genius evil

Chapter 1310 I am an honest person

Chapter 1310 I am an honest person

Inside the Qianbao River, there is a self-contained space, with vertical and horizontal legal principles, containing thousands of changes, and outlines a vast texture.

Of course, when looking at it with the naked eye, in the distance, all kinds of magical artifacts are floating in the void, shining with light, beautiful and unique, so that it looks more like a cornucopia.

Jiang Chen walked among them, one piece after another magic weapon, shuttled quickly from his line of sight, leaving behind many phantoms.

After a while, Jiang Chen saw a person.

It was a woman, tyrannical and indifferent, with the indifference of being thousands of miles away.

In fact, she is very delicate, with a small baby face, it seems that she can easily attract people's liking.

But when this woman appeared, Jiang Chen's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and he was secretly on guard.

Because, I have seen this woman attack twice before, she is extremely ruthless, so she must be a ruthless character.

Moreover, in fact, among the nine people who set foot on the ladder, she was the only woman, quite extraordinary and eye-catching.

The woman also saw Jiang Chen, raised her eyebrows, glanced at Jiang Chen, moved her nostrils slightly, and let out a cold snort of disdain. Immediately after seeing, the woman turned around, turned into an afterimage, and shot into the distance.

"Really proud."

Watching the woman go away, Jiang Chen touched his nose, somewhat a little bit, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

This is considered contempt, right?

He despised Luo Qun before, which caused Luo Qun to be enraged, and he went to the ladder at any cost to kill him. As a result, he was severely injured and the consequences were disastrous.

Now, he was despised, and the one who despised him was still a woman.

"Could this be retribution?" Jiang Chen thought, feeling a little helpless.

However, Jiang Chen also knew that it was because the way he stepped onto the ladder was very dishonorable and difficult to convince the public, which led to these talented girls not thinking that he had the qualifications to be equal.

For example, Ji Mobai and the powerful members of the royal family are unique, with illustrious identities, no one dares to mess with them.

For example, the strong man from a certain famous mountain with ancient inheritance, bleeding all the way, no one can stop him!
Another example is that young man from a certain top sect, who is the only man in charge of others, and his demeanor is peerless!

In comparison, Jiang Chen is really shabby, his background and inheritance are not worth mentioning.

Of course, Jiang Chen naturally didn't care about these things. He always believed that the means and process were not important, and the most important thing was being able to achieve the results he wanted.

On the other hand, after stepping into the Qianbao River, Jiang Chen discovered that the situation here was very different from what he had thought before, so he was not in the mood to pay attention to some trivial matters for the time being.

Jiang Chen was walking, releasing his consciousness to scan and check.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself, feeling puzzled.

At this time, the spiritual consciousness swept across and captured, and none of the various instruments in different shapes could escape Jiang Chen's perception.

Magical artifacts have different shapes, and the power they release is also different. Some are peaceful, some are bloody and violent, and some are weird and unpredictable...

It can be found that in Qianbao River, every magic weapon is completely different, and no two magic weapons are the same.

"Why is this happening?" Jiang Chen murmured.

This situation is very strange.

Because, if these magic tools were born along with Qianbaohe, then even though the shapes of the magic tools are different, there should be some similarities.

But in fact, there is nothing in common.

"What are you thinking?"

There was a voice, and accompanied by that voice, a young man appeared swaggeringly. He walked over and looked at Jiang Chen with a smile, as if he was very interested in Jiang Chen.

Then, he introduced himself, "My name is Ye Yufan."

"I didn't think about anything." Jiang Chen said casually, this Ye Yufan was the strong man from the top sect. He was not very old, but his strength was astonishing, which showed his extraordinary talent.

"It's wrong to lie and deceive people, Jiang Chen, you are too dishonest." Ye Yufan said with a smile.

"You're mistaken, I'm an honest person." Jiang Chen said seriously, with a straight face.

This Ye Yufan looked quite gentle and harmless, but Jiang Chen was naturally not so naive as to think that Ye Yufan was no threat.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing the sound, Ye Yufan just burst out laughing, he laughed so happily that he was about to burst into tears.

"Jiang Chen, you are really interesting. This friend, I, Ye Yufan, have made a decision." Ye Yufan said this, looking at Jiang Chen with admiring eyes.

"As a man, it's best not to be too casual." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.


Ye Yufan was amused again, he stepped forward, patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder, and said, "Before, there was one thing you did very beautifully, that fellow Luo Qun, I have been displeased with him for a long time, I have long wanted to find an opportunity to beat him up... So, for this reason, if Luo Qun troubles you in the future, you can come to me at any time."

"No problem." Jiang Chen also smiled.

"Very good, then it's settled." Ye Yufan said, he was very familiar with himself, and he just brought the relationship between himself and Jiang Chen closer, and then proposed that he and Jiang Chen should go together and take care of each other.

