genius evil

Chapter 1279 The way of bullying is wrong

Chapter 1279 The way of bullying is wrong
The team moved forward in the setting sun forest, and the speed was not too fast.

In An Ye's hands, there was a crude map, and she constantly adjusted the route according to the instructions on the map.

In this way, in the next two days, they had never encountered any powerful monsters. They were just scattered low-level monsters, which were not enough for Jiang Chen to kill.

"It's actually well prepared, no wonder you dare to take on such a task." Seeing this, Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

According to the instructions on that map, he would be able to directly find the fifth-level monster to be hunted without much effort.

Of course, the premise is that An Ye must have enough strength to hunt and kill that fifth-level monster.

"I must be responsible to each of them." An Ye said, very solemnly.

These people handed over their wealth and lives to her without reservation. An Ye naturally wanted to be careful and try to be as foolproof as possible.

"It's a good job, but I'm different from you, I crushed all the way." Jiang Chen said, full of vigor.

Finally, on the third day, when the team was moving forward, there was a sudden roar in the distance, and the mountains and forests shook, which directly made people lose their minds.

"found it."

Hearing that voice, An Ye was overjoyed.

"Be on alert and move forward slowly." Immediately afterwards, An Ye ordered.

It was a ground dragon and scorpion, and it ranked high among the fifth-level monsters. It was the fifth-level monster that the Dark Night Warrior Squad was going to hunt and kill when they entered the Sunset Forest this time.

Now, according to the map instructions, the team is approaching, but An Ye dare not be careless, because she knows very well that the next step is the key.


But the team was slowly approaching, and suddenly there was a sound of wind, and a group of twenty or so people appeared quickly, blocking the way of the Dark Night Warrior Squad.

"Get out of here."

Among those people, one of the gray-clothed old man swept his eyes casually, and immediately waved his hands away, like driving away flies.

"Tianluo warrior team?"

An Ye looked over, and suddenly saw that the twenty-odd people had quite conspicuous identification marks on their bodies, and they were the members of Luo Wuzhe's team that day.

"Song Tianluo, my dark night warrior team arrived here first." Frowning, An Ye said.

"To shut up."

The grey-clothed old man Song Tianluo had a gloomy face, he was not even interested in talking, and said, "That dragon and scorpion, my Tianluo warrior team has taken a fancy to it, if you know it, get out as soon as possible, otherwise none of them will even think about leaving."


An Ye was furious, her delicate body trembled, it was obvious that she was going to bully others.

But An Ye also knew that Song Tianluo had the confidence to bully the dark night warrior team.

Not to mention, this Song Tianluo is the cultivation base of the middle stage of Guiyuanjing. On the other hand, there are at least two people in Luo's warrior team that day. Returning to Yuanjing.

It can be said that looking at that post station, the Tianluo Warrior Squad is extremely powerful, almost no one dares to provoke them, and they are very domineering.

But before that, An Ye had heard that the Tianluo warrior was on a mission outside, but he never thought that he would meet him in the Sunset Forest. Moreover, Song Tianluo was still so ruthless!

"An Ye, are you unconvinced in front of me, Song Tianluo?" Song Tianluo said, he was very indifferent, and he didn't give any color to An Ye because he was a woman.

Gritting her teeth tightly, An Ye was mad with hatred.

She was naturally unconvinced.

How can I be convinced?
All the way forward, cautiously, seeing that he was about to arrive at the lair of the dragon and scorpion of the fifth-level monster, but at such a critical moment, he was about to be cut off.

However, no matter how unconvinced, An Ye knew that in terms of the strength of the Dark Night Warrior Squad, they were not qualified to confront the Tianluo Warrior Squad head-on.

"Let's go." An Ye said, having to make this decision.

"Ha ha"

That Song Tianluo just laughed out loud with pride, his arrogance was beyond words.

"Is it funny?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded at this moment.


Following the sound, Song Tianluo took a look, and his eyes fell on Jiang Chen with heavy eyes.

"You haven't answered my question yet, isn't it funny?" Jiang Chen asked again, extremely serious, as if this question was very important to him.

"Are you courting death?" Song Tianluo was furious.

He realized that he had been ridiculed, how could this be tolerated?

You know, even Lian An Ye had to bow his head in front of him. What kind of qualification does this kid who came out of nowhere have to point fingers at him in front of him.

"Is this the answer you gave me?" Jiang Chen also smiled.

Then, in the void, a golden figure rushed out. He was so fast that he pulled out phantoms one after another, and with the power of his body, the void was about to be torn apart.


The next second, the collision happened.

Accompanied by that collision, a figure flew backwards.


An Ye subconsciously blinked, almost thinking that he had misread.

