genius evil

Chapter 1303 God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha

Chapter 1303 God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha

"Miss Luo Xi, I guess you must have slept well last night."

Early the next morning, Jiang Chen looked at Luo Xi and said with a smile.

Since living together during this period of time, it can be said that Luo Xi's original rhythm of life has been disrupted. In terms of living habits, they were also directly or indirectly changed by Jiang Chen intentionally or unintentionally, and they are not under Luo Xi's control at all. .

This naturally made Luo Xi uneasy. For several nights, she was sleepless, and her complexion became a little worse.

Although it didn't affect her beauty and charm, on the contrary, she looked a little more tender and pitiful.

But such a day is definitely a great torture for Luo Xi, if she can, she doesn't want to endure it for a day.

Unlike in the past, Luo Xi's pretty face was slightly downcast, but today, it is flushed and tender. Let Jiang Chen take a look at it and wish he could pounce on it and take a bite... No, it should be Yes, a kiss.

Of course, Jiang Chen couldn't be blamed for this.

If it were any man in the world, if he gets along with such a stunning beauty day and night, he will inevitably abandon the disguise that he is inferior to a beast, and instinctively turn into a beast.

Speaking of which, Jiang Chen was only talking and harassing Luo Xi, so he was very restrained.

"Really?" Luo Xi said noncommittally.

Last night, I did sleep well.

This is because, after entering the third floor of the Seven Star Hall, she has exchanged for a practice that she has always wanted. Once she succeeds in practicing it, she will go a step further.

But in terms of Luo Xi's personality, she naturally wouldn't talk to Jiang Chen about this kind of thing.

In fact, even if they are under the same roof, Luo Xi has always said very little unless necessary.

"Of course." Jiang Chen nodded vigorously, and said with a smile, "Luoxi beauty, you may have some doubts, thinking that I praise you because you are beautiful in the eyes of lovers, but this is true."

"What is beauty in the eye of the beholder?" Luo Xi was a little puzzled, not knowing the meaning of such an allusion.

"Oh, what this sentence means is that because you like me, no matter from which angle I look at you, you are the most beautiful, noble, elegant, and charming woman in this world." Jiang Chen said solemnly. explained.

"I like you?"

Luo Xi stared blankly at Jiang Chen, wondering if this was the opposite, did she like Jiang Chen?Does this guy want to be so stinky and shameless, and take the opportunity to put gold on his face?

"Luoxi beauty, have you finally admitted that you like me? This makes me so happy." Jiang Chen said in ecstasy.

Afterwards, Luo Xi became demented, secretly gritted her teeth, this was Jiang Chen's routine, no wonder Jiang Chen kept talking nonsense.

"Jiang Chen, it's clear that you like me." Luo Xi said extremely depressed.

"That's right, I naturally like you... I like you, you like me, the two of us are in love with each other." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

Luo Xi almost ran away, and said bitterly, "It's unreasonable."

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "Love itself is unreasonable. Beauty Luoxi, you don't have to be shy, be lively, be bold, let go of your mind, and enjoy the nourishment of love."

"How about breakfast?"

This topic couldn't be continued, so Luo Xi hurriedly changed the topic to divert Jiang Chen's attention, so that Jiang Chen wouldn't get entangled and entangled on this issue.


Jiang Chen said, so stupid, he went to bring over the breakfast he had prepared earlier.

When their cultivation level reached their level, they could fast without food, and swallow the spirit energy between heaven and earth, so as to nourish the body and strengthen the soul.

Eating is just to satisfy the desire of the tongue.

But no matter it was Jiang Chen or Luo Xi, they both kept the habit of eating, especially Jiang Chen, who was very keen on this matter. Unknowingly, Luo Xi was influenced by him, and there was a tendency to develop into a foodie.

After a while, the breakfast was brought out by Jiang Chen.

It was two servings of charcoal-fried monster beast flesh. According to Jiang Chen's habit, it was about half-cooked, and it was paired with a few vegetables that contained Yuanling Qi. At a glance, the color made people salivate.

"Are there any new dishes?"

Luo Xi looked over, her eyes shone with a different brilliance, and she couldn't wait to have a bite.

"Old rules, this is specially developed for Luo Xi beauty." Jiang Chen said, inviting Luo Xi to taste it.

The knives and forks are used. Naturally, there will be no such things in this world. They were forged by Jiang Chen when he was bored. Luo Xi was quite comfortable with them and liked them very much.

And this is the improved version of Western food in this world.

It's a pity that there is no red wine. Otherwise, light candles and pour red wine. This is the prototype of a candlelight dinner. It must be very romantic, and it can easily touch Luo Xi's heart.

The flesh and blood of monster beasts are extremely delicious and tender, and are very popular. Jiang Chen carefully charcoal-roasted them and added some special condiments. building.

Luo Xi was already very proficient in using a knife and fork. She cut a small piece, stuffed it into her mouth, chewed slowly, felt the fat juice blooming on her tongue, narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and was extremely satisfied.

