genius evil

Chapter 1278 Stand still, let me do it

Chapter 1278 Stand still, let me do it
Among the team, more than a dozen people stopped.

It can be seen that the expression of each of them has quietly become serious.

Because, appearing here, you will officially set foot in the Sunset Forest, and the road ahead is unknown, which means various unpredictable risks, even for experienced warrior hunters, it is difficult to guarantee that every time, you will be able to retreat unscathed!

Of course, Jiang Chen was very laid back and relaxed. He smiled and said, "Captain An, don't be nervous, I will protect you."

An Ye ignored Jiang Chen. After getting along with him for the past few days, she almost understood Jiang Chen's temper. She knew that Jiang Chen was such a person. As long as she didn't pay attention to Jiang Chen, everything would be fine.

And once he paid attention to it, Jiang Chen would definitely hit the snake with the stick in the first time, and he would kill people more than his life!

"Let's go in." With a wave, An Ye greeted.

This time, the dark night warrior team came to Sunset Forest for a very simple purpose, to hunt and kill a fifth-level monster, and then, in exchange for a large amount of commission.

This is undoubtedly quite risky, because many powerful warrior teams would not take such a task hastily.

But An Ye still accepted the task because she knew very well that as long as this task was successfully completed, the members of the Dark Night Warrior Squad would not need to run around for their livelihood for a long time to come.

After staying for a while, the team started again and sank into the vast mountains.

The geographical features of this place are extremely primitive, and poisonous snakes and insects are rampant. You can often hear one or two roars of monsters in the distance.

After a while, this team encountered the first monster.

That monster jumped out from the bushes, its whole body was red, it looked like an enlarged version of a rabbit, it was fluffy and very cute.

More of a creepy feeling, of course.

It looks like a rabbit, but in fact it has become very different. It is as big as a bull, and its bloody eyes emit a bloody light, and it may pounce on it at any time and launch a kill.

"What a cute rabbit." Jiang Chen looked over, his eyes shining brightly.

"Jiang Chen, this thing is very strange." Gao Hu reminded, dumbfounded, and he said, "Actually, the Sunset Forest is very unusual. The monsters inside are much stronger than those outside, even several times stronger. raise."

"Brother Gao, don't you think it's cute?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"This thing is called the blood-eyed red rabbit, and it is extremely violent." Gao Hu said again, lest Jiang Chen be careless and treat it as an ordinary rabbit.

"Brother Gao, anyway, don't talk nonsense, I'll just let it go here, the rabbit is so cute, none of you want to kill it." Jiang Chen said.

Xiumei furrowed fiercely, and An Ye looked at Jiang Chen like that, a little more annoyed for no reason.

This blood-eyed red rabbit is extremely bloodthirsty and cruel, and under its seemingly cute appearance, there is a great danger. It appeared at this moment and blocked the way, so it can only be killed with all its strength, otherwise, it will be killed. Deadly entanglement.

What's more, the blood-eyed red rabbit is a group of monsters. If there is one here, there may be a large group nearby.

Once they move in groups, it will be extremely difficult.

According to An Ye's intention, he quickly killed the blood-eyed red rabbit, and then accelerated his journey to stay away from this area.

Who knew that Jiang Chen would say such words.

But just when An Ye was very dissatisfied with Jiang Chen, he saw Jiang Chen's figure move, stepped forward, and appeared in front of the blood-eyed red rabbit.

Immediately, he saw that Jiang Chen punched out, and the blood-eyed red rabbit was directly beaten into a pile of flesh and blood by his punch.

An unremarkable demon crystal was put away by Jiang Chen by the way.


Such a scene left all the members, including An Ye, dumbfounded.

The promised rabbit is so cute, no one wants to kill it?What kind of situation is this? Jiang Chen has a split personality.

"It must be a misunderstanding." Jiang Chen grinned, and said swearingly, "What I said just now meant that such a trivial matter, where do you need to do it, so as not to dirty your hands, I will take care of it. "

What Jiang Chen said was high-sounding and awe-inspiring. That was a high-spirited character, which made everyone very messy in the wind.

"Continue on your way." An Ye said, glaring at Jiang Chen angrily.

"Captain An, is the meat of the blood-eyed red rabbit delicious?" Jiang Chen chased after him and asked, holding about ten kilograms of flesh and blood essence in his hand.

"I won't eat." An Ye said.

"It looks like it must be very delicious." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, let me advise you, that blood-eyed red rabbit is extremely sensitive to the smell of the same kind, you'd better throw it away quickly." An Ye said coldly, he was really about to be defeated by Jiang Chen's actions.

"Tutu is so delicious, it's wrong to waste it." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen saw that An Ye's face changed, and at the same time, all the members' faces changed drastically.

