genius evil

Chapter 1290 Raising Sword Gourd

Chapter 1290 Raising Sword Gourd
Jiang Chen was very vigorous and extremely domineering.

The man didn't realize what happened until he was kicked away.

Turning over quickly, the man was furious. He quickly rushed to Jiang Chen, wanting to fight Jiang Chen desperately, and roared angrily: "I think you are looking for death."

"You take me, Jiang Chen, as someone, do you think any cat or dog can be arrogant in front of me?" Jiang Chen said.

After the words fell, he raised his hand and was slapped again, and then he was slapped away, so the man was slapped away again, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

This is because the gap between the two sides is too great, like a natural moat.

Jiang Chen's slap was even more forceful. The man became dizzy, opened his mouth to spurt blood, and his face was red and swollen, turning into a pig's head.


Gritting his teeth, this time, the man didn't dare to get close to Jiang Chen easily, because he knew that Jiang Chen's slap would be the only way to greet him.

"Not convinced?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.


The man murmured, he wanted to admit that he was not convinced, but he understood how big the gap between himself and Jiang Chen was.

"Your name is Jiang Chen?"

At this moment, the woman asked, she looked at Jiang Chen again and again, as if she wanted to remember Jiang Chen's appearance.

"Lai Chao is just a low-level existence in the inner sect. Bullying him does not prove how powerful you are." Then, the woman said again.

"You mean, let me bully you, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, also staring at the woman, looking up and down.

Not to mention, this woman's appearance and figure are quite good, but if she insists on being bullied by him, then Jiang Chen, who has always been fond of women and girls, doesn't mind at all, so she made a guest appearance on the spot.

After all, it is really rare for a woman with good figure and appearance to have such weird hobbies.


Hearing this, her breathing was slightly suffocated. Obviously, this woman never expected that Jiang Chen's brain circuit was so strange.

"I mean, in terms of your strength, it's destined to be a joke." Frowning, the woman said, reminding Jiang Chen.

"So, do you want to become a joke? As a peerless good man, I now have a strong urge to fulfill you." Jiang Chen still smiled.


The woman just couldn't speak, she was very worried, if she continued speaking, she would be pissed off by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I believe that you will soon be famous, the entire inner sect, I hope you are already mentally prepared for this." Finally, the woman said, and she walked away quickly.

As for the man named Lai Chao, he also let go of his cruel words and told Jiang Chen with certainty that Jiang Chen must pay an extremely heavy price.

Of course, the result of such harsh words was that Jiang Chen slapped him for the third time, turning Lai Chao into a pig's head.

He had just entered the inner sect, and Jiang Chen had a conflict with someone. Such a scene fell into the eyes of Situ Aofeng and Luo Xi, not to make them feel speechless.

Obviously, Jiang Chen has no intention of restraining himself at all. Next, he will turn the inner door upside down at an extremely fast speed just like the outer door.


The place to live has been arranged in advance.

Perhaps it was because the three of Jiang Chen entered the inner gate at the same time, so the residences of the three of them were all arranged together, very close to each other.

It was a small courtyard. When Jiang Chen went to the residence, his spiritual sense penetrated into the identity jade badge to check the various rules of the inner sect.

"Life and death arena?"

There is a challenge arena in the outer sect, and naturally there is also a challenge arena in the inner sect, but the rules have changed, and there is a saying of life and death arena.

This is because the challenge of the inner sect is not limited to life and death.

It can be said that, therefore, challenging the rules has become more cruel and severe. This is to simulate the real combat scene outside to the greatest extent.

Even though, for many years, not many people died on the life-and-death ring, but it was doomed, the ring was full of blood.

The changes in the rules of the arena, in all aspects, the only thing that remains the same is that on the top of the list, once the ranking is near the latter, if you challenge the former, such a challenge is still undeniable.

On the other hand, unlike the outer sect, private fighting is not allowed, but the inner sect has abolished this regulation. The greatest tolerance for private fighting is not to kill people. If there is a life-and-death battle, then go to the arena of life and death.


Seeing it, Jiang Chen smiled.

The Zhenwu Continent already had a very strong martial arts style. Such a change in the rules seemed unexpected, but in fact, Jiang Chen didn't have the slightest bit of it, thinking that there was something unexpected.

After all, the outer door and the inner door are different after all.

Here, in addition to cultivating elites, the more important point is to let people learn how to live, to live better, and also to live longer.

This means that one has to go through countless battles, and only through hard work time and time again can one be able to shine!

On the other hand, similar to the outer sect, Tianbang can also earn a lot of contribution points, and then use the contribution points to exchange for various martial arts and other techniques in the Seven Star Hall.

Of course, there are still differences. The difference is that entering the inner gate, the second floor of the Seven Star Hall, is unconditionally open, and everyone can exchange for an item unconditionally.

