genius evil

Chapter 1275 You will die today

Chapter 1275 You will die today

This place used to be peaceful, but now it has turned into scorched earth.

Chen Yan walked among the ruined walls, with a sad expression on his face, he clenched his fists tightly in anger, and couldn't help but growl to the sky, venting his aggrieved and dissatisfied.

Jiang Chen is very indifferent, because he has experienced too much, and he is very indifferent to life, old age, sickness and death.

Of course, in the actual situation, it is just the birth, old age, sickness and death of other people that matter indifferently. In the final analysis, the matter has nothing to do with him. If it is about his own body, I am afraid that Jiang Chen's reaction will be more than a hundred times more intense than Chen Yan's.

This is Chenjia Village. The village is not big, with hundreds of households. It must have been bustling and lively, but now it is completely silent.

The corpses of the slaughtered villagers were all buried, and all that remained were the houses that had been burned by the fire, with puddles of blood faintly visible, which meant one life after another.

Chen Yan walked forward with heavy steps, and finally, under the collapsed ancestral hall, Chen Yan dug out something.

"This thing has always been kept here. Except for the old village chief, only a few people in Chenjia Village know about it." Chen Yan said.

His eyes were red and bloody, showing a deep hatred that could not be erased.

Now, the village that once grew up here, carrying countless songs and laughter, was destroyed just like that, and all relatives and friends died.

Such a great sorrow was firmly pressed deep in his heart, making Chen Yan almost suffocate.

It was a mahogany box. Chen Yan opened it, and carefully took out something.

The thing looked like a stone, the size of a baby's fist, pale black, and exuded a strong wave of breath.


Feeling it for a while, Jiang Chen casually brought it over. Immediately, he released his consciousness. At this moment, he realized that the fluctuation of the aura was clearly due to the powerful aura of life.

"Monster crystal?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This is a monster crystal of a seventh-level monster." Chen Yan nodded, and he told him that the origin of this thing is very strange. The demon crystal of the monster, but I don't know what kind of seventh-level monster it is.


Frowning slightly, Jiang Chen suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

In fact, he is not interested in the origin of this monster crystal right now. For him, it is a monster crystal of a seventh-level monster, which is enough.

"Chen Yan, I can only say that your luck is great." Jiang Chen laughed.

He left the Seven Star Martial Academy this time, and went out to complete the assigned task, precisely to search for ten monster crystals of level six or above.

It can be said that this monster crystal of a seventh-level monster was just right, it hit his itch, and it was very difficult for him to refuse.

Otherwise, it would be really hard for Jiang Chen to look at other rare treasures, no matter how precious and rare.

Of course, a monster crystal of a seventh-level monster can be regarded as a rare treasure, not to mention that it is hard to find in the world, but it is destined to be rare.

Because, such a monster is already very difficult to kill, and it is extremely staunch, often exploding the monster crystal itself, and burning everything.Unless it is a peerless power, forcibly suppressing it, can there be a chance of grabbing its demon crystal.

"Jiang Shao, so you are willing to help me." Chen Yan was very pleasantly surprised.

He knew the value of the monster crystal of a seventh-level monster, but he didn't know about Jiang Chen's thoughts, and he was worried that Jiang Chen would look down on him.

Now that Jiang Chen said such words, Chen Yan understood that he succeeded.

"Let's go to Biyun Mountain." Jiang Chen said.

He didn't have much time, so he couldn't waste it. At this time, he asked Chen Yan to lead the way and go directly to Biyun Mountain to suppress it with all his strength, so as to save trouble.

"Okay!" Chen Yan nodded vigorously.

Jiang Chen seemed impatient, but this was exactly what Chen Yan wanted. Without saying a word, he just led the way ahead and led Jiang Chen towards Biyun Mountain.

Biyun Mountain is not a sect, it is also a village just like Chen Family Village.

Because the village is located in Biyun Mountain, so it has such a name.

The appearance of Jiang Chen and Chen Yan immediately startled everyone in Biyun Mountain.

"Chen Yan, you are so brave to come here." Someone recognized Chen Yan and said coldly.

Earlier, there was news that Chen Yan invited helpers to kill Du Jin. This incident made everyone in Biyun Mountain angry, and they planned to go down the mountain to find Chen Yan.

Unexpectedly, before they went down the mountain, Chen Yan came to the door on his own initiative.

"I'm here for revenge." Chen Yan said grimly.

"It's up to you? Something that doesn't know how to live or die." The man laughed and taunted him endlessly.

"Chen Yan, maybe you can hand over that treasure from Chen Family Village, but you won't die." A person stood up and stared at Chen Yan.

"You will definitely die today." Chen Yan was not polite, pointing the needle at Maimang.

"Don't eat and drink a toast!"

Chen Yan's performance quickly enraged everyone in Biyun Mountain.

Because, Chen Yan used to be weak and timid, inconspicuous, never had such a flamboyant side.

Some of them think that Chen Yan is crazy, otherwise, how to explain this situation?

