genius evil

Chapter 1306 Crazy Pulling Hatred

Chapter 1306 Crazy Pulling Hatred
Lu Xun was indeed trying to trick Situ Aofeng, this was discussed with Jiang Chen in advance, the reason why Lu Xun was called by Jiang Chen was precisely to deceive people.

However, Situ Aofeng has been having bad luck recently. I have to say that in terms of luck, it is really too bad. It is very unfortunate that he became the first person to be cheated.

"Brother Situ, for the sake of our good relationship, you can't be too stingy today, you have to give me a top-level magic weapon." Lu Xun said with a playful smile, getting close to Situ Aofeng.


With a livid face, Situ Aofeng scolded him.

When Jiang Chen pitted him, he could bear it, but he couldn't help it. After all, he was not Jiang Chen's opponent, and he could only be pitted to death by Jiang Chen, knocking out his teeth and swallowing his blood alive.

But who is Lu Xun, dare to talk nonsense in front of him and attract hateful eyes, this is unbearable, and Situ Aofeng is furious.

"Brother Situ, as I said just now, you can't be too stingy." Lu Xun sighed, pointing a finger in the direction of Qianbao River, and said, "Brother Situ, there are countless magical artifacts in the sky, you can take them wherever you want. It's a waste of effort, I just asked you to give me one, and I didn't ask for a lot of greed, so is it necessary to be so stingy?"

"Do you want to die?" Situ Aofeng said in a deep voice.

He noticed that a lot of gazes came, those gazes were malicious, or ridiculed, or joking, which made Situ feel like a light on his back, and he had the intention to kill.

"Brother Situ, it is said that you are the famous iron rooster who never pulls a hair out. I didn't believe it before. Now, I have finally seen it... But I would like to ask, is it really okay for you to be so stingy?" Lu Xun said , as if he had received [-] points of damage.


Situ Aofeng exploded and wanted to attack, Lu Xun saw that the opportunity was not right, and ran away immediately, twisting his buttocks while saying: "Brother Situ, you are too ruthless, even if you will dominate the mainland and dominate the world in the future, so be it, you are doomed to be alone, it is sad and lamentable. "

Situ Aofeng smoked from his nose and almost went crazy.

He just came here, he has provoked someone, must he go all out to kill him?

Isn't this the so-called, what kind of master is there, and what kind of attendant is there?
It has to be said that Lu Xun's deceitful methods can be regarded as the true inheritance of Jiang Chen, and there is a tendency to outshine others.


"Brother, hello, I have admired your name for a long time, it is a pleasure to meet you. Let me introduce myself, my humble Lu Xun, I am very optimistic about your ability. Today, you are destined to suppress the Quartet..."

After a while, Lu Xun found a second person to strike up a conversation with, improvised, and performed a deceptive trick.

Just like that, it didn't take long for more than a dozen people to suffer from Lu Xun's murderous hands. They were so horrific that they were pitted against Lu Xun. They gritted their teeth in hatred and wished they could peel his skin.

"These guys are horrible one by one, I don't think I will live long."

Returning to Jiang Chen's side, Lu Xun couldn't help shivering. This was because his legs were about to go limp after provoking powerful beings several times.

Although, this is deceiving people, but Lu Xun found that, it seems that, unconsciously, he has also deceived himself into it. After all, if those who have been deceived will settle their accounts after the autumn, he will definitely not even know how he died. have no idea.


After realizing this, Lu Xun almost didn't jump his feet. Of course, he wanted to point Jiang Chen's nose and yell at him. Who made Jiang Chen be so foolish.

It's fine to cheat others, but it's too disrespectful to even bring him along.

"With me here, no one can touch you." Jiang Chen said casually.

Let Lu Xun cheat people, naturally not because he is full and has nothing to do, but because Jiang Chen wants to use this to create hatred for these people, so as not to make it too easy for them all.

In fact, this is very useful. Originally, the forces of all parties were at war, and with Lu Xun's disturbance, the air in this place was about to freeze.

"Jiang Chen, you must keep your word, otherwise I will die, I have such a hunch." Lu Xun said with a mournful face, thinking that Jiang Chen was very unreliable.

"Your premonition has never been accurate. Relax, whoever dares to touch you, I will be the first to kill him." Jiang Chen said.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Lu Xun was slightly relieved.

As time passed, on the sky, the location of the Qianbao River became brighter and brighter, indescribably dazzling.

Countless people looked up, and their eyes were full of light.

Then, slowly, colorful rays of light projected down, faint and fuzzy, gradually condensed, as if there was substance.

"That's it, the ladder!"

Someone said that his voice was trembling because he was too excited.

The colorful streamers condense, and eventually, nine long stairs are formed. At the end of the stairs is the Qianbao River, and at the other end is the soil.

"There really is a ladder, I thought it was just a legend." Someone said in amazement.

Rumor has it that the Qianbao River exists in this world, and there are nine ladders connecting the heavens and the earth. Once you walk through the ladders and enter the Qianbao River, you can find the magical artifacts inside.

