genius evil

Chapter 1272 You Will Be Unlucky Soon

Chapter 1272 You Will Be Unlucky Soon

The Seven Star Martial Academy has strict rules and regulations that cannot be violated, otherwise there will be unbearable consequences.

However, most of those rules are inside the martial arts academy. Once you leave the martial arts academy, many rules will automatically lose their binding force.

For example, inside the Seven Star Martial Academy, private fights are not allowed, but outside, there are no requirements.

This is because, although talent and attributes are important in martial arts cultivation, fighting is also indispensable. Otherwise, no matter how strong the cultivation base is, it is still a flower in the greenhouse, and it is difficult to become a climate.

From this perspective, it can be said that the Seven Star Martial Academy encourages fighting in a tacit way.

However, because the interior of the Martial Academy is the place to study and live, it is the iron law that sets the rules, and no exceptions are allowed.

Therefore, since Chang Wei recklessly stepped forward to provoke him, Jiang Chen naturally fulfilled him every minute.

This kick was not light, and the ribs in Chang Wei's chest broke instantly, and he collapsed on the ground, howling like ghosts and wolves.

"Chang Wei, I told you that you will be unlucky soon. Just now, you didn't seem to believe it. Now, you should believe it, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant." A figure walked out slowly, staring at Jiang Chen with such eyes, as if looking at a dead person.

"I'm talking to Chang Wei, are you still polite? Who asked you to interrupt?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied, waved his hand, and said as if to drive away flies, "Where do you come from, don't bother me good mood."

"Presumptuous." The man whispered, his face ashen.

"Shut up, or I'll be rude to you, beat you all over the floor, and beg for mercy on your knees." Jiang Chen pointed with a finger, extremely arrogant.

"Do you want to die?" The man was furious.

"It's you who wants to die." Jiang Chen refused to give an inch, his temper was astonishing, and he said angrily, "Little bastard, before I get angry, roll as far as I can, otherwise, kill me!" you."

As soon as these words came out, that person was completely detonated. His face was as black as coal, and he was so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

"Brother, since Jiang Chen wants to die, let him be fulfilled." Over there, Chang Wei bared his teeth and screamed.

He was seriously injured, and it would take a month or two to recover. He never expected that Jiang Chen would be so vicious when he attacked.

Originally, when Chang Wei called Chang Meng, his original intention was to teach Jiang Chen a lesson, to kill Jiang Chen's vigor, so that Jiang Chen would not pretend to be invincible all day long!

It must be to let Jiang Chen understand a truth, even if he is number one in the top [-] outer sect list, but looking at the inner sect, he is nothing.

Of course, it was obvious that Chang Wei himself was nothing, because Jiang Chen kicked him and injured him, and he didn't even have the power to fight back.

This is the gap, like a natural moat, which cannot be crossed.

"I will." Na Chang Meng nodded, he didn't need Chang Wei to remind him, he would do that.

"and many more……"

But suddenly, Jiang Chen waved his hand and asked, "Are you Chang Wei's brother?"

"That's right." Chang Meng nodded. There was no need to deny this kind of thing, he admitted it very generously.

"It's no wonder that idiot Chang Wei dared to speak nonsense in front of me. He dared to ask two brothers to bully me alone. The more he bullied the less." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"You are too self-righteous, I am Chang Meng, and I don't need to join hands with others to bully you." Chang Meng was very displeased.

He is from the inner sect, and in that inner sect, he has a great reputation, and he never puts Jiang Chen, who is number one in the top [-] outer sects, in his eyes.

Furthermore, if there is a need to join forces, it is not possible to join forces with Chang Wei, it is entirely possible to find a more powerful helper, right?
"Don't deny it, you two brothers just have ulterior motives." Jiang Chen snorted coldly and said with a sneer, "But I, Jiang Chen, am not easy to bully. Today, I will definitely teach you two brothers how to behave."

"Enough." Chang Meng couldn't listen anymore.

"hold on……"

Jiang Chen saw that Chang Meng was impatient, and couldn't wait to make a move. He interrupted him again, asked Chang Wei, and said, "Do you believe what I just said?"

"Jiang Chen, you are sneak attacking, but you will be even more unlucky, I promise." Chang Wei said.

"It looks like you're speaking to me, so you're dubious." Jiang Chen said.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen moved in the next second. He cast the phantom technique, and his figure appeared in front of Chang Wei like a ghost.

In an instant, he lifted his foot and kicked Chang Wei hard again.


Following the fall of Jiang Chen's foot, the few remaining intact ribs on Chang Wei's chest were all broken, and the chest cavity collapsed into a large area. It was as miserable as it looked.

"So, do you believe it now?" Jiang Chen asked, unlike Chang Meng, he was very patient and soft-spoken.


Chang Wei was screaming, his injuries had worsened, he was almost crippled, and he was about to go crazy.


Chang Meng was dispatched, and under his nose, Jiang Chen seriously injured Chang Wei twice in succession. On the one hand, he did not give him face, on the other hand, he was provocative.

Moving like the wind, with a fierce speed, it was astonishingly fast. He appeared behind Jiang Chen, raised his right hand, and punched with a punch.

This punch was so powerful and domineering that the air was drawn into a vortex, and the strong waves churned like waves in the sea.

"Great Consummation in the late stage of Guiyuan Realm?"

Feeling the blowing wind of that fist, Jiang Chen's heart moved slightly, and his face changed a little.

Chang Meng is an inner sect student, and his martial arts cultivation base is naturally not too weak, but it is somewhat beyond Jiang Chen's expectations.

