genius evil

Chapter 1296 Made a lot of money

Chapter 1296 Made a lot of money
"Beauty Luoxi, look at my face and you will know how serious I am, how can you really make me swear?" Jiang Chen was so angry that he almost jumped.

How could Luo Xi not play cards according to common sense?

According to the normal direction of the plot, after he said such words, shouldn't Luo Xi be so moved that he would try his best not to make him swear?Why is it completely different?

The script has been tampered with just like that, what will he do next?
"Don't dare to swear?"

Luo Xi asked with a half-smile, she looked at Jiang Chen with a mocking look in her eyes.

"It's not that I don't dare, it's just that I simply think that there is no such need. After all, you know exactly what kind of person I am, Miss Luoxi." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

"I don't know." Luo Xi said.

Jiang Chen sighed, and said: "Luoxi beauty, I finally understand why you have been alone all this time. It's because you are too flirtatious and lack interest."

"Does this have anything to do with your swearing?" Luo Xi said coldly.

"Of course it has something to do with it. It's a big deal." Jiang Chen was very serious, and he said, "Luoxi beauty, if you have that little interest, you won't make me swear."

"You have to swear." Luo Xi said firmly.

"So, Miss Luoxi, are you willing to take me in?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.


Luo Xi couldn't help being stunned, and suddenly realized that Jiang Chen had entangled him inadvertently.

Because, if I made Jiang Chen swear so firmly, wouldn't it just be an expression of my willingness to let Jiang Chen stay?

"That's not what I meant." Luo Xi said.

"I, Jiang Chen, swear that I will absolutely follow the rules. Beauty Luoxi, you tell me to go east, but I will never go west. If there is any disobedience, the sky will be struck by lightning!" Jiang Chen swore, incomparably straightforward.

When Luo Xi remembered to interrupt, Jiang Chen had already finished posting.

Luo Xi was dumbfounded, she looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly, and realized that she had greatly underestimated Jiang Chen's shamelessness after all, and actually made an oath in order to stay.

Then, Luo Xi was really speechless, and went back to her room angrily, ignoring Jiang Chen.

"Today is a good day, everything in my mind can be accomplished..."

Jiang Chen was smiling and in an unprecedentedly good mood, happily packing his things and preparing to live with Luo Xi.


On the second day, Jiang Chen's second challenge after entering the inner gate began, and the target was Yu Hai.

Yu Hai is a mature young man with a dark complexion. In the inner sect, his every move is well-behaved. It can be said that he is a well-known honest person.

Different from Yang Wenxin's purpose of challenging Jiang Chen, Yu Hai wanted to challenge Jiang Chen because he was enraged by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, are you ready?"

On the arena of life and death, Yu Hai stared at Jiang Chen and questioned him.

"Admit defeat, I don't want to bully you." Jiang Chen said like this.

"Jiang Chen, I will let you know the price of being arrogant." Yu Hai said.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, Yu Hai made a move, and he had no intention of being merciful, as soon as he made a move, he used the most domineering martial arts.

The martial skill he practiced was a kick method, very tricky, with amazing lethality, showing a spiral force, strangling Jiang Chen.

This kind of fighting power is very impressive.

It can be seen that Yu Hai is not only old-fashioned, but also has a lot of combat experience. It is a pity that he met Jiang Chen.

Whether it was Yang Wenxin or Yu Hai, they all belonged to the category of normal people, while Jiang Chen undoubtedly belonged to the category of freaks.

This is doomed, Yu Hai is going to fail miserably.

The final result was nothing more than that, even if Yu Hai attacked again and again, he was still defeated, suppressed by Jiang Chen, and seriously injured. If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's intention to kill someone, he would have died bloody.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, the time was very short and there was no suspense. The onlookers expressed regret for Yu Hai's defeat, but they never had too violent emotional fluctuations. They thought it was a matter of course. After all, Jiang Chen's physical body The power is too tyrannical, it can be compared to the real powerhouse of the Mortal Transformation Realm.


In the next few days, Jiang Chen enjoyed the happy life of cohabiting with Luo Xi, and at the same time fought a routine battle every day.

It can be said that the entire inner sect has become Jiang Chen's performance stage. His limelight is the same for a while, and he has a tendency to catch up with Ji Mobai, the number one on that day's list. Threshold, are not touched.

But it is precisely because of this that it makes people feel more miraculous. It can probably be regarded as No. 1 in the past and present. No one has ever caused such a big storm in the inner sect and attracted so many attentions.

In every battle, Jiang Chen's attack method is very simple, that is, to use the power of his body to crush the opponent in a way without any suspense.

This is the first battle in the sea.

This is the case for the second game.

The same is true for the third and fourth games...

At the beginning, no one had too many ideas. After all, the reason why Yu Hai and others stood up was because they were filled with righteous indignation. They wanted to give Jiang Chen a little color, not because they had the absolute certainty of defeating Jiang Chen. .

