genius evil

Chapter 1270 You Are Dead

Chapter 1270 You Are Dead
"Brother Situ, you look radiant and radiant, and you are proud of the spring breeze. You must have achieved quite good results in the Seven Star Pagoda." Jiang Chen looked at Situ Aofeng and said with a smile.


Regarding this, Situ Aofeng was noncommittal.

Accepting the test this time, it was indeed smooth all the way, with a rampage and a strong crush, it went quite smoothly, how can you not be complacent?

Situ Aofeng didn't intend to hide anything.

Therefore, Jiang Chen could see it at a glance, but he was not surprised at all.

"However, in such a short period of time, Brother Situ, you broke through to the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda without any damage, which really impressed me. In the future, in the inner sect, you will be on the top of the list. If you want to overthrow all the way, no one can stop it!"

Before Situ Aofeng could finish speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted it, and looked at Situ Aofeng with a look of adoration, admiring him incomparably.


Situ Aofeng was stunned. When did he break into the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda?
Besides, did he say that?
What exactly does Jiang Chen mean? Can he finish the sentence?

"Brother Situ, I know that you must be extremely excited at the moment, so don't say anything, it just so happens that I have gained something, and I will treat you to meat later... As for this, you must not refuse , I am very serious about treating guests." Jiang Chen said solemnly, quite serious.

Looking at Jiang Chen's posture, it seemed that once Situ Aofeng refused, he would fight Situ Aofeng desperately.

"Eat meat, what meat?"

Situ Aofeng was also deeply puzzled by Jiang Chen's statement.

After all, Jiang Chen was going to break into the Seven Star Tower, not to visit the vegetable market, so where would there be meat?
Moreover, Jiang Chen said he was going to treat guests. It seemed that the amount of meat was quite large, at least enough for several people to eat, which surprised Situ Aofeng even more.

"Tiger meat." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Finally, Jiang Chen explained, "When I was in the Seven Star Pagoda, a tiger suddenly appeared. It was so ferocious that it almost swallowed me up. So, to punish that little beast, I cut off dozens of catties from it. The essence of flesh and blood, this can only say that brother Situ, you are lucky, you are so lucky."


It was Jiang Chen's voice, just after falling, Teacher Xu, who was standing by the side, suddenly gasped, his eyes widened, and he stared at Jiang Chen, his face turned pale.

At this moment, Situ Aofeng's expression also flickered.

Previously, seeing Jiang Chen walk out of the Seven Star Tower before him, Situ Aofeng thought that Jiang Chen, like him, just broke into the fifth floor of the Seven Star Tower and teleported out on his own initiative.

But what Jiang Chen said, a tiger appeared.

This clearly meant that Jiang Chen had gone to the fifth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda, because only the fifth floor would there be powerful monsters.

After reaching the fifth floor of the Seven Star Tower, he also encountered a monster, but he did not fight it, unwilling to waste his physical strength.

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen not only fought against the monster, but also cut off dozens of catties of flesh and blood essence?

Moreover, Jiang Chen walked out of the Seven Star Tower earlier than him. How can this not be surprising? Situ Aofeng found that he couldn't understand Jiang Chen more and more. Where is the limit of this guy's potential?

"Jiang Chen, that monster is the Nether Black Tiger, what do you think?" Teacher Xu said stutteringly.

"Really? It sounds very powerful. It should be delicious, right?" Jiang Chen said.

Teacher Xu couldn't laugh or cry at once. It was a fighting divine beast with extraordinary talent and shocking awakening. It was fully grown and awakened. It could be said to be one of the few high-level beings that existed on this continent, and it was respected among all beasts!

Now, Jiang Chen cut off his flesh and blood and wanted to eat it. This is too absurd, and Teacher Xu finds it hard to accept.

Of course, the more important point is that, as far as Teacher Xu knows, that Nether Dark Tiger is related to a powerful existence in the martial arts academy.

I heard that it was that powerful existence who intentionally sent the Nether Profound Tiger to the Seven Star Pagoda just to make the Nether Profound Tiger thrive in battle.

Right now, the flesh and blood of the Nether Xuanhu has been cut off by someone. If this matter is heard by that powerful being, it is likely to be outraged.

For this reason, it is likely to cause a series of unpredictable and serious consequences. Once it erupts, it is definitely not something Jiang Chen can bear.

The bad temper of that powerful being, looking at the entire Seven Star Martial Academy, is also well known, even the head of the Martial Academy wants to give some face.

"I don't know if it's delicious or not, but Jiang Chen, you should stop eating this meat." Teacher Xu said with a wry smile, hoping that Jiang Chen wouldn't go too far.

"Don't waste it." Jiang Chen said seriously, "Waste is the worst habit. This is meat. It's all cut up. Besides eating it, is there any better use?"

Then, Jiang Chen further persuaded Teacher Xu, saying, "I have never eaten tiger meat before. I heard that it is extremely delicious, comparable to dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder. If you don't eat it, you will be reckless." , God can't tolerate it!"

Teacher Xu was speechless, because he found that there was a tendency to be persuaded by Jiang Chen, and he even swallowed a mouthful of saliva uncontrollably.

If Jiang Chen hadn't lied, the flesh and blood essence of the Nether Black Tiger was indeed comparable to dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder, then it seemed that if he didn't eat it, it would be really unreasonable.

Eat or not?
Teacher Xu got tangled up and was very depressed.

