genius evil

Chapter 1268 Battle God Beast

Chapter 1268 Battle God Beast
On the fourth floor, a mural emerged and caught Jiang Chen's eyes, instantly giving Jiang Chen a huge visual impact.

Unlike the landscape painting that Jiang Chen had seen the first time he entered the Seven Star Pagoda, this was a figure painting.

The entire mural has a large area left blank, but there is a hazy figure of a woman, which seems to be covered by clouds, making it impossible to see clearly no matter what angle you look at it from.

"The fourth floor is a test of innate comprehension." Jiang Chen said to himself, his complexion gradually became a little ugly.

Because, if it is said that the second and third floors of the Seven Star Pagoda can be regarded as tailor-made for him, it will open the door of convenience and make it effortless for him.

Then the test on the fourth floor was completely complete, hitting Jiang Chen's fatal spot in one fell swoop.

According to the rules of this layer, it is what you see before the portrait, and you can do whatever you want without sticking to one pattern.

But it is precisely because such rules are not concrete, this is accompanied by weird and unpredictable risks.

"Before, teacher Xu said that at least the fifth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda must be considered as a success. Does it mean that the test on this floor is the highlight?" Jiang Chen Frowning and analyzing, that complexion quietly became even uglier.

This is just Jiang Chen's suspicion, but in fact, Jiang Chen believes that it is more or less the same.

There are bound to be dangers everywhere, and if one is bad, all previous efforts will be wasted.

"Why, here is a portrait of a person, does this also correspond to me?" Jiang Chen said again, his doubts further deepened.

Such suspicion is not unreasonable.

In fact, since it is an enhanced version of the test, it is natural that it will be different, and it is not impossible to match the object of the test.

But if this is indeed the case, then, such difficulty, invisibly, is magnified by more than ten times and a hundred times, and it is destined to be difficult.

For a moment, Jiang Chen thought a lot, and then he raised his head and looked at the mural.

The woman in the painting is indistinct, her clothes are like the wind, she seems to fly into the sky, she is so graceful, graceful as a fairy, even if she can't see her real face at all, and even her figure is concealed by spring and autumn brushwork, it is not difficult Imagine how shocking this woman's true face would be.

"What should I see?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

He is constantly thinking about it, but he will not easily make a judgment. When he looks at the woman in the mural, his eyes are extremely clear, like a child.

Jiang Chen under such circumstances was obviously abnormal.

Because Jiang Chen had always done whatever he wanted, even if a real fairy appeared in front of him, he would step forward to tease her without hesitation.

But now, Jiang Chen didn't even have such thoughts. His eyes were too holy, which undoubtedly violated his original intention.

However, Jiang Chen had no choice but to be like this. His thoughts were very unreasonable, and he had to remain absolutely calm, otherwise, any kind of thought might cause profanity to the woman in the painting.

But Jiang Chen didn't want to bear the consequences of such blasphemy.

After all, the last time he entered the Seven Star Pagoda and was struck by lightning, Jiang Chen has been very impressed so far.

"Hi, hello, beauty." Jiang Chen said suddenly, and greeted the woman in the painting solemnly.

Naturally, it is impossible to get a response, because it is said to be a portrait, but it is actually just a few simple strokes, but it is undoubtedly a master's handwriting, and a few strokes are the most vivid expression of the woman's peerless charm.

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely not too much to call her a beautiful woman.

In fact, Jiang Chen believed that the charm of the woman in the painting was far beyond the category of beauty, and it was difficult to describe it with adjectives in the common sense.

For example, the woman in the goddess painting.

Of course, this is also a very simple temptation. Jiang Chen is currently very cautious, step by step, and he must ensure that there will be no risks.

"Beauty, your figure is really good." Jiang Chen said again with a smile.

Chatterbox has opened.

Jiang Chen opened his mouth, and he praised the woman in the painting endlessly, without any stinginess in his compliments, but he sent all those beautiful words to him in one go.

Some of these words were extremely nasty, to the point of being disgusting and unbearable, but Jiang Chen spoke very frankly and calmly.

Because, the women in the paintings are all acceptable, there will be no excessive places, not even a place to rub the edge.

After talking for about ten minutes in one breath, Jiang Chen's mouth was dry, but he didn't move at all.

"Wrong direction?" Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling depressed.

Because now, because he can't figure it out for the time being, Jiang Chen can only test it one by one. The so-called killing the master with random punches, there is always one that is suitable for the woman in this painting.

However, it was completely useless and a waste of words.

Jiang Chen was very noisy, talking non-stop, but there was no response at all. Obviously, this road is not going to work. Next, we must go further.

Countless thoughts popped up in Jiang Chen's mind in an instant.

But in an instant, Jiang Chen suppressed it firmly, otherwise such thoughts would come out.

Clearing his throat, Jiang Chen smiled slightly, full of gentlemanly demeanor, he said, "Beauty, I am very interested in you... Oh, I made a mistake, I am very interested in where you are from..."

This time, Jiang Chen changed the direction and gradually went deeper, taking risks to a certain extent.

Unfortunately, it was still useless, and in the end, Jiang Chen was annoyed.