At this time, the sky ladder appeared, which clearly indicated that Qianbaohe would soon evolve into its ultimate form, how could this make people not excited.

"This ladder is not so easy to walk. There are thousands of strong people, but there is no one in a million." Someone said, pouring a basin of cold water down.

"That's right, climbing the ladder to the sky is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Throughout the ages, there have been countless heroes and heroes who have failed to return." Someone said again.

"I heard that this Thousand Treasure River actually has a consciousness derived from it. Every time it is born, those who can climb the ladder are selected by it." Someone said so.

Every time Qianbaohe appeared in the world, it caused madness. No one thought that this time would be an exception. This is a once-in-a-hundred-year-old prosperity, and no one who is strong from all sides is willing to miss it.

But in fact, Qianbao River has its own rules, not everyone has the qualifications to step on the ladder, once those rules are violated, it will be wiped out.

Such a rule is that warriors who have returned to the Yuan Realm are the ones who can step onto the ladder.

"Hundreds of years ago, those who walked the ladder of heaven were all amazing in the future, traveling across the continent." Someone said, fascinated.

This is a great good fortune. I heard that the benefits obtained by stepping into the Qianbao River are not only as simple as magic tools, but also have other secrets.

"The sky ladder is about to take shape, and this drama of fighting between dragons and tigers is about to kick off." Someone reminded repeatedly.

Due to the rules of Qianbaohe, although there are many people who come here, in fact, only about [-] to [-]% of those who have such qualifications.

Many people came here to join in the fun and witness with their own eyes this grand event that was destined to cause a sensation throughout the Great Qin Empire.


There was a sound of wind, and a figure swept out in one step, and appeared under one of the ladders. After he appeared, he stood there and looked around.

"I, Gu Zheng, have made a reservation for this ladder." The man spoke slowly, with arrogance beyond words.

"Gu Zheng? Is it him?"

Hearing Gu Zheng's words, some people thought of his identity. He was a lone strong man with no family or sect, but his talent was extraordinary. Now, he only needs to step into the realm of transformation.

Gu Zheng is very crazy and arrogant. Unlike other people who have some concerns, he was the first to go out and pre-determined a path forcefully.

Nine ladders, nine roads.

Every time, only one person can step into it, and Gu Zheng is very overbearing, directly announcing that a ladder has been reserved, and this moment, it caused a storm.

"Gu Zheng, you are too insane, do you really think you are invincible?" someone scolded.

"Gu Zheng, if you do this, do you take me seriously? Back off quickly, so as not to make mistakes." Another person said in a sinister manner.

"Whoever refuses to accept, come and fight." Gu Zheng said indifferently, with the meaning of looking down.

"Jiang Chen, is this okay?"

Such a scene was seen by Lu Xun. Lu Xun was stunned and stunned. This is because he ran up to Gu Zheng to strike up a conversation, complimented him in every possible way, and said with certainty that Gu Zheng was invincible at the same level and would be crushed horizontally. .

Now, people have remembered these words, and put them in their hearts, which led to the outrage of Gu Zheng's behavior. Otherwise, at most it was just Gu Zheng's behavior, which was more conspicuous. How could it be so quick to cause dissatisfaction among so many people?
"Why not?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I feel like I'm going to die." Lu Xun said with a sad face.

Previously, he was lucky enough to think that Jiang Chen's plan might not work, but now, it has achieved remarkable results, all thanks to him.

"It can't be finished, if it is to be finished, Gu Zheng will be finished first." Jiang Chen said lazily, watching the good show.

"Gu Zheng, you are too rampant. A loner with no family or affiliation dares to be so presumptuous. He is courting death." Someone was furious and took action to fight Gu Zheng.



Almost at the same time, several figures shot out and appeared under several other ladders, occupying favorable positions respectively. Although they did not make announcements like Gu Zheng did, every move was very obvious Said that this ladder, they want it.

Naturally, this made many people dissatisfied. After a lot of verbal criticism, battles broke out, and many people were implicated.

A purple-clothed figure came slowly at this moment.

The man's appearance is ordinary, but with every step he takes, there is a strange aura flowing all over his body, which attracts many eyes invisibly.

He was walking, with a slight smile on his face, as if he was walking in a leisurely garden, extremely detached, but when he reached the bottom of a ladder, the two people who were fighting fiercely there stopped fighting for an instant, looking towards him, deep in his eyes, A feeling of amazement flowed involuntarily, and then, he gave up his position.

"Thank you." The man in purple clasped his fists and said with a smile, with a chic and elegant demeanor.

"No. [-] in the heaven rankings, Ji Mobai, is really extraordinary!" Someone said.

When Ji Mobai appeared, he didn't do anything, but let the two strong men take the initiative to give way, which shows that his reputation is not only in the Seven Star Martial Academy, but also has long been famous outside.

"Oh, you are, is that Ji Mobai?" Jiang Chen looked at the man in purple and said with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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