genius evil

Chapter 1301 You Really Moved Me

Chapter 1301 You Really Moved Me
It was a folding fan, the whole body was as black as ink, after the folding fan was sacrificed by Deng Chunhua, the fan was rolled up and opened.

It can be clearly seen that on the fan, there are four large black characters with thick ink and heavy brush strokes. Every stroke, the brush moves like a dragon and snake, the iron draws a silver hook, and the Taoism flows.

The black glow was faint, and the four big black characters were dignified and thick, like mountains and mountains. In an instant, the folding fan was thrown out by Deng Chunhua, and the black glow flickered, and the four big characters flew out from the fan, and pressed towards Jiang Chen.

The big characters are facing the sky, sprinkled with black light, and immediately skyrocketed against the wind, as if they were like four hills, covering the sky, and the life and death arena was covered by that black light.

"The folding fan?"

Someone looked over and gasped. This was because they recognized the origin of the folding fan out of shock.

"Is it the Tiangang Feather Fan? Unexpectedly, Deng Chunhua has such a trump card."

Someone said, amazed.

Because, when the Tiangang Feather Fan appeared earlier, it caused waves. Later, the Tiangang Feather Fan disappeared and disappeared. No one expected that it would actually fall into the hands of Deng Chunhua. This was unexpected by many people.

After all, in terms of Deng Chunhua's strength, being able to obtain this Tiangang Feather Fan is due to a great element of luck.

It has to be said that Deng Chunhua hid it so deeply that he never used it once.

Otherwise, with the help of this Tiangang Feather Fan, there is no doubt that Deng Chunhua's ranking on the Tianbang will be higher, and he may be able to enter the ranks of the top ninety.

"Jiang Chen is in big trouble."

Someone said, looking in the direction of the life and death arena with piercing eyes, those four big black characters, suppressing forward, like mountains, flying from outside the sky.

Four surges of incomparable suppressing force, from four different directions, respectively directed towards Jiang Chen, suppressing them.

The big characters rotated rapidly, and the black light intertwined and lingered, forming a vortex, swallowing madly, the void could not bear it under that kind of suppression, collapsed and annihilated, it is obvious how amazing the power of such suppression is.

"Deng Chunhua, is this your ultimate trump card?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

In fact, at this moment, Jiang Chen was quite surprised, because he felt the traces of Dao and reason in those four big characters that were suppressed.

This means that the Tiangang Feather Fan has an extraordinary origin and extraordinary power.

"No wonder they keep saying they want to suppress me, but that's the reason." Jiang Chen came to his senses.

Jiang Chen punched out a big fist, golden light gushed out from his body, and he punched four consecutively in four directions.


How amazing Jiang Chen's physical strength was. His fist collided head-on with the big black characters, and an astonishing explosion sounded, piercing the eardrums.

The strong wind swept across, and the ground of the life and death arena was blown apart, and the air waves billowed. Under the life and death arena, countless people watching the battle were directly blown away and seriously injured.

Four large black characters floated in the void. Under such collision, the black light became dim.

"Suppress me."

Deng Chunhua snorted, he formed a seal with both hands, and printed out each seal, arousing the power of the Tiangang Feather Fan to the extreme.

But Jiang Chen was even stronger, with his arms outstretched, his punches were like the wind, he used the phantom technique, and shuttled back and forth. Finally, a large black character broke apart.

But this was not enough, Jiang Chen was extremely domineering, he was striking horizontally, blowing up the other three big black characters.

"Want to suppress me?"

Jiang Chen sneered and appeared in front of Deng Chunhua. At the same time, a magic weapon was sacrificed by Jiang Chen.

That is the soul lamp!
The emerald green flame burned instantly, and was directly reflected in the depths of Deng Chunhua's pupils.

The attack happened instantly, and Deng Chunhua lost his mind in an instant. Then, his soul was torn apart, his eyes became hollow, and he fell to the ground.


The crowd was in an uproar, and they couldn't believe it.

When Deng Chunhua sacrificed the Tiangang Feather Fan, they all thought that Jiang Chen would inevitably be suppressed today, but Jiang Chen was as domineering as ever, pushing and crushing, crushing the four big black characters. .

That was horrifying, but what happened next was even more palpitating.

Accompanied by the uniform emerald green flames burning, Deng Chunhua was almost powerless to fight back, just fell, bleeding from his seven orifices, and died instantly.

"what is that?"

Someone's eyes widened, and they looked at the soul-stirring lamp in Jiang Chen's hand.

"A dementor?"

Duan Changfeng said in a deep voice, he has been paying attention to the changes in the battle situation, so he saw very clearly what happened after Jiang Chen sacrificed the soul-absorbing lamp.

"It turned out to be a soul-absorbing magic weapon. Has Jiang Chen finally used his trump card?"

Someone said, feeling very sad.

Many people have thought about what would happen if Jiang Chen was forced to reveal his hole cards. Now that they saw it, they were even more shocked.

As powerful as Deng Chunhua, it is impossible to resist and kill instantly. How terrifying is this magic weapon?
"I thought that Deng Chunhua's hiding was deep enough, but Jiang Chen, your hiding is even deeper." Situ Aofeng smiled wryly.

