genius evil

Chapter 1309 The Great Way to Jane

Chapter 1309 The Great Way to Jane

Seeing Jiang Chen, he didn't pay any attention to him, Luo Qun almost went crazy, what is that, contempt?
A kid who came out of nowhere, because he played a little bit tricky, this is just taking advantage of people's unpreparedness and stepping on the ladder.

It's not that one's own strength is relieved, crushing countless, how to convince the crowd?
Just like that, why despise him?

"Boy, do you think you can sleep peacefully after stepping on the ladder?" Luo Qun was roaring, almost hysterical.

It was as if he accidentally ate a fly, with an indescribably disgusting feeling.

Because, Jiang Chen joined forces with Lu Xun to play in the palm of his hand, how could such a thing be endured?
"Climbing the ladder, some people describe it as a way to reach the sky in one day, but if you don't have enough strength, forcing yourself to the top will only speed up your death." Luo Qun said again, threatening and aggressive.

He wanted Jiang Chen to realize the current situation, and forced Jiang Chen to walk down by himself.

Otherwise, this path that originally belonged to him was taken over by Jiang Chen like this, it would be too aggrieved, and he would be mad with hatred.

"Very good, your little life, I've made a reservation in advance." Jiang Chen said.

Luo Qun was too noisy, but Jiang Chen had no choice but to respond.

Luo Qun almost spat out a mouthful of blood, prescribing his life, he said so loudly, even if he was as strong as Ji Mobai, who no one dared to provoke, or as the outstanding royal powerhouse, how could he dare to say such a thing.

"Death to me!"

Luo Qun went crazy, launched an attack, and rushed towards the ladder.

He was extremely domineering, and when he launched an attack, he planned to kill Jiang Chen on the ladder.


Impressively, the rules of the sky ladder evolved, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, the void was annihilated, and it was collapsing, the supreme destructive aura spread, and it was extremely terrifying.

The lightning was like a long whip, and struck Luo Qun's body with a bang, as powerful as Luo Qun, even the thought of dodging and resisting was born before it was too late, and he was sent flying.

Luo Qun was bathed in blood, and his body was broken.

At the critical moment, strange rays of light gushed out from his body. It was a treasure of body protection, a family weapon, and it was brought out because of Qianbaohe's appearance this time.

It was because of that treasure that Luo Qun was not able to fall instantly, but he was still bleeding. Not to mention that, that treasure was shattered and suffered heavy losses.

Luo Qun flew out and landed, spurting blood, his face was pale and his breath was weak.


Luo Qun was mad with hatred, his eyes were bloodshot, and the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen like that were full of rich and unparalleled hatred.

He was injured, and even lost a family treasure, such a loss was unbearable, and in Luo Qun's view, all of this was because of Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen sneered, this was just Luo Qun's own doing, so he wouldn't have the slightest bit of mercy!

The incident happened so suddenly, no one thought that Luo Qun would be so crazy, he would do something on the ladder, trying to pull Jiang Chen down.

As a result, the rules above the ladder were triggered, drawn, and punished. It was really unimaginable, and a flash of lightning severely injured Luo Qun in an instant.

Such a scene made countless people gasp.

Originally, some lucky people who were about to make a move immediately died down and became honest.

One ladder and one road.

At this moment, they realized the true meaning of this sentence. It was too terrifying. With Luo Qun's ability, they were almost torn to pieces.

For a moment, there was a dead silence below the nine ladders. Some people were gasping for air, and some people had numb scalps.

Luo Qun was trying his own tricks, and the ending was tragic. Everyone could see that, if it wasn't for the critical moment, Luo Qun sacrificed the magic weapon at any cost, and he would surely fall.

What kind of power is that, beyond the limit of imagination.

In fact, Jiang Chen was also surprised.

He has always released his spiritual consciousness, but when that lightning bolt fell, his spiritual consciousness could not catch it immediately.

That is to say, the speed of that bolt of lightning has surpassed the limit that the divine sense can catch, and there is nothing to resist it at all.

"It's amazing." Frowning, Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Immediately, Jiang Chen ignored it and accelerated to walk up.

On the ladder, nine figures, including Jiang Chen, climbed up all the way, in the sight of everyone.

This path is miraculous, seemingly ordinary, but in reality, one can realize how insignificant one is when one is in it.

When Jiang Chen was walking, he felt like an ant climbing a giant tree reaching to the sky. When he was at the bottom of the ladder, he could still see the end, but when he was on the ladder, the front was covered. , As far as the eye can see, it is illusory, and no one knows what will be at the end.

"A strange law." Jiang Chen looked at it, felt it, and murmured.

This is full of astonishing legal traces everywhere, constructing a completely different space, and what Jiang Chen is particularly amazed at is that the structure of this space is abnormally stable.

