genius evil

Chapter 1285 Don't Get Too Excited

Chapter 1285 Don't Get Too Excited

"Jiang Chen?"

At a glance, An Ye couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and she asked, "Didn't you leave?"

Just now, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng reported that Jiang Chen had left.

On the surface, An Ye didn't take it seriously, as if this was exactly the result she wanted, but in fact, it was impossible to say that there was nothing strange in her heart.

After all, before going all the way to the Sunset Forest, Jiang Chen showed off and courted her a lot in front of her, showing that he was very interested in her.

Even though An Ye resisted and even disliked it, as a woman, because of her own charm, it is not a proud thing to make a man fascinated by her?
But Jiang Chen left so directly, even if she made Jiang Chen leave, An Ye still felt uncomfortable, but he didn't show it.

But at this time, it was very abrupt. Seeing Jiang Chen appearing in the room, An Ye's thoughts became even more strange in an instant.

"I think what brother Dai said just now is correct, the two of us are a perfect match." Jiang Chen didn't answer An Ye's question, but said with a smile.

"The reason you came here is to say this to me?" An Ye was speechless.

"Of course not, I'm just emphasizing it to deepen your impression." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"It's boring." An Ye was very cold.

Because, similar words, heard too much.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "To answer your question just now, I didn't leave, but I'm too tired. I'm exhausted, and I need to rest."

As he spoke, Jiang Chen went straight to the head of the bed, very straight, and lay down on the bed.

"Come down."

An Ye's face changed slightly, this damn guy is really too courageous.

This is the room she lives in, Jiang Chen came here uninvited, that's all, but he even went to sleep on her bed, it was unreasonable.

"Captain An, I'm really tired. Don't talk, it will disturb my rest." Yawning, Jiang Chen said in a troubled manner.

"Come down for me."

An Ye's face was livid, and he strode over to drag Jiang Chen off the bed.

It was An Ye's hand that stretched out, and Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand, grabbed her wrist, and dragged her onto the bed. By the way, Jiang Chen turned over and pressed An Ye under him.

"It turns out that Captain An is tired too, so let's sleep together." Jiang Chen said.


An Ye exclaimed in a low voice, if he wasn't worried that Gao Hu and Dai Sheng would bump into such a scene, he would almost scream, his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

"Jiang Chen, are you crazy?" An Ye cursed viciously.

She realized that she still underestimated Jiang Chen's boldness, and also realized another problem. She walked to the bedside herself, and she was very suspicious of sending a sheep to a tiger's mouth.

Obviously, Jiang Chen must think so, this is what he dragged her to bed without asking her opinion.

"Captain An, just sleep together, I don't mind, what do you care about?" Jiang Chen said with an innocent face, as if he had been greatly wronged.

An Ye was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Of course, Jiang Chen wouldn't mind this kind of thing at all, but Jiang Chen was taking advantage of her, if Jiang Chen still cared about it, then it would be worse than a beast.

But Jiang Chen didn't mind, but she cared terribly.

She has never had intimate contact with any man, let alone such an intimate relationship, which makes her unbearable, and she wants to run away every minute.

"Jiang Chen, let me go, or I won't be polite to you." An Ye said viciously, about to go mad.

"You're welcome? Why are you not welcome?" Jiang Chen didn't care, and said calmly.

At this moment, half of his body was pressed against An Ye's body, feeling An Ye's soft and delicate body, he couldn't help feeling distracted.

This woman was too arrogant. She had always treated him indifferently. Of course, with Jiang Chen's thick skin, she didn't take it to heart.

At this moment, feeling An Ye's panicked side, in Jiang Chen's view, An Ye finally had a bit of a little woman's taste.

"Kill you!"

An Ye said, she gritted her teeth.

This is not as simple as saying it, but it is serious and will do that.

However, the premise is that Jiang Chen's offense to her went one step further and completely touched her bottom line.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said, "Captain An, in fact, you can use other methods to torture me. Killing people is too easy and too rough."

"What method?" Frowning, An Ye asked in confusion.

Jiang Chen chuckled, leaned into An Ye's ear, and said a word.

An Yefen's face was flushed, and water was about to drip out, but she struggled hard immediately, and her breathing became a lot rougher, which was obviously due to the stimulation.

Jiang Chen smiled even more proudly, and he said, "Captain An, don't get too excited, after all, I haven't even done it yet, are you ready?"

"you shut up."

An Ye was so angry and annoyed, it was unimaginable that this guy could say everything like that.

