genius evil

Chapter 1260 Freshmen Part 1

Chapter 1260
"Jiang Chen, I surrender!"

Situ Aofeng said, if you are as proud as him, you have to lower your proud head.

He was vomiting blood, his face was pale, his internal organs were torn apart, his energy and blood were in vain, and he was powerless to fight.

Under such circumstances, even if there are 1 people who are not reconciled deep in their hearts and want to fight, they still have to admit defeat.


These words were spoken, and the challenge below the ring, the crowd was in an uproar.

Even if Situ Aofeng used the ultimate trump card just now, Jiang Chen pushed him horizontally. He knew that Situ Aofeng's situation was over, but when Situ Aofeng said this himself, it still caused an uproar among the people.

This can be said to be a tragic scene.

Because, at this moment, the legend belonging to Situ Aofeng ended, a new myth emerged, and all future glory will belong to Jiang Chen.

"New students come first!"

Someone let out a long sigh. In fact, although this matter was expected, after all, Jiang Chen was arrogant and unscrupulous, and there was always something extraordinary about it.

But when Jiang Chen really was, soaring into the sky, it still made people feel emotional.

"It's too domineering, just drag Situ Aofeng off the altar like this." Someone said, very sad.

Jiang Chen's undefeated golden body, but who else can break it?
Situ Aofeng was defeated, but who else in the outer sect could stop Jiang Chen's rise?

"A generation of new people replaces the old ones. I have a hunch that even if Jiang Chen enters the inner sect in the future, he will still be extraordinary and shine." Someone said again, remembering what Jiang Chen said, to set the goal at No. [-] on the day list.

Different from others, Jiang Chen has always been very straightforward, never deliberately concealing his ambitions.

They believed that since Jiang Chen had the ambition to covet the first place in the celestial list, no matter whether Jiang Chen could achieve it in the end, once Jiang Chen entered the inner sect, it would be inevitable to turn the celestial list upside down.

"It's natural. Now it's No. [-] on the Outer Sect Top [-] list. After half a year, Jiang Chen will be No. [-] on the Tian list." Lu Xun said, swearing, with a serious look.

His tone of voice was still as annoying as ever, making people want to beat him up violently. After all, he suppressed his thoughts, and no one paid him too much attention.

Jiang Chen has already created a miracle, who can say that Jiang Chen can't create another miracle?


"Situ Aofeng, you should have admitted defeat a long time ago. This is a doomed result. What you have done is meaningless and a waste of time." At this time, Jiang Chen said.


Situ Aofeng opened his mouth to spurt blood. On the one hand, he was seriously injured, and on the other hand, he was angry.

Jiang Chen didn't say that he felt sorry for him, but in Situ Aofeng's view, he shouldn't have said such a thing, it was too irritating and unbearable.

"People are valuable to have self-knowledge." Jiang Chen explained.

This is to say that Situ Aofeng has no self-knowledge.

Situ Aofeng was so angry again that he almost spurted blood again.

Taking a deep breath, Situ Aofeng said, "Jiang Chen, you don't have to be too complacent. In the future, that day's list will be the real battlefield. Everything that happens in the outer gate is nothing."

"I will still crush all the way." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Very good, then, I am waiting for your appearance on the top of the list." Situ Aofeng said.

He was frustrated, but his arrogance was not lost, and his spirit remained.

This time, it was Jiang Chen who challenged him. Next time, he will take the initiative to challenge Jiang Chen.

"Don't humiliate yourself. I really don't want to bully you. After all, you and I are not on the same level. Bullying you has no sense of accomplishment." Jiang Chen said seriously.


Situ Aofeng still vomited blood, and was shaken by the viscera of Qi, he quickly walked away, otherwise he might lose too much blood and die.

"Jiang Chen, you can joke, but I, Situ Aofeng, never joke." That figure shot out, Situ Aofeng said silently in his heart.

After this failure, Situ Aofeng believed that he would stand up soon.