This can be said to be a benefit.

After all, entering the inner sect can be regarded as, in the true sense, the students of the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy, naturally because of this, enjoy a certain degree of privileges, which cannot be compared to the students of the outer sect.

This one can be said to be exactly what Jiang Chen wanted.

Last time, Jiang Chen exchanged Sumi Vine on the second floor of the Seven Stars Hall, and then tore the second shackles of the physical body in one fell swoop, but he did not check the situation in the Seven Stars Hall in detail.

With a thought, Jiang Chen entered the second floor of the Seven Star Palace.

Spiritual consciousness swept across quickly, and Jiang Chen checked it.

As far as Jiang Chen's current spiritual strength is concerned, there is no need to look carefully. The various situations in the second layer are clear at a glance, and Jiang Chen has taken them all into his eyes.

"That, gourd?"

After a while, a small red gourd attracted Jiang Chen's attention. Jiang Chen went over and picked it up.

This small gourd was about the size of a palm, simple and old, covered with dust, and inconspicuous. Jiang Chen couldn't feel any fluctuations when he started to play with it.

But Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness was unable to see through the internal structure of the gourd, and his spiritual consciousness encountered a barrier and was blocked.

"It's a bit weird." Jiang Chen pondered.

Because, after tearing off the second shackle, his spiritual consciousness almost manifested, which is very extraordinary, but he can't see through the red gourd. It's not difficult to explain that the little gourd is quite strange.

"That's all." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Other than that, looking at the second floor of the Seven Star Palace, there was nothing else that could impress Jiang Chen. He simply had a chance. If he didn't use it for nothing, Jiang Chen was unceremonious and put the gourd away.

Immediately, Jiang Chen withdrew.

In the room, Jiang Chen held the small red gourd and looked it over carefully. He tried his best to mobilize his spiritual consciousness to observe carefully, but he was still blocked.


With a flick of his fingers, Jiang Chen hit the red gourd with a burst of breath, but that kind of attack was instantly annihilated.

"One more time." Jiang Chen whispered.

In an instant, Jiang Chen launched a second attack. The little red gourd was blown away, but it was intact. Under Jiang Chen's attack, no trace was left.


Jiang Chen was slightly stunned. I don't know what kind of material this gourd is made of, but it is extremely hard, enough to withstand an attack of [-]% of his strength without being damaged.

"Then, what about [-]% power?" Jiang Chen pondered.

Jiang Chen was a little worried that he would destroy the little gourd, but he didn't hesitate too much, because he was really curious, so Jiang Chen launched a third attack.


The astonishing force of the bombardment fell on the small red gourd. The little gourd obviously couldn't bear it, and cracks appeared, and then, it was seen that a white light shot out from the muddled mouth.

The white light was extremely miraculous, it cut into the air, the void was torn apart, and the aura filled the sky, sweeping in all directions, even Jiang Chen's expression changed slightly, and a quick slap of his big palm was the only way to shoot that lasing light The coming breath was scattered.

"Sword Qi?"

Jiang Chen was stunned. It was clearly a sword energy. It was mighty and bright, and contained a supreme chilling aura. It was indeed a sword energy.

"This is, Raising Sword Gourd?"

Suddenly, Jiang Chen's heart trembled, he grabbed it with his big hand, and grabbed the little red gourd in his palm.

It has to be said that it was beyond Jiang Chen's expectation. Even though he had thought that this little red gourd was unusual, he still hadn't expected that it would be so extraordinary.

"Very good, very good." Grinning, Jiang Chen smiled.

Now that he knew that it was a gourd for cultivating swords, everything that followed would become smoother. Jiang Chen quickly refined it, and then put the flying sword into it for cultivation.

Inside the sword-raising gourd, there is a space of its own, which is extremely miraculous. Although it is a magic weapon, it is beyond the scope of ordinary magic weapons. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a treasure.

An ordinary sword, after a certain period of cultivation, can bloom a peerless sword glow. Jiang Chen is now very much looking forward to what kind of changes will happen to his flying sword after it has been cultivated.

And just as Jiang Chen was studying the cultivation of sword gourds, just as the woman said, his name was being circulated among the inner sect at an extremely fast speed.

Naturally, all of this was due to worshiping the woman and the man named Lai Chao. After the two left, they immediately publicized Jiang Chen.

Such a result led to Jiang Chen becoming famous on the first day of entering the inner sect.

"Jiang Chen? Where did the ignorant boy come from, and he actually tried to get his hands on the top of the list, is this a joke?" Someone said with a smile, very teasing.

"It's not a joke, but that kid is a big joke in itself." Someone also said, the irony was beyond words...

(End of this chapter)

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