"Is it because of this kid? You think you have something to rely on?" Someone stared at Jiang Chen.

"Boy, I heard that Du Jin died at your hands. After a while, you will die miserably." Someone said in a sinister voice, wanting to kill Jiang Chen.

"Boy, dare to meddle in my Biyun Mountain affairs, I think you are impatient." Someone said again, looking at Jiang Chen with eyes like looking at a dead person.

It feels like Jiang Chen is the fish on the chopping board, allowing them to slaughter him.

"Have you killed them all?" Jiang Chen's voice sounded lazily at this moment.

"Up and down Biyun Mountain, there are 340 people of all ages, men, women and children." Chen Yan said, he was very clear about this information.

"Don't kill the old man who has no strength to restrain a chicken, don't kill women and children, and kill the rest!" Chen Yan said again.

He also really wanted to slaughter Biyun Mountain just like Biyun Mountain slaughtered Chen Family Village, blood for blood, tooth for tooth, but according to his nature, he couldn't do that kind of thing at all.

"No problem." Jiang Chen smiled.

Even if Chen Yan wanted him to destroy Biyun Mountain, Jiang Chen would not say anything else. Of course, Chen Yan was calmer than he imagined, and his benign nature was not lost.


"Kill them both."


The people in Biyun Mountain were outraged when they heard Jiang Chen and Chen Yan's words, and they came to kill Jiang Chen before he could make a move.

Jiang Chen then made a move, his spiritual consciousness swept away, and he was able to see the strength of these people at a glance. Among them, the strongest person was only at the late stage of the Good Fortune Realm.

Such an existence is really hard to notice, making Jiang Chen very boring.

But since it was a deal, Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't disappoint Chen Yan. After just a few minutes, there were corpses all over the place.

"Kill it." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Shao, thank you... thank you..." Chen Yan was trembling, and he was trembling.

In the past, on the challenge ring, Jiang Chen was aggressive and unstoppable, but that was just knowing that Jiang Chen was very powerful.

Now, seeing with his own eyes that Jiang Chen kills people like killing chickens is what makes Chen Yan really throb.

"Is this the demeanor of a strong man?" Chen Yan whispered in his heart, his blood was surging and surging.

Jiang Chen left quickly and continued on his way to the sunset forest.

As for Chen Yan, he left not long after and rushed to the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy.

What happened today touched the young man so much that he suddenly understood what kind of path he would take in the future.

"A monster crystal of a seventh-level monster?"

As Jiang Chen moved forward, he cast the phantom technique, pulling out phantoms one after another, and rampaging.

In the palm of his hand was the light black demon crystal.

This monster crystal exudes a powerful wave of life breath, extremely domineering, it is obvious that the monster itself is abnormal.

But Jiang Chen took a closer look, but for a while, it was difficult to tell what kind of monster it was.

However, Jiang Chen also understands that although the Zhenwu Continent and the True Spirit Continent have many similarities, they must also have differences.

If in Zhenwu Continent, there are monsters that are not found in True Spirit Continent, in fact, it is not surprising at all.

"If you have time, you should learn more about this world." Jiang Chen said to himself.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen put away the demon crystal without hesitation, but at this moment, the ball flew out, white and conspicuous, and the whole body was crystal clear, even in the daytime, it was shining brightly, so it couldn't be seen directly .

The ball emerged, floated on the palm of Jiang Chen's right hand, and devoured it at this moment.

"Damn things."

Jiang Chen was furious, raised his hand and slapped the ball, sending the ball flying.

This little thing's courage is getting bigger and bigger now. Before that, it can be regarded as devouring the blood and essence of the Nether Black Tiger, and it is understandable.

Now, it flew out independently to devour the blood and essence of this monster crystal, which was too arrogant, Jiang Chen was a little annoyed.

The ball was blown away by Jiang Chen and suspended in the distance, as if it had been greatly wronged, it sprinkled white rays of light and did not dare to approach.

"Get over here." Jiang Chen scolded.

"call out!"

The ball flew towards it extremely fast and landed in Jiang Chen's palm, but it was extremely docile.

Such a scene left Jiang Chen speechless. He was still thinking about hitting the ball vigorously, but this thing was very aggressive. When he got angry, he turned into a quail.

"By the way, your body, shouldn't it be a quail?" Jiang Chen thought suspiciously, full of malice.

"Evolution? Little thing, is it to absorb the essence of blood energy and evolve?" Jiang Chen had a clear understanding.

In fact, this is not the first time, because the ball was able to change after absorbing a large amount of blood energy from the Shura blood sea before, and after that, it absorbed the blood energy of the Nether Black Tiger and changed again.

"Why don't you try it?" Jiang Chen's heart was moved, because he really wanted to know what the body of this little thing was.

But soon, Jiang Chen gave up his idea, but the speed of rushing like that became even faster.

This is because the monster crystals of seventh-level monsters are too rare, and Jiang Chen is not very sure that he can find a second one. crystal……

(End of this chapter)

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