealed without a doubt, and the distance between him and Jiang Chen had been widened far.

"Could it be that Situ Aofeng is the only one who has the trump card, and Jiang Chen doesn't?" Lu Xun yelled, very dissatisfied with such a scene.

"Jiang Chen still has a hole card? What is that?" Someone asked.

"Anyway, that's all there is." Lu Xun continued to yell.

Someone just laughed out loud and said, "Lu Xun, accept the reality, under the mortal world, everyone is an ant, even if Jiang Chen really has a hole card, it is useless."

"Bullshit!" Lu Xun cursed, and said, "That refers to someone else, but who is Jiang Chen, he is destined to shock the world, beyond your imagination."

Everyone heard that they were helpless, but there were not too many disputes.

In fact, they are also curious now, did the battle between Jiang Chen and Situ Aofeng stop there?

"I'll give you a chance, admit defeat." Situ Aofeng looked at Jiang Chen and said.

He thought that it would be meaningless if he wanted to make another move. Jiang Chen would admit defeat directly, but he could save some face, thinking that he was thinking of Jiang Chen.

"Actually, I'm quite curious about your original magic weapon." Jiang Chen didn't answer Situ Aofeng's question, but said.


Situ Aofeng was stunned, with a trace of sullen expression between his brows and eyes, he said sharply, "You don't know how to live or die, don't you cry when you see the coffin?"

Jiang Chen said he was curious about his original magic weapon, how could Situ Aofeng fail to understand, this is Jiang Chen, he thought he could still fight, and didn't intend to admit defeat.

This naturally angered Situ Aofeng in an instant, he didn't want to embarrass Jiang Chen too much, but Jiang Chen just didn't know what to do!

"I'm not lying to you. I'm serious. I'm quite curious." Jiang Chen chuckled, and suddenly, his aura changed, and a bloody light emerged...

(End of this chapter)

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