genius evil

Chapter 1287 I'm Not Familiar With Him

Chapter 1287 I'm Not Familiar With Him

Time flies, gone forever.

For a month, it was so silent and fleeting.

During this month, although Jiang Chen was not seen in the outer gate, various legends about Jiang Chen were still circulating.

People always looked at the No. 1 position of Jade Bi, Jiang Chen's name, which represented unshakable. It seemed that it was a mountain that could never be climbed and conquered.

The more you watch, the more you will feel hopeless.

One month, whether it is long or short, is enough, and many changes have taken place.

In particular, the Top [-] List of the Outer Sect itself is constantly changing, with some people making progress and some falling down. It has never stopped.

In the teacher's office building, in a spacious room, there were two people, Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi.

Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi both came back early and successfully completed the assigned task. Now, the two of them appeared here because they were waiting for Jiang Chen to appear.

Situ Aofeng is always dressed in green clothes, and he is always so meticulous. He has a gentle temperament, like a modest gentleman.

There was a slight smile on his face, Situ Aofeng was very peaceful, he was always smiling, it seemed to have no meaning, and at the same time, it seemed to be meaningful.

Luoxi stood by the window, and when she raised her head, she could see the scenery outside the window. Her eyes were cold, her face was expressionless, she was very quiet, and her breath was extraordinarily pure. During this month, she had improved a lot in terms of cultivation, and even more so. It is beautiful and refined, ethereal and inaccessible.

"Jiang Chen hasn't come back yet?"

With hurried steps, Teacher Na Xu appeared and asked aloud.

He was also waiting for Jiang Chen's appearance. He originally thought that with Jiang Chen's strength, it should be easy to complete the assigned task, and he would come back a long time in advance.

Who knew that Situ Aofeng had returned, Luo Xi had returned, but Jiang Chen hadn't shown up for a long time. This seemed to indicate that Jiang Chen hadn't been able to complete the task very well.

"It should be soon." Situ Aofeng said with a light smile, and then he added, "It is very likely that Jiang Chen has forgotten the time, but he should appear today."

"I'd rather he failed in his mission than forget the time." Teacher Xu said dumbfounded.

Failure to complete the task can only mean that the strength is not enough, but after all, I have worked hard and fought hard, no matter what, I will not regret it.

But if he forgot the time, it would be a great regret and loss for both Jiang Chen himself and the Martial Academy.

"Don't worry, Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who can't tell the difference." Situ Aofeng said, speaking good things for Jiang Chen.

Teacher Xu looked at Situ Aofeng in a little surprise.

The conflict between Jiang Chen and Situ Aofeng was widely circulated among the outer sect, and it was not a secret. Teacher Xu naturally knew about it.

What's more, Situ Aofeng was number one in the top [-] outside sects, but he was pulled down by Jiang Chen. How could Situ Aofeng have no resentment towards Jiang Chen?

Unexpectedly, Situ Aofeng, from the beginning to the end, was trying to say good things for Jiang Chen. Such a situation made Teacher Xu a little confused.

"No, it's true that you are saying good things, but you have to listen to them in reverse." Soon, Teacher Xu understood.

On the surface, Situ Aofeng seemed very sure that Jiang Chen could come back today, but if Jiang Chen didn't rush back, then Jiang Chen would definitely make a big joke.

"Sure enough, there is still a disagreement between the face and the heart." Teacher Xu thought dumbfounded.

"How long?"

At this moment, Luo Xi, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"Two hours." Teacher Xu said.

Luo Xi just nodded and said no more.

"Luo Xi, did Jiang Chen talk to you before, did he have other things to do, so he was delayed in terms of time?" After thinking about it, Teacher Xu said.

Xiumei frowned slightly, Luoxi's face became more indifferent, and she said in a cold voice, "I don't know him well."

As for the potential meaning of Teacher Xu's words, how could Luo Xi fail to understand, this is to inquire about Jiang Chen through her.

For no reason, it just annoyed Luo Xi.

If it wasn't for his cold and restrained temperament, he might explode soon.

She and Jiang Chen didn't know this well. Jiang Chen's harassment was nothing more than Jiang Chen's wishful thinking, but it had nothing to do with her.

However, when asked by Teacher Xu, Luo Xi also vaguely understood that after all, someone misunderstood that she and Jiang Chen had a very close relationship.

Even Teacher Xu is like this, one can imagine what other people think.

Situ Aofeng also recognized the hidden meaning of Teacher Xu's words. He smiled and said, "Teacher Xu, as far as I know, Jiang Chen was joking with Luo Xi before, so don't take it seriously."

