genius evil

Chapter 1280 I Know You Can't Part Me

Chapter 1280 I Know You Can't Part Me
At this moment, the sound of gasping for air rang out one after another.

Gao Hu, Dai Sheng and the others, their faces were twitching crazily, and the veins on their foreheads twitched violently, which was due to the great fright.

They were all deeply shocked, even trembling slightly uncontrollably, with the urge to run away.

Because, it can be seen that within the range of sight, there is not only one dragon and scorpion, but two.

These two dragons and scorpions are one big and one small, but even the small one is actually astonishingly large, as if it is a low hill, which is directly aimed at people, causing an incomparably intuitive visual impact.

"how come?"

An Ye murmured, according to the information she knew, there is obviously only one dragon and scorpion here, how could there be two?
This is undoubtedly a huge change, which means that the troubles will multiply, and if one is not good, everyone may die here.

"Captain An, why don't we withdraw first?" Gao Hu said in a low voice after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, fearing that the dragon and scorpion would be alarmed.

"The situation is very wrong. This place seems to be the lair of that dragon and scorpion." Dai Sheng also said softly after observing carefully, with a very ugly expression on his face.

"Old nest?"

Hearing the sound, An Ye's expression changed again. She had some associations, but she was not sure.

But Gao Hu's reaction was extremely straightforward. He gritted his teeth and said in a hateful voice, "Damn bastard, we have been fooled. No wonder the mission commission this time is unprecedentedly rich, not to mention, it is extremely refreshing. Provided us with a map, this is digging a hole for us to jump into."

"Old Gao, don't talk nonsense about things without evidence." An Ye said with flickering eyes.

"Yes, don't talk nonsense if you don't have evidence, we'll talk about this matter when we get back." Dai Sheng said hastily.

Regardless of whether it is a trap or an accident, a dispute at this time will only shake the morale of the army. At present, the most important thing is to overcome the current difficulty, otherwise it will be futile to say anything.


An Ye said decisively.

In terms of her strength, dealing with an earth dragon and scorpion would not be a big problem, which is why she dared to take on such a task.

But now, there are two dragons and scorpions, and it is possible that there will be a third and a fourth. This is not what An Ye can handle.

Therefore, she made a decisive decision without hesitation, and gave the order to the members of the team to retreat quietly.

Fortunately, he has been very cautious all the time, and did not alarm the dragon and scorpion, otherwise it would be unavoidable to be caught off guard.

"Captain An, you said before that you only need to hunt a ground dragon and scorpion, right?" But at this moment, Jiang Chen's voice sounded.

"What's wrong?" An Ye asked in confusion.

I don't quite understand why Jiang Chen would ask such a question at this time.

After all, it is true that the mission this time is to hunt and kill a dragon and scorpion, but judging from the current situation, it is necessary to give up this mission.

"It's still the same old saying, you all stand still and let me come." Jiang Chen said.

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen suddenly activated, brought a cold wind, and rushed towards the direction where the dragon and scorpion were.

"This lunatic!"

Seeing this, An Ye could hardly bear to curse.

Previously, Jiang Chen suppressed and killed Song Tianluo forcefully, and she had already experienced Jiang Chen's crazy side, but she never expected that Jiang Chen was so crazy.

You know, the current situation is very unusual, and this place is probably the lair of that dragon and scorpion.

Once it is really the lair of the earth dragon and scorpion, then three or four earth dragons and scorpions are likely to appear. How can it be so easy to deal with it?
In fact, Jiang Chen didn't think it was crazy at all.

It's just a fifth-level monster, and it doesn't need so many ideas, just crush it with one force. This is very rough, but Jiang Chen doesn't mind at all, and is even more rough.


As Jiang Chen moved forward, he exploded with one punch, and saw a ground dragon and scorpion, which was directly knocked over by Jiang Chen's punch. Without hesitation, Jiang Chen shot the second punch one after another, killing it.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen charged towards the second dragon and scorpion. He was incomparably brave, with golden lights shining all over his body, mighty and invincible, and astonishingly domineering.

Without any suspense, the second dragon and scorpion was also killed by Jiang Chen in the blink of an eye.

This is destined to be a shocking scene, Jiang Chen is too tough, he directly suppressed and killed, even the demon crystal was taken down by him.

"It's done." After clapping his hands, Jiang Chen said lightly.

At this time, An Ye and the others quickly stepped forward, and then, under An Ye's order, quickly harvested the body of one of the ground dragons and scorpions.

The corpses of such monsters are too big to bring back all of them, but only select the essence.

The members of the team have a clear division of labor, and a dragon and scorpion will be dissected in a very short period of time.

"Okay, your mission is complete, you can go back." When the harvest was over, Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

"Yes, it's done."

The team members are all delighted.

