genius evil

Chapter 1261 Let me show you a demonstration

Chapter 1261 Let me show you a demonstration

Lin Hongyu finally left alone, with a coy and terrified expression, and a tendency to run away, Jiang Chen saw it, it was a dumbfounding.

But it didn't stop it.

Jiang Chen called Shang Lin Hongyu alone, and it was just a matter of flirting, mainly to understand what the current situation of the several sects in the Chu Dynasty is like.

After all, the three of Ye Ning died at his hands. They all had a bright future and were the pride of heaven. For this, it is impossible for Daoist Yuan Mingzong and Qingyunzong to give up so easily, and there must be small tricks behind them Constantly, but not yet, it exploded directly in front of him.

"Top ten on the Tianbang, Duan Changfeng?" Jiang Chen said to himself silently.

Dao Dao Sect has such a situation, then, as for Li Huo Sect, will there also be some aspect, unknown to him, behind the scenes, dormant in the dark, waiting to explode?
Speaking of which, the sects that Jiang Chen offended are really not in the minority. The sect that Wu Fu belonged to, a strong man in the Mortal Transformation Realm, has all fallen. There is a stormy sea!
"Forget it, take a step and watch." Shaking his head, Jiang Chen wasted his mind lazily.

Naturally, this situation also made Jiang Chen realize that even if he is now the first freshman and forcefully pulls Situ Aofeng off the altar, it does not mean that he can relax.

Instead, this is just the beginning.

In the final analysis, the current cultivation base is still too weak, and it is necessary to speed up and launch an upward impact.

Jiang Chen was soon there. Returning to Princess Meng's residence, he checked his contribution value.

In the past few days, he has challenged one after another, and the contribution value has accumulated very quickly, especially in today's battle with Situ Aofeng, he has gained a thousand points of contribution value.

However, such a number is not enough, not enough for Jiang Chen to have the authority to enter the second floor of the Seven Star Hall.

"Then wait." Jiang Chen said to himself.

In addition to challenges, there are many ways to earn contribution value, and even, some ways can obtain a rather amazing contribution value.

But Jiang Chen has no plans in that regard for the time being. He has to wait until he enters the second floor of the Seven Stars Hall before making relevant adjustments. Otherwise, once there is nothing he wants in the second floor of the Seven Stars Hall, then all Everything you do is undoubtedly a waste of time.

"Jiang Chen, why did you come back so soon?"

Princess Meng entered from the outside, she was taken aback when she saw Jiang Chen, and asked in wonder.

She saw Jiang Chen pulling Lin Hongyu away, quite affectionately, she felt depressed for a while, stayed outside for quite a while, and then came back.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Chen came back long ago.

This made Princess Meng look at Jiang Chen with weird eyes for a while, because it was very inconsistent with Jiang Chen's pervert nature.

Could it be that he was rejected?

Princess Meng thought in her heart, inexplicably, she was a little happy.

"I miss you too much, Princess Meng, so I came back as soon as I finished my work." Jiang Chen said solemnly, took Princess Meng's little hand, and asked her to sit down.

"You're talking nonsense again." Princess Meng was annoyed, and she couldn't hear a word of truth from this guy's mouth.

Princess Meng would not be so naive, there must be other reasons for believing Jiang Chen's words.

"How could it be nonsense? It's completely my truth." Jiang Chen was very serious, he was extremely sincere, staring at Princess Meng up and down, and said, "Princess Meng, we have been living together for a few days now, How do you feel about it?"

"What do you think?" Princess Meng became vigilant, her hairs stood on end when Jiang Chen looked at her, and she always felt that Jiang Chen's scrutiny was very malicious.

"I mean, is it time that our relationship will take a step further?" Jiang Chen said in a serious tone.

It seemed that he had thought about this matter carefully and thought that the time was ripe, so he said it out and discussed it with Princess Meng.

But because Jiang Chen's tone of voice was too serious, invisibly, there was a bit of aggressiveness, which could not be rejected.

"What do you mean by going further?" Princess Meng was stunned.

"This, it's hard to explain in words, so let me show you, Princess Meng." After thinking about it, Jiang Chen said.


Princess Meng exclaimed, following in Lin Hongyu's footsteps, she fled in despair.

How could he not understand the so-called further meaning, the reason why Princess Meng asked that way was to avoid embarrassment, she thought that with Jiang Chen's intelligence, he could understand her intentions.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen showed even more nakedness, directly wanting to take action, this minute Princess Meng couldn't bear it, if she didn't run away, she would really be harmed by Jiang Chen.

"Could it be that there is something wrong with my character?" Jiang Chen said to himself as he touched his face.

It's okay for Lin Hongyu to react like this, but Princess Meng's reaction is exactly the same as Lin Hongyu's, even if there is no slight difference.

In one day, this kind of thing happened twice in a row. Jiang Chen, who always thought that his character was good, couldn't help but doubt and reflect.

"No, how can there be problems with my Jiang Chen's character." Immediately, Jiang Chen denied it, and then, in order to prove that there was no problem with his character, Jiang Chen called Lu Xun over.

The identity jade card is very magical. In this Seven Star Martial Academy, you can directly contact the other party, which is a bit like a telephone function in modern society.

Naturally, this is just a path, and it can be done by engraving a certain degree of traces of truth.

