genius evil

Chapter 1266 Breaking into the 7-Star Tower Again

Chapter 1266 Breaking into the Seven Star Tower Again

The next day, Jiang Chen received the news and went to the teacher's office in the outer door.

The architectural style of the Seven Star Martial Academy is very strange. Here, it is a fan-shaped structure, which is very beautiful.

Just as Jiang Chen appeared, a middle-aged man greeted him.

"Are you Jiang Chen?" The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

After receiving Jiang Chen's response, the middle-aged man introduced himself, "You can call me Teacher Xu, and I am notifying you today to confirm whether you really plan to enter the inner sect ahead of schedule...but this matter will take a while." Let's talk in detail, wait for Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi first."

After a while, Situ Aofeng appeared.

He was still wearing a green shirt, meticulous and exuding a warm aura like a spring breeze. Even when he saw Jiang Chen, he was still smiling, and his gestures and gestures had an indescribable charm.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon." Situ Aofeng said, smiling slightly, greeting Jiang Chen.

"Situ Aofeng, I can guarantee that you are the strongest man I have ever met, bar none." Jiang Chen looked at Situ Aofeng and said very seriously.

Especially when talking about the three words of the strongest, Jiang Chen aggravated the tone of his speech, emphasizing it emphatically.

"Really?" Situ Aofeng responded, he was still smiling, and there was already a haze flooding deep in his eyes.

The strongest man?
With Situ Aofeng's wisdom, how can he not understand what the three words Jiang Chen refer to.

It seemed to be a compliment, but in fact, it was sprinkling salt on his scars.

But Situ Aofeng would not lose his demeanor, otherwise, wouldn't he be in Jiang Chen's arms?

"Of course, you must believe me. This amazes me. I was worried that you would be devastated after being hit. Now, I am very pleased to see that you have recovered very well." Jiang Chen said confidently.

Eyebrows twitched suddenly, a trace of anger flashed in Situ Aofeng's eyes, this guy, is it necessary to hurt him so much?
"Thanks to Brother Jiang for your concern." On the surface, Situ Aofeng said, but he said, "Brother Jiang, you still have the same demeanor, nothing has changed."

"No, you read it wrong. I have changed a lot. After looking in the mirror carefully, I am more handsome than before." Jiang Chen denied.

The corner of Situ Aofeng's mouth twitched, and he couldn't continue talking.

When Jiang Chen and Situ Aofeng met, it was like the tip of a needle facing each other.

Teacher Na Xu saw this scene, but he didn't stop it. He stared at the sky, as if he didn't hear anything.

After waiting for a while, Luo Xi appeared.

Compared to Situ Aofeng's extraordinary demeanor, Luo Xi's face turned black. She appeared and stared at Jiang Chen firmly, with flames gushing out from her beautiful eyes.

Yesterday, Jiang Chen uttered nonsense, and she was so angry that she almost vomited blood. Luo Xi's resentment towards Jiang Chen had reached a level that could not be increased.

"Luoxi beauty, what's wrong with you, why is your face so ugly, did you not sleep well last night?" Jiang Chen asked, very concerned.

"What do you think?" Luo Xi asked back, gritting her teeth.

She did not sleep well last night, she was restless, tossing and turning, how could she sleep well?
On the other hand, Jiang Chen was in good spirits. He must have slept very well last night, right?

This kind of gap is directly reflected in the expressions of each other, and Luo Xi's anger will come without a hitch. If it is not because of concerns, he may explode immediately and want to shoot.

"Obviously he didn't sleep well." Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "Miss Luoxi, I have a method to help you sleep, and I will tell you quietly later."


A black line appeared on his forehead.

Tell her quietly again?
Luo Xi's blood surged, and her evil spirit overflowed. She couldn't help it anymore. This guy dared to talk nonsense in front of her. Is he just impatient?

"Luoxi beauty, don't be too moved. Although, I don't tell ordinary people about that method, but you and I have an extraordinary relationship. I have no secrets about you. I will tell you in great detail and try my best to let you know tonight. , get a good night's sleep." Jiang Chen said seriously, showing incomparable candor.


At this moment, Teacher Xu, who had been silent all this time, coughed twice.

The evil spirit on Luo Xi's body became more and more alarming, it was about to erupt, and it had to be stopped, otherwise, it was very likely that Luo Xi would attack Jiang Chen recklessly.

"Since the three of you are here, follow me." Immediately afterwards, Teacher Xu said again, leading the way ahead, leading Jiang Chen and the three of them to go inside.


"Jiang Chen, Situ Aofeng, Luo Xi, the Martial Academy has heard about the three of you intending to enter the inner sect ahead of time. Now, let me ask you, do you really have such a plan?" Teacher Xu asked solemnly .

This is a big event, and to a certain extent, it will have a huge impact.

Therefore, on the side of the martial arts academy, they are all treated with seriousness and cannot be sloppy.

"I heard that inner sect life is rich and colorful, I want to see it." Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen said casually, carelessly.

"I came to the outer door very early, and I have been here for a long time. If I change the environment, I may receive different goods." Situ Aofeng said slowly.

"I never joke, and I am responsible for every word I say." Luo Xi was the third to speak.

"Very good." Teacher Xu nodded with satisfaction.

The three expressed their opinions one after another. Jiang Chen's answer was the most casual, but also the most irritating. It gave people the feeling that he was not going to break into the inner door, but was going to visit the vegetable market.

Of course, this is actually a manifestation of the state of mind. If it is not a person with a strong heart, I am afraid it will be difficult to say such a thing.

Situ Aofeng spoke very slowly, and it was obvious that every word and every sentence had been carefully thought out.

