genius evil

Chapter 1284 Two Old God Sticks

Chapter 1284 Two Old God Sticks

Such an accident happened too fast.

In fact, even Yang Cong himself was unable to react and was controlled by Jiang Chen.

He got angry and wanted to break free from Jiang Chen's hand, roaring loudly, thinking that this was a great shame.

Jiang Chen punched casually, and several ribs in Yang Cong's chest were broken in an instant. This was the last time he calmed down.

At this moment, An Ye, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng finally had a chance to breathe.

Yang Cong fell into Jiang Chen's hands, and they had no choice but to stop temporarily, fearing that Jiang Chen would strangle Yang Cong to death.

"Boy, let go of Yang Cong, or you will surely die without a place to bury you." Staring at Jiang Chen, Yang Chuang said gloomyly.

"Are you sure?" Looking at Yang Chuang, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Yang Chuang felt that Jiang Chen was smiling rather strangely, and couldn't help but feel that something was wrong, and subconsciously backed away. Unfortunately, his speed was too slow.

Holding Yang Cong in one hand, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Yang Chuang like a ghost, and kicked out. Immediately, Yang Chuang flew out like a cannonball, and landed heavily on the ground in the distance.


There was a sound of the wind, and Jiang Chen appeared in front of Yang Chuang again, and kicked out again, so Yang Chuang flew out again, blood spurted wildly, and it seemed that he would not survive.

"court death!"

The middle-aged man who fought with An Ye before saw such a scene, shouted angrily, charged forward, and attacked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen glanced at him lazily, and punched out casually.

The strength gap between the two sides was too great, even if Jiang Chen made a random move, how could that middle-aged man be able to resist, he would be seriously injured in an instant, and staggered and retreated.

"This..." Yang Cong was completely stunned.

He originally thought that he would fall into Jiang Chen's hands because he was careless, but now, how could he not know that it was not because of his carelessness, but because Jiang Chen was too strong.

That middle-aged man is a Returning Yuan Realm martial artist with tyrannical strength, but he is not an enemy of Jiang Chen's one move. This is too shocking and unacceptable.

At this time, Yang Cong finally understood why, Gao Hu would say that when Jiang Chen came back, they would all die.

For such a sentence, Yang Cong now has a deep feeling on his skin.

He was shaking and his scalp was tingling.

"Captain An, are you going to kill them all?"

Jiang Chen didn't care about Yang Cong's reaction, he said with a smile.


Gritting her white teeth lightly, An Ye said without hesitation.

Although she is a girl, she has never been the kind of soft-hearted person.

In this kind of place, kindness and softness are untenable.

The other party is ruthless, that is, he must be more ruthless than the other party, so that he can have a place to live.

Since it was Yang Cong who made the first move and wanted to put them to death, in this case, An Ye naturally acted vigorously, decisively and sharply!
"Not bad." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

No wonder, An Ye was able to lead a small team of warriors as a woman, and her prestige was extremely high, so it really wasn't unreasonable.


But when he heard it, Yang Cong screamed.

He was trembling, feeling extremely uneasy, and said in a low voice, "Don't kill me, I, Yang Cong, promise that today's matter will not be blamed for what happened in the past."

"Your guarantee, in my opinion, is no different from farting." Jiang Chen said lazily, and broke Yang Cong's neck easily.

The rest of the people, including the injured middle-aged man, shot out one after another when they saw this, and fled outside.

Regrettably, Jiang Chen didn't intend to let them live, he chased them at a leisurely pace, punched them several times, and killed them all.

These people, in the eyes of An Ye and others, are completely invincible existences, but in the eyes of Jiang Chen, they are no different from ants, and they can be suppressed and killed by raising their hands.

Even if they had a little understanding of Jiang Chen, it was still difficult for the three of An Ye to adapt to such a scene.

The three of them were distracted for a long time, and what's more, there was a deep sense of sadness flowing in the hearts of the three of them.

Because, although the three of them are still alive, the Dark Night Warrior Squad no longer exists.

"Old Gao, Lao Dai, you two, leave the inn today." An Ye said.

Yang Cong and Yang Chuang died, but at this point, it's not over yet.

And because of the deaths of Yang Cong and Yang Chuang, a bigger crisis will erupt next.

But An Ye didn't intend to escape, and she had no reason or excuse to escape. The lives of those who died must be paid for by the Yang family.

It's not that the lives of Yang Cong and Yang Chuang can be offset.

"Captain An, if we want to leave, let's go together." Gao Hu said, how could he not understand what An Ye was going to do.

"Yes, we have to go together, or we can all stay," Na Dai Sheng said.

It's not that they are bloodless, it's just that they are looking for money and don't want to have more disputes. But now, they have reached this point, how can they escape?
"No need." An Ye shook his head and said decisively, "This is an order, you two must go."

Gao Hu and Dai Sheng looked at each other in blank dismay, but both of them had plans in their hearts, they didn't plan to, and obeyed An Ye's orders.

