genius evil

Chapter 1263 Tearing the Second Shackle

Chapter 1263 Tearing the Second Shackle

An indescribable feeling of tearing happened at this moment.

That golden light was too domineering, and the energy surged like sea waves, giving Jiang Chen the feeling that his brows were about to be torn apart, and he couldn't bear the impact.

"Give it to me." Jiang Chen drank in a low voice.

He activated the Chunyang Cauldron to protect and prevent accidents.

At the same time, the breath in the body is running crazily, attracting the essence of Sumi Teng.

This process seemed to be a long one, but the actual time it took was very short, and a tingling sensation swept across Jiang Chen's entire body from between his brows.

Immediately afterwards, the feeling of tearing was transmitted to every piece of flesh and every bone in Jiang Chen.

Especially between Jiang Chen's brows, the golden light was shining, gushing out, there was a change happening there, the light was like mist, and the powerful tearing was going on all the time.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen's mind was sober, he was unmoved, unaffected, and tried his best to suppress it.

Otherwise, if it were someone else, I'm afraid my mind would have been disturbed long ago.

Because, the feeling of tearing is too strong, as if the skull is about to be pierced, and there is a feeling of thousands of swords piercing the brain.

In the end, all of this was over and calm was restored. The golden light between Jiang Chen's brows disappeared and became normal.

Taking a breath in a low voice, Jiang Chen felt like he was alive after a catastrophe.

He is very clear that if it is before three days, the possibility of his failure will reach more than 70.00%. In these three days, he has cultivated his body and mind, and this is the only way to avoid the backlash.

This is because it is far more difficult to tear the shackle between the eyebrows than the shackle that tears the heart.

Fortunately, it finally succeeded.

It's worth taking such a risk.

Jiang Chen calmly comprehended the changes in himself, and he let go of his spiritual consciousness. At this time, the range that his spiritual consciousness could radiate had reached an inconceivable level, no less than that of Nascent Soul powerhouses.

In particular, the spiritual consciousness has been strengthened, and the power of perception has become more acute, almost manifested into substance, and a single thought can hurt people.

Such a change, I have to say, is amazing.

Because, if the current Jiang Chen confronted Situ Aofeng again, it would be very difficult for him to interfere with his spiritual consciousness when Situ Aofeng pushed the sky-opening ax to the extreme.

This means that Yujianshu has undergone a transformation accordingly, becoming more extraordinary and capable of bursting out with more violent power.

Even, Jiang Chen is now able to control the flying sword, fly with the sword, and fly across the world!
"Very good, very powerful." Jiang Chen was very satisfied.

Afterwards, he sacrificed the flying sword, swiped his finger lightly, and the flying sword flew out across the air, making a sound of air explosion, and soaring into the sky with the momentum of penetrating the sun.

"That is?"

Nearby, someone saw this scene, and suddenly paled in horror, and their knees were weak.

They recognized that it was Jiang Chen's Flying Sword. Jiang Chen had used it several times in the challenge arena before.

Now it's completely different, rushing out of the sky, piercing through the void, the black lights flickering like thunder and lightning in the sky, bursting out with rumbling and dull sounds.

"Chou Tong, are you sure you want to challenge Jiang Chen?"

Two figures appeared outside the residence of Jiang Chen and Princess Meng. One of them asked in astonishment when he saw the scene above the sky.

"Is it still necessary?"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva with great effort, that fellow Qiu said bitterly.

In just a few days, Jiang Chen became stronger. He originally lacked confidence in himself, and this is why he came to Jiang Chen's residence for an appointment.

Now, that little bit of fragile confidence is directly hit by every bit.

The person who asked the question smiled wryly. He didn't answer, but just shook his head and told Qiu Tong that there was no need.

Doomed to fail, why seek abuse?
"Let's go." Qiu Tong just said.

The two of them came and went even faster, and disappeared after a while.

"Why are you walking so fast?" Jiang Chen shot out, watching Qiu Tong leave, a little speechless.

This fellow enemy was in the top ten of the top [-] outside sects. When the two of them appeared before, they were sensed by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen knew why he came here.

According to Jiang Chen's thinking, since Qiu Tong is here, he should use him to test it out. How can he know how strong his spiritual consciousness is now? Qiu Tong fled without a fight.

"Isn't it too ostentatious?" Jiang Chen murmured, and quickly put away the flying sword.

Counting the time, it has been several days since he topped the top [-] list, but no one has challenged him yet, and finally someone came, but was scared away, which made Jiang Chen extremely depressed.

"Jiang Chen, what happened just now?"

Hearing the movement, Princess Meng walked out of the room and asked in doubt.

It seems to be thunder, lightning, is it going to rain?

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked at the sky above her head. The sky was clear and clear, but there was no sign of rain at all?
"Princess Meng, tell me, if I take the initiative to challenge others now, will anyone take up the challenge?" Seeing Princess Meng appearing, Jiang Chen asked.

"No." Princess Meng said directly.

In terms of Jiang Chen's current ranking, if someone tries to provoke, it must be the first to initiate the challenge.

If Jiang Chen took the initiative to challenge others, it would be considered malicious.

Another point is that Jiang Chen's reputation is not generally bad, and no one will definitely challenge him. After all, no one wants to seek abuse, right?

"This is so regrettable." Jiang Chen sighed, feeling bored.

"Invincible is so lonely..." Jiang Chen felt disappointed.

Princess Meng was speechless. Is Jiang Chen looking for a blow?But if he doesn't attack others, others should burn the incense.