He had fought with Jiang Chen, but he had never seen Jiang Chen use the soul-absorbing lamp to completely restrain Deng Chunhua.

"No wonder you are so confident." Luo Xi said angrily.

Even though such an ending had been expected, Luo Xi was still surprised when Jiang Chen sacrificed the soul-absorbing lamp.

"too weak."

Putting away the soul-absorbing lamp, Jiang Chen said, he looked at Deng Chunhua's corpse with a condescending attitude, and his contempt was clearly revealed.

Then, Jiang Chen grinned, laughed out loud, and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry to make you spend money."


Following Jiang Chen's words, the group of people remembered the previous bet, but nearly 90.00% of the people over five bought Jiang Chen and lost.

But right now, Jiang Chen has won, which means that their bets were all in vain.

Those who bet one or two hundred contribution points for fun are fine, but those who bet heavily and even bet on all the contribution points are sitting on wax, and their faces are getting uglier and uglier.

Afterwards, they looked at Duan Changfeng one after another.

Because Duan Changfeng spent [-] contribution points to buy Jiang Chen to lose, he had full confidence in Deng Chunhua, and now, he lost all his money.

Feeling those gazes falling on him, Duan Changfeng's expression quietly became ugly.

Of course, among them, the happiest one is Yuan Chi. Too many people bought Jiang Chen and lost. It's smiling like a flower.

"No, I've been fooled." Someone said, reacting.

"Situ Aofeng, Luo Xi, and Jiang Chen have always been very close. They both bought Jiang Chen to win. They clearly know Jiang Chen's bottom line. We have misjudged." Another person said.

"It's Yuan Chi, that guy Yuan Chi deliberately misleading us." Someone said, venting their grievances on Yuan Chi, staring at him, trying to make Yuan Chi look good.

"Duan Changfeng, do you have anything to say?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

He has no scruples now, this is to provoke Duan Changfeng on purpose, because Duan Changfeng is not the kind of person who can endure, otherwise he would not appear so soon.

The so-called open spears are easy to hide, but hidden arrows are hard to defend against. With such a powerful enemy, Jiang Chen is naturally more happy, and the two sides are fighting openly, and put it on the table.

Otherwise, it would not be a good thing to be missed by such a guy.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen spared no effort to stimulate Duan Changfeng since he appeared.

"Jiang Chen, congratulations. From now on, you will have a place on the top of the list." Duan Changfeng said with a smile, his expression as usual. These words seemed to come from the heart, and no one could see the flaws.

If he didn't know Duan Changfeng's identity, Jiang Chen would almost believe it.

"Duan Changfeng, you really touched me. Otherwise, I will personally compensate you for the one hundred thousand contribution points you lost," Jiang Chen said.

"No, just treat it as a small gift to you, Brother Jiang." Duan Changfeng said with a smile.

In fact, Duan Changfeng's heart was bleeding.

For Deng Chunhua, Duan Changfeng knew better than others, which is why he made a big bet to buy Jiang Chen to lose.

The [-] contribution points are all of Duan Changfeng's net worth. Now that he has lost all of them, it is impossible to say that Duan Changfeng is not in pain.

But Duan Changfeng had to maintain his demeanor, otherwise, he would lose all his face, that would be too embarrassing, and he would really be unable to afford to lose.

"Brother Duan, so you bought me to lose on purpose, just to give me a big gift." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

Duan Changfeng's face froze slightly, and he cursed inwardly, "Damn it, what's going on with Jiang Chen, it's endless, right?"

"I still have something to do when I think about it, let's take a step first." Frowning, Duan Changfeng said.

After finishing speaking, Duan Changfeng turned around and left without waiting for Jiang Chen to respond.

"Brother Duan, you are too generous. Next time you have something good, you must let me know immediately." Jiang Chen yelled at Duan Changfeng's back.

"Jiang Chen, congratulations."

Situ Aofeng stepped forward and said with a complicated mood.

"Brother Situ, do you have a big gift for me?" Looking at Situ Aofeng, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, and he said with great anticipation.

The corner of Situ Aofeng's mouth twitched, and he said, "Brother Jiang, I hope you will be on the top of the list and have better results."

It's hard to describe Situ Aofeng's current mood. Jiang Chen rushed to the top of the list in a way that was almost nonsense.

Although, it was a matter of time, but when this day really came, Situ Aofeng still felt a little depressed.

In the past, he was Jiang Chen's target, but now, it was him who was going to target Jiang Chen. Such a huge gap was not so easy to digest.

"Brother Situ, don't be discouraged. I am optimistic about you. In the future, I will be number one on the list and you will be number two. That Ji Mobai is destined to be stepped on by you and me, and there will be no turning back. Just like you As I said before, Ji Mobai is only worthy of carrying shoes for you and me." Jiang Chen said earnestly and earnestly.

Situ Aofeng almost vomited blood, when did he say such a thing?
I really want to hide my face and run away. Is this damn guy trying to drive him to death?

(End of this chapter)

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