genius evil

Chapter 1267 Evolved Battle Puppet

Chapter 1267 Evolved Battle Puppet

In the Seven Star Pagoda, the space is magical, and the rules are intertwined and evolved.

This is the main body of the Seven Star Pagoda. It is truly extraordinary, the law of Taoism, ancient and magnificent, and the innate coercion is involuntary. It is respectful and dare not make mistakes easily, otherwise it will be crushed.

This is undoubtedly astonishing, it makes people tremble, and there is an urge to worship, but if the cultivation base of the state of mind is slightly inferior, I am afraid that I will directly kneel on the ground and run away.

"Is this the real power of the Seven Star Pagoda?" Jiang Chen felt it and whispered to himself.

With the help of the Sumeru Vine, after tearing his second shackles, Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness was strengthened, and the sensitivity and strength of his spiritual consciousness were incomparable. It was almost manifested, and a single thought could hurt people.

This is a terrifying transformation, allowing Jiang Chen's combat power to step up to a higher level again.

Because of this, entering the Seven Star Pagoda at this moment, Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness is released, it is even more palpitating, because, if it is faintly visible, he can perceive the interweaving of internal laws and principles, which are vertical and horizontal.

This clearly shows that in the Seven Star Pagoda, the rules have evolved to an almost complete level.This kind of existence is worthy of the world!

"First there is the Seven Star Pagoda, and then there is the Seven Star Martial Academy. This kind of background is really amazing." Jiang Chen murmured, his mind agitated slightly. Rao's character is inevitable, and he will suffer a certain degree of influence. .


Suddenly, not far in front of Jiang Chen, the air there shook, and then, a vague black shadow appeared in Jiang Chen's line of sight, blocking Jiang Chen's way.

That's a battle puppet.


Jiang Chen looked at the battle puppet, sized it up a bit, and found that the aura of the battle puppet was fluctuating, very strange and very unstable.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen was surprised.

Before that, he had broken through the Seven Star Tower once, and he had passed the test once when he entered the outer gate of the Seven Star Martial Academy, and he had fought against the fighting puppet twice.

Therefore, it can be said that Jiang Chen is already very familiar with the characteristics of such a fighting puppet.

However, this battle puppet was different from the two that Jiang Chen had seen before.

Under the current circumstances, this battle puppet has the cultivation base of the early stage of Guiyuan Realm.

The stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the corresponding battle puppets. Jiang Chen couldn't understand this point very well, and he had incomparably rich experience.

He fought with Situ Aofeng before and made a strong breakthrough, and now he is at the middle stage of Jindan's cultivation, so, correspondingly, the strength of the fighting puppet has also changed.

But the reason why Jiang Chen was surprised was that the aura of the fighting puppet was extremely unstable, which meant that there were many possibilities derived from the invisible.

Just when Jiang Chen was thinking about this, the battle puppet moved, and the huge black shadow brought a cold wind and bombarded towards Jiang Chen.

Although it is just a puppet, it is extremely flexible, comparable to a real person, and because it is made of special materials, this movement directly pulls out an afterimage, which is extremely fast.

"Just try it." Jiang Chen thought to himself, and with a thought, just as the battle puppet bombarded him, Jiang Chen raised his hand and punched it out.


The collision happened, and the air swelled and churned.

Unlike in the past, Jiang Chen could suppress it by raising his palm, but at this time, Jiang Chen only knocked the battle puppet back a few steps.

Not to mention, it is clear that the breath of the battle puppet is becoming more and more unstable.

"Breakthrough?" Jiang Chen felt carefully, his brows furrowed.

Just as such thoughts popped up in Jiang Chen's mind, the fighting puppet's aura suddenly stirred up, climbing at an unimaginable speed, leaping in one fell swoop, and possessing the cultivation base of the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm.

However, even though the fighting puppet's aura has changed, it is still in an unstable state, which seems to indicate that the fighting puppet still has room for "evolution".

"The battle puppet evolves on its own?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

Such a situation, it has to be said, was beyond Jiang Chen's expectation.

No wonder, this battle puppet is different from the ones seen before, its breath is extremely unstable, which is a sign that it can evolve and become stronger at any time.

"No, it's not self-evolving, it's evolving according to my combat power." Soon, Jiang Chen came to his senses and understood what was going on.

Before, Jiang Chen fought against the battle puppet twice. The existence of such a battle puppet could only sense his cultivation, but could not recognize his combat power. Therefore, he easily struck twice and crushed him all the way.

But this time, it was completely different.

This battle puppet is more advanced. In addition to sensing cultivation, it can also sense combat power.

The reason why the evolution occurred was entirely because Jiang Chen's punch had the fighting power of a strong man in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm.

This kind of fighting power is reflected in the fight, and the fighting puppet senses it immediately, and then quickly completes the strengthening and becomes stronger.

