genius evil

Chapter 1302 Follow Jiang Chen to eat delicious food and drink spicy food

Chapter 1302 Follow Jiang Chen to eat delicious food and drink spicy food
"This kid is called Situ Aofeng, right? How can he speak so loudly?"

Hearing this, someone was deeply astonished and surprised, and looked at Situ Aofeng.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

It can be said that the three words Ji Mobai are like a banner when looking at the inner door.

That is the existence of Xeon, who looks down on his peers, but is said to be worthless, which makes people dumbfounded.

"Let Ji Mobai carry the shoes? This Situ Aofeng is too rampant, is he trying to defy the sky?"

Some people said, thinking to myself, isn't this the so-called group of people?Jiang Chen was arrogant and reckless, and so was Situ Aofeng. Could it be that the two of them wanted to overthrow the entire inner sect?

"It's not rampant at all." Jiang Chen said leisurely, "Brother Situ is a genius, and in the future, he will be an existence in the Eastern Great Region, and he will bloom in the mainland. What is a mere Ji Mobai? You're welcome. Said, in the future, Ji Mobai will not even be qualified to carry shoes for Brother Situ."

Jiang Chen is very serious, very serious, he is defending Situ Aofeng, he thinks that Situ Aofeng will rise soon, and the strong ones on the list will be crushed one by one.


Many people are gasping for breath. This is indeed not rampant, it is rampant at all.

This level of boldness is even higher than that of Jiang Chen.

"Brother Situ, you also say a few words, so that they don't look down upon you." Jiang Chen said.

At this time, Situ Aofeng was really about to vomit blood, and Jiang Chen really dug him to death, and the hole was dug too deep, there was no way to climb out.

"There's nothing to say." Situ Aofeng was very resentful.

What should be said and what should not be said, was all said by Jiang Chen, what else could he say?

It can't be said, that's not the case, it's purely Jiang Chen's nonsense, the question is, will others believe it?
Since saying it means not saying it, I simply didn't say anything.

"Have you heard, Brother Situ doesn't bother to say anything, just wait, you will be suppressed by Brother Situ." Jiang Chen shouted loudly.

"Situ Aofeng, you are too presumptuous."

Finally, someone got angry and sternly accused him.

"Situ Aofeng, before you have a place on the list of heaven, you dare to speak such nonsense, be careful to smash your halberd into the sand, and you don't know how you will die."

Someone said again, very angry.

"To shut up!"

Situ Aofeng was also furious, and said in a cold voice: "What are you all, you dare to point fingers in front of me, do you want to die?"

Situ Aofeng was proud by nature, although Jiang Chen had cheated him today, but how could he hear it?
"If you want to die, stand up for me. I, Situ Aofeng, will help you one by one." Situ Aofeng was so angry that he said again, provoking in public.

"Jiang Chen, did Situ Aofeng offend you again?"

After a while, Jiang Chen and Luo Xi left, and Luo Xi said in a very speechless manner.

Situ Aofeng fell into the anger of the crowd, and there will be various troubles, big and small, in the future, and all of these are thanks to Jiang Chen.

"How could it be? Brother Situ and I love each other like brothers." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"He's not you, and it's impossible for him to be you." Luo Xi said.

Whether it is the outer door or the inner door, Jiang Chen is extremely independent and unscrupulous. Now, Jiang Chen has pushed Situ Aofeng to such a road.

This is undoubtedly a bad thing for Situ Aofeng.

Because, Situ Aofeng is Situ Aofeng, he can never be Jiang Chen.

Smiling, Jiang Chen said, "He doesn't need to be me, you just need to know Luo Xi beauty, and he will thank me when the time comes."

"Are you sure?" Luo Xi sneered.

Jiang Chen didn't have a good intention, even if it stimulated Situ Aofeng and made Situ Aofeng have to work hard, but no matter what, Luo Xi thought that it was impossible for Situ Aofeng to thank Jiang Chen.

"Naturally." Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, "If you don't force yourself, you will never know where your potential limit is. I am helping Situ Aofeng break through the limit of your potential."

While talking, Jiang Chen looked thoughtfully at Luo Xi.

Luo Xi suddenly felt cold, and asked vigilantly, "Don't act recklessly."

It is true that Jiang Chen's words are quite reasonable, but Luo Xi still firmly believes that this is just an excuse Jiang Chen made for himself.

From Jiang Chen's glance, it was full of deep meaning, which gave Luo Xi a bad feeling. She didn't want to become a target of public criticism just like Situ Aofeng.

Because it is basically impossible to copy the path that Jiang Chen took. Situ Aofeng can't do it, and neither can she. The path she wants to take is different from the path Jiang Chen wants to take.

"Luoxi beauty, I found that your figure has improved, is it my illusion?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

In an instant, Jiang Chen really had the urge to push Luo Xi out to help Luo Xi grow up. Although it was suspected of overpowering the seedlings, there was no doubt that it could make Luo Xi improve by leaps and bounds in a very short period of time.

But soon, Jiang Chen dismissed such an idea.

