genius evil

Chapter 1282 King Level Monster Beast

Chapter 1282 King Level Monster Beast
"Boom... boom..."

At the same time that such thoughts popped up in Jiang Chen's mind, the whole world shook in an instant, as if a large-scale earthquake had occurred.

Violent vibrations came from afar. It was clear that there was something walking in the jungle, but it had such an astonishing power.

Jiang Chen's heart trembled slightly, and he quickly swept over with his spiritual consciousness, and a powerful and incomparable aura was immediately locked by him.

In fact, there is still a long way to go in the direction where the breath came from, which is why Jiang Chen was not aware of it immediately.

Of course, it was precisely because of this that it was so shocking. Even Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation.

That is definitely an extraordinary and powerful life, with a vast aura, like a bright sun, passing through the mountains and forests. In fact, it did not intentionally make any noise, but it also had such an extraordinary momentum.

"A king-level monster?"

Jiang Chen whispered in his heart, his mood was quite weird, a little bit, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Previously, he was walking through the Sunset Forest, looking for level six monsters. Seeing the strangeness of all the monsters in the Sunset Forest, he had a faint association with this aspect, thinking that an incredible life might be born .

But he never expected that he would meet him.

Yes, this is the encounter.

Obviously, the king-level monster discovered his existence, and then it was dispatched. Otherwise, it would not be such a coincidence.


With a thought, a golden light surged on Jiang Chen's body. Without hesitation, he cast the phantom technique and left immediately.

The so-called king-level monsters, in simple terms, can be called the king of all beasts.

And judging from the level division of monsters, monsters of at least level eight can be worthy of this title.

Entering the Sunset Forest, Jiang Chen was prepared to encounter a seventh-level monster, but in the past few days, this situation did not happen.

But Jiang Chen would never be willing to have a conflict with a king-level monster, even if his cards were strong, even a king-level monster could easily be torn apart.

It's just such a trump card, how could Jiang Chen use it in this kind of place?

Jiang Chen was on the run, and his speed was naturally extremely astonishing. At the same time, Jiang Chen's consciousness was fully activated to capture the traces of that king-level monster.

At this time, Jiang Chen finally understood a problem, why searched this area for several days, but found nothing, not even a sixth-level monster.

This actually means that there is an omen, because this place must be the territory of a powerful life, and all the other monsters can only retreat.

Now, this is undoubtedly confirmed. That king-level monster is so powerful that it is a king in the true sense. Looking at the entire Sunset Forest, it can be regarded as the top existence on the food chain.

The king-level monsters were chasing after them, and their speed wasn't considered fast. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to use expulsion. Jiang Chen had no intention of conflicting with them. This situation can be said to be exactly what he wanted.

In this way, in a very short period of time, Jiang Chen left the territory of this king-level monster, and within the mountain forest, it became quiet again, and the surrounding area was completely silent.

"Interesting guy." Looking back, Jiang Chen murmured.

But all monsters, even king-level beings with extremely high spiritual intelligence, cannot avoid being driven by instinctive animal nature to become extremely violent and brutal.

Previously, Jiang Chen once thought that the king-level monster should have regarded him as prey, but in the end it was not the case, but was just expelling him.

This matter, I have to say, made Jiang Chen feel a little weird.

But he didn't think too much, Jiang Chen was far away in an instant.

Of course, since it was confirmed that such a powerful life really existed in the Sunset Forest, Jiang Chen would definitely visit again in time.

After encountering this king-level monster, Jiang Chen's luck seemed to improve, and it went very smoothly. He gathered the last two monster crystals of the sixth-level monster, which can be regarded as a successful completion. task.

But Jiang Chen didn't leave in a hurry, he was still crazily killing all kinds of monsters, collecting a large number of monster crystals, and wanted to try his luck to meet a seventh-level monster.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen didn't get what he wanted until he left. He didn't meet any seventh-level monsters.



The mountain wind roared, and a figure shuttled through the depths of the jungle at an astonishing speed. The body collided all the way, and the void was directly split.

That was Jiang Chen, and he ran with all his might, heading outside the Sunset Forest.

Three days later, Jiang Chen appeared at the edge of the Sunset Forest. According to his speed, it would take him another day to reach that station.

At this time, Jiang Chen was no longer in a hurry, he found a secluded place to rest for a while.

Carefully taking out a large piece of bloody monster flesh from the storage bag, Jiang Chen lit a fire, casually put the flesh on the fire, and grilled it.

Jiang Chen is extremely familiar with this kind of thing now.

Because, in the past few days in the sunset forest, he came here like this, hunting and grilling all kinds of monsters, and tasting all kinds of delicacies.

