genius evil

Chapter 1264 An Unbelievable Event

Chapter 1264 An Unbelievable Event

Situ Aofeng decided to enter the inner gate ahead of time, which meant that he had to go out another way.

Although this will take a lot of risks, and whether it will be successful in the end is still unknown, but one thing I have to say is that this is undoubtedly an extremely wise choice.

This is because, in the outer gate, Situ Aofeng's light dimmed, and his brilliance no longer existed.

Even if he is second on the list of the top [-] outside sects, he is still dazzling and dazzling. For many people, he is as high and out of reach, but for Situ Aofeng, falling from the peak is a great failure.

As long as he stays at No.2 of the top [-] list for one more day, it means that there will be more shame.

No one would be willing to be nailed to the pillar of shame and whipped in public again and again, let alone someone as proud as Situ Aofeng?
Therefore, the seemingly abrupt decision actually contains inevitable factors.

This is all the more due to pride, because Situ Aofeng absolutely cannot tolerate Jiang Chen suppressing him for too long, he must go out another way, accumulate capital, make a comeback, and compete with Jiang Chen for supremacy!
Under such circumstances, although Situ Aofeng made the decision to enter the inner sect early, it was quite sudden and caused a lot of discussion.

But those discussions were mostly blessings and kind words, thinking that with Situ Aofeng's potential, he would definitely be able to skyrocket among the inner sect and hit a good ranking on the top of the list.

Someone issued a vision, optimistic about Situ Aofeng's future, but no one expected that on the same day, Jiang Chen made a voice and made the same decision to enter the inner sect in advance.

When this news came out, immediately, it swept across the entire outer gate like a stormy sea, and countless people were stunned.

They feel unbelievable, even, ridiculous.

"What is Jiang Chen going to do? He deliberately targets Situ Aofeng. Is he bullying others? Is it necessary to do this, to add insult to injury?"

Someone was roaring, complaining about Situ Aofeng's grievances, believing that Jiang Chen was intentionally oppressing Situ Aofeng.

Because, the timing of Jiang Chen's voice is too sensitive, easily triggering countless associations, and it is very suspected that he is fighting against Situ Aofeng.

There were a lot of people with such thoughts, and they were all angry. They felt that Jiang Chen was deceiving others too much, and even said, could Jiang Chen guarantee that he would always suppress Situ Aofeng?
Are you not afraid that one day in the future, Situ Aofeng will rise up and suppress him in turn?
The so-called being a human being stays on the front line so that we can meet after the event. If you do things too badly, it is destined to not be beneficial.

No one can guarantee that the scenery will last forever. In life, there will always be ups and downs. How can Jiang Chen be an exception?
Although this behavior can be exchanged for temporary happiness, it is destined to leave endless hidden dangers, isn't it?It is definitely not a good deal to set up a potential enemy for yourself because of the advantage of talking and talking!

Of course, there are other voices.

They said that Jiang Chen is currently No. [-] on the top [-] outer sect list, and his potential is extremely blooming. It will be a matter of time before he enters the inner sect, and no one needs to doubt it.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible for Jiang Chen to make a decision to enter the inner sect ahead of time, it is to attack upwards, and they bluntly said that Jiang Chen once said that the next goal is to be number one in the heaven list.

The final conclusion is that Jiang Chen's attack on the inner sect has absolutely nothing to do with Situ Aofeng. Let some people stop being sentimental and put money on their faces, otherwise, they are just asking for shame.

This kind of voice was recognized by many people, so the students in the outer sect were divided into two factions, arguing endlessly.

It can be said that since the establishment of the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy, there has never been a day in this outer sect that has been so lively, to such a degree that it even surpassed the battle between Jiang Chen and Situ Aofeng.

"Jiang Chen, are you going to attack the inner gate so quickly?"

A young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was practicing his own martial arts. He was holding a pair of hammers, like a god of war, majestic and majestic. It was Yuan Hao.

Yuan Hao's long-cherished wish has been fulfilled since the battle with Jiang Chen. These days, he has made a lot of progress, and he is advancing towards a higher ranking on the top [-] outsiders list, gaining a great reputation.

Although, Yuan Hao had thought that Jiang Chen would go higher and higher, until in the end, he might be hard to come by.

However, Jiang Chen said that he wanted to enter the inner sect so quickly, which still surprised Yuan Hao very much.

As for intentionally targeting Situ Aofeng, Yuan Hao would not think so.

The strong are always strong and stronger.

The thoughts of the strong cannot be understood by the weak and the mediocre. At this time, Jiang Chen mentioned the matter of entering the inner sect ahead of time. In Yuan Hao's view, it was the most correct decision.

Because, you can go all out, continue to hit and crush, push up and down.

"Jiang Chen, I'm really looking forward to it." Yuan Hao smiled slightly. Right now, he was looking forward to what kind of brilliance Jiang Chen would finally shine after entering the inner sect.

"Jiang Chen, you also want to enter the inner gate ahead of time?"

Inside the gazebo, Situ Aofeng looked up at the sky and whispered to himself.

"But, why did you choose to announce this matter today?" Situ Aofeng said to himself again, with a sullen look on his face.