It's okay to cheat Situ Aofeng, but how can you cheat Luoxi?
If Luoxi got hurt or something, he would feel very distressed.

"Nonsense." Luo Xi was speechless, knowing that this was not what Jiang Chen originally wanted to say, but since Jiang Chen changed his mind, he felt at ease.

The two returned to the residence, and after a while, someone came looking for them.

It was Situ Aofeng, he was furious, and as soon as he appeared, he violently attacked Jiang Chen.

"Brother Situ, what's wrong with you?" Jiang Chen pretended to ask, and counterattacked, repelling Situ Aofeng.

"Jiang Chen, I need an explanation." Situ Aofeng said angrily.

"Brother Situ, don't you realize that this reason is lame and boring?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"I don't understand what you're talking about at all." Situ Aofeng said, and he stepped forward, looking very angry, and wanted Jiang Chen to pay the price, otherwise he would not give up.

"You don't want to admit it, right? It doesn't matter, then I'll hit you until you admit it." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and as he spoke, Jiang Chen punched him hard.

How could Situ Aofeng be Jiang Chen's opponent, he was quickly suppressed, and he was very embarrassed.

"Wait and see, I'm not finished with you." Finally, Situ Aofeng said, and left with a full body of anger.

Such a scene caught Luo Xi's eyes, causing Luo Xi's eyebrows to frown slightly. She thought about it, but she didn't say it out loud.

Jiang Chen and Luo Xi looked at each other and smiled, they had a tacit understanding with each other.

Situ Aofeng came suddenly, and also left suddenly. How could Jiang Chen not know the real purpose, but he found a crappy cover to see the real situation of him and Luo Xi living together.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, now, Situ Aofeng should completely give up.

After a while, someone came again.

That guy was sneaky and flustered, and when he came in, he hurriedly said with a distressed expression, "Jiang Chen, Brother Jiang, don't ask me for this matter from now on, I'm timid, and I'm about to be scared to death. "

"Fuck off, you're a good-looking guy who got cheap." Jiang Chen said angrily, kicking that guy to the ground with one kick.

The guy got up quickly, chuckled, and said, "Brother Jiang, I knew I couldn't hide it from your eyes. If anything happens in the future, just say hello, and I'm sure I will go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, and I will not hesitate to do so."

"Stop talking nonsense, how much contribution value did you earn this time?" Jiang Chen lazily asked, talking nonsense.

That guy is none other than Yuan Chi.

Before, Jiang Chen racked his brains, thinking of ways to earn contribution points, and finally found Yuan Chi, and the two hit it off and put on a good show.

"Anyway, I made a lot of money." Yuan Chi said with a smile, without hesitation, he quickly transferred the contribution value to Jiang Chen.

"so much?"

When he saw the amount of contribution value, even if he had expected it before, Jiang Chen was still stunned.

More than 100 million points, nearly 200 million points of contribution, which means that the gate of the fourth floor of the Seven Stars Hall was opened for him.

"Very good, well done." Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

This is a no-cost business, except for a small amount of contribution value that needs to be paid, the rest all fall into Jiang Chen's hands, the so-called empty-handed white wolf, this is the highest state.Without any effort, a large amount of contribution value was plundered without anyone noticing.

Moreover, this kind of trick can be played many times in the future, which means that with this point, it is possible to break into the fifth floor of the Seven Star Palace in one fell swoop in the future.

"You two?"

Luo Xi was stunned and couldn't believe it. He never expected that Yuan Chi had an affair with Jiang Chen.

"Luoxi beauty, don't be surprised, follow me from now on, even if the taste is delicious and spicy." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Luo Xi didn't know what to say. Others, in order to earn contribution points, worked tirelessly, but Jiang Chen was good. He knocked on the door of the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall with ease.

Although this is opportunistic, but this method is really amazing.

"Come on, I'll give you [-] contribution points." Jiang Chen said, very generously, and gave Yuan Chi [-] contribution points.

"Too much...really too much..." Yuan Chi said again and again, his face was about to smile like a flower.

Yuan Chi was sneaky when he came, and even more sneaky when he went, because in the future, he will use this to deceive people. Whether Luo Xi will follow Jiang Chen to eat and drink spicy food is not sure for the time being, but he must be. It's time to follow Jiang Chen to eat delicious food and drink spicy food.

As for what to do if someone finds out, Yuan Chi is not worried at all. Anyway, Jiang Chen said, just push it all on him.

"Luo Xi beauty, this is one hundred thousand contribution points." Jiang Chen said to Luo Xi.

"Give it to me?" Luo Xi was stunned.

"Miss Luo Xi, this is your fault. Whatever is given to you is originally yours. As long as it is mine, it is all yours." Jiang Chen said sternly.

Her pink face was slightly red, and Luo Xi had to admit that if it wasn't for Jiang Chen, who was still so brazen, she was almost moved.

However, Luo Xi did not refuse, she simply accepted it as a favor owed to Jiang Chen, and will slowly repay it when she has the opportunity.

The third floor of the Seven Star Hall, she has long wanted to see it...

(End of this chapter)

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