Because, this is actually ridiculous, he was intimidated, his hands and feet were bound, and he couldn't let go at all, and his style of dealing with people was very different from normal times.

"No, going on like this can only be a waste of time." Frowning, Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

No matter how late he was, Jiang Chen realized that he had unknowingly entered a dead end, and there was a tendency that he would not be able to get out.

"Did I know too much?" Jiang Chen analyzed.

Because, because he had broken through the Seven Star Pagoda once before, Jiang Chen did not rely on his intuition to accept the test this time, but relied on his relevant experience.

That kind of experience, applied to the first floor, the second floor, and even the third floor, there is no problem, so Jiang Chen went very smoothly all the way.

But this does not mean that, relying on relevant experience, it is possible to go all the way unimpeded.

It is even possible that such experience itself is wrong and cannot represent anything.

"Is it like this?" Jiang Chen said.

Hands and feet are bound, against the heart, the thoughts are like being stuck in mud, unable to understand, the way of thinking has appeared shackles, and is trapped.

"It shouldn't be like this." Suddenly, Jiang Chen sighed softly and woke up.

He is him, so why force him to change because of others?

After he changed, was he still him at that time?
What's more, what's the use of accommodating one's own heart and going against one's own will, even if one can achieve one's goal in the end?
If it goes on like this, if it continues, the Dao Heart will definitely be damaged, and that kind of damage, to a certain extent, cannot be recovered by Jiang Chen.

The state of mind is also going to have cracks and affect the foundation.

"Since I entered the Zhenwu Continent, I, Jiang Chen, have gone all the way forward, and no one can stop me... In this Seven Star Martial Academy, in the outer gate, I am undefeated and my golden body is undefeated..." Jiang Chen said. sound.

This is to announce that Jiang Chen's thoughts are immediately understood, and his face has regained its radiance, shining with an invincible demeanor.

This is a very magical Tao aggregate, which means that the state of mind is evolving.

"Who are you, I don't know, and of course I don't want to know very much, but you are here, blocking my way, Jiang Chen, even if you are really the god in the sky, I, Jiang Chen, want to kill the god." Jiang Chen Dust said in a deep voice.

In his eyes, a sword-like light burst out, and in an instant, the sword energy raged all over his body, even the flying sword was aroused, flew out, flew up into the sky, released the black sword light, and suppressed all directions.

Immediately afterwards, within Jiang Chen's dantian, the Chunyang Cauldron resonated with Jiang Chen, the golden light flickered, and the humming and spinning...

"Come on, the law has come, I, Jiang Chen, will start today, the road against the sky." Jiang Chen sneered, he was very presumptuous and always arrogant.

This is not to say that he is going all out, but a manifestation of his true heart. He is open-minded and has no scruples. This is the truest him.

Any difficulties and obstacles can be solved with a single push, so what is there to be afraid of?

This is a fearless spirit, the heart of the strong.

The reason why the strong remain strong is precisely because the heart remains unchanged and is not shaken by foreign affairs.

Previously, Jiang Chen had to make excuses. He had taken a wrong path. After being completely changed, it was not enough to bring about good results. So why did he have to wrong himself?

A door, at this moment, opened.

Jiang Chen was a little stunned when he glanced at it, but soon after, he burst out laughing.

"Is that so?"

In an instant, he had an epiphany and realized many things.

The encounter that seems to be exactly the same as the previous experience of breaking into the Seven Star Tower is completely different in essence. The test on the fourth floor is in line with the tester, and it is actually like a mirror, magnifying the weakness and flaws of the challenger.

If it continues like this, it will be inevitable in the end, ending in failure, damaged mood, cracks in Dao heart, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Only by being brave and diligent, in the end, can one be able to blaze a path of one's own.

Laughing, Jiang Chen walked towards that door and appeared on the fifth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda.

A gigantic monster was dormant, releasing a dangerous aura of surging worship. It was definitely a giant-level existence. It was motionless, like a small mountain, and its size was astonishing.

Jiang Chen looked over, and saw that this monster had intertwined patterns of two colors, that color, one yellow and one white, very much like a tiger on the earth.

"The Nether Profound Tiger?"

Soon, Jiang Chen recognized the monster, which made Jiang Chen's scalp tingle slightly.

Monster beasts like the Nether Profound Tiger are also known as battle beasts. That is to say, the Nether Profound Tiger has been in battle all the time from the moment it was born.

This kind of monster grows in the battle, and then, in the battle, completes the awakening of talent, and once the talent is awakened, the combat power is even more amazing. The monks of the same level, without exception, will be crushed, even the so-called genius girl , is to avoid its edge.

"How could such a thing appear?" Jiang Chen was deeply astonished.

Last time, what appeared was a shadow phantom flood dragon, which was far beyond Jiang Chen's expectation. Unexpectedly, the monster that appeared this time was even more miraculous.

"How about we stop here?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

But this idea, just popped into my mind, when I heard the roar of the Nether Black Tiger, its front hooves shook the ground, causing a resonance like an earthquake, bringing a foul wind, blowing towards my face, and launched an attack...

(End of this chapter)

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