genius evil

Chapter 1286 You still have a chance to kill yourself

Chapter 1286 You still have a chance to kill yourself

There was another sound, someone was attacking the restaurant, and the palm was like thunder, and the big palm was slapped, and the whole restaurant shook accordingly.

This restaurant was already old. After two consecutive attacks, many places were crumbling and might collapse at any time.

Gao Hu and Dai Sheng were alarmed immediately and rushed out.

The two rushed out of the restaurant, and as soon as they saw the battle outside, their expressions changed at the same time.

"After all, it's still here."

Looking at each other, both of them smiled wryly, and there was a strong look of fear in those eyes.

I saw several people outside the restaurant. An old man in black robe was making a move. Both Gao Hu and Dai Sheng knew the identity of the old man in black robe. His name was Yang Xiang, Yang Chuang's father. At the inn, they are all well-known big shots.

Yang Xiang actually acted in person. Obviously, he received the news that Yang Chuang and Yang Cong had encountered an accident, so he came to the door for revenge.

Even though he never thought that what happened in the restaurant could be kept secret, Yang Xiang brought people over so quickly, which was beyond Gao Hu and Dai Sheng's expectations.

Yang Xiang was making a move, and he slapped his palm for the third time. Finally, there was a rumbling sound, and the whole restaurant shook violently, unable to withstand such a fierce attack, and collapsed.

Smoke billowed, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng were almost buried alive.

The faces of both of them changed drastically, and they rushed forward quickly, but in this way, it was inevitable that they fell into the encirclement of those people outside.

"Where's that woman, An Ye?"

After glancing at the two of them, Yang Xiang opened his mouth and said in a deep voice.

He wasted his time looking for people lazily, so he was straightforward and wanted to force them out. However, the restaurant has collapsed for a little while, and only two insignificant people were forced out. This made Yang Xiang very angry. dissatisfied.

"Master Yang, are all members of your Yang family so aggressive?" Gao Hu questioned, expressing his dissatisfaction and anger with his face livid.


Yang Xiang smiled coldly, then waved his hand and said, "Kill them both for me."

Yang Xiang didn't intend to answer Gao Hu's question, but to prove how domineering he is with practical actions. This is the real sense of aggressiveness.

Hearing the sound, the few people who appeared following Yang Xiang quickly attacked, rushed forward, and launched an attack on Gao Hu and Dai Sheng.

These are the backbone of the Yang family, and they are well-cultivated. Even if they are at their peak, Gao Hu and Dai Sheng cannot be opponents.

What's more, both of them were seriously injured, and there was no one in combat strength, and the gap between them was further widened.

Gao Hu and Dai Sheng didn't dare to fight, they retreated in a hurry, but they couldn't escape, and soon, they fell into a bitter fight.


Just when the two of them fell into despair, a figure could be seen shooting out from the broken restaurant.

"An Ye, are you finally willing to come out?" Looking at An Ye coldly, Yang Xiang spoke slowly, looking at An Ye like that, as if looking at a dead person.

"Yang Xiang, I know the purpose of your coming, but I can only tell you that Yang Chuang and Yang Cong will die, and they are the two to blame." An Ye said.

"is it?"

Yang Xiang smiled, noncommittal about this point.

So what if it is self-inflicted?

People are dead, it is pointless to argue about this.

He, Yang Xiang, came here at this time, not for these unnecessary arguments.

"An Ye, kill yourself and leave your whole body." So Yang Xiang said.

"Yang Xiang, kill yourself, I can also leave you a whole body."

But before An Ye could speak, a lazy voice sounded, and then, a figure swaggered out of the broken restaurant.

That was Jiang Chen. He was very relaxed, as if he was strolling in the courtyard, but anyone with a discerning eye could clearly tell at a glance that Jiang Chen's complexion was very ugly, full of desire and dissatisfaction.

That's right, Jiang Chen at this moment is indeed very dissatisfied with his desires.

Seeing that, An Ye could be taken down immediately, but at the critical moment, someone destroyed him, which almost made Jiang Chen feel so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. It has to be said that Yang Xiang was too good at picking the time.

It was also because the timing Yang Xiang had chosen was so terrible that Jiang Chen was in a very unhappy mood. At the same time, Jiang Chen had no intention of hiding the fact that he was unhappy.

And often, when he is in a bad mood, someone will be in trouble.

So unfortunately, Yang Xiang will be unlucky today.

"Let me kill myself?"

As if he heard a joke, Yang Xiang was a little surprised, stared at Jiang Chen, and said gloomyly, "Boy, do you know what you're talking about."

"I told you to kill yourself." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.


Yang Xiang was furious, and he didn't allow Jiang Chen to live another second under his nose.

His figure flickered, swift as a gust of wind, he pounced, and slapped Jiang Chen's head with his palm.

He didn't intend to be lenient, even though in his eyes, Jiang Chen was just an insignificant person, but Yang Xiang was still very fierce when he made a move at this time.