Because, the one who was blown away was obviously Song Tianluo.


Landing on the ground, he spat out a mouthful of blood and pointed a finger at Jiang Chen. Song Tianluo couldn't believe it. He couldn't even withstand Jiang Chen's blow. He was severely injured and was vomiting blood. .

How can this be believed?
With his cultivation base, how could he be injured by a young man who doesn't show himself?

"It's funny to bully people, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said, he walked towards Song Tianluo unhurriedly, without any fuss.

"But why, I didn't find it funny at all? It's because of the way I bully people, isn't it?" Jiang Chen was talking lazily, and with a random kick, Song Tianluo was kicked away.

"Hold your feet."

"What a big dog!"


Jiang Chen was so unscrupulous that he angered the other members of the Tianluo warrior team.

"I understand, it must be my way of bullying people is wrong, that's why, I don't feel the slightest pleasure, so now, I decided to change my way." Grinning, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The members of the Tianluo Warrior Squad haven't figured out what Jiang Chen meant, but they all started crying and howling.

Jiang Chen's methods of abusing people are all kinds of things, and they have directly reached a new level of abuse. In his eyes, these people are no different from three-year-old children who are babbling. , think highly of them.

"Hey, why do I still have no pleasure at all?" Jiang Chen murmured, looking confused.

Little did they know, the members of the entire Dark Night Warrior Squad were gasping for air.

"Is that what you mean by crushing all the way?"

An Ye's heart trembled violently, and he finally understood thoroughly what it meant to be crushed.

"How strong is this guy?" An Ye thought again.

She had fought against Jiang Chen before, and she knew that Jiang Chen was very powerful, but at that time, she also felt that Jiang Chen was at most slightly better than herself.

This is also the reason why An Ye did not have any hope in Jiang Chen when facing Song Tianluo's aggressiveness, and did not think that Jiang Chen would be Song Tianluo's opponent.

After all, in that station, Song Tianluo was absolutely strong.

But in the end, Jiang Chen actually crushed Song Tianluo so easily. He was as powerful as Song Tianluo, but he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

This is undoubtedly astonishing and terrifying. Who can see where Jiang Chen's limit is?
"Boy, if you offend my Tianluo warrior team, you will die a miserable death. I, Song Tianluo, will not let you go, just wait, and I will take revenge!" Song Tianluo was wailing.

This was an unprecedented fiasco, completely unprepared, which made Song Tianluo extremely aggrieved. While talking, he stared at Jiang Chen viciously, and then sacrificed a magic weapon to escape.

That magic weapon is very strange, it has the power to resist the wind faintly, but unfortunately, in front of Jiang Chen, that speed is too slow.

Jiang Chen used the phantom technique, chased after him in a few steps, punched out, and shattered that magic weapon, followed by another punch, shattering Song Tianluo's body.

"Are you forcing me to kill you? There's no reason why I shouldn't let you go." Jiang Chen said, very indifferently.

Originally, he still wanted to keep his life alive so that he wouldn't do too much, but Song Tianluo wanted to die, and Jiang Chen naturally did, so he could only help him.

Song Tianluo died, and the other members of Tianluo Warrior Squad fled one after another.

However, An Ye made a move. She sacrificed her weapon to pursue and kill. Gao Hu and Dai Sheng also joined in and intercepted and killed. Judging by the situation, she didn't intend to leave them alive.

In the end, the Tianluo Warrior Squad was completely wiped out, leaving corpses one after another.

"Jiang Chen, once these people are allowed to escape, it will bring you a lot of trouble." An Ye explained.

At the critical moment, Jiang Chen tried his best to turn the tide. At this time, An Ye regarded it as doing a small thing for Jiang Chen. Although it was very possible, Jiang Chen would not mind, otherwise, he would have killed the grass himself.

But An Ye thought she should do this, so she did it.

"Captain An, you are so kind to me, I can't bear it anymore, I want to promise you with my body." Jiang Chen said gratefully, which made An Ye's whole body covered in goosebumps.

A turmoil ended without any risk, and An Ye led the team, according to the original plan, approaching the lair of the earth dragon and scorpion.

Finally, a huge monster appeared in sight.

That monstrous beast was astonishingly big, nearly twenty meters in length, as high as a floor, crouching there, blowing out a foul wind, captivating people's hearts and souls.

Around there, bones piled up like a mountain.

There are the bones of warriors, and more are the bones of various monsters, all of which were hunted by the dragons and scorpions. It is obvious how cruel such monsters are.

"not good."

Looking in that direction, An Ye's face suddenly changed irresistibly, she exclaimed, lost her voice...

(End of this chapter)

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