genius evil

Chapter 1281 Crazy Killing

Chapter 1281 Crazy Killing

The fifth-level monster has already opened up its intelligence, understands, seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages.

Under certain circumstances, once such an existence meets a more powerful life, as long as it does not intend to die, it will always make the most beneficial choice for itself at the first time.

Obviously, at this moment, what the earth dragon and scorpion that was fleeing frantically made was exactly such a correct choice.

In fact, this was exactly what Jiang Chen wanted, because Jiang Chen had no intention of directly crushing and killing this dragon and scorpion.

After all, his goal is to kill those sixth-level monsters, even monsters above level six, and even five-level monsters. No matter how many monsters he kills, it will be of no use to him at all.

The earth dragon and scorpion were huge and incomparably astonishing. At this time, they fled, and the mountains and forests trembled for it.

For a moment, it was obvious that in this area, the countless monsters, large and small, who could or could not be named, were all alarmed and ran away in fright.

This is because Level [-] monsters are no longer considered common. They are intelligent and powerful. In some places, they are enough to dominate.

Even if such an existence is not so conspicuous in the entire Sunset Forest, in some areas inside the forest, it definitely has the power to rule, and it is very domineering, so it should not be underestimated!

Originally, the interior of the forest, which was slightly dead, suddenly became very lively, with a sense of sight that was flying like dogs and dogs.

Earth dragons and scorpions are fleeing, falling into water, hitting trees when encountering trees.

There was a mess in front of him, and smoke and dust billowed behind him.

Such an astonishingly huge body has a jaw-dropping speed.

However, that speed was too slow in front of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen walked like a stroll in a garden, following behind him unhurriedly, chasing the ground dragon and scorpion.


A big tree that could only be hugged by two people was broken by the dragon and scorpion. It was not affected by it at such a speed, and the dragon and scorpion were running at full speed.

In this way, one beast and one man chased after each other, covering a distance of hundreds of kilometers.


Suddenly, he saw that the speed of the ground dragon and scorpion fleeing in front of him slowed down as if nothing had happened. Seeing this, Jiang Chen's heart moved slightly, knowing that a good show was about to be staged.

Sure enough, just as this thought came to his mind, he heard a roar resounding through the forest.

That roar made the earth dragon and scorpion tremble violently as if struck by lightning.


In the jungle in the distance, there was something swimming, and the distance was shortened in an instant, and soon, a huge python came into Jiang Chen's eyes.

The boa constrictor appeared, and immediately attacked the ground dragon and scorpion.

Under the flick of its long tail, the earth dragon and scorpion couldn't stand a single blow, it was thrown flying, its skin and bones were shattered, and it was seriously injured.

It was a sixth-level monster. It looked a bit like a python, but it was not a python. It was extremely fierce and exuded a strong bloody aura, as if it was the arrival of a king.

As powerful as a dragon and scorpion, it almost turned into a toy-like existence.

After the ground dragon and scorpion was whipped away with one tail, the python flew over like electricity, opened its bloody mouth, and directly bit the ground dragon and scorpion's neck.

The poison entered the body, and the earth dragon's blood killed instantly.


After killing the ground dragon and scorpion, the python stared at Jiang Chen with a gloomy look. Jiang Chen would be its next prey.

"Crimson Blood Thunder Python?"

Jiang Chen did the same, staring at the boa constrictor and making sure that it was indeed a level six monster.

"Little guy, are you ready to die?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

He forced the earth dragon and scorpion to flee around, knowing that the earth dragon and scorpion would definitely be in danger, and tried to drag him into the dangerous situation, which is exactly what the earth dragon and scorpion did.

However, the fate of the earth dragon and scorpion was doomed from the very beginning, and it would be extremely miserable.

As a sixth-level monster, the intelligence of the Scarlet Blood Thunder Python was unmatched by the Earth Dragon and Scorpion. The way it looked at Jiang Chen quietly became gloomy.

Then, spitting out the red apricot, it turned into a phantom, and launched a pounce towards Jiang Chen. That bloody mouth opened, intending to swallow Jiang Chen in.

"Little bastard, are you trying to eat me?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and casually punched out a golden light.

This is a sixth-level monster, which is enough to have a combat power comparable to that of the late Guiyuan Realm powerhouses, and some are even comparable to the Dzogchen powerhouses of the late Guiyuan Realm.

But this scarlet-blooded thunder python, although miraculous, has not yet reached that level of miraculous.

Therefore, in front of Jiang Chen, it was destined to be crushed in the future. Jiang Chen's fighting style was very violent.

Although this kind of red-blooded thunder python is powerful enough to cut mountains and rivers, how can it compare with Jiang Chen. After just 2 minutes, he was beaten into a pile of flesh and blood by Jiang Chen.

A crystal clear demon crystal was taken down by Jiang Chen casually.

Naturally, Jiang Chen did not forget the demon crystal of the dragon and scorpion, and took it away together.

I found a red-blooded thunder python, and harvested a monster crystal of a sixth-level monster. Today, such a harvest can be described as gratifying, but Jiang Chen is very clear that if the red-blooded thunder python is found here, it is inevitable, and there will be more There is another powerful monster.

