genius evil

Chapter 1291 You are looking for teeth all over the place

Chapter 1291 You are looking for teeth all over the place

As long as one can enter the inner door ahead of time, this in itself means extraordinary.

Such an existence is a little bit arrogant, which is very easy to understand. After all, geniuses are arrogant in themselves. In terms of personality, there is a little bit of eccentricity, which is quite natural.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a genius!
But to be so blunt, bluntly saying that he wants to win the first place in the list, and his tone of voice, it seems that the first place in the list is already in his pocket, and it is easy to get. Naturally, this is the first time, which arouses the disgust of countless people.

Especially, with the woman and Lai Chao embellished in every possible way, Jiang Chen was described as a madman, an ignorant and arrogant madman.

As a result, when everyone heard such rumors, their impression of Jiang Chen could be said to be extremely bad. As a result, they naturally did not hesitate to ridicule.

"A kid who has just entered the inner sect, so what if he enters the inner sect early? Do you really think that there is no one in my inner sect? How dare you make the idea of ​​being number one?"

Some people said that, thinking that Jiang Chen was so arrogant that there was no end to it. Except for the first Ji Mobai in the Tianbang, no one in the inner sect was enough to be seen by Jiang Chen?


Soon, the person who made such words realized that his understanding had gone awry.

Because, Jiang Chen's goal is number one in the heaven list, which undoubtedly means that Jiang Chen didn't even pay attention to Ji Mobai.

Among the inner sect, Jiang Chen ignored them without exception.

"What an arrogant guy, is it too long?"

Someone uttered a voice, thinking that Jiang Chen was suspected of courting death. This was a crime of public anger, and he didn't know how he died sooner or later.

"Which friend has time, go meet that Jiang Chen, let him understand a truth, the so-called number one in the top [-] outside sects, looking at the inner sect, it is nothing."

Another person said that they learned about Jiang Chen's deeds in the Outer Sect through various channels, and were a little surprised that Jiang Chen ranked first in the Outer Sect Top [-], but it was not worthy of attention at all.

This is because the students from the inner sect have entered the inner sect for at least a year, while the students from the outer sect only entered the outer sect for a month or two.

The gap between the two sides has long been widened. The so-called number one in the top [-] outside sects, all advantages have long since disappeared, and there is nothing to brag about.

Similarly, this is not enough to support Jiang Chen's arrogance in the inner sect. If Jiang Chen doesn't know good from bad, then Jiang Chen will suffer a lot.

Even, bloody fall!

"Yes, which friend is going to challenge Jiang Chen and let him experience the experience, as high as the sky and as thick as the ground."

Immediately, someone made a fuss, thinking that this was a brilliant idea. Didn't Jiang Chen say that he wanted to take the number one spot on the list? Then he would give Jiang Chen a hard lesson and let Jiang Chen know what despair is.

In that case, we have to see if Jiang Chen dares to speak nonsense!
Afterwards, someone responded.

"Jiang Chen, do you dare to fight me?"

This person's name is Yang Wenxin, among the inner sect, he belongs to that kind of unknown generation, but because he was the first to stand up and bluntly said that he would fight Jiang Chen, he soon became famous.

Yang Wenxin enjoyed the pleasure of becoming famous so much, he spoke for the second time, "Jiang Chen, what's the matter, aren't you trying to win the first place in the list, don't you even dare to fight me?"

Yang Wenxin is very arrogant and high-spirited, which is tantamount to stepping on Jiang Chen to become famous.

Yang Wenxin was very much looking forward to Jiang Chen being able to accept his own challenge. In that way, when he stepped Jiang Chen under his feet, his reputation would undoubtedly be further developed.


"Jiang Chen, now, your wish has come true!" Lai Chao smiled sinisterly, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

He spared no effort to promote Jiang Chen, and finally achieved the result he wanted. Jiang Chen was very successful and became the target of public criticism. Every step in the inner sect would inevitably become extremely difficult.

Lai Chao is looking forward to it now, someone will give Jiang Chen a good lesson, and it will be regarded as revenge for him.

"No, this is just the beginning." The woman said, her name was Yuan Na, and she was very proud, because she thought of this method in order to help Jiang Chen become famous.

"Just the beginning?" Lai Chao looked at Yuan Na in surprise.

Then Yuan Na said, "That's right, my purpose is not just to teach Jiang Chen a lesson, otherwise wouldn't it be too cheap for him? It is to make him have no place to stand in the inner sect. This It is the price he has to pay for offending me."

Yuan Na was very ruthless, she thought that Jiang Chen had offended her, and she didn't want to make Jiang Chen feel better, and in the future, she had to use this matter to add trouble to Jiang Chen.

Lai Chao's eyes lit up, he burst out laughing, and said, "Yuan Na, I think, Jiang Chen, if he knew that he would end up like this if he offended you and me, he would have regretted vomiting blood long ago, right?"


Yuan Na sneered, she was noncommittal to Lai Chao's statement, what she wanted was to make Jiang Chen regret, the more regret the better!


The news spread quickly, and Jiang Chen naturally received the news.