In particular, the sentence "Change the environment" aroused Teacher Xu's associations. He knew that Situ Aofeng would enter the inner sect ahead of time and had a great relationship with Jiang Chen.

As for Luo Xi, her attitude was very indifferent, which was naturally related to Luo Xi's temperament, and she was not used to explaining, so she spoke very bluntly.

But these are not important. What the Martial Academy wants is an attitude. As for what kind of attitude, there are thousands of people and different faces, and it is impossible to unify.

If everyone's response is the same, then there will be problems.

This is naturally the Seven Star Martial Academy, the enlightened side, giving every student the maximum freedom, allowing them to maximize their potential and self-growth in this world, without any unnecessary interference!

"Originally, after entering the outer sect, all the students of the Martial Arts Academy will have half a year of admission and study, and then make relevant arrangements according to their respective situations... However, there are not no students in previous years who launched an attack on the inner sect in advance, so , your request is not an exception." Teacher Xu said,

After that, Teacher Xu got to the point. He said, "Although it is not an exception, the rules cannot be broken. You need to know the road of life. There is no shortcut. But if you want to take a shortcut, you must pay the corresponding price. Therefore, I hope , the three of you have thought it over and prepared yourself mentally."

"You and the other three, if you want to enter the inner gate in advance, you must meet two conditions at the same time. First, you must break through the Seven Star Tower again, at least the fifth floor. Second, complete the appointment of the martial arts academy Task, two conditions, neither can be dispensed with."

In the end, Teacher Xu said, "Whether it is to enter the Seven Star Tower again or to complete the designated task, it is accompanied by great risks. There is a chance of falling.

The requirements for entering the inner door are very strict.

This is not a secret, it can be regarded as a semi-public nature, Jiang Chen and the three have known about it before, at this time, Teacher Xu is just repeating.

"When can we start?"

This time, it was Situ Aofeng who was the first to speak and asked a question.

"Crossing the Seven Star Tower can be started at any time. As for the other designated task, the time is uncertain, but the schedule will not exceed three days." Teacher Xu said.

"Then arrange to break into the Seven Star Tower directly." Situ Aofeng said.

At the end, raising his eyebrows slightly, Situ Aofeng asked, "Jiang Chen, what do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything." Jiang Chen spread his hands and said with a light smile, "If it can be arranged at the same time, I would be extremely happy to see it happen."

Situ Aofeng was provocative, how could Jiang Chen not understand?
However, he had planned to go to the Seven Star Tower again just today, and he didn't want to waste too much time.

After all, it's okay to break into the Seven Star Pagoda. It will take some time to complete the assigned task, so naturally, it can be done quickly.

"It can be arranged at the same time." Teacher Xu said.

"Then, please arrange it." Luo Xi said, very indifferent, but it also showed that she was restless and couldn't wait.

"it is good."

Since the three of Jiang Chen all made the same request, Teacher Xu didn't say much, and quickly made arrangements. After that, Teacher Xu personally led the way and led the three of Jiang Chen to the Seven Star Pagoda inside the Seven Star Martial Academy. .

The Seven Star Martial Academy and every dynasty capital in the Great Qin Empire has a Seven Star Pagoda.

The existence of the Seven Star Pagoda is to attract fresh blood for the Martial Academy.

In the Seven Star Martial Academy, there is also a Seven Star Pagoda. This Seven Star Pagoda is even more miraculous than the Seven Star Pagodas in those dynasties.

According to rumors, the rules of this Seven Star Tower are very different, and what is tested is a person's ultimate potential.

That is to say, if anyone enters it and accepts the test, his ultimate potential will be revealed without any doubt.

This means that the magical law of Taoism is extraordinary.

"It's here."

Stopping in his tracks, Jiang Chen looked up.

On the surface, there is no difference between the Seven Star Pagoda inside the Martial Academy and those in the dynasty.

But Jiang Chen felt it with his spiritual consciousness, but he could clearly find that all kinds of rules here are entwined and intertwined, and the tower body itself also contains powerful energy that is gushing out.

"Is this the main body of the Seven Star Pagoda?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

There is a saying that the Seven Star Martial Academy is called the Seven Star Martial Academy because of the Seven Star Pagoda. That is to say, the Seven Star Martial Academy came first after the Seven Star Pagoda.

From this it can be seen how miraculous the Seven Star Pagoda is.

From the beginning, there was only one Seven-Star Pagoda. Later, for the sake of need, it was the most powerful, imitating the Seven-Star Pagoda, and then, each of them put one in the territory of the imperial dynasty.

Although no one has come forward to confirm this statement, many people believe it to be true.

The Seven Star Pagoda inside the Seven Star Martial Academy is the original body of the Seven Star Pagoda, and the Seven Star Pagodas in the dynasty are imitations of this Seven Star Pagoda.

But even if it is an imitation, it is not bad, and various internal rules are manifested.

"The gate of the Seven Star Tower has been opened. The three of you can enter at the same time. Don't worry, there will be no interference with each other. Each of you has undergone different tests." Teacher Xu said.

Jiang Chen and the others did not speak.

And at the next moment, the three of them had a tacit understanding, and they moved together, pulling out three afterimages in the void, and rushing into the Seven Star Pagoda in a parallel manner.

"The test has begun. I hope these three little guys can create miracles."

Teacher Xu stood outside, watching the gate of the Seven Star Pagoda slowly close, and said with a chuckle that he was quite looking forward to the three of Jiang Chen getting good grades, because for several years, the outer gate had never been so lively pass……

(End of this chapter)

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