genius evil

Chapter 1307 Start Your Show

Chapter 1307 Start Your Show

Ji Mobai is very extraordinary, he is very humble, but in the same level of Guiyuan Realm, no one can underestimate him.

Number one on the list.

These four words are a name given to Ji Mobai, or in other words, a symbolic halo on him, which means that he is as powerful as invincible at the same level.

The light on Ji Mobai's body is too bright, so even though he looks so graceful and not domineering at all, in fact, when he appears and walks down a ladder, he is so domineering. It is obvious that there is no doubt about it.

That was clearly announcing that he had reserved that ladder.

"Is he Ji Mobai? He looks like a dog, and he is not a good thing at first glance." Lu Xun looked over, sized him up, and said with a sneer.

"You know?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"My eyes can read countless people. No matter what monsters or ghosts, they can't hide in front of me." Lu Xun said, complacent, and then he said that Ji Mobai used his own fame to crush the other party. It's too hypocritical to win without fighting, and you are definitely a hypocrite through and through.

Regarding Lu Xun's statement, Jiang Chen was noncommittal. In fact, he was very interested in Ji Mobai, and he had already made a sound that he wanted to be number one on the King's Landing List in the future, and pull Ji Mobai down from the altar.

That is to say, even though the two had never met before, they were already clearly distinguished from each other.

"Jiang Chen, have you noticed that many strong women are attracted by Ji Mobai. He did it on purpose. It is estimated that he will have to trample down many people today and gain a good reputation. This is too despicable. The so-called No. [-] in the list, how can it be so dirty?" Lu Xun said again.

He was so sure, so convincing, as if it was real, that such a situation would happen.

"Then with your good words, let's expose Ji Mobai's true face in one fell swoop." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"That's for sure. I, Lu Xun, have a duty to do so." Lu Xun said righteously, and finally, he muttered softly, "Ji Mobai is too coquettish, and I, Lu Xun, will never allow it. There is someone more coquettish than me."

Ji Mobai is like a banner of the Seven Star Martial Academy, a benchmark figure, to a certain extent, his appearance is enough to represent the attitude of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

At this time, Ji Mobai appeared, and many people had associations in this regard. For a while, the eyes that looked at Ji Mobai like that, quietly became a little more jealous.

Ji Mobai was very leisurely and didn't care. He smiled slightly, put his hands behind his back, stood under the ladder, raised his head, and looked towards the sky.

The Qianbao River is about to take shape, inside, the brilliance is overflowing, and it can be seen faintly, and various magical instruments are criss-crossed, releasing powerful power fluctuations.

Ji Mobai looked at it, and there was a strange brilliance in his eyes, which was exquisite.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a grand event before the start of that grand event. Then, let's regard it as a warm-up in advance." Ji Mobai murmured, the brilliance in his eyes became more and more blazing.


Suddenly, there was a sound, and two monsters, pulling a chariot, came driving.

On the chariot, the logo is conspicuous, and the eyes of countless people are attracted to it in an instant.

That was a strong man from the royal family. Before, when he appeared in Seven Star City, he caused heated discussions. Now, he appeared here, and he was destined to cause violent waves.

Inside the chariot, there was a figure, faint and indistinct, that monster beast pulled the chariot, drove, and drove directly to the bottom of one of the ladders.

There was also a battle there. The two sides in the battle fought with all their strength, and even used magic weapons. The void was torn apart and trembling.

But when the chariot drove past, the void immediately stabilized, and the expressions of the two strong men who were fighting changed accordingly, and immediately retreated to the side.

"The chariot?"

Jiang Chen's eyes were piercing. It was obvious that the monsters pulling the chariot were extraordinary. The chariot was also quite extraordinary. It was made of rare materials and engraved with traces of Tao and reason. Although it was not an illegal weapon, it possessed astonishing power.

The chariot finally stopped under that ladder, and there was no movement after that, but it was already very obvious that this ladder was reserved by the people in the chariot.

Just as Ji Mobai showed up and pre-determined a way forcefully, no one dared to provoke him. The existence in this chariot could only be more prominent than Ji Mobai's.

Even if he hadn't shown up, his domineering intentions were undoubtedly revealed.Just like that, a way was snatched.

"Jiang Chen, I feel that the situation is not right. If this continues, the nine ladders will be divided and occupied, and you will not have a share." Lu Xun said.

First Ji Mobai, then the royal powerhouse, their backgrounds are too great, it is almost impossible to have the idea of ​​​​resisting.

The two represent the Seven Star Martial Academy and the Imperial Family respectively. They are two amazing forces, and who dares to compete with them?

