genius evil

Chapter 1271 The best of the world, the treasure of the world

Chapter 1271 The best of the world, the treasure of the world

"Gamble your life?"

After hearing the sound, Teacher Xu was stunned. Could it be that he played too much?
In fact, as a teacher, he hadn't seen any weird things for many years, but he had never seen Jiang Chen as the best.

Because, in order to make Luo Xi eat meat, he even bet his life on it.

Immediately, Teacher Xu's head was about to explode. There is no doubt that Jiang Chen has amazing potential. In the future, if that potential is released, there will be a place for him in the inner sect, on the top of the list. , can also compete.

For such a trivial matter, is it necessary to make fun of your own future?
It can be said that Jiang Chen is playing with fire.

Is he that confident?

What if, even if it was true, Luo Xi falls in love with eating meat, but what he says is not what he means?Do you not admit to life or death?

In that case, even if Jiang Chen died, wouldn't it be in vain?
"Hey, no, this little guy has bad intentions." Soon, Teacher Xu realized that there was something there, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

He suddenly remembered that when he was young, he fell in love with a woman crazily. Isn't it true that he did a lot of unreliable and even childish things?

How is it different from Jiang Chen's behavior now?
"Jiang Chen, I remembered that I still have something to do, so let's take a step first." Teacher Xu said.

This is a matter between Jiang Chen and Luo Xi, so he won't get involved.

"Go slowly, I won't send you off." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Teacher Xu was speechless, this guy was really trying to trick Luo Xi, he had no intention of keeping him at all, judging by his posture, he almost drove him away.

Teacher Xu's slander was his own, but he left quickly. Even if Jiang Chen invited Luo Xi to join him, he also walked away.

Ten minutes later, in a secluded place, Jiang Chen lit a fire and sat on the ground with Luo Xi. On the fire, the meat of the Nether Black Tiger was being grilled.


Soon, the aroma is overflowing, making people mouth watering.

"Luo Xi beauty, is it fragrant?" Jiang Chen asked.


In this regard, Luo Xi did not deny that it was indeed very fragrant.

That kind of aroma was unusually strong and very peculiar. It was surprising for her, who had always been indifferent to or even rejected the smell of meat, to feel no discomfort at all.

"The fragrance is right." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction. At least, Luo Xi is still very honest, Jiang Chen is very satisfied.

"How long will it take to bake?" Luo Xi asked.

Even though Jiang Chen had bet his life on this bet, Luo Xi was unwilling to waste too much of his time.

"Miss Luo Xi, do you really want to send me to die that much?" Jiang Chen looked extremely sad.

"Are you planning to admit defeat?" Luo Xi raised her eyebrows slightly, and Luo Xi asked back.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said: "Beauty Luoxi, what I mean is, you are doomed to be disappointed, there is no chance that you will send me to die."

"Don't be too confident." Luo Xi said, she was very indifferent, her face was calm like an ancient well.

"In addition to being confident in myself, I am quite confident in the flesh of the Nether Xuanhu." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

There is a saying, to conquer a woman's heart, the first thing to do is to conquer her stomach.

Jiang Chen thought that he would be able to conquer Luo Xi very quickly.

This kind of thing, thinking about it for a while, just makes Jiang Chen's mood follow and rippling.

"is it?"

Luo Xi was noncommittal.

If Jiang Chen could really make her fall in love with eating meat, so what if he didn't kill Jiang Chen?
Of course, this is just what if, Luo Xi disdains to deceive others, let alone deceives himself and others, all results will be known when Jiang Chen roasts the meat of the Nether Profound Tiger.

"It's natural. After all, a handsome man like me was born with the favor of the heavens. He is so extraordinary and unique." Jiang Chen smiled and pointed to the top of his head, full of narcissism.

Luo Xi just fell silent and stopped talking.

Today, she had already talked a lot with Jiang Chen. Although, in her opinion, those were all nonsense, but to a certain extent, they exceeded the bottom line of what she could tolerate.

Such a bottom line cannot be broken over and over again.

"Luoxi beauty, am I handsome?" Jiang Chen talked too much, he kept asking questions.

Luo Xi was very indifferent, she just ignored it, and let Jiang Chen speak like a tongue, but he was indifferent.

"It's really an iceberg." Jiang Chen sighed.

It has to be said that Luo Xi has a very good personality, but that's exactly what happened. On the contrary, it greatly aroused Jiang Chen's bad taste, and Jiang Chen couldn't help but want to harass him again and again.

"You can shut up."

In the end, Luo Xi couldn't bear it anymore and had to speak again. She almost ran away, because Jiang Chen kept talking nonsense, challenging her bottom line all the time.

"Luoxi beauty, you are so ruthless, so indifferent, and so vexatious." Jiang Chen sighed.

On the forehead, a black line emerged, and the veins twitched violently. In an instant, Luo Xi wanted to kill someone.

Who the hell is making trouble out of no reason, is Jiang Chen just so ignorant of himself?

Fortunately, at such a time, the meat of the Nether Black Tiger was finally roasted, and Luo Xi was the one who forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart. Jiang Chen didn't need to do anything, she personally took some meat over.