In front of him, there were patches of blood-eyed red rabbits appearing. Judging from the number, there might not be less than a hundred of them. Those blood-eyed red rabbits were all staring at each other and shooting at them.

And Jiang Chen was inevitable, becoming the focus of those blood-eyed red rabbits.This was obviously due to the flesh and blood essence of the blood-eyed red rabbit in Jiang Chen's hand.


An Ye cursed viciously. She reminded Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen didn't listen to it. In the current situation, even her scalp was numb because of it.

Because this means killing, if one is not good, some members will fall.

And this is just going deep into the sunset forest. If there is a situation where members fall, then this mission will have an extremely unfavorable start, which will greatly affect the confidence and vigor of other members.

Gao Hu, Dai Sheng and the others were also shocked. Even though they knew that the blood-eyed red rabbit was a gregarious monster, they never expected that their luck would be so bad.

"Captain An, let's kill them." Gao Hu suggested.

In the current situation, the only way out is to fight a bloody road, otherwise he will be forced to have nowhere to go.

"Wait!" Jiang Chen yelled, and said, "Brother Gao, do you have the heart for such a cute bunny? Stand still and let me come."

Jiang Chen yelled, rushed over in an instant, and then saw one after another, the blood-eyed red rabbits were blown up without any suspense.

After all, it was just a low-level monster. Jiang Chen ran rampant all the way, harvesting continuously, and was slaughtered in just a minute or so.

From this, Jiang Chen also harvested a lot of demon crystals.

"This guy is really perverted." Seeing this, An Ye slandered endlessly.

It can be said that Jiang Chen killed the blood-eyed red rabbit without any rules at all, relying entirely on the strength of his body to crush it.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen's physical strength is too terrifying, any blood-eyed red rabbit can't resist Jiang Chen's blow.

"Next, no matter what kind of monster you meet, you don't have to panic." Jiang Chen turned around and said earnestly, "I'll take care of it, don't be polite to me, I'm so handsome, I should work hard .”

"Is this kid really interested in Captain An?"

Gao Hu and Dai Sheng looked at each other and said secretly in their hearts.

A few days ago, after talking with Jiang Chen, both of them were skeptical about Jiang Chen's purpose of temporarily joining the Dark Night Warrior Squad. At most, they could be sure that Jiang Chen had no malicious intentions.

But today, Jiang Chen acted so domineeringly and domineeringly, and worked so hard, like a peacock in heat spreading its tail, showing off so spared no effort, in his eyes, the two of them were stunned and speechless.

It was not only Gao Hu and Dai Sheng who had such thoughts, but other members of the team inevitably had similar thoughts.

Jiang Chen was brave and invincible. Although there were many blood-eyed red rabbits, they were still not enough to kill him. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, the team started again.

"Jiang Chen, are you short of money?" An Ye said, she questioned, because she saw that Jiang Chen collected all the monster crystals of the blood-eyed red rabbit.

"Shouldn't anyone think too much money?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"The blood-eyed red rabbit is a very common monster. The most valuable thing is its flesh and blood. The monster crystal is worthless because no one cares about it." An Ye said.

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that An Ye believed that he collected the blood-eyed red rabbit's demon crystals to sell them for money.

He smiled, but Jiang Chen didn't explain, he said, "Really, I thought it was quite valuable, so it would be a waste of effort... No, no, I have to hunt more monsters." .”

Jiang Chen collected monster crystals, naturally not to sell them for money, but to use them for the ball. Although this blood-eyed red rabbit is only the lowest level of monsters, it can't hold up to a large number. Jiang Chen doesn't dislike it at all.

Taking a deep look at Jiang Chen, An Ye said, "Jiang Chen, as long as you can assist me in hunting that fifth-level monster, I will naturally not treat you badly in terms of commission."

Everyone has flaws. Before that, An Ye saw one flaw in Jiang Chen, which was lust.

And now, she saw another flaw in Jiang Chen, greed for money!

Greedy and lustful?

This kind of existence, but born with unimaginable abilities, is not forbid, An Ye is confused by it.

However, since she found Jiang Chen's flaw, then she just needs to make the most of the situation and use Jiang Chen's flaw. Why worry that Jiang Chen can't be used by her?

At this moment, when An Ye mentioned the commission, he wanted it, and Xu Zhi paid a lot of money.

"Captain An, I actually didn't do anything, so what's the point of that, right? I'm eight, you two?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Get out of here!"

An Ye suddenly couldn't keep his calm anymore, he turned into a shrew, trembling with anger, this damn guy, did he take advantage of Qian Qian, and dare to say such exaggerated words?
(End of this chapter)

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