Jiang Chen watched Luo Xi eat, and felt extremely pleasing to the eye.

This is a woman who doesn't touch the fireworks of the world with every gesture and gesture. She is full of immortality. She is picturesque, with a 360-degree body, which is too beautiful to behold.

"Luoxi beauty, how does it taste?" Jiang Chen asked.


Luo Xi had no time to speak, nodded lightly, and ate in small bites, completely forgetting that before she met Jiang Chen, she never ate meat.

This change in habit was due to a bet between the two. After eating the flesh and blood essence of the Nether Black Tiger, Luo Xi gradually fell in love with eating meat.

Naturally, Jiang Chen never mentioned that bet afterwards, so as not to embarrass Luo Xi, and Luo Xi treated it as if nothing had happened, and enjoyed this delicious food that he had never eaten before.

"You can eat more if it tastes good." Jiang Chen said, he diligently cut up the monster meat in front of him, and pushed it over to Luo Xi.

Luo Xi didn't refuse, and ate in small bites. After a while, the two plates of meat were all eaten.

"I'm full." Luo Xi said, got up and left.

As for things like washing dishes and knives and forks, Luo Xi had never realized it, and left them to Jiang Chen to handle.

Jiang Chen never tires of it. There is a saying, to grab a woman's heart, you must first grab her stomach.

The words of the ancients have always been so reasonable.

Now, Jiang Chen has successfully captured Luo Xi's stomach.

It's just that Jiang Chen never said anything about this matter. Luo Xi herself didn't have too deep feelings, but she was used to Jiang Chen making food for her, and then, she ate it comfortably, without feeling What an amazing thing.

As everyone knows, this is subtle.

Luo Xi thought from the bottom of her heart that she would not be influenced by Jiang Chen, and no matter how well Jiang Chen's calculations were made, they would inevitably come to nothing.

But he didn't know that such a subtle influence happened in every small detail whether intentionally or inadvertently.

For example, Jiang Chen would carefully prepare breakfast every morning, and then eat it with Luo Xi. Every morning, Luo Xi ate the breakfast made by Jiang Chen himself, and his previous work and rest habits were greatly changed. , which is the subtle result.

For example, Jiang Chen was talking nonsense every day, although Luo Xi felt bored, but one day, Jiang Chen suddenly stopped being like this, and Luo Xi felt empty deep in his heart, and it was very difficult to adapt.

For another example, Jiang Chen hangs around under Luo Xi's nose all day long, doing various things to attract Luo Xi's attention, which seems to be strenuous and unflattering, but complaining is nothing more than complaining. When Jiang Chen is not around, Luo Xi always feels less something.

In short, among all kinds of seemingly insignificant details, Luo Xi was deeply influenced by Jiang Chen. Basically, Jiang Chen was completely integrated into her life, and even became a part of her life. Indispensable part.

It's just that Luoxi hasn't noticed this for the time being, and she doesn't know that she is falling step by step.

Jiang Chen was very proud of his masterpiece and was intoxicated with himself.


And on this day, the inner door exploded again.

Situ Aofeng appeared in the arena of life and death, accepting the first challenge, very strong, crushing directly, showing his edge.

"I heard that Situ Aofeng, like Jiang Chen, entered the inner sect ahead of time. Are the people from the outer sect so powerful now?"

Some people exclaimed that Jiang Chen was already extremely amazing. Countless people were so oppressed that they couldn't lift their heads up. Now, there was another Situ Aofeng.

This is clearly the same routine as Jiang Chen, will he push Invincible in the future?
There was a lot of discussion, and it had to be said that Situ Aofeng's battle had opened up his reputation.

"This time, there is a girl named Luo Xi who entered the inner gate ahead of time. Is she as strong? No one can stop her?" someone said.

No matter where a beautiful woman is, she always attracts extra attention. No, because of Situ Aofeng, many people naturally think of Luo Xi.

"It's absolutely not bad. Is this going against the sky? Could it be that the three of them are trying to stir up the situation and change the pattern of the heaven list?" Some people were startled and amazed.

The rankings on the Tianbang have not changed much, but many people can predict that with the rise of Jiang Chen and Situ Aofeng, it is destined to cause a big wave.

"Let's wait and see. It's time to reshuffle the cards if it's on the top of the list." Some people said this, but they were looking forward to it.

"Brother Situ, come on, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas." Jiang Chen made a sound at the right time, cheering for Situ Aofeng.


Situ Aofeng was very depressed, what is this, deliberately causing trouble for him, making it more difficult, do you want to be so tricky?

"I am discussing with you, and we all grow and progress together." Situ Aofeng said humbly. Even if he knew Jiang Chen's intentions, he did not want to offend too many people.

"Brother Situ, excessive modesty is pride. You are the chosen one, and you are destined to conquer the world and be invincible." Jiang Chen made another sound...

(End of this chapter)

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