Originally, this mission was bound to be perilous, but because of Jiang Chen's existence, it was effortless, and they were simply sitting back and reaping the rewards.

"What about you?" An Ye asked.

"Captain An, I know you must be reluctant to leave me, but it's okay, I'll go to the post station and meet you after I play for a few more days." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense."

An Ye was so annoyed, she just asked casually, and she didn't know how Jiang Chen could be so smug, so he spared no effort to put gold on his face, is it really okay?
It is clearly a peerless and powerful existence, but he is born like this, shameless and skinless. I have to say that such a gap is too big, so that Jiang Chen doesn't have the demeanor and bearing of a master at all. A little street rogue.

"Captain An, I understand your thoughts, wait for me." Jiang Chen said solemnly as if he didn't hear An Ye's words.

"You said it!"

Gritting his teeth tightly, An Ye almost ran away. Why did this guy become more and more ambiguous as he talked, as if there was really some kind of shady relationship between the two.

But she didn't have a chance to attack, because Jiang Chen had already left, entered the depths of the jungle, and disappeared in an instant.

"Captain An, we should go too." Gao Hu and Dai Sheng walked over and said.

Both of them had uncontrollable joy on their faces, and they were secretly glad that Jiang Chen was allowed to join the Dark Night Warrior Squad temporarily, otherwise, the consequences would be really unpredictable.

"Let's go." An Ye nodded.

Existences like the Dark Night Warrior Squad are doing the business of using people's money to work for others. Now that the task is completed, it is naturally unnecessary. Staying here more means that there will be more danger.

The team moved quickly and returned along the way they came.

"Captain An, you don't have to worry. Jiang Chen is a brave man. Nothing will happen. I believe he will return to the station soon." Dai Sheng said, seeing that An Ye seemed to be a little absent-minded, he thought An Ye was worried Jiang Chen's safety, therefore, is the reason why this is said.


An Ye looked at Dai Sheng in surprise, whether Jiang Chen will return to the station, does it have something to do with her?

What does Dai Sheng mean by saying this?She lazily paid attention to whether Jiang Chen would be okay.

"Captain An, we all see Jiang Chen's love for you and keep it in our hearts. This time, if it weren't for Jiang Chen, it is very likely that we will all give our lives here." Gao Hu Said, very sad.

"And then?" An Ye asked.

Gao Hu smiled and said, "Captain An, Lao Dai and I agree that you and that kid Jiang Chen are talented and beautiful..."

"To shut up!"

Before Gao Hu finished speaking, An Ye just interrupted, unable to listen anymore.

What's the situation, was Jiang Chen bribed so easily?

This situation left An Ye speechless.

However, An Ye also knew that Jiang Chen was a life-saving favor to the entire team members. It is normal for Gao Hu and Dai Sheng to have the idea of ​​repaying their favor, but this definitely does not mean that, therefore, it is If she was asked to make a sacrifice, she, An Ye, would definitely not be able to do that kind of thing.

On the other hand, An Ye is very clear, no matter what purpose Jiang Chen temporarily joins the Dark Night Warrior Squad, the purpose of Jiang Chen entering the Sunset Forest is definitely not too simple, it must have an extremely strong purpose sex.

Otherwise, if Jiang Chen was only following her idea, how could he choose to leave alone at this time?
This clearly meant that the Dark Night Warrior Squad had lost its use value for Jiang Chen.

"Damn guy, if you dare to intentionally confuse the public, you will never be spared." An Ye thought angrily, and quietly felt a little more annoyed at Jiang Chen.

Of course, while being annoyed, there is also a trace of indescribable emotion that grows in my heart.

The source of that kind of affection is that Jiang Chen showed to a large extent that he came for her, but in fact he didn't. For a woman who has always regarded herself very high, it is undoubtedly not a small one. A blow, even though, never thought about accepting Jiang Chen's overtures.

Jiang Chen left extremely fast.

One thing, An Ye guessed right, that is, at this point, the Dark Night Warrior Squad is no longer useful to him.

After all, from the very beginning, all Jiang Chen needed to temporarily join the Dark Night Warrior Squad was a guide.

This is the way to leave directly.

Jiang Chen let go of his consciousness and swept across. After a while, a powerful aura was precisely captured by him. Without hesitation, Jiang Chen shot forward.

"It's really an old nest."

Soon, Jiang Chen discovered something, but it was another dragon and scorpion. At this moment, he was alarmed by Jiang Chen and became irritable.

"You're lucky, I won't kill you for now." Jiang Chen grinned, and in an instant, the pressure on his soul was completely released.

Jiang Chen's soul was so powerful, it was completely released at this moment, and the ground dragon and scorpion immediately trembled from being oppressed, roared, and frantically fled to the rear.

"Very good, the wonderful journey of killing is about to begin." Smiling, Jiang Chen followed him leisurely...

(End of this chapter)

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