genius evil

Chapter 1289 No. 1 in the heaven list, I want it

Chapter 1289 I want the first place in the list
Two days passed quickly.

Just two days later, Jiang Chen, Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi officially entered the inner sect under the guidance of special personnel.

Although it is not without precedent, there is no doubt that Jiang Chen and the three have made history.

Because, there has never been a time when such a situation has occurred. Three people broke through the Seven Star Tower, completed the assigned task, and entered the inner door ahead of time in a rampant posture.

The situation of the inner sect does not seem to be much different from that of the outer sect, but the most conspicuous part is that it is exactly the same as the outer sect, with one side, ranked as jade.

"Heavenly List!"

Ranking Yubi, releasing the light, immediately attracted the attention of Jiang Chen and the others.

Like the top [-] list of the outer sect, there are still only one hundred places on the top of the list.

These one hundred people are all talented and brilliant people in the inner sect. It can even be said that they represent the highest level of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

"Ji Mobai?"

At a glance, Jiang Chen saw that Ji Mobai, who was ranked number one on the list that day, shone with brilliance, making it extremely eye-catching.

"This No.1, I want it." Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi also looked at the ranked jade bi, and were dazzled by it for a long time without saying a word.

Because, in the days to come, they will continue to work hard to reach the top of the list.

"Brother Situ, in terms of your strength, you must be in the top ten on the list, so let's stop talking." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

His breath was suffocated, and Situ Aofeng glanced at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost. What is the top ten on the list is no longer a question. Of course, he has such ambitions, but he has self-knowledge, and it is extremely clear that it is beyond his ability. meddling.

"The top ten on the list is too far away for me." Situ Aofeng shook his head, his eyes were piercing, and he scanned the top of the ranking jade one by one, "I won't waste my energy, To pursue that illusory ranking, the top fifty is already the limit for me."

Situ Aofeng's words sounded very humble on the surface, but in fact, they were no longer humble.

Because, the Tianbang is completely different from the Top [-] List of the Outer Sect. Everyone has a history and has been sublimated extremely. In the future, it is destined to bloom in the Eastern Great Region.

The ranking in the top [-] may not seem high, but in fact, it is already a height that countless people can't reach.

To put it straightforwardly, if you describe the Top [-] List of Outer Sects as a mountain of ten thousand feet, then the Tianbang has at least reached the level of a million feet. Can compare.

In fact, it is.

There are a lot of geniuses who are unparalleled in the top [-] list of the outer sect, but in the end, they are unknown in the inner sect, let alone squeezed into the top [-] list, they are not even qualified to get involved.

"Brother Situ, you are too low-key, this is not in line with your style." Jiang Chen said, "I see that Fu Chun, who is ranked tenth, looks very underwhelming. I am looking forward to it. Brother Situ, you will give him Pull it down and replace it."

"Fu Chun?"

Hearing this name suddenly, Situ Aofeng's eyelids twitched.

Regarding the existence of the Tianbang, even though everyone in the outer sect knew about it, the outer sect knew very little about those who were above the Tianbang.

Except for that Ji Mobai who is outstanding and famous far and wide, regardless of whether he is famous in the outer sect or the inner sect, the rest of the people are not known to too many people.

Of course, this is due to the fact that he has never reached such a height.

The heights are different, so it is naturally difficult to touch such a side.

But Situ Aofeng had heard of the name Fu Chun, and he knew a little about some of Fu Chun's deeds.

It was precisely because of some understanding that Situ Aofeng was taken aback when he suddenly heard Jiang Chen mentioning Fu Chun. He wished he could seal Jiang Chen's mouth.

"I've heard of Fu Chun. I heard that he is on the top of the list. He has never tried his best and has the potential to hit the top five..." Situ Aofeng said.

"Brother Situ, your goal is to be in the top five. Disrespect and disrespect." Before Situ Aofeng finished speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted, looking at Situ Aofeng with a look of great admiration.

Hearing this, Situ Ao spit out a mouthful of old blood at risk.

He doesn't even have any extravagant hopes for being in the top ten, how dare he think about being in the top five.


Situ Aofeng cursed in his heart, he was so angry that he was about to go crazy, how could he fail to hear that Jiang Chen was deliberately running on him.

"Brother Jiang, you are joking. What I want to say is that I will stop at the top fifty at most, but Brother Jiang, you have amazing potential. Presumably, you have the strength to win the top ten." Situ Aofeng said, taking advantage of the situation, The topic was shifted to Jiang Chen, lest Jiang Chen keep playing with him.