But gradually, everyone realized that something was wrong.

Because, in every battle, no matter who the target is, they are all suppressed by Jiang Chen without exception. Often, the battle has just begun before it is over.

In this way, this situation lasted for more than a dozen games.

"How could this be?"

Some people were stunned. They had already guessed that Jiang Chen would show signs of decline after at most three challenges, because his hole cards were exposed and his advantage was gone.

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen never used his hole cards from the beginning to the end.

"How can Jiang Chen be so strong, is he going against the sky?"

Some people also exclaimed, thinking that it was too unbelievable, with Jiang Chen's strength, it was more than enough to make it to the top of the list, this was completely playing tricks on everyone.

"Damn it, he was fooled, and he earned a lot of contribution points for nothing."

Some people reacted belatedly and realized that Jiang Chen had ulterior motives, clearly intending to provoke the other party on purpose, and then plundered a large amount of contribution points.

In fact, Jiang Chen succeeded. So far, he has already earned 10,000+ contribution points, which is enough to enter the third floor of the Seven Star Hall.

This is an unimaginable speed. Even Mo Bai, who was young at that time, had never been so fast, and had the qualification to enter the third floor of the Seven Star Hall.

"Jiang Chen is deliberately pretending to be crazy, we are all deceived."

Someone shouted loudly to remind everyone to pay attention.

It was too miserable to be deceived. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would treat each challenge after another as a business after another, earning a lot of money?

"Whoever is going to challenge Jiang Chen next, you must give him a hard lesson."

Some people appealed that Jiang Chen should not be allowed to continue his winning streak, otherwise, Jiang Chen might sing all the way and rise rapidly, and the future rankings would be disrupted because of this.

At present, Jiang Chen already has the qualification to enter the third floor of the Seven Star Hall, but you must know that 90.00% of the people in the inner sect are blocked from the third floor of the Seven Star Hall.

Once Jiang Chen exchanged for a powerful martial skill from the third floor of the Seven Star Hall, then Jiang Chen will undoubtedly go to a higher level. At that time, who can stop it?

In this case, pouring it down like a basin of ice water made many people wake up and realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Is Jiang Chen planning to turn the world upside down? Who can stop him?"

Someone said this, very pessimistic, thinking that Jiang Chen's rise was already inevitable.


Deng Chunhua cursed viciously and became furious.

He found that he had been fooled. If this momentum continues, he will inevitably become the first stepping stone for Jiang Chen to step into the heaven list.

In other words, at that time, Jiang Chen will step on his shoulders and launch an impact on the ranking list.Moreover, there is a 90.00% possibility that Jiang Chen will succeed!
This is calculated, Deng Chunhua felt fear, because Jiang Chen's calculations are too far-reaching, even if everyone treats Jiang Chen as a joke and thinks that Jiang Chen's end will be miserable, Jiang Chen has calculated That step turned everyone around.

If he had discovered this early in the morning, Deng Chunhua would not have accepted Jiang Chen's challenge even if his face was damaged. But now, riding a tiger is hard to get off.

"How to do?"

Deng Chunhua became anxious. This was making a wedding dress for Jiang Chen. He wanted to turn Jiang Chen into a joke. In the end, it was himself who became that joke.

"It must be stopped." Deng Chunhua was very annoyed.

Those who challenged Jiang Chen were all aware of this, just like Deng Chunhua. They were all furious and couldn't bear it.

For the next challenge, they all had a tacit understanding. They shot at the limit, but the gap with Jiang Chen was really too big, and nothing could make it up.

No.17 field...

No.18 field...


No.20 seven games...


The battle continued every day, and Jiang Chen played his crushing style again and again, pushing to the end, hitting all the way, and his record was nothing short of astonishing.

"Who else wants to challenge me? Come on, I, Jiang Chen, will take over one by one." Jiang Chen let go. He has completed 27 challenges, and Deng Chunhua is left with one.

However, with Jiang Chen's current ranking among the inner sect, he is not yet qualified to challenge Deng Chunhua, this match will have to be delayed for a while.

"Jiang Chen, I, Meng Hu, are here to challenge you!"

A person stood up and said harshly.

"It's Meng Hu? He actually stood up."

"There's a good show to watch now."

"Finally someone wants to make a move. Have you taught Jiang Chen a lesson?"


As Meng Hu walked out, the crowd talked a lot. Obviously, this Meng Hu has a great reputation in the inner sect and is well known by many people.

What's more obvious is that Meng Hu's standing up made many people happy to see what happened. They all looked forward to having someone to suppress Jiang Chen.

"One hundred thousand contribution points, let's play with you." Jiang Chen said with a smile as he looked at Meng Hu and felt the domineering aura on him.

"Yes, I will accompany you and have fun." Meng Hu said word by word, the way he looked at Jiang Chen, as if he was looking at a dead person...

(End of this chapter)

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