Then, Situ Aofeng said again, "Luoxi, don't worry, two hours will pass soon, just wait, after all, it is a big deal, if possible, we can, give Jiang Chen a little more time, he is very good, I admire him a lot and don't want him to miss this opportunity."

"Really?" Luo Xi was unmoved.

"Of course." Situ Aofeng nodded, and said seriously, "If the Martial Academy is willing to make an exception, that would be great."

Hearing this, Teacher Xu took a deep look at Situ Aofeng.

I have to say that the level of Situ Aofeng's speech is too high. He pretends to be lenient, but in fact, he puts himself out of the matter. These words are not said, but he is a good person again .

From this, it is not difficult for Teacher Xu to know that Situ Aofeng's resentment towards Jiang Chen is really too deep, and he never misses the slightest chance. Once he catches it, he will ruthlessly step on Jiang Chen's foot.

"Two hours is enough." Luo Xi said.

Luo Xi didn't have a good impression of Jiang Chen. She asked Teacher Xu how long it would be, largely because she got a little impatient with the wait, so she asked casually.

But for her question, Situ Aofeng has made so many extensions and interpretations. Perhaps it is because of his rebellious psychology, but Luo Xi is not so impatient. On the contrary, he is quite hopeful. Dust can appear within the time limit.

After all, even Teacher Xu can see through Situ Aofeng's hypocrisy, so how can Luo Xi not see it?
It's just that, even if she can see it, Luo Xi won't expose it. Those things have nothing to do with her, they have nothing to do with her, and they hang up high. At most, she just doesn't want to watch Situ Aofeng's performance alone.

This is actually a very poor acting skill, but Situ Aofeng feels good about himself, and never realizes how obvious the traces of his performance are.

This made Luo Xi somewhat disdainful.

In fact, she had a pretty good impression of Situ Aofeng before, but when Situ Aofeng lost to Jiang Chen and was pulled down from the altar by Jiang Chen and replaced him, it was like a different person.

In other words, this is the most real side of Situ Aofeng, which can be regarded as revealing his nature.

But no matter what, this side made Luo Xi look down on Situ Aofeng a little more.

If Situ Aofeng became braver as he got frustrated, Luo Xi would look up to Situ Aofeng instead, playing tricks behind his back like this would be a downfall.

Naturally, Luo Xi has always been like this, she doesn't say much, she really can't help it, so she can say a few words, but the words are concise and to the point.

Situ Aofeng was taken aback for a moment, but soon after he realized that his performance was a bit too much, he was a little embarrassed, so he fell silent and didn't say any more, so as not to embarrass him even more.

In the final analysis, his performance today is one thing to suppress Jiang Chen, and another is to win Luo Xi's favor.

Right now, it's too much to go too far, it's almost a failure, Situ Aofeng can only restrain himself.

"Jiang Chen, the time left for you is running out." Deep in his heart, Situ Aofeng said silently.

In fact, at this time, Jiang Chen still failed to show up, which made Situ Aofeng quite surprised.

But now that this step has been reached, no matter what kind of reasons lead to this situation, Situ Aofeng has an extremely strong hope from the bottom of his heart. It is best for Jiang Chen to really forget the time. Or directly, the mission failed.

It wasn't that he was afraid of competing with Jiang Chen, but that if he could suppress Jiang Chen without any effort, Situ Aofeng would be even more happy to see the result.

Another point is that once Jiang Chen misses this opportunity, it means that Jiang Chen will have to delay at least several months before he can enter the inner sect.

One step at a time, one step at a time.

If he takes one step ahead of Jiang Chen and enters the inner sect, then these few months will be enough to widen the gap with Jiang Chen. At that time, all Jiang Chen can do is treat him look up to.

This is what Situ Aofeng is looking forward to the most.

Two hours, compared to one month, is undoubtedly very short.

But these two hours were so hard for Situ Aofeng. He had a lot of thoughts, and he wished that the time would pass faster, faster, and completely cut off Jiang Chen's thoughts, and Jiang Chen, who refused It is outside the inner door.

"time is limited."

Finally, Teacher Xu spoke again, and he let out a long sigh, his regret was beyond words.


Situ Aofeng said that he was extremely excited, but on the surface, he had a great demeanor, and he never showed it. Like Teacher Xu, he looked very regretful about it.

"How did this happen? Is something wrong?"

Luo Xi said in her heart, thinking that this kind of thing was impossible to happen, but unfortunately, it happened, and there was still a little time left, if Jiang Chen didn't show up again, then Jiang Chen would be automatically out of the game.

"Hey, are you guys waiting for me?"

Just when the three of them had different thoughts, suddenly, a figure shot in from the outside, talking with a playful smile, looking extremely tired and rascal, who else could have it except Jiang Chen? ...

(End of this chapter)

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