genius evil

Chapter 1283 You should go to hell

Chapter 1283 You should go to hell
The man was about 25 or [-] years old, with a smile on his face, and he seemed to be quite talkative. In fact, he was very arrogant, because after entering the door, he never even took a look at Gao Hu and Dai Sheng. In the end, there was only An Ye alone.

And the way he looked at An Ye in that way was blatantly malicious, unscrupulous, and quite presumptuous.

"Yang Chuang, do you want to die?"

An Ye scolded, his tone as cold as frost.

The man named Yang Chuang smiled, he didn't take An Ye's words to heart at all, he laughed and said, "Captain An, your temper is still as aggressive as ever, but I like it."

"To shut up!"

Xiumei frowned, An Ye scolded again, his face had already changed, it was very ugly, and he might explode at any time.

"Haha." Yang Chuang was still smiling, and said casually, "Captain An, don't get so angry. If that happens, I will feel very distressed."

At the end, seeing that An Ye was about to explode, Yang Chuang changed the topic leisurely, and said, "Captain An, should you refund the commission? Today is the deadline."

"Go away." An Ye raised his hand and said coldly, "Yang Chuang, let me say it again, the commission cannot be refunded."

"Captain An, it's your fault for saying this. Could it be that you really want to tear yourself apart?" Yang Chuang was a little unhappy.

"Yang Chuang, you don't have to threaten me here. I, An Ye, am I the kind of person who can be bullied at will? If you really tear your face, don't think about it." An Ye said, she was very strong, and she didn't intend to back down.

Because, that commission was earned by betting the lives of all members of the night warrior team, unless she died, otherwise, there was absolutely no possibility of refunding it.

Another point is that the faction represented by Yang Chuang is obviously bullying people. As far as An Ye's pride is concerned, how could he be willing to be bullied?
"An Ye, you think highly of yourself. In our eyes, you are nothing." Yang Chuang sneered, he gave An Ye a sideways look, and said, "But to be honest, I'm still quite curious. You were able to walk out of the Sunset Forest alive without any problems."

Hearing this, An Ye's heart skipped a beat.

Then, his eyes widened, An Ye stared at Yang Chuang firmly, and said, "Are you admitting it? You gave me wrong information on purpose?"

Yang Chuang teased, and said, "What's the difference between admitting or denying? In fact, at this point, haven't you realized why the whole thing has become like this?"

"Tell me why!" An Ye asked.

She had thought about it, but she didn't understand it.

"Captain An, then, do you remember me?"

Before Yang Chuang could speak, another figure came in from the outside. It was a tall man with a playful expression on his face.

"Yang Cong?"

An Ye looked over, his eyes almost bursting into flames.

The person who came was Yang Cong. An Ye had dealt with this person before, and his impression was extremely bad.

"Sure enough, you remember me. It turns out that I, Yang Cong, have a deep impression on you, Captain An." Yang Cong chuckled.

"You two?"

An Ye glanced at Yang Chuang, then at Yang Cong, vaguely thinking about it.

"Don't guess, we are cousins." Yang Cong said, telling him directly about his relationship with Yang Chuang.

"Damn it!" An Ye cursed.

At this moment, all the causes and consequences were finally straightened out.

No wonder, Yang Chuang dug a hole for the members of the Dark Night Warrior Team to jump into. It was all because of this, Yang Cong.

Since these two are cousins, it is very obvious that snakes and rats live together.

"An Ye, I still say what I said before, as long as you are my woman, you will be indispensable to your prosperity and wealth in the future." Yang Cong said solemnly.

"Do you want to die?" An Ye was furious.

Yang Cong sneered, and said, "An Ye, it's all here, don't you understand the situation? You're fine, the whole Dark Night Warrior team is just being manipulated by me. Let you live, you live, want you to die, you can only die!"

"What a big breath."

"I'll kill you now."


Gao Hu and Dai Sheng were also enraged. This Yang Cong was too arrogant to bear.

"An Ye, before, it was because you rejected me that I joined forces with Yang Chuang to teach you a little lesson. Now, are you sure you still want to reject me?" Yang Cong stared at An Ye and said in a deep voice .

To An Ye, he meant that he was bound to win.

For this reason, she even preferred to destroy An Ye with her own hands.

But since An Ye never died in the Sunset Forest, Yang Cong naturally never gave up. He still wanted to try to see if he could convince An Ye.

After all, it would be a great pity if An Ye really died.

"Yang Cong, I should have killed you long ago." Gritting his teeth, An Ye said.

"It's something that doesn't shed tears when you don't see a coffin." Yang Cong was furious.

He thought he was sincere enough, but he didn't know that An Ye wouldn't be moved at all, and he didn't have the slightest bit of patience.

"Come on, do it." After the words fell, Yang Cong greeted.