This was because Yang Xiang didn't intend to strike a second time, he wanted to smash Jiang Chen's head with one palm.

Unfortunately, this is doomed to be impossible.

"Yang Xiang, are you rejecting my suggestion?" Jiang Chen was displeased, and he said, "Soon you will realize how happy it is to have the opportunity to kill yourself, but you didn't Take your chance."

Jiang Chen spoke very slowly, as if deliberately trying to anger Yang Xiang.

The fact is naturally not the case, Yang Xiang may feel good about himself, but in Jiang Chen's eyes, he is nothing, no matter how cheerful he is, in fact, he is just a slap to death.

Jiang Chen thought so, and he did the same.

At the moment Yang Xiang rushed over, Jiang Chen made a move, raised his right hand lightly, and slapped Yang Xiang with a slap.


Seeing that Jiang Chen shot so casually, Yang Xiang was astonished, and immediately deep in his heart, anger rose and burned.

Because, it can be seen that Jiang Chen is very arrogant and his attitude is contemptuous, which is clearly a manifestation of not taking him seriously.


Yang Xiang cursed viciously.

He has always been cautious, and this is also the reason why he can rely on him in this melee, live so long, and live so well.

No matter how weak the opponent is, he always has the habit of attacking with all his strength, in order not to give the opponent a chance to counterattack.

But Jiang Chen is so careless, no matter whether he has something to rely on or his nature is like this, in Yang Xiang's view, it is very stupid.


With a thought in his mind, Yang Xiang's palm finally came down.

There was a ferocious look on Yizhang's old face, and Yang Xiang could almost imagine the scene where Jiang Chen's head exploded.

But soon, Yang Xiang realized that something was wrong.

When he slapped this palm, an invisible barrier directly and abruptly bounced his palm away.

Immediately afterwards, an overwhelming force swept over, and then fell on him like a mountain, ferociously.


After receiving such an impact, Yang Xiang immediately flew back, and he couldn't resist at all, because it was too amazing, with power beyond imagination.


Landing on the ground, his face was slightly pale, Yang Xiang's eyes looking at Jiang Chen like that, suddenly became, very different.

How could this be?
He thought it would be enough to kill Jiang Chen with one blow, but he never even touched a piece of Jiang Chen's clothes.


This situation caused Yang Xiang to take a deep breath.

I finally understood why Jiang Chen was so arrogant and didn't take him seriously. It wasn't that Jiang Chen was an idiot, but that this was a kind of arrogance of absolute strength and arrogance.

"What I just said still counts. You still have a chance to kill yourself." Jiang Chen said.

"Don't even think about it." Yang Xiang growled, he made another move, rushed forward, and fought Jiang Chen.

The breath in Jiang Chen's body circulated, and his body was overflowing with golden light. No matter how violent Yang Xiang was, it would be easy to defuse him.

This is because Jiang Chen's physical strength has reached a terrifying level after tearing apart the second shackles of his physical body.

It seems that there is no palm technique, but in fact, there is an artistic conception of lifting weights as lightly as possible in every gesture. Such artistic conception is very mysterious, it is difficult to describe in words, and it is difficult for outsiders to understand.

Only Jiang Chen, every time he makes a move, is able to deeply realize how amazing the changes in himself are.

To put it bluntly, in terms of his current combat power, if he fought Situ Aofeng again, he would only rely on physical strength to suppress Situ Aofeng to despair.

And this Yang Xiang's cultivation is certainly not weak, but slightly inferior to Situ Aofeng, but the former Situ Aofeng was not Jiang Chen's opponent, and it is even more impossible for Yang Xiang to be Jiang Chen's opponent.


Yang Xiang was badly injured and was sent flying. He was bleeding and was seriously injured.

It was very aggrieved, he was suppressed from the beginning to the end, stretched, unable to let go, made Yang Xiang terrified, unable to accept such a fact, it felt too absurd.

Jiang Chen didn't care what Yang Xiang was thinking, he strode forward, using the phantom technique, he had the speed to break through physical barriers.

This is destined to be a crushing battle, no matter how Yang Xiang fights up, no matter how unwilling and angry, in the end, Jiang Chen will blow him up, there is no suspense.

"How about, you guys, kill yourself?" Without even looking at Yang Xiang's body, Jiang Chen looked at the few people who appeared with Yang Xiang, and said with a smile, that was a gentle and harmless person.

Those few people were expressionless, it was hard to imagine that in this post station, Yang Xiang, who had a respected status, was so vulnerable in front of Jiang Chen. They ran away in a panic, but how could they escape? Jiang Chen slapped them all to death one by one.

"Captain An, we can continue now." Jiang Chen looked at An Ye again, and said with a smile. That kind of ambiguous smile instantly made An Ye's heart flutter, and he didn't know where to go. let go...

(End of this chapter)

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