Tear off a piece of meat, stuff it into your mouth, chew it for a while, and immediately, there is an indescribable taste that blooms in your taste buds.

"How could this be?"

Luo Xi was surprised and dumbfounded.

The reason why she moved so fast was to quickly end the bet with Jiang Chen. She was really impatient, staying for another second would be a torment.

When the meat of the Nether Black Tiger was stuffed into her mouth, Luo Xi was ready to spit it out immediately. She thought that she would definitely find it hard to swallow, no matter how delicious it was.

Because, it is not that there is no such experience before, and there have been attempts.

"Beauty Luo Xi, looking at you, it seems to be quite unpalatable, is that so?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

The reason why Jiang Chen is full of confidence is naturally because of the flesh and blood of the Nether Xuanhu, which is comparable to a dragon's liver and a phoenix's gall, obviously, how extraordinary it is.

This is definitely a fine product in the world, a treasure in the world.

Luo Xi didn't respond, she frowned, chewing unconsciously, finally, with a light sigh, Luo Xi realized that she had lost to Jiang Chen in this bet.

Perhaps, in the future, she may not fall in love with eating meat, but the taste of this Nether Black Tiger's flesh and blood will definitely be unforgettable for a lifetime.


Suddenly, Luo Xi got up and quickly left.

"Luoxi beauty, if you want to eat meat next time, remember to find me." Jiang Chen yelled, laughing endlessly.

Luo Xi's speed was getting faster and faster, and it looked like she was running away. This result made her feel embarrassed, and she didn't want to show too much emotion in front of Jiang Chen.

The flesh and blood of the Nether Xuanhu is very delicious. Jiang Chen cut dozens of catties. With his appetite, he couldn't finish it all at once. He brought some back and invited Princess Meng to taste it. After eating two meals, it was barely enough. Eat them all.

For the next time, Jiang Chen was waiting for the assigned task of the martial arts academy. It was not until the third day that such a task was arranged.

"Is that so?"

Jiang Chen was stunned when he received the mission release information.

No wonder, Teacher Xu's categorical performance has a chance of falling.

Such a task, indeed, has unpredictable risks!
"This is my mission. I don't know what kind of mission Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng accepted." Jiang Chen murmured.

A total of three designated missions were released, and the reason why they were called designated missions meant that such missions were tailor-made.

Therefore, according to the different situations of each person, their respective tasks, of course, are completely different.

But although they are different, one thing is the same, that is, when the three of them are performing this task, it is inevitable that they will encounter a certain degree of risk.

Specifies that the task is issued, not enforced, given the option to accept, or reject.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Chen chose to accept, and he had already come to this point. No matter what, there was no possibility of rejection. Jiang Chen believed that Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng were also like this.

Then, Jiang Chen checked in detail the specific information of this designated task.

"Collect ten monster crystals of monsters of level six or above."

The content of the task is very simple and concise.

To put it simply, Jiang Chen was asked to collect demon crystals, such demon crystals were at least those of level six monsters, the higher the level, the better.

"Is it necessary?" Jiang Chen murmured, he was dumbfounded.

How could Jiang Chen not understand that this was revenge, indeed, it was tailor-made for him.

When he broke into the Seven Star Tower in Danyang City, he killed a shadow phantom dragon, took away the demon crystal, and practiced a little magic. Dozens of catties of flesh and blood.

What he did like this was naturally one-sided, and it fell into the eyes of the martial arts academy.

Sure enough, what kind of cause is planted, what kind of fruit will be born, this kind of revenge is too direct, too naked and too undisguised, it simply makes Jiang Chen have the urge to scold his mother.

This assigned task seems simple, it only needs to hunt ten sixth-level monsters and take away the monster crystal, but in fact, it is full of dangers, and the chance of falling is very high.

Because, wherever monsters of level six haunt, there are bound to be monsters of level seven, or even monsters above level seven. Such a place is a place of great danger in the absolute sense.

"I X!"

In the end, Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore and cursed loudly.

On this day, Jiang Chen packed his bags and walked out of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

After the designated task is accepted, it will take effect immediately. Next, Jiang Chen will have a month to complete this designated task.

If in the process of completing the task, bloodshed falls, it will be automatically judged as a failure.

Of course, once the specified time is exceeded, even if the task is finally completed, it is still a failure.

Such an arrangement made the time quite urgent, and Jiang Chen once again had the urge to scold his mother.

"Jiang Chen, are you finally willing to come out of the Martial Academy?"

It was Jiang Chen, who had just walked out of the gate of the Seven Star Martial Academy, when a gloomy voice rang in his ears.

Following the sound, Jiang Chen saw an extremely familiar face. At this moment, that face was full of the scent of a vulture, and there was also a bit of indescribable complacency.

"Chang Wei, is your skin itchy again?" Jiang Chen asked curiously, that guy was none other than Chang Wei!

"Jiang Chen, you are still so terrified, but you will soon be unlucky, you know?" Chang Wei said coldly.

"Of course I don't know about this, but it's true that you're going to be unlucky soon." Jiang Chen said, and when he finished speaking, he lifted his foot and kicked Chang Wei away...

(End of this chapter)

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