For this point, Jiang Chen did not refuse.


In the distance, suddenly, there was lightning flashing, tearing the void, astonishing energy fluctuations, surging and sweeping, and the inner space of Qianbao River was violently oscillated because of this.

Jiang Chen and Ye Yufan were startled, and following the sound, they saw several figures flitting out of that space, including Ji Mobai and the powerful royal family.

Those few people all seemed a bit embarrassed, they were retreating, they shot separately, sacrificed magic weapons, and carried out horizontal strikes, trying to resist the impact.


A magic weapon was shattered, and a person was seriously injured and vomited blood. Then, under the bombardment of that energy, he was twisted into pieces of flesh and blood, and fell.


Jiang Chen and Ye Yufan were shocked when they saw it.

That was a peerless strong man. Looking at the realm of Guiyuan Realm, he had invincible strength, but he was killed so easily. What happened?

Ji Mobai, the powerful man of the royal family, and others were also shocked, their faces were ugly, and they were ashen. They no longer held back, and made extreme moves, urging the magic weapon to hit.

In the end, they escaped and appeared in the safe area, but they all looked dignified, terrified, and felt as if they had narrowly escaped death.

Jiang Chen raised his eyes and saw a magical golden light blooming there, like a small sun. The void was annihilated and was rapidly disintegrating. But soon, the golden light dissipated, and that space gradually stabilized.

"What happened?"

Ye Yufan walked over and asked with concern.

He has an extraordinary background, and even if he has no friendship with all parties, he can still talk, whether it is Ji Mobai or the powerful royal family, more or less, he wants to give face.

"This place is a bit weird." Ji Mobai said.

While talking, if there seemed to be nothing, he glanced at Jiang Chen, just casually glanced out of the corner of his eye.

However, this was still captured by Jiang Chen, grinning, Jiang Chen smiled, unlike Ji Mobai, he looked at Ji Mobai to his heart's content, without hesitation.

"Brother Ji, you don't seem to have answered my question." Ye Yufan said, a little dissatisfied.

"That golden light appeared very suddenly, and I didn't notice it beforehand." Ji Mobai had no choice but to say, he didn't know what it was, it appeared out of thin air, and its power was overwhelming, beyond imagination.

When several of them join forces, someone will fall. What an astonishing power this is, as strong as him, they are all palpitations.

"Is it a treasure?" Ye Yufan asked with great interest.

At this time, Ji Mobai, the powerful royal family and others were silent. They also thought it was a treasure. This is when the golden light appeared, and they had to check it up close. No one expected that the golden light He attacked independently, and was caught off guard.

"Why don't you talk?" Ye Yufan blinked, tending to be talkative, rambling on and on.

"To shut up!"

A cold voice sounded, and that woman appeared again. She cast a sideways glance at Ye Yufan and said, "Too much nonsense."

"Miss Wen, I didn't talk to you." Ye Yufan said, his eyes flickered, obviously, he was afraid of this woman.

Wen Yanxi sneered, and she said: "I think, you have already searched before, let's talk now, shall we?"

"What are you talking about?" Ye Yufan asked curiously.


Wen Yanxi suddenly made a move, slapped Ye Yufan with a palm.

Ye Yufan was startled, backed away quickly, his face turned pale, and shouted, "Wen Yanxi, what are you doing, I was almost beaten to death by you."

Wen Yanxi ignored Ye Yufan lazily. He looked at Ji Mobai and the powerful royal family. Obviously, she valued these two more. The rest, even Ye Yufan, were all dispensable in her eyes. .Not to mention Jiang Chen, Wen Yanxi didn't even look at Jiang Chen when he appeared this time.

"There is nothing to talk about. Whoever gets it belongs to him." The royal powerhouse said, when he spoke, his speech was very slow, but he had an unquestionable majesty.

As soon as the words fell, the powerful man of the royal family walked away. He was very arrogant and looked down upon him.

Then, Ji Mobai also walked away. He didn't speak, but expressed his attitude with actions.

Seeing this, Wen Yanxi frowned slightly, and immediately sneered, planning to leave.

"Hi, we met again." However, Wen Yanxi moved his feet, and Jiang Chen's voice came out, saying hello.

After a pause, Wen Yanxi turned his head to look at Jiang Chen, as if he had just discovered Jiang Chen's existence, and said indifferently, "Do you have something to say?"

"I think the two of us can have a good talk." Jiang Chen said calmly.

Wen Yanxi was very cold and stern, that glance gave people the feeling that they were trapped in an ice cave, and even a normal Guiyuan Realm expert would not be able to bear this glance.

"Hey, what are you two talking about? Are you talking about love?" Without waiting for Wen Yanxi to respond, Ye Yufan just said, he glanced at Jiang Chen, then at Wen Yanxi, and said, "I don't know why, but I found you two They are a perfect match. A man with talent and a woman with looks are a match made in heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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