But of course Jiang Chen would not vomit blood. In fact, to Jiang Chen, this was just a very common thing.

In other words, he was still thinking about how to quickly and effectively gain fame in the inner door, but now, he has not done anything, but he is famous. It can be said that it is exactly in line with Jiang Chen's wishes.

No need to think about it, Jiang Chen also understood that behind this, it was Lai Chao and Yuan Na who were fueling the flames.

"Jiang Chen, don't you plan to do something?"

On Luoxi's side, they contacted Jiang Chen through the identity jade card.

This news spread very suddenly, and within a very short period of time, Jiang Chen was pushed to the forefront. Even Luo Xi was deeply surprised.

Originally, Luo Xi didn't want to pay attention to it, but seeing the whole incident, it became more and more serious, and Jiang Chen didn't react at all. After all, he couldn't bear it anymore and contacted Jiang Chen to ask Jiang Chen's opinion.

"I'm planning to accept Yang Wenxin's challenge?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Huh?" Luo Xi was speechless.

"Luoxi beauty, you must go to watch the battle, otherwise I will be very disappointed." Jiang Chen said.

Luo Xi was silent for a while, and immediately cut off the contact.

"The beautiful girl Luoxi cares about me so much, I'm really touched." Jiang Chen said, he was so moved that he was confused.

Surprisingly, that Situ Aofeng also contacted Jiang Chen, and was startled by such a sensational news, and wanted to find out Jiang Chen's tone.

Jiang Chen told Situ Aofeng that he was about to accept the challenge, and asked Situ Aofeng to go to join him, to make a name for himself, and let the students in the inner sect know that they are not easy to bully.

"Three masters of the outer sect?"

Situ Aofeng has black lines all over his head, what is this?How come, never heard of it?

"Brother Situ, you and I, as well as the beauty Luoxi, are united as one, advancing together and retreating together, no one will be humiliated!" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Situ Aofeng almost vomited blood, and had a very bad premonition that he was about to be dragged into the water by Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang, don't be impulsive." Situ Aofeng said dumbfounded.

"Brother Situ, I'm very calm." Jiang Chen said so.

So, after a moment of silence, Situ Aofeng cut off contact, regretting contacting Jiang Chen extremely.


"Jiang Chen, why didn't you respond? Are you afraid? If you are afraid, just admit defeat and surrender." Yang Wenxin said, making a third sound.

He is very high-profile now, because, due to the attention of the public, he feels very good.

"Jiang Chen, are you joking when you say you want to win the first place in the list? It must be a joke." Someone said again, adding fuel and jealousy, trying to force Jiang Chen.

Because, of course, surrendering and admitting defeat would cause great loss of face, but I would rather see the scene of Jiang Chen being violently beaten in the arena of life and death. It would undoubtedly be very relieved.

"Jiang Chen, you can actually tell everyone that you are joking, maybe, Brother Yang Wenxin, I will let you go." Some people said this, playing and torturing, and they were making suggestions for Jiang Chen. In fact, this is very hurtful. It was an extremely clumsy excuse, no one would believe it, and it would only embarrass Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, Yang Wenxin is not popular among the inner sect. 90.00% of the people can easily crush him. Don't you even have the courage to fight him?"

Another person stepped on Jiang Chen while unceremoniously speaking.

After all, Yang Wenxin is not popular, so Jiang Chen, in comparison, is even less popular.

This is an existence on the top of the list. When he said this, Yang Wenxin's stomach was full of bitterness, but he could only knock down his teeth and swallow his blood, not daring to respond.

"Deng Chunhua, what are you? Why don't you fight me and watch me beat you all over the place?"

Just when countless people in the inner sect were expecting Jiang Chen's response, Jiang Chen finally uttered his own voice, arrogant as always, directly skipping Yang Wenxin, and challenged Deng Chunhua.


Many people's eyeballs dropped to the ground, amazed at Deng Chunhua's ability to pull hatred, and at the same time, they also knew that the good show was coming, and Jiang Chen finally couldn't bear it anymore and jumped out.

"Challenge me? You don't have that qualification." Deng Chunhua sneered and said, "Wait until you defeat Yang Wenxin. If you can't even defeat Yang Wenxin, it will only be a joke after all!"

"Yang Wenxin, I accept your challenge." So, Jiang Chen said, he called Yang Wenxin back, and then told Deng Chunhua that if he was asked to wait, he would be beaten all over the place.

"Very good, is it finally time for the challenge?" Yang Wenxin was satisfied, he spoke one after another, and Deng Chunhua stepped on him for no reason, and finally his work was not in vain.

Yang Wenxin said, "Jiang Chen, I will fight with you tomorrow morning, don't run away, or I will, very disappointed."

"Idiot, you are doomed." Jiang Chen said, displaying his arrogant nature to the fullest.

The time has been set, and tomorrow morning, Jiang Chen will fight Yang Wenxin. Such news spread like wildfire, and the interest of many people in the inner sect was aroused.

Time passed quickly, and on the second day, half of the inner sects were mobilized, rushing towards the life and death arena...

(End of this chapter)

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