That kind of monster can be said to be accompanied by the red blood thunder python, and there are often two.

Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness was released, and he had a keen sense of consciousness. He soon discovered something and rushed over. After a while, another monster crystal of a sixth-level monster was successfully captured by Jiang Chen.

It was a six-winged thunder python, born together with the scarlet blood thunder python, with astonishing speed, but in the end it was forcibly torn apart by Jiang Chen, and the demon crystal was taken away.

"Two." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Counting the monster crystal of a seventh-level monster obtained from Chen Yan, Jiang Chen had three monster crystals.

There are still seven stars left before he completes the task.

However, Jiang Chen didn't want to take out the monster crystals of the seventh-level monsters if it wasn't necessary.

"Time is running out, let's work harder." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Speaking of which, he accompanied the Dark Night Warrior Squad into the Sunset Forest this trip, and it can be said that he wasted a lot of time on the way.

That was not what Jiang Chen wanted, but fortunately, it was not without help. At least, with the help of the earth dragon and scorpion, he was able to capture two monster crystals of six-level monsters in one fell swoop.

This area is the territory of the sixth-level monsters. The surrounding monsters, large and small, are all extinct, and there is no possibility of approaching them.Jiang Chen just didn't bother to search, he directly released his spiritual consciousness to the extreme, and then, at the speed of breaking through the barriers of the physical body, he ran in the jungle.

This was very blind, because Jiang Chen lost his specific target. Fortunately, he didn't get nothing. On the second day, Jiang Chen hunted two more demon crystals.

They were two monsters, one male and one female. As soon as Jiang Chen found out, he erupted with terrifying fighting power and spared no effort to kill them.

After that, on the fourth day, Jiang Chen once again preyed on a monster.

In this way, now, the monster crystals of the sixth-level monsters in his hand have reached five.

Even so, Jiang Chen's current range of activities is only limited to a corner of the Sunset Forest.

There is no way, the setting sun forest is really too big and boundless.

This place is full of dangers and dangers.

It's no wonder that the treasurer told us so swearingly that even the most experienced warrior hunters don't have a [-]% understanding of what's going on inside the Sunset Forest.

Previously, they were working together with the Dark Night Warrior Squad. Because An Ye had a map in his hand, the route was very clear. To a large extent, it avoided the range of monsters. Jiang Chen did not. Too many touches.

At this time, he ran around alone, and his divine sense swept across him, so he had a very intuitive feeling.

It can be said that this is a paradise for monsters and beasts, a pure land.

The monsters are here, growing crazily and evolving to the maximum.

After several days of searching, Jiang Chen once suspected that there might be an extraordinary existence inside the Sunset Forest.

It was a king-level monster, a terrifying existence that could destroy a city with one head.

Although this is just a conjecture, it is still shocking. At least, at this stage, Jiang Chen does not want to encounter it.


While walking, above the head, there was a sharp cry.

It was a big bird with its wings outstretched, covering the sky and the sun. It was flying at a low altitude, its wings vibrated, and the void was split and shattered.

When Jiang Chen captured the existence of that big bird with his spiritual consciousness, the big bird also discovered Jiang Chen's trace.


The big bird swooped down, and countless big trees couldn't bear the impact, and they broke off one after another, and the leaves flew horizontally.

"Big Bird, I'll roast you later." Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

This is actually a vulture, its aura is tumbling like a raging flame, and it is very torrential. Although it is a sixth-level monster, it is much stronger than the five sixth-level monsters that Jiang Chen killed before. .

After the words fell, Jiang Chen sacrificed the flying sword, and under his guidance, the flying sword soared into the sky and slashed at the big bird.

The big bird's wings vibrated, and the strong wind hunted, but unfortunately it couldn't stop the flying sword, a large piece of feathers were chopped off and fell down.

The big bird was frightened, flapped its wings, and flew high into the sky, but wanted to escape.

"Where are you running?" Jiang Chen sneered, he jumped up, leaped onto the flying sword, the sword flew into the air, his body was overflowing with golden light, and punched more than a dozen times.

In the end, the big bird fell, and its feathers fell all over the ground, which was very tragic.

Because, if it didn't take the initiative to provoke Jiang Chen, it would be very difficult for Jiang Chen to find trouble with it. The power of sword control is limited and the lethality is not enough.

However, Big Bird was the first to attack, but Jiang Chen took advantage of it. The final result was already doomed.

Jiang Chen took the demon crystal away, and by the way, he chopped off the two wings of the big bird with his flying sword. He wanted to barbecue and eat roasted wings later.

In the next two days, Jiang Chen increased the scope of his search, and quite smoothly, he hunted down two monster crystals of level six monsters.

Just when Jiang Chen was planning to go all out to gather ten monster crystals and leave the Sunset Forest early, he was very depressed to find that all the sixth-level monsters seemed to be hiding. For several days in a row, they found nothing. .


His heart suddenly shook, this was very unusual, and Jiang Chen had a bad association...

(End of this chapter)

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