"Jiang Chen, you should leave too." An Ye said to Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "I'm a busy traveler, I'm exhausted, my bones are about to fall apart..."

"Jiang Chen, thank you for your righteous action just now." Before Jiang Chen could finish speaking, An Ye interrupted. She looked at Jiang Chen and said sternly, "You used me once before, and you took the action just now, so it's even. , everyone does not owe each other, but I, An Ye, never owe others favors."

What An Ye said was very serious. First of all, she really didn't want to owe Jiang Chen a favor. Otherwise, if the favor was owed, what would she have to pay it back in the future?
Secondly, the energy of the Yang family is incomparably astonishing. Nearly 70.00% of the property in this post station belongs to the Yang family.

From this point of view, it can be said that the Yang family has absolute control over this inn, and it is no exaggeration to say that it responds to everyone.

This is also the reason why Yang Cong and Yang Chuang were able to mobilize those who were strong in the Guiyuan Realm.

If they didn't have the status of Yang family's children, with the strength of Yang Cong and Yang Chuang, they would not even be able to catch the eyes of those who are strong in the Yuanyuan realm.

It was precisely because the energy of the Yang family was too great that An Ye wanted Jiang Chen to leave, and he didn't want Jiang Chen to be involved.

After all, Jiang Chen made a move to help her once, it was considered righteous, but what is it to do it again?
If one is not good, it is likely to implicate Jiang Chen.

Therefore, An Ye intentionally made his words very unpleasant, and his attitude was extremely firm.

"Captain An, you are..."

Both Gao Hu and Dai Sheng were stunned.

It was understandable that An Ye wanted to drive the two of them away. After all, the two of them were too weak. If they stayed, they would not only be of no help, but would be a burden.

But unexpectedly, An Ye even wanted to drive Jiang Chen away, which immediately made the two of them anxious.

You know, just now the two of them were thinking in unison, and when they went to talk to Jiang Chen in private later, they begged Jiang Chen for help.

As for An Ye saying that he didn't want to owe Jiang Chen a favor, it didn't matter, the favor was on the two of them, it was a big deal, he would put on an old face, and try every means to convince Jiang Chen.

Who would have thought that An Ye's determination would be so strong that even nine bulls would not be able to pull it back!
"Needless to say." An Ye interrupted with a wave of his hand, and immediately returned to the room.

Watching An Ye leave, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng both sighed, and soon, the two stared at Jiang Chen.

"What are you two looking at me for?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Jiang Chen, Captain An is going to take everything on one person, you have to help and persuade her." Gao Hu said with a shy old face.

"Jiang Chen, I can see that Captain An has a good impression of you, and he is afraid of hurting you." Dai Sheng said with confidence, his face not red and his heart beating, as if there was such a thing.

In the end, fearing that Jiang Chen would not believe it, Dai Sheng winked at Gao Hu.

Gao Hu understood, and hurriedly said: "That's right, that's exactly the case. Captain An was worried about hurting you, so he said that. Jiang Chen, don't mind."

"But I already mind." Smiling, Jiang Chen said, and immediately, under the astonished eyes of Gao Hu and Dai Sheng, he swaggered away.

After a while, there is an upstairs room in the restaurant.

"Captain An, Jiang Chen is gone." Gao Hu reported to An Yehui.

Jiang Chen walked very quickly and was so direct that Gao Hu and Dai Sheng were all stunned by it.

"Captain An, I can see that Jiang Chen has a good impression of you and is pursuing you sincerely. However, what you said is too hurtful." Sighing, Dai Sheng said, with a look of great regret .

An Ye was unmoved, and said coldly, "Old Dai, I heard what you said to Jiang Chen just now."

"Really?" Dai Sheng said, he didn't realize that he was caught and hurt because of lying, but said, "This is the same opinion as Lao Gao and I. We agree that you and Jiang Chen are very suitable. A good relationship, if it ends like this, it is destined to be a lifetime of regret."

Dai Sheng opened his mouth to talk nonsense and came, Gao Hu fully cooperated, nodded his head vigorously, and said, "Captain An, Jiang Chen hasn't gone far yet, if you go to persuade him to stay, there is still time, don't miss this opportunity."

What he said was heartbroken, and he told An Ye that this matter was related to the happiness of a lifetime, so don't get angry, otherwise you will definitely regret it.

An Ye was speechless, why didn't he realize that these two guys have the potential to be a magic stick, obviously, they have always been honest and loyal.

"Could it be because of Jiang Chen's influence?" An Ye couldn't help thinking.

Isn't such a glib and nonsense ability exactly the same as Jiang Chen's?
"Jiang Chen, you damned bastard, you've done a lot of harm." Angry, An Ye was very annoyed.

An Ye quickly drove Gao Hu and Dai Sheng away. He couldn't stand their nagging, but when he turned around, he saw that there was one more person in the room...

(End of this chapter)

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