genius evil

Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276

Two days later, the setting sun forest was far away.

There is a post station nearby, where many warriors gather, except for a few adventurers, most of them are mercenary warrior squads, relying on hunting monsters, hunting flesh and demon crystals for a living.

Jiang Chen went directly to the post station. He wanted to buy a map of Sunset Forest, but he soon returned disappointed.

"The setting sun forest is too big. So far, no one has successfully crossed it. Even the most experienced warrior hunters don't even have a [-]% understanding of the situation inside the setting sun forest."

The shopkeeper of a shop told Jiang Chen so.

Moreover, the shopkeeper stated with certainty that all the maps related to the Sunset Forest are crude and simple, and only experienced warrior hunters can see one or two.

If Jiang Chen planned to go to the Sunset Forest to have a look, he might be able to choose to temporarily join a warrior team. In that case, his safety would be guaranteed.

Leaving the shop, Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

Originally, according to his plan, he planned the route according to the map, broke in alone, and turned the world upside down. This situation, I have to say, was somewhat unexpected by Jiang Chen.

Now, Jiang Chen had no choice but to change his mind.

The post station is not big, but warriors from all walks of life gather, and it is very lively. Although most of these people are rough people, they seem to be quite peaceful.

It's just that almost every one of them exudes a strong smell of blood, unintentionally revealing that each of them is a generation with blood on their hands, and they are not easy to mess with.

After a while, Jiang Chen got the news that several warrior squads were recruiting.

"Night Warrior Squad?"

Jiang Chen's heart moved slightly, without any hesitation, he went straight to the place where the dark night warrior team lived.

"Boy, did you just say that you wanted to join our night warrior team?"

In a dilapidated restaurant, two middle-aged men looked at Jiang Chen with unusually strange eyes, their eyes full of suspicion and disbelief.

"That's right." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Boy, don't make it so easy." A middle-aged man with a beard shook his head and said, "This matter is not trivial, and there is no room for joking."

"Um, do I look like I'm joking?" Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

He had previously heard the news that the Dark Night Warrior Squad was recruiting warriors, and that they would set off for the Sunset Forest tomorrow morning. This was the first time they came here.

But these two, it seemed, thought he was joking?

The two middle-aged men looked at each other, and they seemed to be both. Thinking so, the middle-aged man with a beard said: "Little brother, with all due respect, we think that you may not be suitable for the Night Warrior Squad. , you go to other warrior squads and try your luck."

Jiang Chen's face was too tender, which made the two very suspicious whether Jiang Chen had killed anyone before.

If Jiang Chen's hands hadn't even been stained with blood, then taking Jiang Chen into the Sunset Forest would be tantamount to sending Jiang Chen to die.

Furthermore, such an existence would be a huge burden to the Dark Night Warrior Squad, so they had no choice but to refuse.

"Why?" Frowning, Jiang Chen asked.

"Little brother, don't mind too much. After all, you are still young, and you will have opportunities to venture into the Sunset Forest in the future. Don't be in a hurry." The middle-aged man with a beard responded with good intentions.

"Is that so?"

Jiang Chen smiled at it, and finally understood why he was rejected.

After all, in the final analysis, it is because of strength.

In this kind of place, one is on the verge of death at any time, forcing everyone to pin their heads on their belts.

This is doomed, everything must rely on strength to speak, and only absolute strength can live longer.

"So, so what?"

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, his thoughts moved accordingly, and the breath in his body circulated under his control.

In an instant, the astonishing coercion, with his body as the center, released and wreaked havoc in all directions.

"This this……"

Feeling the coercion that swept over, the two middle-aged men's faces inevitably changed drastically, their scalps became numb, both lost their voices, and broke out in cold sweat.

That kind of coercion is too terrifying, it directly gives them a feeling of being crushed, how terrible.

"I think it should be regarded as meeting the requirements of the Dark Night Warrior Squad, right?" Jiang Chen still smiled and said casually.

He just released a breath of soul at will. If he released all of them, the pressure of the soul would be enough to make the two seriously injured and vomit blood.

Everything that followed became smoother.

Jiang Chen learned their names respectively. The middle-aged man with a beard was named Gao Hu, while the other man was named Dai Sheng.

The Dark Night Warrior Squad is not very famous in this station, and there are not many members, only a dozen or so.

Before, the Dark Night Warrior Squad had never recruited fresh blood. The reason for making an exception this time was because, after receiving a new mission, a customer ordered a fifth-level monster.