With Situ Aofeng's wisdom, he naturally wouldn't think that Jiang Chen was targeting him deliberately like some people did, but even so, it still made Situ Aofeng extremely uncomfortable.

Because, Jiang Chen can advance or postpone it completely, there is no need to announce this matter, and he chooses on the same day.

Of course, he wouldn't think too much about it, but what would other people think about it?
"Jiang Chen, I originally thought to compete with you after entering the inner sect, but you are forcing me." A trace of strong anger flashed in Situ Aofeng's eyes.

"Since this is the case, then, before entering the inner gate, let's compete again. The test that we have to go through before entering the inner gate is not something that can be easily dealt with. Don't be careless. The halberd will sink into the sand." Snorting coldly, Situ Aofeng said slowly.


Jiang Chen wanted to enter the interior ahead of time, and such news spread among the outer sects, even if it was some knowledge among the outer sects, no matter how ignorant people were, it was inevitable that news would reach their ears.

For example, Luoxi.

Looking at the entire outer door, Luo Xi can be regarded as a very strange existence.

She is very indifferent, rejects people thousands of miles away, is famous but walks alone, never has too much contact with anyone, and anyone who can talk to her must be at least one of the top ten in the top [-] list.

It seems that Luoxi doesn't need friends at all. She is very self-centered and lives in a self-centered world.

"Jiang Chen, are you in such a hurry?" Her beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned, and Luo Xi's indifferent face had a slightly weird look.

If it was said that Situ Aofeng wanted to enter the inner sect ahead of time, there were some signs, then Jiang Chen also made the same decision, but it was in advance and there was no sign at all.

Although, Luo Xi had thought about it, with Jiang Chen's always arrogant and domineering character, it was impossible to wait for half a year to pass, and then enter the inner sect step by step, and it was very likely that he would launch an attack in advance.

But this was also beyond Luo Xi's expectations, because Jiang Chen was too early.

In fact, it's completely unnecessary.

After all, Situ Aofeng made the decision to enter the inner sect ahead of time to find another way, while Jiang Chen has a lot of time, as long as he stays at the top of the top [-] list for one more day, he will be able to reap an extra contribution Value, such a contribution value, even if he enters the inner sect in the future, it will be of great benefit to him.

Jiang Chen did not take the usual path, even such a benefit was easily given up.

"He's really an extraordinary guy." Luo Xi sighed secretly.

Because of Jiang Chen's provocation to her, Luo Xi's impression of Jiang Chen has plummeted, but now, after learning about this, Luo Xi realizes that no matter how much she hates Jiang Chen's behavior, she still has to be proud. Take a look.

"Unfortunately, I don't have time." Luo Xi said softly.

Her goal has always been to be number one on the top [-] list.

Before that, that person was Situ Aofeng, so she chose to challenge Situ Aofeng.

Now, that person is Jiang Chen. Luo Xi has been quiet these days, but she is actually preparing to challenge Jiang Chen.

However, before she had time to challenge, Jiang Chen was about to leave.

"The existence of the top [-] list is meaningless." Luo Xi said with a frown.

She thinks highly of herself, very few people can enter her line of sight, Situ Aofeng is one, Jiang Chen is one, and within the huge outer door, these two are the only ones who are qualified to enter her line of sight.

After pondering for a while, Luo Xi did the same, making a decision.


Jiang Chen was drinking tea with Princess Meng, chatting about some things by the way.

Jiang Chen took the initiative to announce his decision to enter the inner sect ahead of time. Even though Princess Meng knew that Jiang Chen had such thoughts, her mood at this moment was very complicated.

"Boom thump... thump thump..."

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps, and that guy Lu Xun ran in from the outside in a hurry.

"Scared me to death, really scared to death."

After entering, Lu Xun stretched out his hand and patted his chest vigorously, looking quite shocked, quite exaggerated.

"I don't think you need to be scared to death at all, it's better if I kill you." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Jiang Chen, don't think I'm joking, I'm really scared to death." Lu Xun said in a very serious tone.

While talking, he went to sit down, poured himself a cup of tea, drank it in one gulp, and then said, "Jiang Chen, I am not surprised that you have to enter the inner gate early, but something really happened today. The entire outer door is seething. If you know what happened, you will be surprised."


Jiang Chen was very angry, couldn't this guy just finish talking in one breath?
"Wait, I still need to digest it, it's incredible, I'm overly frightened." Lu Xun said, pouring himself another cup of tea.

"You'd better guarantee that, as you said, it's a big deal." Jiang Chen was speechless, and would beat this guy up in no time.

"It's really a big deal." Lu Xun emphasized, speaking with certainty and swearing.


Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore, he raised his foot and kicked this guy to the ground, and then, with another kick, he was about to kick this guy flying.

"Stop... don't be impulsive..." Lu Xun yelled, how dare he pretend to be impulsive, and hurriedly said, "Just now, there was news that Luo Xi was also going to enter the inner door ahead of time."


Hearing this, Jiang Chen was stunned, what is the situation?
It wasn't a big deal, at least not as exaggerated as what Lu Xun said, but it was true that Jiang Chen was deeply surprised.

"Is it possible to be sure about this matter?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, don't worry about whether you're sure or not. I'll just ask one thing. Did you discuss it with Luo Xi?" Lu Xun asked, gossip shining in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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