Because, Chang Meng is actually the cultivation base of the late stage of Guiyuanjing's Dzogchen, and he is only short of the door, and he can touch the threshold of skin transformation.

As for Chang Meng, he is just an ordinary student in the inner sect, and his name is not even listed on the list.

"What's the situation? Could it be that those guys from the inner sect are all so perverted?" Jiang Chen was stunned and speechless, and cast the phantom technique again, avoiding the fierce attack without directly colliding.

This was because Jiang Chen was extremely stunned and didn't understand the situation.

After all, like Situ Aofeng, who crossed the threshold of turning skin, the Dzogchen powerhouses in the Guiyuan Realm were all defeated by Jiang Chen. Although Jiang Chen looked at Chang Meng highly, Chang Meng was not enough to give him create a threat.

Jiang Chen didn't know that although Chang Meng was unknown on the Heavenly List, he was not an unknown person in the inner sect. He was not far from that day's list. It was only a few rankings, and he had a good reputation. talent and potential!

"Jiang Chen, your speed is good, but do you think this is enough?" Chang Meng said, jokingly, he once again launched an attack on Jiang Chen, wanting to crush Jiang Chen.

"I have a question, can you tell me, what level are you in the inner sect?" Jiang Chen said.

"Are you humiliating me?" Chang Meng growled.

Jiang Chen was confused, did he humiliate Chang Meng?Why, he didn't notice it at all?

"This guy has a brain problem." Jiang Chen murmured.

Since Chang Meng had no intention of answering this question, Jiang Chen didn't ask any more questions, he made a move, and no longer dodged.


In the air, a big explosion suddenly occurred, and the void was collapsing and being torn apart.

Jiang Chen's fist was covered with golden light, and his whole body was shimmering with golden light, resplendent and blazing.

This kind of collision is astonishing. The physical strength of the two is extremely powerful, just like two powerful magic weapons in a confrontation.


Deep in his throat, he let out a shallow muffled hum, Chang Meng staggered a few times, stepped back a few steps, a trace of paleness flashed across his face.

His qi and blood surged, almost boiled, and he stood still, looking at Jiang Chen like that, quietly, a little more shocked.

"Is this the number one strength in the top [-] outside sects?" Chang Meng said to himself.

He was suppressed, the kind without any suspense, either because of his rich combat experience and quick on-the-spot reflexes, or he was about to be injured.

"How could this be? Jiang Chen is only at the outer door." Chang Meng said softly, quite unbelievable.

This is because there is a big difference between the outer door and the inner door, and this is also the case. Only when entering the inner door, the dragon ascends to heaven, and the carp transforms into a dragon.

"Chang Meng, you can't do it. What level are you in that inner sect?" Jiang Chen said.

"Among the inner sect, there are strong people like clouds. I am Chang Meng, but I am just a small character." Chang Meng gritted his teeth and said.

He thought that Jiang Chen was humiliating him. After all, his name was not listed on the list. Such humiliation happened one after another, and Chang Meng was so angry that he was about to go crazy.

This answer naturally made Jiang Chen quite dissatisfied, how could he not be able to tell that Chang Meng was not telling the truth.

"A mere little character, if you dare to jump in front of me, I will shoot you to death today." Jiang Chen followed suit.

Chang Meng's nose was going to be twisted by anger, and he couldn't wait to be slapped to death by Jiang Chen, so he made another move, using powerful martial skills, to slap Jiang Chen to death.

This is a kick technique, quite a bit like the Foshan Wuying Kick in the earth, but it is more powerful and sharp, it can be said that one is in the sky and the other is underground.

Chang Meng's right foot was like a whip, and he used the whip leg. After that, he changed his stance and turned it into a hook leg...

The moves are mysterious and can be switched freely, obviously immersed in it for many years.

But unfortunately, this is useless to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen successfully tore the second shackle with the help of Sumi Vine, and his physical body became stronger than he could have imagined.

Facing the fierce attack, Jiang Chen didn't need to practice any Taoism, he just crushed it with his physical body.

In the end, Chang Meng flew out, he was injured, his mysterious martial skills could not resist Jiang Chen's domineering strike, and the gap in strength between him and Jiang Chen was too great.

This is an ending that is destined to be unacceptable to Chang Meng, because Jiang Chen broke through all magic with one force, and all his attacks were ineffective.

It can be said that it was the most embarrassing battle that Chang Meng has experienced in history. His heart is about to bleed, but he has self-knowledge and knows that he is not Jiang Chen's opponent.

After retreating, Chang Meng picked up Chang Wei and ran away. Fortunately, it was not far from the Seven Star Martial Academy, so Jiang Chen had no time to chase him down, so he was able to save his life.

"Inner door?"

Jiang Chen smiled. He didn't care too much about the life and death of Chang Meng and Chang Wei. Otherwise, they would have directly killed the killer just now, so how could they have a chance to escape?
"Thinking about it, it's really exciting." Jiang Chen said.

In the final analysis, competing for the top [-] in the outer sect is just the initial starting point, and in the inner sect, competing in the top [-] list is the ultimate goal of everyone.

Jiang Chen was moved.

In the beginning, the reason why Jiang Chen came to the Seven Star Martial Academy was not purely for the sake of it, but today, this battle with Chang Meng was a rare one for Jiang Chen, giving birth to a youthful and passionate impulse.I know that in the future at least in the Seven Star Martial Academy, maybe I can be a little more pure, and in that way, I will be able to enjoy more fun.

"Tianbang, wait for me." Jiang Chen said, and immediately, he moved his feet, and shot out, heading outside the Seven Star City...

(End of this chapter)

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