genius evil

Chapter 1288 Thrilling history of face-slapping

Chapter 1288 Thrilling history of face-slapping
"Jiang Chen, you..."

Suddenly, seeing Jiang Chen appearing, Situ Aofeng's face changed drastically. He couldn't believe it. He stared at Jiang Chen and looked over. In the depths of his eyes, there was clearly a strong Surprise surged.

"Brother Situ, you seem to be very excited. Probably, you welcome me very much. Is my understanding correct?" Jiang Chen said with a smile after casually glanced at Situ Aofeng.

"Brother Jiang, congratulations, you were almost late, but fortunately, you came back in time." Situ Aofeng said, he restrained his emotions in an instant, and regained his calm state, as if he had never lost his composure, but his heart was not calm To the extreme.

Almost, almost, Jiang Chen was about to be rejected by the inner sect.

Unexpectedly, the damn thing is that at such a critical time, Jiang Chen rushed back, which made Situ Aofeng extremely annoyed, and even couldn't help wondering whether Jiang Chen was deliberately playing suspense, just to watch He made a fool of himself.


Situ Aofeng cursed viciously in his heart, he was very unwilling and held his breath. After all, it was really just a little bit short, and the regret would be irreparable. Why, Jiang Chen didn't give him a chance?

"Really?" Smiling, Jiang Chen showed noncommittal, he said, "Brother Situ, although you are very excited and welcome me, why do I feel that you don't seem very happy, could it be that you Seeing me, think of some unpleasant things? If so, then I can only feel sorry, after all, I did it on purpose to make you unhappy. "


Situ Aofeng's face flushed slightly, he was irritated.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's mouth is really too poisonous, a few words are enough to drive people to death.

But Jiang Chen's insight is even more frightening.

He just accidentally revealed his emotions, and was caught by Jiang Chen, and even guessed his thoughts in an instant, and he guessed it very closely.

This was undoubtedly terrifying, because he didn't show any strange emotions, and he still couldn't escape Jiang Chen's eyes.

"I'm not lying to you, I really did it on purpose." Jiang Chen smiled, unlike Situ Aofeng's embarrassment, he was very calm and leisurely, and said casually, "Brother Situ, hurry up, don't get excited, otherwise If I can't help laughing out loud, wouldn't it be embarrassing for you."

Situ Aofeng was already embarrassing enough, he flicked his sleeves, turned around and left, it was a second, and he couldn't stay any longer.

"Beauty Luo Xi, hello." Jiang Chen greeted Luo Xi, leaned over, and said, "Long time no see, I miss you very much, Miss Luo Xi, you are here to wait for me, right? I was moved."

Jiang Chen looked very touched, and in two or three steps, he appeared in front of Luo Xi, stretched out his hand, and hugged Luo Xi.

"what are you doing?"

Luo Xi stood there, motionless, not at all panicked by Jiang Chen's rude behavior.

She is very calm and extremely indifferent, as if nothing can disturb her mind.

"Because I was so touched, so I decided to give you a hug, beautiful Luoxi. I know, you must have been looking forward to it for a long time." Jiang Chen said solemnly, the words fell, and the outstretched hand was just hard. Yes, I hugged Luoxi into my arms.

"Let go!"

After all, there was a gleam of emotional fluctuations between those eyebrows and eyes. Luo Xi was dumbfounded. He originally thought that Jiang Chen was just a tentative move, but he never expected that Jiang Chen would be so daring. To a certain extent, it was so generous that he hugged her.

If it's just that, it's fine.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen hugged her so tightly that Luo Xi could feel the heat from Jiang Chen's body through the clothes.

This finally made Luo Xi slightly disturbed in her heart.

In an instant, the aura around her burst out, extremely cold, and directly charged at Jiang Chen, trying to make Jiang Chen let go of his hand.

"Luoxi beauty, don't get too excited." Jiang Chen said, under the impact, instead of letting go, he hugged Luoxi even tighter. Looking at that posture, he seemed to wish he could , as if rubbing Luoxi's soft body into his flesh and blood.


Suffering from the pain, Luo Xi exclaimed softly, Jiang Chen really exerted too much force, which made her feel the pain.

"Let go!"

Luo Xi said again, in that tone, there was a little more serious anger quietly.

This is an offense that cannot be tolerated or forgiven. Luo Xi is so furious that she even has the intention to kill someone.

"Luoxi beauty, do you know why I didn't show up until this time?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, as if he didn't notice that Luoxi was already on the verge of going berserk and would explode at any time.

Xiumei frowned slightly, Luo Xi remained silent.

Regarding this point, Luo Xi is not without curiosity at all, but she will naturally not ask, because, no matter what the reason is for Jiang Chen, it is the reason that he only showed up at this time, and it is probably because of her. It doesn't matter.

