genius evil

Chapter 1277 Flirting

Chapter 1277 Flirting
Since An Ye appeared, he has not said a word. All matters, big or small, are taken care of by Gao Hu and Dai Sheng.

From this, it is not difficult to see how proud An Ye's character is.

Enraged by Jiang Chen, she didn't even say a word, but directly attacked, wanting to teach Jiang Chen a profound and unforgettable lesson.

"Captain An, what do you mean?" Jiang Chen said, very unconvinced.

He raised his hand and punched out, shattering the knife light, and jumped up and down, looking very angry, which was telling others that he might run away in a minute.

"To shut up!"

An Ye finally spoke, she yelled, her voice was cold, as she turned her right wrist, she slashed at Jiang Chen with another saber.

"Captain An, I care about you with good intentions. Is there something wrong with you? Or, let's find a place where no one is around, have a chat, and confide in each other, maybe , you will know what kind of person I am, Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said, his words were sincere.

This An Ye's strength is not bad, and he has reached the cultivation base of the early stage of Guiyuan Realm, which is probably why An Ye dared to take on such a task.

It's just that, in Jiang Chen's eyes, this kind of strength is really not enough. He shot unhurriedly, and once again smashed the blade into pieces. Immediately, he approached and said, "Captain An, I As for people, the most annoying thing is misunderstandings, beatings and killings, etc., affect the relationship too much, are you right or wrong?"

Xiumei frowned violently, An Ye was so ashamed and annoyed, she wished she could chop Jiang Chen to death with one knife.

However, even though Jiang Chen was talking nonsense all the time, her strength was terrifying. Every single strike she made with all her strength was easily annihilated by the shock.

This was beyond An Ye's prediction.

Although, yesterday, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng had told her about Jiang Chen.

Gao Hu and Dai Sheng had always believed that Jiang Chen's temporary joining of the Night Warrior Squad, if used well, would be a strong support for the Night Warrior Squad and could exert miraculous effects.And a bad word, it is easy to lose control, and the consequences are unpredictable.

But it wasn't until this time that An Ye realized how amazing Jiang Chen's cultivation was most intuitively.I have a further understanding of Gao Hu and Dai Sheng's words.

"This guy, why would he want to join my night warrior team?" An Ye thought to himself, feeling a little strange about this matter, and it even made her heart slightly flustered.

"Captain An, why don't you talk? If you don't talk, how can I know what you're thinking? Oh, I understand. You must be too shy and not used to crowded places." Jiang Chen laughed Said, he quickly approached.

Seeing this, An Ye brought a gust of cold wind, quickly forced back, took a deep look at Jiang Chen, and then accelerated his speed and left alone.

"Wait for me." Jiang Chen yelled, his speed increased in an instant, and he was about to catch up.

"Jiang Chen..."

At the critical moment, Gao Hu pulled Jiang Chen back.

"Brother Gao, let me go quickly, don't you see that Captain An is waiting for me to have a private meeting?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Gao Hu was extremely speechless, he said dumbfoundedly, "Jiang Chen, I have a few words to tell you."

"It won't be too late when Captain An and I come back from our private meeting." Jiang Chen said.

Fortunately, Dai Sheng joined in and was able to persuade Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was too fussy. He just joined the Dark Night Warrior Squad, but there was such a big commotion that "forced" An Ye away.

This matter, in the eyes of others, made the members of the martial artist squad count as one, and they all admired Jiang Chen.

After all, they all knew what would happen if they offended An Ye.

"Jiang Chen, tell the truth, why did you choose to join the Dark Night Warrior Squad?"

Gao Hu and Dai Sheng pulled Jiang Chen aside and murmured. Gao Hu asked solemnly. He looked solemnly. It was obvious that this question was very important.

Dai Sheng also looked at Jiang Chen. In fact, at this time, he also discovered that Jiang Chen's joining the Dark Night Warrior Squad was a bit abrupt, and there were many things that didn't make sense.

You know, there are dozens of warrior teams in the post station. With Jiang Chen's strength, he can choose a stronger team, right?
But Jiang Chen didn't do that, but chose An Ye's warrior team.

If talking about this matter, yesterday, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng thought it was good luck, then the scene of Jiang Chen and An Ye's confrontation earlier made them realize that it might not be as simple as luck.

Maybe, Jiang Chen had a purpose.

But what would Jiang Chen's purpose be?

"It's such a question?" Jiang Chen laughed secretly, and he said lazily, "Brother Gao, Brother Dai, do you two want to hear the truth, or lie?"