But at this moment, Luo Xi walked over, her steps were light, her long black dress was blown by the wind, fluttering like a fairy, even though her face was expressionless, she still had an indescribable demeanor flowing.

"Luoxi beauty, come here quickly." Seeing Luoxi being teleported out, Jiang Chen immediately jumped up and waved cheerfully.

Staring at Jiang Chen, those beautiful eyebrows suddenly frowned, and there was a slight chill on his indifferent face.

"Beautiful Luo Xi, in order to celebrate Brother Situ's strong breakthrough to the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda, I decided to invite you to eat meat. Of course, the main reason is to invite you." Jiang Chen then said.

"Oh, the seventh floor?"

Luo Xi was stunned, did Situ Aofeng break into the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda?
"Cough cough..."

Before Situ Aofeng could react, Teacher Xu coughed twice.

For the three of them, Teacher Xu is very clear about their results in the Seven Star Pagoda. Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi both made it to the fifth floor, so they teleported directly without continuing.

And Jiang Chen is a little special, because, on the fifth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda, what he encountered was the battle god beast Nether Black Tiger, that kind of monster, born for battle, launched an attack immediately, so in the end, Jiang Chen was He successfully broke through the fifth floor, that is to say, in reality, Jiang Chen had already broken through to the sixth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda.

Jiang Chen told again and again that Situ Aofeng broke into the seventh floor of the Seven Star Tower, whether it was unintentional or unintentional, but once the truth is revealed, it will definitely embarrass Situ Aofeng to the extreme .

Therefore, Teacher Xu coughed dryly and reminded Jiang Chen.

Situ Aofeng's complexion turned black. He was once proud before, after all, he was complimented by Jiang Chen. Only then did he realize that Jiang Chen dug a hole early in the morning, and then pushed him into the hole without explaining anything.

"It's a bit of a misunderstanding." Situ Aofeng said, "Brother Jiang, you are mistaken. I didn't make it to the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda..."

"Brother Situ, you don't need to be too sensitive. I understand that you actually broke through to the sixth floor of the Seven Star Tower, but with your potential, it's easy to break into the seventh floor. I just don't want to hurt me and the beauty Luo Xi. , which leaves room for it.”

Situ Aofeng almost vomited blood.

Leave room?
If he could hit Jiang Chen, it was impossible for him to leave room for it, because he really wanted to hit Jiang Chen wantonly.

But Jiang Chen continues to dig a hole and push him into the hole. Situ Aofeng will not agree no matter what, he said coldly: "Brother Jiang, are you too self-righteous? Please be careful in your words, lest Others think that I, Situ Aofeng, are that kind of superficial person."

"Oh, so you haven't even made it to the fifth floor." Jiang Chen suddenly realized, and said in a low voice.


No matter how good his temper was, Situ Aofeng couldn't stand Jiang Chen anymore, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

"Wait, wait, wait, I still want to invite you to eat meat. Although you haven't even made it to the fifth floor, it obviously doesn't matter much, does it? Could it be that I will tell you specifically that I Have you and Luoxi beauty passed the fifth floor?" Jiang Chen yelled loudly at Situ Aofeng's back.

Stumbling under his feet, Situ Ao turned his head a bit more riskily, and fell to the ground, his chest convulsed, and a mouthful of blood approached his throat, almost spitting out.

"Damn it!"

There was a stern look in those eyes.

So, is this Jiang Chen's purpose?The purpose is to give him a fatal blow at the end, and let him lose face in front of Luo Xi.

Very good, Jiang Chen succeeded.

But the confrontation between each other has only just begun at this point. He will remember these accounts one by one, and wait for the future to settle them one by one with Jiang Chen.

"How do you know that I broke through the fifth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda?" Luo Xi asked, she was very confused, she was just teleported out, how would Jiang Chen know?

"Speaking of which, Miss Luoxi, don't be angry." Jiang Chen was a little bit shy, and said embarrassingly, "Me and Miss Luoxi, you don't have colorful phoenixes and wings, but we have a good understanding."

"To shut up!"

Luo Xi was furious, her pretty face turned red, this damned bastard thought that Luo Xi was easy to bully, and kept talking nonsense in front of her again and again!

"Luoxi beauty, I can assure you that every word and sentence I just said, even including punctuation marks, is true. Otherwise, how would I know that you broke through the fifth floor?" Jiang Chen said swearingly, wishing he could swear.

"This?" Luo Xi was stunned again.

Naturally, it was impossible for her to be deceived by Jiang Chen so easily. She knew that Jiang Chen was still talking nonsense, but even so, it was difficult to criticize between the lines. I have to say that this kind of thinking is very meticulous and quite Not bad.

However, Jiang Chen didn't use it in the right place, it could only annoy her even more.

"Miss Luo Xi, did you suddenly realize that what I said made sense? Then, did you also agree to my invitation to buy meat?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't eat meat." Luo Xi said, bluntly refusing.

"It doesn't matter, starting today, you will fall in love with eating meat." Jiang Chen said.

"I said, don't eat." Luo Xi's voice turned cold. This is her living habit. Could it be that Jiang Chen is also planning to intervene and forcefully change it?
"Luoxi beauty, I promise you once again, as long as you eat it once, you will definitely fall in love with eating meat, otherwise I stretched my neck and let you slaughter me, how about it?" Jiang Chen said, very persistent.

"Bet your life?"

Luo Xi looked at Jiang Chen like a monster, and immediately said slowly, "Then, you are dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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