genius evil

Chapter 1265 A Model of a Peerless Good Man

Chapter 1265 A Model of a Peerless Good Man
If not, if Lu Xun suddenly asked such a gossip question, Princess Meng would not have thought about it at all.

And, is this amazing news?

Princess Meng was deeply speechless, Lu Xun is really the same as before, he is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and he is very out of tune.

However, when Lu Xun asked such a question, Meng Gongzhu suddenly understood why Lu Xun wanted to say that it was big news, and even said it was very serious and overly frightened.

Because, if you think about it deeply, you will find that this is because, this matter seems to have something to do with Jiang Chen.

To others, the news is not that important, but to Jiang Chen, it has extremely special meaning, it is the so-called great news.

After all, this is following Jiang Chen, and Luo Xi has to enter the inner door ahead of time, the more she thinks about it, the more uncomfortable Princess Meng becomes.

"Jiang Chen's charm is so great?" Princess Meng sneered, very annoyed.

Why didn't she see this?

The only thing I saw was Jiang Chen's laziness and rascal. This guy is not serious all day long. It is estimated that many people are deceived by his appearance, right?
"Does this kind of thing need to be discussed? There is absolutely no need." Jiang Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "Lu Xun, I know that you don't read much and can't express the true thoughts deep in your heart... You can call this, Minds think alike."


Lu Xun was disgusted with the cold.

In fact, he just asked casually, mostly teasing, but what does Jiang Chen mean by saying that, to admit it so straightforwardly?
"Jiang Chen, I don't study much, so don't lie to me, Goddess Luo Xi, did you just fall?" Lu Xun asked.

"She has long been Lu Xun. Since the first time she saw me, she has been unable to restrain herself and cannot extricate herself." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "I fell in love with the beauty Luo Xi at first sight."

Then, Jiang Chen said, "Lu Xun, you can help me spread the word later, just say that I understand Luo Xi's beauty's heart, and I will definitely not let her down."

"I have a bad premonition." Lu Xun looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, and said, "Jiang Chen, is this really okay? I just asked casually, don't you take it seriously? What if Luo Xi If the beauty is angry, I will die miserably."

"No." Jiang Chen patted Lu Xun on the shoulder and said, "She will thank you, after all, you are half a matchmaker between me and her."

Lu Xun shivered for a moment, becoming increasingly uneasy.

But in the depths of his heart, the fire of gossip was blazing, with a tendency to be unstoppable.

It is big news that Situ Aofeng will enter the inner door ahead of time.

It was great news that Jiang Chen and Luo Xi made the same decision.

However, once Luo Xi and Jiang Chen are linked together, then this news is definitely explosive, with too many breaking points and things worth talking about.

Lu Xun looked very scared on the surface, but in fact, even if Jiang Chen didn't say so, he would use Jiang Chen's name to make a big publicity.

As for whether Luo Xiqiu will be attracted to settle accounts, Lu Xun is not worried at all. Anyway, when the time comes, he will push it all over and put it all on Jiang Chen.

If Luo Xi was looking for trouble, it was also trouble for Jiang Chen, and had nothing to do with him.

But now, Jiang Chen himself proposed to publicize this matter, which undoubtedly means that he is holding the Shangfang sword, acting according to the order, and has the gold medal for avoiding death.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Lu Xun pretended to be embarrassed and said.

"Don't pretend to be in front of me." Jiang Chen sneered, this guy's acting skills are lifelike, but so what, can he escape his eyes?

Lu Xun chuckled, not feeling embarrassed at all, and said, "Jiang Chen, you just said that I am half a matchmaker for you and Luo Xi beauty, so what's the benefit?"

"Don't worry, you are indispensable." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Then it's settled." Lu Xun's eyes lit up, he stood up and ran out. At this moment, he was full of motivation, as if he was going to do something big.


"This outer door is about to change." Someone said in a disappointed voice.

News one after another, like heavy bombs one after another, exploded at the outer door, making people dizzy.Under the pressure of the invisible oppression, it is almost suffocating.

"It's not just the outer sect. I have a hunch that the world of the inner sect is about to change." Someone said, deeply regretful and fascinated.

Among the outer gates of the Seven Star Martial Academy, every few years, there would always be one or two amazingly talented people who would attack the inner gate in advance.

The success rate of that kind of attack is roughly maintained at around [-]-[-], which is neither high nor low. In short, it is accompanied by a certain degree of risk.

It is also the existence of such risks that make people dare not take that step easily, forcing many people to follow the steps step by step and step by step, and when the time is up, they will be able to have the qualification to enter the inner sect.

Geniuses have existed since ancient times, and those who are unwilling to be lonely have emerged in endlessly.

However, in the past hundreds of years, among the outer sect, there has never been a year when three evildoers appeared who wanted to attack the inner sect in advance.

Almost some people think that this is the beginning of a great era.

Because, be it Jiang Chen, Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi, they are destined to be extraordinary, even after entering the inner sect, there are so many strong people there, it is difficult to resist their rising footsteps.

"What a surprise, Luoxi actually made such a decision. Is it because she has too high a vision, does she think that there is no one in the outer gate?" someone said.