Level [-] monsters, although there are strong and weak points, but even the weakest level [-] monsters are warriors who can easily be torn back to the early stage of Yuan Realm, and their combat power is extremely powerful.

"Hunting a fifth-level monster?"

Jiang Chen murmured to himself, the reason why he came to the Dark Night Warrior Squad was because the Dark Night Warrior Squad had the fastest departure time, but he never thought that the Dark Night Warrior Squad would accept such a task.

"It's the right time." Jiang Chen smiled.

The fifth-level monsters are already very powerful and dominate one side, but in terms of the situation in the setting sun forest, once a fifth-level monster appears, then it is very likely that there will be a sixth-level monster. Very satisfied.

The efficiency of the Dark Night Warrior Squad was very high. In the early morning of the next day, more than a dozen warriors were summoned together, and then they headed towards the Sunset Forest.

And at this time, Jiang Chen was able to meet the captain of the Dark Night Warrior Squad.

To Jiang Chen's surprise, it was a woman.

She is very mysterious, wrapped in a fiery red long dress, covering her whole body without revealing anything, especially, that face is also covered with a red veil, only a pair of eyes are exposed.

However, judging from her figure, it can be seen that this woman will not be very old.

"Your captain, what's your name?" Jiang Chen called Gao Hu and chatted.

The impression of Gao Hu and Jiang Chen was quite good, he always had a smile on his face, he was a good guy, he knew that he was one of the important members of the Dark Night Warrior Squad, and all matters, big and small, were arranged by hand.

"An Ye." Gao Hu replied honestly.

"An Ye? An Ye?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I didn't expect that she was quite narcissistic, and even used her own name as the title of the warrior team."

Hearing the sound, Gao Hu wished he could cover Jiang Chen's mouth tightly with his hand. He lowered his voice, apparently because he was extremely afraid of that dark night, and said softly, "Jiang Chen, you must not talk nonsense. Otherwise, Captain An might be angry, and the consequences would be unbearable."

"Really? What are the consequences?" Jiang Chen was very relaxed and didn't take it seriously.

In fact, he is very bored now, just looking for something to do, because, at this speed, it will take several days to wait until he goes deep into the sunset forest.

After such a long time, it is always necessary to find something to pass, isn't it?

"In short, I can't bear it." Gao Hu didn't elaborate, but he spoke in a very serious tone, trying to warn Jiang Chen not to annoy An Ye.

"Okay, then don't talk nonsense, but caring about Captain An's life events shouldn't be considered nonsense, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Then, Jiang Chen chuckled lightly and said, "For example, I'm very curious now, does Captain An have a girlfriend or not?"


In an instant, Gao Hu's head was full of black lines, he looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost, and then he gasped.

If this can be called nonsense, then what else is nonsense?

"For another example, Captain An has such a good figure, but he hides his face so tightly. Is there something unspeakable? As members of a warrior team, we should help each other, unite and love each other." Jiang Chen said again. Said, he is serious, plausible.

Gao Hu broke out in a cold sweat, and wiped it with his hands carelessly.

At this time, he didn't want to cover Jiang Chen's mouth anymore, but really wanted to just tear Jiang Chen's mouth off.

Otherwise, who knows if Jiang Chen will say something even more astonishing?

"Brother Dai Sheng, do you think what I said is right? From my point of view, you just don't care too much about Captain An. How can this be done? After all, she is a weak woman who needs double care and care. Since I Come on, then from now on, I will take care of Captain An and take care of everything... Don't think it will bother me, I am so handsome, I should work harder." Jiang Chen smiled at Yan Yan, chatting and laughing happily, enraptured.

Dai Sheng's heart skipped a beat, and like Gao Hu, he broke out in cold sweat. He glanced at An Ye cautiously, and for a long time didn't know how to reply.

"Why don't you all talk? Did I say something wrong? Don't take everything for granted just because Captain Security is strong. A woman is a woman. There is no reason to use a woman as a man. You guys These people, all of them don't know how to pity and cherish each other, it really disappoints me." Jiang Chen babbled, heartbroken, as if announcing that An Ye was already his woman.


Following Jiang Chen's words, there was a flash of silver light in the air, and a slender sharp knife directly tore through the air, head-on, and slashed towards Jiang Chen!
That was An Ye, she made a move, Jiang Chen repeated his words without restraint, and finally angered her. At that time, the sword glow pierced the air, containing supreme anger...

(End of this chapter)

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