"Jiang Chen, Mr. Jiang, you really moved me." Lu Xun rushed over in a hurry, and as soon as he entered the door, he yelled and looked excited.

"Gou Fugui, don't forget, this son treated you like this before, and now you treat me like this, reciprocate, you are worthy of a noble character." Lu Xun said again.

"Stop talking nonsense." Resisting the urge to kick this guy out, Jiang Chen said angrily.

"This is, what are your orders?" Lu Xun said with a playful smile.

"Do you still remember that girl named Zhong Lingxiu when we broke into the Seven Star Tower in Danyang City?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Zhong Lingxiu? I seem to have a bit of an impression...Oh, I remembered that the girl who was cultivated at the beginning of the Creation Realm finally made it to the sixth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda, right?" Lu Xun said, thinking about it.

Speaking of which, his impression of Zhong Lingxiu was quite deep.

Naturally, this situation is largely due to this guy, but it's because of the deep impression of all beauties.

"Jiang Chen, why do you think of her? Could it be that you are interested in her?" Lu Xun asked curiously.

"I'm a little interested." Jiang Chen didn't deny it.

"Jiang Chen, are you really okay with your appearance?" Lu Xun wailed, looking deeply stimulated, "There are only a few beauties in the outer gate, and you want to occupy them all and bring them into the harem." Are you still letting people live?"

"You can go to hell." Jiang Chen sneered.

"Well, it's nice to be alive... Do you want me to help you find out if she is interested in you? Okay, I'll go right away... Even if you don't, I will promise to let her die for you, very You don't marry." Lu Xun said, his tone changed so quickly.


After all, Jiang Chen couldn't bear it any longer, and kicked Lu Xun away.

For the next few days, Jiang Chen was quite leisurely and comfortable, basically spending time in cultivation, occasionally flirting with Princess Meng, scaring Princess Meng into anxiety, anxiety, and crazily breeding.

Of course, in the outer door, it is still not very peaceful.

Jiang Chen's strong ascension to the top finally calmed down, but the competition for ranking on the Top [-] list became more and more intense, and the speed of such ups and downs, it can be said, broke many records in previous years.

Yuan Hao showed his sharpness, showed his strength, and attacked all the way, like a broken bamboo, and made rapid progress. After a few days, he had already hit the top [-].

Princess Meng has also made some progress. The current ranking, No. 80, is three, a full improvement of ten places.

However, it was Lin Hongyu who surprised Jiang Chen even more.

At the beginning, Lin Hongyu was unknown, and he couldn't even see his shadow on the top [-] list of the outer sect, but he seemed to have suddenly opened up, and he hit the top [-] in one breath.

"Breakthrough?" Jiang Chen chuckled.

When he met Lin Hongyu before, he felt that there was something wrong with Lin Hongyu's aura, but now it was as expected, and he had achieved some success in cultivation.

It was a powerful method of visualization. After meeting Jiang Chen, Lin Hongyu had an unexpected epiphany, made great progress by leaps and bounds, and made remarkable achievements.

On the contrary, in the past few days, Zhong Lingxiu, who had been paying attention to Jiang Chen, was unknown.

However, this is quite normal. Zhong Lingxiu's starting point was too low, and he was able to reach the sixth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda. In Jiang Chen's view, regardless of luck, it is likely that some unknown method was used. .

From such a starting point, looking at the outer gate of the Seven Star Martial Academy, it is destined to be submerged, and it is difficult to shine.

But no one had challenged Jiang Chen.

This is because Jiang Chen's previous performance was too fierce, with the halo of the invincible golden body added to his body, he has not lost a single defeat.

There might be someone who is secretly planning to move Jiang Chen from the No.1 position on the top [-] list, but it will definitely not show up.

Jiang Chen is in the limelight, and I am invincible, so he must wait for such a split, and the opportunity will gradually disappear, the challenge will come, and then it will come.

"Zhong Lingxiu, your resentment towards me is very deep." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Lu Xun was very excited. He found a female warrior and approached Zhong Lingxiu. It was very easy. He gained Zhong Lingxiu's favor and got some inside information.

"No wonder." Jiang Chen realized something.

Earlier, when he fought Situ Aofeng, his spiritual consciousness was swept away, and he noticed the existence of Zhong Lingxiu. At that time, he was still very strange, why Zhong Lingxiu was a little abnormal.

This was a whim that called Lu Xun.

And such a result, I have to say, surprised Jiang Chen very much.

"Is it because of what happened in the Red Mang Forest?" Jiang Chen quickly thought about it, feeling a little helpless.

It can only be said that he was very wronged and missed, but it is not necessary to explain, if you want to complain, you can complain, if you want to hate, you can hate.

Time passed, and finally, this day came.

The accumulated contribution value of Jiang Chen exceeded [-], meeting the requirements for entering the second floor of the Seven Star Hall, which meant that he had the authority to enter the second floor of the Seven Star Hall.

"Okay, let's go see what's going on." Jiang Chen said.

Without hesitation, he released his spiritual consciousness and connected it with the identity jade badge, and then, that wisp of spiritual consciousness entered the first floor of the Seven Star Hall.

Then, he suddenly saw that the door to the second floor, which had been closed before, had been opened to him.

Jiang Chen directly entered through that door and entered the second floor of the Seven Star Hall...

(End of this chapter)

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