genius evil

Chapter 1295 I am a gentleman

Chapter 1295 I am a gentleman
Originally, the battle between Jiang Chen and Yang Wenxin should have been a very serious matter. After all, many people were alarmed and wanted to see what was so extraordinary about Jiang Chen.

In the end, they were not disappointed. Jiang Chen was so strong that he directly crushed Yang Wenxin, leaving Yang Wenxin no room for a comeback.

However, the final ending was made into a farce by Jiang Chen abruptly.

Especially Lai Chao and Yuan Na, who were played by Jiang Chen to want to live and die. Many people saw it, and they couldn't bear it.

This farce will soon dissipate.

"Are you planning to go to the third floor of the Seven Star Hall?" Luo Xi asked.

It can be said that Jiang Chen's intentions are already very obvious, and it is not difficult to guess.

"Luoxi beauty, I'm totally perfect, I didn't expect that." Jiang Chen looked at Luoxi, amazed, his expression was exaggerated.

Luo Xi was stunned and speechless, and said, "Could it be that you are too anxious?"

"I've always been very patient with Luo Xi beauty, and never rushed." Jiang Chen said solemnly.


Luo Xi's head was full of black lines.

"Miss Luoxi, you care so much about me, it's really beyond my expectation, and it really touches me, can you tell me, when did you start?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.


Even if she couldn't understand the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, it made Luo Xi deeply realize what a wrong decision it was to come to Jiang Chen.

"What I mean is, when did you fall in love with me, beauty Luoxi...Although love happens naturally, but you must understand me, beauty Luoxi, there is no way, I am so excited, The mood is very complicated, and there are many questions to ask." Jiang Chen said in a rambling manner.

Luo Xi couldn't take it anymore, turned around and left.

"Luoxi beauty, you haven't answered my question yet." Jiang Chen chased after her and hurriedly asked.

"Jiang Chen, you have to understand that you are not the only smart person in this world, so don't be fooled by your cleverness." Luo Xi said coldly, referring to Jiang Chen deliberately challenging Deng Chunhua and others.

Jiang Chen was taking a risk, and for this, he would probably pay a very heavy price.

Naturally, this matter had nothing to do with Luo Xi, but Luo Xi felt a little bit unbearable, thinking that with Jiang Chen's talent and potential, he could go further and reach an incredible height.

However, he was suspected of ruining his own future, gambling with his own future, it was hard to say what was right and what was wrong, but in Luo Xi's view, Jiang Chen actually didn't have to do this.

These words, if Jiang Chen hadn’t messed around, Luo Xi would have explained to Jiang Chen one by one, but Jiang Chen was too jumpy, it was to make Luo Xi lose the desire to speak, and just wanted to leave as soon as possible, so as not to be caught by Jiang Chen. entanglement.

"Miss Luoxi, are you saying that I think I'm smart?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Whether that's the case, you understand, why bother to say more." Luo Xi responded, noncommittal on this point.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jiang Chen has a deep suspicion of being smart. From the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen feels good about himself and seems to have no idea what he is doing right now.

"At the beginning, when I was in the outer sect, I don't know if you thought the same about Luo Xi beauty?" Jiang Chen asked again unhurriedly.


There was a slight pause under his feet, obviously he did not expect that Jiang Chen would ask such a question, for a while, Luo Xi fell silent.

Do you think so?

Luo Xi thought about it carefully, and soon realized that she had indeed thought this way.

This suddenly made Luoxi realize how similar the affairs of the outer sect and the affairs of the inner sect are. Jiang Chen has never changed. Be responsible for every word you say.

"The outer door is different from the inner door after all." Hesitating, Luo Xi said.

"Of course it's different." Jiang Chen said with a smile on his face, "When you were at the outer door, Miss Luoxi, you didn't care about me as much as you do now. Of course, it's very possible that at that time, Miss Luoxi, you had already had a crush on me. Xu, it's just that I haven't had the chance to show it...Congratulations, beauty Luoxi, you've finally succeeded, and you've shown me your heart."

Luo Xi almost went berserk, this damn guy really kept his three words in his line, where did this inexplicable self-confidence come from?

"Jiang Chen, I hope you are right." Luo Xi said, she once again lost the desire to speak, and this was all caused by Jiang Chen.

In front of her, Jiang Chen always had a strange ability that made her speechless.

"I've always been right, and I've never missed it. That's why you, Luoxi beauty, love me so hard." Jiang Chen said with confidence, his confidence bursting out.


The speed suddenly increased, and a black phantom was pulled out in the void. Luo Xi almost ran away in embarrassment. She couldn't take it anymore, and was worried that she would fight Jiang Chen.

"Luoxi beauty, you are too shy, this is not good, how about this, I will go to you at night, the two of us, we will talk at night by candlelight." Jiang Chen yelled at Luoxi's leaving figure.

"Who is that woman?"

Someone discovered that Jiang Chen and Luo Xi were walking together. From the very beginning, they showed great interest in Luo Xi. The aura of the Nine Heavens Goddess Lin Chen was extremely strange and heart-wrenching.