I saw figures flickering, and several figures rushed in from the outside quickly, surrounding An Ye, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng.


Yang Cong said again that he decided not to show mercy and wanted to kill An Ye. This was the end of disobeying him again and again.


Those people listened to the order and killed them in an instant.

Seeing the situation, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng didn't dare to hesitate, and both shot.

An Ye also made a move. It could be seen that Yang Cong had been prepared for a long time. At this time, the one who killed her turned out to be a Returning Yuan Realm martial artist, whose cultivation level was slightly higher than hers.

As for those who rushed towards Gao Hu and Dai Sheng, their cultivation bases were not inferior to the two, and because there were many enemies and few enemies, such a situation was dangerous.

An Ye's face was ashen, she sacrificed her long knife, and her shots were extremely violent, slashing horizontally one after another, trying to quickly finish off the opponent in front of her.

Otherwise, not only Gao Hu and Dai Sheng will have an accident today, but she herself may, inevitably, fall.

It was a middle-aged man, his fists shook the air, and he was extremely domineering. He was very strong, with a pair of fists, he shook the long knife in An Ye's hand.

There was a sound of wind and thunder, and every punch was crushing An Ye.

An Ye realized that something was wrong, she couldn't be this person's opponent at all. Bye, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng also retreated steadily and were injured to varying degrees.

"Old Gao, Lao Dai, you two, hurry up." An Ye said loudly.

The other party was aggressive and could not be an opponent, but since Yang Cong's target was her, An Ye was unwilling to implicate Gao Hu and Dai Sheng.

Gao Hu and Dai Sheng looked at each other, but they just shook their heads and didn't say a word, they were trying their best to explode.

"An Ye, you really value love and righteousness." Yang Cong laughed out loud.

He looked at An Ye, and said slowly, "Then if I tell you that so far, only the three of you are left in the entire dark night warrior team, wouldn't you be delighted?"


An Ye's expression changed drastically, and he was punched by the man, and flew backwards, injured.


Gao Hu and Dai Sheng also suffered a great shock and couldn't accept it.

"Didn't you understand? What I just said is so far, it doesn't matter. Soon, you will go down to reunite." Yang Cong said.

"Damn you, all of you!" An Ye roared, furious with hatred.

"Bastards, a group of inhuman beasts, you should go to hell, all of you deserve to die." Gao Hu cursed, his face flushed.

"An eye for an eye, blood for blood." Hoopoe was hysterical.

This is destined to be an unexpected change. Yang Cong is too cruel and merciless. This is what he wants to erase all of the Dark Night Warrior Squad. The degree of viciousness can be seen.

Afterwards, whether it was An Ye, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng, all three of them were desperate.

Because, there is no way out, you have to work hard, otherwise, you will die.

The silver light flickered, and the blade pierced through the sky.

With a knife containing supreme anger, he slashed at the opponent head-on.

An Ye made a real fire, she no longer had any reservations, and she didn't hesitate to get injured or even died, she wanted to kill the opponent, and then, kill Yang Cong.

Gao Hu and Dai Sheng also had the same thought, knowing that today, no matter what, they would not be able to survive, so they spared no effort to break out, just to bring one or two backs.

Unfortunately, this isn't very useful.

After all, there was a gap that was difficult to make up. After a while, An Ye was suppressed again, the long knife in her hand was blown away, her tiger's mouth was bleeding, her face was flushed, and she suffered internal injuries.

And Gao Hu and Dai Sheng were even more miserable. Both were bloody and extremely tragic, but they were still struggling because they were too angry and unwilling.

"An Ye, don't say that I, Yang, are ruthless. As long as you change your mind and promise to be my woman, today, I will spare the lives of the three of you." Over there, Yang Cong said leisurely.

He was already convinced of the three of An Ye, so he said this very casually and confidently, and he was joking.

"Yang Cong, don't be too complacent, when Jiang Chen comes back, you will all die." Gao Hu was roaring, roaring.

"Jiang Chen? Who?" Yang Cong asked after being slightly taken aback.

Immediately, Yang Cong said nonchalantly, "I'm dying, and you dare to threaten me, do you think you didn't die fast enough?"

"Not a threat."

However, just after Yang Cong's voice fell, a lazy voice sounded very abruptly.

Accompanied by the sound of speaking, a figure entered the room like lightning. He appeared, looked at Yang Cong, and emphasized solemnly, "It's really not a threat."

"Who are you?" Yang Cong looked at the person, Yin Jiu said.

"It seems that you have a problem with your brain. Have you forgotten my name so quickly?" The young man rolled his eyes, and saw a big hand stretched out and snapped out, like an eagle catching a chicken, and grabbed Yang Cong's. neck, and lifted it up.

"You guys, you can stop now." The young man said calmly, his tone of voice sounded gentle, but it had an undeniable meaning!

(End of this chapter)

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