Just now, when An Ye heard those words, An Ye almost suffocated, his heart was both shocked and confused, and Jiang Chen was a gloat, and he didn't have the consciousness of the instigator at all.

"You really don't need to get excited, just calm down and get used to it, after all, it's a very normal thing." Jiang Chen said seriously, the incarnation teacher, was patient with An Ye's persuasive teachings.

An Ye couldn't listen any longer, she was really mad, struggling desperately, but she couldn't possibly be Jiang Chen's opponent, and it was hard for her to escape Jiang Chen's palm.


Suddenly, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

Because An Ye's struggle was too intense, the layer of red veil on her face slipped down, revealing a corner of her tightly wrapped face.

Even if it's the tip of the iceberg, that glamorous aura can't be blocked by anything, and it rushes towards my face.

At the same time as his eyes lit up, Jiang Chen's heart moved. He stretched out his hand and lifted the entire veil.

The indescribably astonishing aura, at this moment, had an impact on Jiang Chen in an indescribable way.

Even though he had thought that An Ye would definitely be a beautiful woman, seeing her true face at this time was still far beyond Jiang Chen's expectation.

She is not the classical beauty with a narrow nose and a small face. She has a high nose and deep eyes, and the lines of her facial features are not soft, and even a little tough, with sharp edges and corners.

But this is as beautiful as it is, full of exotic style.


Feeling Jiang Chen's fiery gaze on her face, An Ye was startled. She had a feeling that Jiang Chen could eat her in one bite at any time.

I forgot how long it was without taking off the red gauze on my face.

At this time, the veil was taken off by Jiang Chen, and An Ye had a hard time adapting to it. She always felt that something was missing. She quickly snatched the veil from Jiang Chen's hand and put it on again.

Who knew that the veil had just been put on, when Jiang Chen took it off again.

"Captain An, I found out that I did something wrong." Staring at An Ye, Jiang Chen said heartbroken.

An Ye was very uncomfortable being looked at by Jiang Chen. At the same time, she looked at Jiang Chen in a daze, not understanding what kind of situation Jiang Chen did wrong. Will be so frustrated and self-blaming?
"Captain An, I shouldn't have lifted your veil at this time." Jiang Chen said again, speaking in a tone that was even more heartbroken.

An Ye wanted to vomit blood again.

She heard what Jiang Chen said was extremely serious and serious, and she thought it was a big deal, but she never expected that Jiang Chen would say such a sentence afterwards.

"Jiang Chen, don't you let me go?" An Ye said angrily.

Jiang Chen's eyes were too aggressive, which gave An Ye a bad feeling, worried that it would become uncontrollable, and was very nervous.

"Don't let it go!"

Without even thinking about it, Jiang Chen said decisively.

What a joke, such a beautiful woman was crushed by him, if he let go, it would be impossible for him to forgive himself in his life.

After all, if there is a choice between beasts and beasts, even though the word beasts is neither pleasant to hear nor easy to say, there is no doubt that Jiang Chen will still choose to be a beast without hesitation.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, An Ye became even more nervous, especially, Jiang Chen looked at her like that, unblinking, and the color of aggression was more intense, which made An Ye more nervous. Uneasy.

She deliberately said a few harsh words and scolded her.

When the words came to his lips, before he could say them, he realized that it was destined to be meaningless. Jiang Chen had such a thick skin, and he had learned it a long time ago.

"Is this the reason why this damn guy didn't leave?" An Ye thought bitterly in his heart, but Jiang Chen never gave up his idea of ​​beating her.

"How to do?"

An Ye realized that there was really no other way.

If you fight, you will definitely not be able to beat Jiang Chen.

Persuasion, of course, cannot convince Jiang Chen.

It is almost self-evident, then, what the end result will be.

Thinking about what might happen next, An Ye's mood became extremely messy. Is this destined to be eaten to death by Jiang Chen?

For a moment, An Ye had forgotten that, in fact, Jiang Chen hadn't done anything too extreme so far, it was just that she couldn't help but think wildly.

This actually showed that she resisted and rejected Jiang Chen on the surface, but deep down, it was not the case. Otherwise, at this moment, she should be so angry that she would not hesitate to do her best, so she would definitely not have so many messy thoughts.

And as an understanding man, Jiang Chen naturally knew An Ye's psychological activities very clearly, so next, Jiang Chen didn't say a word at all, and directly acted.


It was Jiang Chen, who was about to pick An Ye's tender and tender flower, when he heard a sound from outside the restaurant, the dilapidated restaurant vibrated and was about to collapse...

(End of this chapter)

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