Since it has nothing to do with oneself, why bother to pay too much attention to it?
She has an elegant temperament, and to put it bluntly, she is very indifferent. This is due to her nature, and she is difficult to be moved by external things.

"Because, I want to give you a surprise, beauty Luo Xi." Jiang Chen continued, he looked into Luo Xi's eyes affectionately, and said slowly, "So, beauty Luo Xi, are you surprised?" ?”


Luo Xi sneered, from the beginning to the end, she was not surprised at all, only frightened.

"Jiang Chen, I'll give you one last chance, let go, otherwise, I'll kill you." Luo Xi said, her patience was about to run out, she was extremely impatient.

"Luoxi beauty, how can you be so indifferent." Jiang Chen was wronged, sighed, but finally let Luoxi go.

Picking up girls is like boiling frogs in warm water.

Before I knew it, the water boiled and the frog was cooked without knowing what happened.

This is the ultimate essence of picking up girls. As a man who has experienced many battles in this area, Jiang Chen is too clear about when to go further and when to back off a bit.

Luo Xi also left very quickly. She was afraid that she would not be able to bear it any longer and would attack Jiang Chen and kill him. Before leaving, there was a thick flame of anger burning in the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen like that. .

"Jiang Chen, you are really..."

Looking at Jiang Chen, Teacher Xu couldn't help but laugh.

When Jiang Chen came, he pissed off both Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi. When he faced Situ Aofeng, he called him sharp, and when he faced Luo Xi, he called him a scoundrel.

The two completely different styles were vividly reflected in Jiang Chen, making Teacher Xu see it, and he didn't know whether to fight for Situ Aofeng's injustice, or to say that Situ Aofeng was to blame.

As for Luo Xi, Teacher Xu could only feel helpless for Luo Xi. Of course, it could also be said that any woman would have no choice but to be helpless with a guy like Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Xu, please don't praise me, or I will be proud." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Chen, you were able to return in time, presumably you have successfully completed the task, but I still need to check, your success." Teacher Xu said seriously.

"No problem." Jiang Chen nodded, and took out ten demon crystals casually.

Teacher Xu inspected, and then exclaimed, he finally understood why, Jiang Chen would be the last one to come back, because, in comparison, the assigned task Jiang Chen accepted was obviously more important than that of Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi. Difficult to go up a level.

"Jiang Chen, congratulations." Teacher Xu said after the inspection.

"When can I enter the inner gate?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Two days later, there will be a special person to deal with this matter." Teacher Xu said.


Jiang Chen is back.

This matter, as if it had grown wings, quickly spread out, spreading up and down the outer door.

For this, some people expressed deep regret, because they knew that today was the last deadline, and they were expecting it wholeheartedly. It would be best if Jiang Chen didn't come back. Who knew, Jiang Chen's critical moment was like falling from the sky.

It made them beat their chests and sigh.

Of course, some people were happy for Jiang Chen. At first, they were afraid that Jiang Chen would miss this opportunity, but Jiang Chen finally rushed back in time.

Naturally, there are also people who are accustomed to this point and remain unmoved.

After all, seriously, Jiang Chen's experience in the outer sect was a thrilling history of face-slapping. It was an unknown number of people's faces, all of which were swollen by him.

Who knows if Jiang Chen deliberately chose such an opportunity to show up, just to give those who were going to see his jokes a hard slap in the face?
"It's so exciting, it's really exciting."

That bastard Lu Xun appeared in front of Jiang Chen with an expression of excitement on his face.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's nothing." His eyes flickered, but Lu Xun didn't say anything.


Seeing this guy's reaction, Jiang Chen knew that something was going to happen, so he simply kicked Lu Xun to the ground.

"Speak up if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say." Jiang Chen said very angrily.

Lu Xun quickly got up from the ground, and said with a smile: "It's really nothing, just a trivial matter, that's it. Two days ago, I deliberately sent someone a message saying that you would not come back, and then secretly set up a Gambling, I won a little money."

Lu Xun said it with a look of embarrassment, but judging by his appearance, he was clearly very proud and proud, as if he was overwhelmed by his own IQ.

Jiang Chen was stunned and speechless, this guy really didn't stop all day long, so Jiang Chen kicked out again, kicked Lu Xun, and flew out.

"Half the meeting, or you will be kicked to death." Jiang Chen said bluntly.

"Jiang Chen, you're too dark, I'll give you [-]% at most." Lu Xun muttered, and suddenly realized that he was a little carried away. Could it be that this was sent to Jiang Chen's slaughter?

Sure enough, Jiang Chen's big saber viciously slaughtered it.

"That's fine, I'll give you one." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and when he said a word, it made Lu Xun's heart skip a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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