It overwhelmed him, suffocated and irritated.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded solemnly.

While talking, Jiang Chen stretched out a finger, pointed it out, and said, "See if Ji Mobai's name is there, this guy deserves more beatings than Fu Chun, so I decided, if I find an opportunity, I will be ruthless." , beat him up."


Suddenly, Situ Aofeng gasped.

No matter who it is, anyone can hear that what he said was mostly teasing, and it was just a retaliation against Jiang Chen's squeeze.

How could he have imagined that Jiang Chen would be so straightforward, extremely confident, over-the-top arrogant, just as arrogant as when he was in the outer sect, directly setting his goal at the top of the list.

Although, I had heard Jiang Chen say this before, but at that time, before entering the inner sect, Situ Aofeng thought Jiang Chen was joking and couldn't take it seriously.

But now that they have entered the inner sect, Jiang Chen's attitude has not changed at all. Obviously, this is not a joke anyway, but Jiang Chen really has such an ambition.

It's certainly striking, especially given the contrast.

He himself was walking on thin ice, setting his goal at the top fifty, thinking that it was the limit of his potential, and he didn't dare to go further, while Jiang Chen had no scruples and was extremely arrogant.

"Is this the difference between me and Jiang Chen?" Situ Aofeng thought to himself.

Even though Jiang Chen's goal is to be number one in the heaven list, there are still many roads to go and many difficulties to overcome, but at least Jiang Chen has such an attitude, even if in the end, he fails to Success, after all, has such a blood.

As for him, he didn't even have such blood.

This is the gap.

Even if Situ Aofeng felt that Jiang Chen was arrogant, he had to admit that there was a huge gap between him and Jiang Chen.

"After all, is it better than him?"

For a moment, Situ Aofeng was in a state of disarray, extremely uncomfortable.

Previously, even if Jiang Chen had been pulled down from the top [-] list, Situ Aofeng had never been convinced by Jiang Chen. He had always vowed to surpass him and trampled Jiang Chen under his feet.

This time, it was the first time in history that Situ Aofeng discovered that he could only look up to Jiang Chen, and could no longer surpass him.

Because, Jiang Chen has an indomitable heart, unparalleled sharpness, and he is too timid, so the gap between them will only become bigger and bigger in the end.

With a slight sigh, Situ Aofeng's expression was a little bit lost, but also a little bit confused. Unknowingly, his mood was disturbed and he couldn't extricate himself.

"Jiang Chen, this inner door is not an outer door." At this moment, Luo Xi said.

Jiang Chen's tone was loud and extremely arrogant. Hearing that tone of speech, it seemed that Ji Mobai had been trampled under his feet.

Luo Xi couldn't understand at all, where did Jiang Chen get the confidence to say such a thing, so he wasn't afraid of being heard and made a joke?
"Yes, it's very different here." Jiang Chen nodded in agreement.

"Then please be honest, I don't want to lose face with you." Luo Xi reminded coldly.

The three of them, entering the inner door together in advance, will naturally be regarded as a special small group. In this way, among the three, every move of each of them will make the other two suffer. focus on.

Luo Xi has always disliked being in the limelight, and she didn't want to become a target of public criticism because of Jiang Chen.

"Luoxi beauty, this place is very different, just the two of us, we can live in the world of two." Jiang Chen sighed, feeling very emotional, eager to try, excited.

Luo Xi was dumbfounded immediately, and Jiang Chen didn't listen to what she said.

"Shut up." Luo Xi was annoyed.

"Luoxi beauty, I will marry you and go home when I step on the top of the list." Jiang Chen said, swearing.

"Number one on the list?"

But Jiang Chen's voice fell, and Luo Xi hadn't had time to respond, but there was an extremely mocking voice, and then, a man and a woman walked over.

The man and the woman were both very indifferent, and they were born with a great pride in their demeanor. The two walked over and stared at Jiang Chen for a look. Immediately, the man said with a smile that was not a smile, "Boy, what did you do just now?" Said, to set foot on the top of the list, did I hear wrong?"

"Is there a problem? Or, do you have an opinion?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Hmph, what do you think is the number one on the list? Any cat or dog can get your hands on it?" The man sneered, looking at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

"It turns out that you really have an opinion, but who are you, why do you have an opinion?" Jiang Chen was furious, stepped forward, raised his hand, and slapped the man's face. past.


A crisp slap sounded in the next second, and then, like a kite with a broken string, the man was slapped by Jiang Chen, and flew out. a bloody tooth.


Such a scene, in the eyes of Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng, both of them couldn't help themselves, they were stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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