"What's the relationship between her and Jiang Chen?"

Some people wondered, because after hearing Jiang Chen's last sentence, it clearly indicated that Jiang Chen and Luo Xi had a very close relationship. Otherwise, how could it be so ambiguous?

"She's my woman."

Jiang Chen walked over, and said lazily, he grinned his teeth, and said in a vicious voice, "Everyone, be honest with me, whoever dares to get her idea will just make things difficult for me, and is destined to be trampled under my feet forever. There's no turning back."

"Jiang Chen, you are too domineering."

Some people are very unconvinced, just discussing a few words, Jiang Chen's reaction, is it necessary to be so extreme?
"I'm so domineering, what do you think, if you have the ability to challenge me, [-] contribution points." Jiang Chen said without any scruples.

The man was speechless for a moment, and found that Jiang Chen had bad intentions, but intentionally provoked them, and then went to the arena of life and death.

"What about you, do you also want to challenge me? Come on, I, Jiang Chen, am invincible, and I want to fight all the invincible hands in the inner sect." Jiang Chen said, extremely arrogant.

"Jiang Chen, you will suffer retribution." Several people were all gnashing their teeth in anger, and they all had the urge to tear Jiang Chen apart.

"Stop talking nonsense, the real chapter will be seen in the arena of life and death." Jiang Chen said so.

Then, those few people left quickly, just like Luo Xi, they couldn't stand Jiang Chen anymore.

"The invincible life is really boring." Jiang Chen sighed, the master was lonely.


"Too Shang Induction Chapter."

In the room, Luo Xi is practicing a method of visualization. This is a fragment, but Luo Xi knows it very well. It is of extraordinary value and has great research significance.

Therefore, even if it was a fragment, she did not hesitate to use an opportunity to exchange it from the second floor of the Seven Star Hall.

"Taishang induction, harmony between man and nature."

This is the ultimate profound meaning of this method of visualization. It is rumored that if one cultivates to Dzogchen, one can be in harmony with the heaven and the earth.

Luo Xi was very interested in this.

It's not difficult to get started, and soon, Luo Xi is immersed in it, with a peaceful mind.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

The sound of knocking on the door sounded at this moment.

The person who knocked on the door did not know who it was, but it was extremely forceful, giving the impression that it was not knocking, but trying to tear down the door.

Dai Mei frowned slightly, Luo Xi had no choice but to stand up and walk outside.

"Jiang Chen?"

There was no need to open the door at all, Jiang Chen walked in carelessly outside the door.

"Luoxi beauty, surprise or surprise, surprise or surprise?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile, and walked inside.

"I didn't invite you." Luo Xi said expressionlessly.

"No wonder some people say that the IQ of a woman in love will plummet." Jiang Chen sighed, and said, "Luoxi beauty, I'm here to talk with you by candlelight. Hurry up, it's almost dark."

"You can go back." Luo Xi said, very cold as ice, not in the mood to deal with Jiang Chen.

In fact, I was in a very bad mood. I just started practicing the Taishang Induction Chapter, but it was interrupted for no reason.

"Luoxi beauty, there is something that I forgot to tell you, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back." Jiang Chen said.


Luo Xi looked at Jiang Chen in bewilderment, what do you mean you can't go back?

"The house I live in has collapsed, and there is nowhere to go." Jiang Chen said, and then cursed bitterly, "I don't know which bastard, while I was out, destroyed the place where I live. It’s gone, don’t let me catch it, or it will make him look good.”

"is it?"

Luo Xi looked at Jiang Chen coldly, she didn't know whether Jiang Chen was lying or the truth.

But even if it was true, Luo Xi would not believe that the house was destroyed by someone else, and Jiang Chen probably did it himself. That's right, Luo Xi believed that Jiang Chen could do such a thing.

"Luoxi beauty, for the sake of our relationship, you must take me in." Jiang Chen said.

"no way!"

Luo Xi flatly refused and took Jiang Chen in. Wouldn't that mean leading wolves into the house? Naturally, Luo Xi would not do such a stupid thing.

Jiang Chen didn't seem to hear Luo Xi's words, the figure flashed and entered the room.

"go out!"

Luo Xi scolded sharply, not giving Jiang Chen any thought.

Jiang Chen, however, started to take out things from the storage ring, which were quilts and daily necessities, which were extremely well prepared.

"Beauty Luoxi, I can sleep on the floor, and it will definitely not hinder you from resting." Jiang Chen said solemnly, and he said, "I am a gentleman, and I will sit in my arms without messing up. You can rest assured, Miss Luoxi, if you still don't If you don't worry, I can swear to it."

"Okay, you swear." With a cold snort, Luo Xi said, this scene is too clumsy, Luo Xi perfectly doesn't want to cooperate with Jiang Chen's performance, but since Jiang Chen wants to sing a one-man show, then she wants to see it, Jiang Chen How can Chen sing this drama full of loopholes by himself!

(End of this chapter)

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