Upon hearing Jiang Chen say this, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng immediately became extremely nervous and vigilant.

Because, through the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, it undoubtedly means that Jiang Chen's choice to temporarily join the Dark Night Warrior Squad is indeed for a purpose.

"Of course it's the truth." Gao Hu said holding his breath slightly.

His mood at the moment is very complicated, he knows how terrifying the young man is, and he doesn't want to offend him, but if Jiang Chen does something that harms the interests of the Dark Night Warrior Squad, then they can only fight against each other.

"Jiang Chen, my dark night warrior team, this temple is too small after all..." That Dai Sheng also said, very nervous, while waiting for Jiang Chen's answer, it was like waiting for the judgment of fate.

Because, it is very clear that the seemingly gentle and harmless young people actually have absolute control over their fate.

Dai Sheng spoke very gracefully, not wanting to cause misunderstanding.

"Uh, don't be nervous, both of you." Seeing that Gao Hu and Dai Sheng looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy, Jiang Chen called the other, and couldn't laugh or cry.

Immediately, Jiang Chen said, "Both brothers, to tell you the truth, the reason why I joined the Dark Night Warrior Squad is because of Captain An. I say this, you two, can you understand?"

"Jiang Chen, is this the truth or a lie?" Gao Hu asked hastily.

Regarding the reason why Jiang Chen joined the Dark Night Warrior Squad, Gao Hu had a lot of associations just a few moments ago, and naturally he also wondered whether Jiang Chen came for An Ye.

After all, Jiang Chen's harassment of An Ye was called sparing no effort, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that he was interested in An Ye.

However, Gao Hu still wanted to confirm it, so that he could feel at ease.

"Of course it's the truth." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Gao, Brother Dai, I was flirting with Captain An just now, didn't you two see it?"


Gao Hu and Dai Sheng looked at each other, speechless.

Is that flirting?
The two of them knew An Ye well, but they knew very well that when An Ye made the first cut, he restrained himself a bit, but the second cut was done in anger, without any intention of showing mercy.

If Jiang Chen's strength is weak, he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

This can actually be called flirting, and the three views of the two are about to shatter.

"Sure enough, this is the generation gap, but I don't blame you. Who told me to flirt with Captain An in such a novel way." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, if it weren't for Captain An's mercy, I, Jiang Chen, would have become a dead soul under the sword. How can I stand here intact?" It felt like she wished she could flirt with An Ye again.

"Captain An showed mercy?"

Gao Hu and Dai Sheng basically concluded that An Ye was not merciful, but Jiang Chen said so affectionately, but the two of them couldn't help but wonder if there was an error in their judgment.

"I, Jiang Chen, and Captain An, look like a match made in heaven. Brother Gao and Brother Dai, do you two still have any doubts about this?" Jiang Chen asked.

Both Gao Hu and Dai Sheng laughed dryly. They thought from the bottom of their hearts that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, but it had to be said that from another aspect, Jiang Chen's words were very reasonable and difficult to refute.

"Then, now, can I have a private meeting with Captain An?" Jiang Chen said, he couldn't wait for Gao Hu and Dai Sheng to respond, and turned into a phantom, following the direction An Ye left. go.

"This kid is too weird, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to let him join the Dark Night Warrior Squad." Watching Jiang Chen leave, Gao Hu frowned and said.

"For the time being, it's a good thing, but I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing for Captain An." Dai Sheng said teasingly.

"You really believe that Jiang Chen is interested in Captain An?" Gao Hu asked.

Naturally, Gao Hu would not be so naive as to believe all of Jiang Chen's words. It was not so easy to be fooled. It can be said that Jiang Chen's words can be believed [-]% of the time, but no more.

"I don't trust him, but I trust my own eyes." Dai Sheng smiled, and he said, "I can see that Jiang Chen is very interested in Captain An. So, at least he won't hurt Captain An .”

"I hope, you are right." Gao Hu said.

Jiang Chen was out of control, and could only think about the bright side as much as possible.

For the next two days, Jiang Chen followed the members of the Dark Night Warrior Squad, and headed towards the Sunset Forest at a speed that was neither too fast nor too slow.

Then, every day, Jiang Chen harassed An Ye regularly, making An Ye ashamed and angry, but not too much. In short, it was just to add a little bit of color to such a boring journey.

Finally, on the fourth day, the vast mountains came into view.

That is the sunset forest in the true sense, and now, it is finally time to formally set foot in it!
(End of this chapter)

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