"Situ Aofeng, good medicine tastes bitter, and loyal words are harsh. You must not insist on your own way, otherwise you will be hit to the point of despair, and you will lose the courage to live." Jiang Chen yelled at Situ Aofeng's back.

When people heard such words, they were all confused. They knew that it was no wonder Lu Xun had such a big mouth. As expected, what kind of master is there, and what kind of attendant is there.

It can even be said that compared to Lu Xun, Jiang Chen has a higher morality, and a mouth is enough to drive people to death.

They looked at Situ Aofeng one after another, and suddenly realized that Situ Aofeng's back was so lonely and desolate.

"This is a portrayal of reality, the winner is king." Someone said, pointing to the truth.

This remark made everyone suddenly realize, but it was not the case.

What if it was Jiang Chen who lost in the end?
I'm afraid the ending will be more bleak than Situ Aofeng's, because there are too many people expecting Jiang Chen's failure.

At that time, they must have swarmed up and made trouble, right?


After the battle was over, Situ Aofeng left, and the people watching the battle also dispersed one after another.

Lin Hongyu followed the flow of people, wanting to leave without anyone noticing, but suddenly, her hand was grabbed and held in the palm of her hand.

"Miss Hongyu, you are too naughty." A voice rang in his ear, and a smiling face caught Lin Hongyu's eyes.


Lin Hongyu couldn't help whispering, she was so careful, why was she still being watched by Jiang Chen, she couldn't, Jiang Chen was staring at her all the time, right?

"Miss Hongyu, the two of us, find a place where no one is around, and have a good chat." Jiang Chen sent out an invitation.

"I remembered that there are still some things to deal with." Lin Hongyu said hastily.

Jiang Chen was too aggressive, very frivolous, which made Lin Hongyu have a bad feeling, worried that Jiang Chen would do something that she couldn't predict.

"Don't worry, I'll accompany you to deal with it later." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, not refusing to refuse, and pulled Lin Hongyu away.

Lin Hongyu struggled hard to free Jiang Chen's hand, but he couldn't open it at all, and was pulled away by Jiang Chen reluctantly.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen brought Lin Hongyu and appeared in a secluded place with no one around.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Lin Hongyu looked at Jiang Chen with vigilant eyes, and at the same time, she looked around from the corner of her eye, hoping that someone would come here.

Otherwise, what should Jiang Chen do if he really messed up.

"Miss Hongyu, don't look around, there is no one within a few miles of this place." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

With his spiritual consciousness released, he can perceive all kinds of situations around him clearly, and any disturbance can't escape his perception.

"How do you know? Did you choose such a place on purpose?" Lin Hongyu asked suspiciously.

"That's right, I did it on purpose." Jiang Chen nodded seriously, and said, "Miss Hongyu, you know how much I miss you."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Lin Hongyufen's face turned red, and he couldn't stand it any minute.

Jiang Chen was too thick-skinned, and he said such shameless words in such a leisurely manner that he just opened his mouth.

"Miss Hongyu, you have to believe me, my thoughts about you every day are like a torrent of river water, endless." Jiang Chen vowed, wishing he could not swear.

Lin Hongyu was speechless, defeated, and said shyly, "Jiang Chen, do you have something to say to me? I really have something to do, and I'm leaving soon."

"Miss Hongyu, I haven't seen you for such a long time, don't you think about me?" Jiang Chen sighed, his grievance was beyond words.

Lin Hongyu was dumbfounded, she would never admit that she had thought about Jiang Chen.

Moreover, what she thought about Jiang Chen was very different from what Jiang Chen thought about her. If she admitted that she had thought about it and was distorted and misunderstood by Jiang Chen, it would be bad.

"If I hadn't met you at the Seven Star Martial Academy this time, I would have almost forgotten your existence." Lin Hongyu said, she wanted to leave quickly and escape Jiang Chen's clutches, so she deliberately said it very heartlessly.