For most warriors in this world, what is considered a dangerous place is, in Jiang Chen's eyes, a gourmet paradise, which is called a leisurely place.

While grilling, Jiang Chen took out all the low-level monster crystals that he had collected over the past few days, and by the way, he also took out the balls.

"Let's start." Jiang Chen whispered, knowing that Yuanqiu could understand.

These are what he intentionally prepared for the ball, to speed up the evolution of the ball.

The ball flew out from Jiang Chen's palm, appearing to be incomparably joyful, that devouring happened in an instant, and the essence of blood energy in the massive demon crystals was devoured by the ball like a whale swallowing a cow.

Visible to the naked eye, the luster of that monster crystal quickly became dim, and finally, it exploded and shattered into powder.

And the color of the sphere also changed, from bright white to a faint red.

This color is extremely strange, even if the red one is not dazzling, it still gives people a feeling, as if the ball is covered with a layer of blood light, as if there is blood flowing.

But the change of the ball ended here, because all the demon crystals were exhausted.

This made Jiang Chen a pain in the ass. It has to be said that the little thing is too domineering and his appetite is too amazing.

You know, there are more than 1000 demon crystals he prepared. Although they are all low-level demon beasts, the accumulation of such a number is extremely astonishing.

But it's just a small, insignificant change in the ball.

"Try again." Jiang Chen said to himself, he was very dissatisfied with the situation, and with a big hand flipped over, he took out two monster crystals of a sixth-level monster and the monster crystal of a seventh-level monster.

These two monster crystals of the sixth-level monsters were extra, the same as the monster crystal of the seventh-level monster obtained from Chen Yan. Originally, Jiang Chen planned to keep it for himself, but now he simply gave it to Yuan Yuan. The ball devours.

Then, the sphere was devoured again.

After the blood energy essence of these three demon crystals were devoured, the color finally changed again, from an inconspicuous light red to a deep red.

But obviously, this is not the limit.

Actually, Jiang Chen didn't know where the limit was.

This made Jiang Chen's egg hurt even more. He realized that there was no end to the swallowing of the ball.

However, Jiang Chen also discovered something, that is, the monster crystals of high-level monsters have a greater effect on the evolution of the ball.

The mere three demon crystals are even more miraculous than the 1000 or so before.

"A king-level monster?"

Inexplicably, Jiang Chen was a little bit dumbfounded.

He realized that in order to completely evolve the ball, at least the monster crystal of a king-level monster is needed. Even the monster crystal of an ordinary king-level monster may not be enough, and it can be satisfied.

"What kind of monster is it?" Jiang Chen frowned, thinking to himself.

After all, such a huge and surging essence of blood energy has been swallowed up, but it is only a small, insignificant change in the ball.

This obviously shows how advanced and miraculous the life form of this ball is.

"Little thing, if you let me down when the time comes, I will strangle you to death with my own hands." Jiang Chen cursed and put the ball away.

At this time, the flesh and blood of the monster was almost grilled, so Jiang Chen picked it up casually and began to chew it.

After a full meal, Jiang Chen no longer wasted time, speeded up, and headed towards the station.


Within the station.

These days are not easy for the Dark Night Warrior Squad.

Because there was a problem with the information, he was almost in danger in the setting sun forest. Therefore, after returning to the post station, An Ye immediately went to ask for an explanation.

But the other party refused to admit this, and said that they wanted the Dark Night Warrior Team to refund at least half of the commission.

This undoubtedly angered An Ye, and the two parties broke up unhappy.

In the next few days, the other party came to the door several times, and finally said that they wanted the Dark Night Warrior Squad to return all the commissions, otherwise they would tear their faces and let the Dark Night Warrior Squad have no place to stand here.

"Captain An, why don't we leave here?" Gao Hu said.

"Yeah, let's leave here and go to other places to develop. The big deal is to start from scratch." Na Dai Sheng also said.

"Impossible." An Ye shook her head, very firm, she said coldly, "This matter is not over, it is impossible for me to leave."

"But, how about the arm, can it twist through the thigh?" Gao Hu smiled wryly.

He suggested to leave because the opponent was too powerful and could not be shaken by the night warrior team. Once the face was completely torn apart, then the night warrior team was doomed to suffer a big loss.

"I'll let them know that I, An Ye, am not easy to bully." An Ye said, proud and stubborn.

"An Ye, what are you talking about? Tell me who is going to bully you. I'll kill that blind guy right away."

But just as An Ye finished speaking, a voice sounded outside the door.

Accompanied by the sound of talking, Shi Shiran, a greasy-haired and pink-faced man, walked in with a playful smile. After he entered, his eyes rolled around and circled An Ye's body wantonly...

(End of this chapter)

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