"There are rumors that the Qianbao River itself is a treasure... It seems that this is true." Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

Because, it is clear that there are many man-made traces, those traces are engraved with laws and principles, presumably they are the imprints left by some peerless powerhouses.

"A treasure that can give birth to a magic weapon, does it have an owner now, or does it not have an owner?" Jiang Chen said thoughtfully, he had some associations, but he was not sure.


Taking a step forward, Jiang Chen couldn't help but stop.

The steps under his feet did not change, but when Jiang Chen's footsteps fell, it was as if he had stepped into endless muddy people, and the astonishing suction almost made it impossible for him to move even an inch.

Jiang Chen tilted his head and looked in other directions. He saw that the walking speed of Ji Mobai and others had slowed down. Obviously, they all did the same.

"Is this the meaning of the heavenly ladder?" Jiang Chen said, taking steps.

Here, every step forward is accompanied by huge resistance, and that kind of resistance presents an increasing rhythm. After Jiang Chen took dozens of steps forward, the resistance has become quite astonishing. Returning to Yuan Realm warriors, I am afraid that they will no longer be able to continue walking.

Jiang Chen was naturally extraordinary, and Ji Mobai and other powerhouses were also extraordinary. Although their speed had slowed down, they kept stepping.

Finally, when Jiang Chen stopped again, the Qianbao River appeared in Jiang Chen's sight again.

This place seems to be about to reach the end. It is very close, and it can be clearly seen that inside the Qianbao River, the rays of the sun are lingering and intertwined, and the colorful rays of light are like threads, with unparalleled beauty and splendor.

One piece after another, various forms of magical instruments flew across the sky, releasing mana fluctuations, and the void was tumbling and surging.

Each piece of magic weapon is extraordinary, and its power is manifested, which is different from each other.

It was undoubtedly an endless temptation. Even Jiang Chen, who was well-informed, saw such a scene in his eyes, and his heart was unavoidable.

It is even possible to see the magic weapon skimming through Qianbao River.

"The Qianbao River is well-deserved." Jiang Chen said, his pace, which had slowed down, suddenly sped up a lot.

"Not right!"

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen's expression changed quietly, because although he was walking up all the time, he still couldn't close the distance.

It was as if, for the past ten minutes, he had been standing still.

"Close in front of the eyes, far away in the sky?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

This piece of space is compressed, it seems small, but in fact, it is boundless. The vision in the Qianbao River that I saw before is an illusion, deceiving everyone's eyes.

"Is this a joke?" Jiang Chen was somewhat a little bit dumbfounded.

Because, this means that there is still a long way to go.

"It can't be a joke, there must be something deep in it." Jiang Chen pondered as he paced forward.

"Some people say that anyone who can step into the Tianbao River is the result of being selected. What is the purpose of being selected?" Jiang Chen thought.

At this moment, Jiang Chen finally understood why there were rumors that the road to the ladder was as difficult as climbing to the sky, and everything here was out of control.

If you describe climbing the ladder as a game, then it means that the rules of the game have been set long ago, no matter who it is, they can only follow the rules of the game, otherwise, they will be eliminated.

"Why is it like this? Or is it still an illusion, a certain truth is covered up, and the essence is erased?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

Jiang Chen already had certain associations, and at this moment, he couldn't help but think about it.

Of course, Jiang Chen knows one thing, whether it is a false appearance or the truth, as long as he goes all the way up, he will always come to an end.

And that's the ultimate nature.

"Directly pointing at the essence, exploring the emptiness... Is this testing the Dao heart? Well, the heart of martial arts?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

He understood, the way is simple.

The sky ladder is a road, and the end of the road is the Qianbao River. This is an extremely simple and clear truth. It is worthless to put it bluntly, and everyone can understand it.

The problem lies here, because Qianbaohe is so miraculous, it makes people feel awe, and all kinds of visions that emerge one after another make people tense up all the time, not daring to relax at all.

"There is indeed a deep meaning." Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After that, Jiang Chen continued to walk up. He realized that all he noticed was the road under his feet. After walking for an unknown amount of time, his field of vision suddenly widened.

The bright light came into view, it was a magic weapon, suspended in a void space, with strong fluctuations, the light was like blood, and there was an extremely strong bloody aura surging.

Seeing it, Jiang Chen's pupils shrank suddenly. He took a step forward, stepped over the last step, and then grabbed forward with his big hand, grabbing the magic weapon.

But Jiang Chen caught an empty space, and the magic weapon flew out at an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight.

Jiang Chen took another step, stepped forward, and the space suddenly became very different. This is the embodiment of different rules, evolving, like a small world different from Zhenwu Continent.

"Is this the Qianbao River?" Jiang Chen said, feeling a little hard to calm down...

(End of this chapter)

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