Frowning slightly, Jiang Chen was also aware of this trend.

"If this is the case, wouldn't our plan come to nothing?" Lu Xun said again, referring to taking personal risks and spreading hatred everywhere.

That kind of deliberate hatred is to cause disputes between the various forces. Now, there is an existence with an amazing background, who dares to challenge it?

Just as Lu Xun was saying these words, he saw a figure approaching against the wind, at such a speed, so fast, that it appeared at the bottom of a ladder in one breath.

She released her breath, forming coercion, and the strong people below that ladder were immediately suppressed, retreating in a hurry, one by one, very embarrassed.

Immediately afterwards, another person appeared, it was a dwarf, but it was quite terrifying, and it was attacking in a horizontal push, sweeping forward, unstoppable.

One after another, the powerhouses from all sides showed up at this time.

As Lu Xun said, the nine ladders were reserved by them.

People as strong as Gu Zheng and others can only retreat and dare not say anything, because those who recognize the identities of these people all have extraordinary backgrounds.

Among them, some are from the top sects, some are from hidden families, and some are from the famous ancient inheritance...

It can be said that these people are geniuses among the younger generation and geniuses within the territory of the Great Qin Empire. Each of them possesses the talents of monsters and the peerless strength of the same level.

Originally, this place was very lively, but with the nine ladders being reserved, the atmosphere immediately fell silent.

"Lu Xun, start your performance." Jiang Chen said.

"Come again?" Lu Xun's eyeballs were about to pop out, his head was shaking like a rattle, "No, I'm really going to die."

"Or, should I kill you now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, you bully people too much, do you think I, Lu Xun, are easy to bully?" Lu Xun yelled, his eyes flickering.

Smiling, Jiang Chen said slowly, "Why don't you try it."

"Don't." Lu Xun hurriedly waved his hands, how dare he try, otherwise, what should he do if Jiang Chen really kills him?
"Jiang Chen, this is too risky, and I don't think it's necessary. How about another way?" Lu Xun said.


Jiang Chen was just talking nonsense, and kicked the guy out.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Lu Xun looked around, and suddenly yelled loudly, "It's too much, all of you are too much, it's unreasonable, what's wrong with you, you're clearly bullying people. "

These words were spoken without beginning or end, and many people were confused and puzzled when they heard them.

Then Lu Xun said again: "You guys, you... you... and you... don't stare at me, I'm talking about you guys, relying on your own background, showing off your power, what is this? Everyone who has the ability Fair competition, guaranteed to beat you all over the place."

"I told you not to stare at me. Damn it, you still stare at me. Believe it or not, you'll dig out your eyeballs..." Lu Xun yelled, screaming up and down, and said, "I don't believe it, you mere nine Individual, able to bully all of us."

"I don't mean anything else, it's just that everyone fights fairly, and the strong are respected... I didn't say this. I am speaking on behalf of everyone. I am just a messenger. If you have any dissatisfaction, please don't Find me, because I am timid."

Lu Xun rambled on and on and on.

Following such words, many people were in an uproar when Lu Xun uttered them. They marveled at Lu Xun's courage.

It is true that they are all dissatisfied, thinking that these nine people are too strong, ignoring the existence of all of them, but who has the courage to stand up?

Lu Xun stood up and spoke out on their behalf. I have to say that his courage is commendable.Although, this is simply a suspicion of suicide.

"Boy, you're getting impatient, aren't you?" A voice sounded, it was the dwarf, and he was staring at Lu Xun with the look of a vulture on his face.

This person's appearance is not outstanding, but his background is quite big. He comes from a certain hidden family. It is rumored that he has practiced a certain kind of martial arts secret technique. Under the influence of that secret technique, his height and weight have all changed. Therefore, he has a weird and withdrawn personality. , it is very difficult to provoke.

"What did I just say? I'm timid. Don't scare me, or you'll scare me to death. You can't take responsibility." Trembling, Lu Xun said, but his mouth was still sharp.

"Then I won't scare you, I'll just strangle you to death." The dwarf smiled slyly, launched an attack, and attacked Lu Xun. He was very weird and deliberately showed his physical strength. Landing Xun, launched a crush.


Lu Xun yelled, turned his head and rushed into the crowd, and fled away. Seeing this, the dwarf smiled coldly, his whole body was boiling with energy, like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, chasing after Lu Xun. behind.


But at this time, on the sky, rays of light rose into the sky, the void shook and oscillated, and finally, a strange river of heaven stabilized across the sky, and powerful energy fluctuations spread away.

That is, Qian Baohe, at this moment, finally revealed his ultimate form...

(End of this chapter)

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