"Jiang Chen, you are already invincible in the outer sect, but in the inner sect, you are as strong as a cloud, so you can't slack off." Princess Meng reminded.

"You're right." Jiang Chen nodded and said with a smile, "This reminds me that it's time to go to the inner sect to have some fun."

"You want to enter the inner door ahead of time?" Hearing this, Princess Meng was startled.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded.

The seven-star martial arts academy's entry-level study time is half a year. For some people, this time is very short, but for Jiang Chen, it is too long.

"Is it necessary to be so impatient?" Princess Meng was puzzled.

The half-year period of admission to study is the best time to consolidate one's own foundation. Many people wish they could have more time.

Jiang Chen was kind, he clearly thought the time was too long and didn't want to waste it.

Princess Meng just said, "Jiang Chen, as far as I know, the situation in the inner door is more than ten times more complicated than that in the outer door. In addition, if you want to enter the inner door in advance, you have to go through extremely strict procedures. Tests, such tests, and even the risk of falling, you must think clearly."

"I've made up my mind, so there's no need to say more." Jiang Chen waved his hand, signaling to Princess Meng not to say more.

Planning to enter the inner sect ahead of time seemed to be Jiang Chen's whim, but in fact, Jiang Chen already had plans in this regard after reaching the summit.

First, he wants to enter the inner door to see what's going on there.

Secondly, even though he is now number one in the top [-] outside sects, the contribution value he gets every day is still too little for him.

If such contribution points are allowed to accumulate slowly, one does not know how long it will take to enter the third floor of the Seven Star Hall, let alone the fourth, fifth, or even the seventh floor.

If Jiang Chen wants to speed up the speed of obtaining contribution value, the most convenient way is to enter the inner door in advance, which can be said to be the only choice.

In this way, even if it is necessary to take a certain degree of risk, it is impossible to make Jiang Chen change his mind.

Princess Meng was slightly silent. Has the young man risen all the way to this point?
She knew that she should be happy and proud of Jiang Chen, but her heart was very heavy, and she didn't want Jiang Chen to take risks.

"Princess Meng, if you want me to change my mind, actually, it's not impossible." Jiang Chen's lazy voice sounded in his ears.

Upon hearing Jiang Chen's tone of voice, Princess Meng understood that Jiang Chen had bad intentions.

But luckily, she still asked, "How can you change your mind?"

"For example, Princess Meng, you let me destroy flowers once." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Originally, Jiang Chen thought that this time, Princess Meng would give him a supercilious look just like last time, and tell him not to talk about dreams.

To Jiang Chen's surprise, Princess Meng actually looked like she was being moved, struggling and thinking.

"Princess Meng, it's okay for you to destroy me with your hands." Jiang Chen then said, help Princess Meng and make up his mind earlier.

After all, with such a delicate and beautiful flower dangling under his nose all day long, even if Jiang Chen himself is not hungry, it is inevitable that he will become hungry.

Princess Meng was awakened, and found that she was tempted. She was startled. How could she have such thoughts? A strong sense of shame stirred in her heart, making Princess Meng's face turn red with fire. Same.

"No!" Princess Meng said decisively.

"Princess Meng, you must make your words clear. Is it okay for me to destroy you, or is it okay for you to destroy me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Nothing." Princess Meng said forcefully.

However, when the words fell, Princess Meng felt a little regretful.

Because, this might be the only way to make Jiang Chen change his mind. If she rejected Jiang Chen like this, Jiang Chen might feel embarrassed if he wanted to change his mind. Then, he insisted on entering the inner sect ahead of time, right?

"Princess Meng, you are really ruthless and cruel." Jiang Chen sighed, heartbroken.

Princess Meng was regretting, but she was almost amused by Jiang Chen's words.

On this day, news spread in the outer sect that Situ Aofeng intended to enter the inner sect early.

The news was spread in a strict manner, and soon it became an uproar.

At the beginning, some people thought that someone was maliciously slandering Situ Aofeng, but soon, Situ Aofeng made a sound, saying that he really intended to enter the inner door ahead of time, and within a few days, he had to accept the test.

After the news was confirmed, countless people were in an uproar because they never thought that Situ Aofeng would make such a decision.

"Enter the inner gate early? It's been several years, and such a thing has never happened." Someone said.

"Last time, it was Ji Mobai, but now, he is number one on the list." Someone said again.

"That's right, anyone who enters the inner sect ahead of time and is on the top of the list that day will have a good performance." Someone explained on his behalf.

All kinds of discussions emerge in endlessly.

Some people think that Situ Aofeng was stimulated and couldn't bear the blow.

Some people also think that Situ Aofeng is imitating Ji Mobai and going to the inner sect to compete for supremacy, and as for the grievances with Jiang Chen, it will be resolved in the inner sect.

"It's Ji Mobai again, this guy really lingers."

Jiang Chen was the same, he was a little surprised when he received this news, if it wasn't for planning to enter the inner sect ahead of time, if he had only talked to Princess Meng, he would have suspected that Situ Aofeng was targeting him.

Otherwise, such a timing would be too coincidental!

"This is the so-called, do heroes see the same thing?" Jiang Chen chuckled.

Whether he is good or Situ Aofeng, in fact, his hands and feet are bound at the outer door, so it seems to be an accident, but in fact, Jiang Chen is not surprised by Situ Aofeng's decision.

Then, Jiang Chen made his own voice...

(End of this chapter)

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