"Miss Hongyu, although I know that you are duplicity, but I have to say, this still makes me very sad." Jiang Chen sighed again.

Then, before Lin Hongyu could reply, Jiang Chen suddenly pulled Lin Hongyu into his embrace, lowered his head, and kissed her.


Lin Hongyu's face turned pale in shock, never expecting that Jiang Chen would be so daring that he would directly force a kiss.

She went crazy, wanted to run away, and used all her strength to shake Jiang Chen away. However, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, so it was destined to be useless.

After a while, when Lin Hongyu was almost suffocated, it was Jiang Chen who reluctantly released him.

"Miss Hongyu, do you understand?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Understand what?" Xiumei frowned, and Lin Hongyu wiped her red lips vigorously, leaving behind the smell of Jiang Chen, which made her feel very uneasy.

That feeling is like a stone thrown into the calm and traceless water, stirring up a thousand waves of waves, with ups and downs, embarrassment and anger.

"Of course I understand that duplicity is wrong." Jiang Chen said, and he explained, "Miss Hongyu, you say you don't want me, but in fact your body reacts the most honestly. The cooperation just now is extremely tacit and perfect. I am very happy. Rejoice."

Lin Hongyu was dumbfounded, if she couldn't beat Jiang Chen, she would have to tear Jiang Chen's heart with her hands.

Does she cooperate?
It was clearly Jiang Chen who was forcing her. From the beginning to the end, she did not cooperate at all. How could Jiang Chen say such a thing?
"Miss Hongyu, you really moved me so much, let me know that you missed me so much during this period of time, and you couldn't repay me, you could only promise me with your body... It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date, I think it's better Just today." Jiang Chen said, very serious, impatient.

Lin Hongyu's face turned pale, this bastard, is he going to bully her to the end?
"Jiang Chen, Ye Ning, Cao Mengxuan, and Wang Lang, do you still remember them?" Lin Hongyu said, her eyes flickering, trying to divert Jiang Chen's attention.

"You can't let down the beautiful scenery on a good day. There is no need to mention these insignificant things." Jiang Chen said.

"Da Dao Sect Yuan Ming Sect and Qing Yun Sect both have disciples in the Seven Star Martial Academy." Lin Hongyu hurriedly said again.

Jiang Chen's appearance of being possessed by a pervert made Lin Hongyu very uneasy.

After saying this, she said again, "Ye Ning, the three of them, died at your hands. After the news spread, it caused an uproar in these three major sects, and they never gave up. The pursuit of you , and now, you have come to the Seven Star Martial Academy, and you are on the list of the top [-] outer sects, with a great reputation, presumably the three major sects will soon know of your existence, and by then, you will be very dangerous."

"Miss Hongyu, you really moved me so much, you actually care about me so much." Jiang Chen sighed, and finally said, "Come on quickly, I have to promise you with my body."

Lin Hongyu gritted her teeth lightly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, this guy really is, in three words, he stays true to his profession.

"As far as I know, there is a disciple of Dao Dao Sect named Duan Changfeng, who is ranked among the top ten in the heaven list. You are now in the outer sect, but it is better to say that once you enter the inner sect in the future, you will definitely be targeted." Lin Hong Yu issued a warning, she was not joking, nor was she alarmist, it was true.

"Miss Hongyu, have you forgotten? I said before that my goal is to be number one on the list, so Duan Changfeng is destined to be crushed by me," Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, it's good to have self-confidence, but you're too arrogant." The corner of Lin Hongyu's mouth twitched.

You must know that being number one on the top [-] list of the outer sect is certainly remarkable, but judging from the past situation, such an existence, entering the inner sect, many people are not even qualified to get involved in the list of heaven, let alone the list of heaven First.

"That's right, I'm just that arrogant. As expected, the person who understands me best is you, Miss Hongyu." Who knew, Jiang Chen looked like he had met a confidant...

(End of this chapter)

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