When this question was clarified, Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Because, this undoubtedly means that when he strikes with stronger combat power, the battle puppet will also become stronger accordingly, until it perfectly matches his combat power, leaving him no room for luck.

"No wonder, there are rumors outside that the Seven Star Tower inside the Seven Star Martial Academy is different from the Seven Star Tower outside, testing a person's ultimate potential." Jiang Chen said silently.

Evolution, transition, just a battle puppet, with such miraculous changes, one can imagine how difficult the next road will be.

You know, this is just the first floor, and what will happen if you go up, it is absolutely unpredictable, it will be amazing.

Of course, the premise is that one must be able to break through, the first floor of the Seven Star Tower, and defeat this battle puppet.

The battle puppet made another move, still attacking Jiang Chen in a rampant manner, very domineering and powerful.

This is the fighting power of the strong in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm. Looking at the entire Outer Sect, it can be regarded as not bad. They can all win a pretty good ranking in the Top [-] Outer Sect list.

"Again?" Jiang Chen grinned and sneered.

This time, before the battle puppet approached, Jiang Chen rushed over. He cast the phantom technique at an astonishing speed. With such a speed, he directly crushed the battle puppet.

"What about the evolution of combat power? I don't believe that you can imitate my speed." Jiang Chen sneered.

The battle puppet is domineering, and Jiang Chen is even more domineering. He has an outstanding appearance and an invincible demeanor. With two punches, this battle puppet was blown up, disintegrated, and scattered all over the place.

"After all, it's just a puppet." Jiang Chen said coldly.

The battle puppet can sense the combat power, evolve, and increase its power. However, it is a passive induction, which takes a certain amount of time.

It should be known that in the battle of the strong, every second counts. Since Jiang Chen has seen the clues of this aspect, how will he leave time for the evolution of the fighting puppet?

Therefore, Jiang Chen directly crossed the border and shot. He was too brave to leave time for the battle puppet to react. In this way, the battle puppet could only lose.

"It's time to go to the second floor. I don't know what surprise is waiting for me." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

Ever since he entered the Seven Star Pagoda, he could no longer sense the aura of Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi, and he couldn't sense it even when his spiritual sense was mobilizing him.

Obviously, entering the Seven Star Tower to accept the test this time is completely independent of each other and does not interfere with each other.

That being the case, Jiang Chen simply didn't waste time. After finishing off this battle puppet, he moved his feet and walked to the second floor.

Soon, Jiang Chen appeared on the second floor of the Seven Star Pagoda.

Just like what happened when he entered the Seven Star Pagoda for the first time, this time, Jiang Chen entered the second floor, and the internal situation did not change too much.

Here, there is a dead silence, and a strange black mist lingers, blocking sight and shielding the five senses.

It's just that the lingering black mist is getting thicker and is about to materialize. It's not just as simple as covering the line of sight, it's covering Jiang Chen's consciousness and forcibly cutting off Jiang Chen's senses.

"Enhanced version?" Jiang Chen pondered.

On the first floor, the fighting puppets have the power of evolution. This second floor tests the will of the warriors. Compared with the Seven Star Tower in the dynasty, it is undoubtedly a further enhanced version.

"This level is quite simple." Jiang Chen suddenly smiled.

The strength of his consciousness increased, and his consciousness was astonishing. At the same time, the second shackle was torn, and the benefit brought was that Jiang Chen's will directly took place.

That kind of will is as steel as iron, and will not be easily shaken by foreign affairs.

Therefore, this second layer seems to be more difficult than the first layer, soaring upwards, but to Jiang Chen, it is extremely simple and can flow horizontally.

That's what Jiang Chen did. He walked through it without even needing to arouse his own soul power.

Then, Jiang Chen entered the third floor.

The third level is to test the warrior's physical fitness. In layman's terms, it is to test the warrior's physical strength.

This is more like tailor-made for Jiang Chen, so that Jiang Chen does not have the slightest pressure.

Because, Jiang Chen tore the second shackles of the physical body, his physical body evolved, and its strength was astonishing, even if it was only the middle stage of Jindan, it was not inferior to the strong Nascent Soul.

This was almost a smooth road, Jiang Chen walked directly, sighing all the way.

Who would have thought that after he pulled Situ Aofeng off the altar, he would get the Sumeru Vine from the Seven Star Hall?
This seemingly inconspicuous harvest actually brought him benefits beyond imagination.

The second shackles of the physical body were torn apart, and he became very different in every aspect. It was incomparable and incomparable in the past.

This is basically opening the back door for him. If Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi find out, they will probably be so angry that they vomit blood.

Because, in terms of no difficulty, it is as simple as strolling in the garden, and this is no test, it is as easy as a spring outing.

"Invincible is indeed the most lonely." Jiang Chen smiled arrogantly, and swaggered into the fourth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda.

And here, Jiang Chen finally encountered the biggest trouble since he accepted the test...

(End of this chapter)

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