The reason why there are such voices of discussion is because Luoxi's ranking in the top [-] list still has room for further improvement, but Luoxi has no intention of continuing to make an impact, and directly points to the inner sect.

It's hard not to make people wonder, in terms of Luo Xi's style of acting with his eyes above the top, whether, among the outer sects, he looks down on anyone else.

This is following in the footsteps of Jiang Chen and Situ Aofeng, to take another road, where to shine!
"Yeah, I was still thinking about when Luo Xi would challenge Jiang Chen. I'm afraid it will be very difficult for this battle to happen in the near future." Someone said, expressing regret.

Luo Xi fought with Situ Aofeng, and lost in the end, but his handsome appearance, in the eyes of many people, if it was not for the magic weapon, if Situ Aofeng was restrained, even if Situ Aofeng won in the end, it would be a tragic victory ending.

This undoubtedly means that, in fact, Luo Xi has the strength and background to challenge the top [-] list, but it is just a little bit of luck.

Situ Aofeng can restrain Luo Xi, but Jiang Chen may not be able to. Therefore, if Luo Xi wants to challenge Jiang Chen, many people think that it is hard to say what the outcome will be. In short, it will be an extremely exciting battle.

However, it is impossible for this battle to happen in the short term. Even if it happens, it will be in the inner sect and has nothing to do with them. It has to be said that this is a very regrettable thing.

All kinds of news exploded, and the entire outer gate was bustling with excitement. From time to time, different remarks were made.

As for Lu Xun, he is really good at making things happen, and he added fuel to the news that spread like this.

"What, Luoxi wants to enter the inner gate ahead of time, is it related to Jiang Chen?"

When this news came out, many people were stunned and couldn't believe it intuitively, but the news spread with a lot of sense, and some even said that they had seen Jiang Chen and Luo Xi's private meeting with their own eyes.

"It's really related to Jiang Chen?"

Even the private meeting happened, no matter how much doubt there is, no matter how unwilling to believe it, it is inevitable, and the belief becomes half-doubtful.

"No wonder Luo Xi made such a decision, but when did she get on good terms with Jiang Chen?" Someone said, unable to tell whether it was jealousy or anger.

This is the number one beauty in the outer sect, and has the reputation of a goddess. Now, is it just like this?

Afterwards, someone said convincingly, "Luoxi's early entry into the inner gate is indeed related to Jiang Chen. They want to stay together and fly together."


This time, there was an uproar at the outer door.

"How could this happen? I'm not reconciled." Someone yelled.

This is a senior admirer of Luo Xi, who believes that as long as he keeps working hard, sooner or later, he will be able to win the favor of the goddess, but now, everything has turned into a dream bubble, and there is no chance.

"Jiang Chen, I want to challenge you." Someone said, mad with anger.

There are too many admirers of Luo Xi, they can't accept this kind of thing happening, and they just think that Jiang Chen and Luo Xi are very incompatible.

It's not that Jiang Chen is not good enough for Luo Xi, but that Jiang Chen and Luo Xi have very different temperaments, and they are really not from the same world.

It's unbelievable and unbelievable how such two people can come together.

Some people scolded angrily, of course they were more envious of Jiang Chen's beauty and happiness.

The number one beauty in the outer sect, bowing down for Jiang Chen, envied so many people.

Then, the more the news spread, the more outrageous it became.

Someone unexpectedly explained that Luo Xi was pregnant with Jiang Chen's child. Naturally, this was quickly denied, because, counting the time, since Jiang Chen and Luo Xi met each other, even if the relationship between them has grown by leaps and bounds, they will not be pregnant. on the child.

Even if Luo Xi was really pregnant with Jiang Chen's child, it was impossible for it to be reported so quickly.

However, often the more outrageous the news, the more marketable it is. Many people are talking about it. In short, it proves one thing, that is, the relationship between Jiang Chen and Luo Xi is in the honeymoon period. very.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to die?"

In the end, Luo Xi was so disturbed that she made a sound.

She was about to go crazy, it was unbelievable, how could such a thing spread out, was it Jiang Chen's instigation behind his back, to tarnish her reputation on purpose?
Regardless of whether it was related to Jiang Chen or not, Luo Xi put the entire account on Jiang Chen, but whenever he had the opportunity, he would definitely suffer for Jiang Chen.

"Luoxi beauty, this kind of thing should not be made public, the two of us whisper it." Afterwards, Jiang Chen also made a sound.

"Shut up!" Luo Xi said from the air.

Why whisper it?
What on earth did she want to whisper to Jiang Chen, this guy really wanted to spare no effort to cherish her reputation, it was unbearable.

"Luoxi beauty, don't be angry. I didn't say this. When I find out who is chewing his tongue behind his back, I'm sure he'll find his teeth all over the place." Jiang Chen also expressed his affection from a distance.

"Shut up!" Luo Xi was about to go crazy.

"Luoxi beauty, don't be angry, you will hurt yourself if you are too angry, and be careful of hurting the child." Jiang Chen is very gentle, with the demeanor of a peerless good man, he is extremely caring, considerate, and always thinks of Luoxi. Invisibly, he was moved. many people...

(End of this chapter)

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