genius evil

Chapter 131 Let go of that woman

Chapter 131 Let go of that woman
Around ten o'clock in the morning, in an office of the city government building.

Secretary Shen Lili packed up the documents, got up, and gently knocked on a door.

After knocking three times in a row, Shen Lili's expression was slightly strange without hearing any internal response.

As Mayor Lan's secretary, Shen Lili has been with Lan Xiu for more than half a year, and she probably has some understanding of Mayor Lan's work style.

In the past, every time she sent a document, she only needed to knock once, and a response would come from inside, signaling her to go in.

However, she has knocked on the door three times now, but there is no movement inside. If she hadn't seen Lan Xiu enter the office with her own eyes, Shen Lili would almost have thought that Mayor Lan didn't go to work today.

After hesitating for a moment, Shen Lili knocked the door a fourth time, with a little more force.

"Come in." Finally, a stern voice came from inside.

Quietly relieved, Shen Lili opened the door with the documents in her pocket.

"Mayor Lan, here is the itinerary for the next week. Please check if there is any problem." Shen Lili put the folder on the desk and said softly.

Lan Xiu nodded, opened the document, looked at it for a while, signed her name, and said, "Yes."

"The specific itinerary schedule, the Secretary's Office will give a timetable, but in addition to the itinerary arranged on the itinerary, there is another invitation card. The other party hopes that Mayor Lan will take time to attend." Shen Lili said again.

"Oh, what invitation?" Lan Xiu looked a little absent-minded and said.

Shen Lili didn't dare to stare at Lan Xiu, and didn't notice anything wrong with Lan Xiu, she said: "The invitation was sent by the old principal Feng of Yilan Middle School, inviting you to participate in the college entrance examination swearing-in meeting of Yilan Middle School, and, Feng The old principal hopes that you can speak at the swearing-in meeting."

"When exactly?" Lan Xiu asked after pondering for a while.

"Next Friday, ten o'clock in the morning." Shen Lili responded in detail.

"You can call the old principal Feng later and tell me that I will go." Lan Xiu said, one aspect of her main responsibility is education.

Yilan Middle School's annual college entrance examination rate is the highest in the city, and it has produced several provincial college entrance examination champions. As the mayor in charge, Lan Xiu has no reason to refuse such a thing, not to mention that the invitation was sent by the old principal Feng himself Yes, the old principal Feng is an old man in the education field. The world is full of peaches and plums. The city education department and the provincial education department all have students of the old principal Feng. He has made great contributions to the education work in Yilan City, and Lan Xiu admires it very much. As an elder, Lan Xiu couldn't refuse.

"Okay." Shen Lili responded, and after leaving the office, she closed the door lightly, and then called the principal's office of Yilan Middle School.

The moment the door was closed, Shen Lili didn't see Lan Xiu's indifferent lips showing a wry smile, and from time to time, Lan Xiu gently kneaded her temples with two fingers to relieve her fatigue.

The symptoms of migraine had disappeared after being treated by Jiang Chen last night, such an action by Lan Xiu was just a matter of habit.

After twisting twice, Lan Xiu put down her hands, took a document on the table and looked at it. After just a few glances, Lan Xiu pushed the document away, and she found that she could not enter the working state at all.

"That damned hooligan really hurt me." Sighing, Lan Xiu murmured.

However, after saying this, Lan Xiu suddenly laughed again, a little mischievously, if Shen Lili saw Lan Xiu like this, she would be stunned in surprise.

"After I fell asleep last night, Jiang Chen must have been very depressed." Lan Xiu said in her heart.

Lan Xiu didn't know when she fell asleep last night. It was only when she woke up this morning and found herself curled up in Jiang Chen's arms that she realized that last night, she was hugged by Jiang Chen and slept for a while. night.

It didn't feel very annoying, on the contrary, it was very reassuring and comforting. When the desire of the body was satisfied, for Yu Lanxiu, a warm embrace was what she needed most.

Even though the relationship with Jiang Chen seems to be inexplicable, the process is almost omitted, and it is a storm of desire, but Lan Xiu still hopes that the relationship between the two parties is not based on pure desire. Such hopes, to a large extent, are suspected of self-deception.

But what women are often best at is self-deception, that is, duplicity, isn't it?
Even with the identity of Lanxiu, she is still a woman in her bones, with a strong side and a softer side. Even when that soft side is presented in front of people, compared to most women in the world, she is still a woman. In other words, she is more feminine.

"I don't know what Jiang Chen is doing now, whether he is sleeping or has already left." Lan Xiu was thinking again.

She slept soundly last night, and woke up naturally after sleeping, so she woke up a little earlier, and went to work earlier... Naturally, these time arrangements are also deliberate.

Because Lan Xiu was very worried that after Jiang Chen woke up, he would make excessive demands again, which was the third time Jiang Chen kept saying, so Lan Xiu could only climb down before Jiang Chen woke up. bed.

After thinking about this, Lan Xiu finally realized that something was wrong with her emotions. It seemed that she was all focused on Jiang Chen. Caring about a person like this, especially a man, was something she had never done before. Lan Xiu was a little panicked and a little bit confused.

Picking up the coffee on the table and taking a sip, the bitter taste spread on the tip of her tongue, her mood cooled down a bit, Lan Xiu picked up the document again, and stared at it...

When Jiang Chen got up, it was around ten o'clock, but the time to get up was not the time to wake up. When Lan Xiu woke up, Jiang Chen had already woken up.

But seeing Lan Xiu getting up and leaving the bedroom on tiptoe, Jiang Chen found it interesting, so he didn't bother Lan Xiu anymore, and let Lan Xiu leave.

After waking up, he heard a sound coming from downstairs. Jiang Chen knew that it was a servant cleaning the room, so he had to jump out of the floor-to-ceiling window again, and left Jingyuan Villa along the path he came over last night.

Jiang Chen's car was parked in the parking lot outside Jingyuan Villa. After getting into the car, Jiang Chen drove away.

Jiang Chen didn't notice that not far away, a black Audi A6 was parked there, and a man was sitting in the Audi, it was Chi Kaize.

In addition, this time, Chi Kaize saw Jiang Chen for the second time.

Compared to meeting Jiang Chen this time under such circumstances, there is no doubt that meeting Jiang Chen for the first time left a deeper impression on Chi Kaize.

Especially, when Jiang Chen put his arms around Lan Xiu's waist and announced to him in a provocative way that Lan Xiu was his Jiang Chen's woman, Chi Kaize's hatred for Jiang Chen was almost to the bone.

He has been chasing Lan Xiu for so long, but Lan Xiu has never been fake, and has never given him any good looks. Chi Kaize can understand that Lan Xiu is born with such a personality. After all, a woman must have a little bit in the officialdom Protective color, otherwise, it will be swallowed at any time without even the dross left.

However, Lan Xiu's protective look was only for him and other men, but in front of Jiang Chen, she was so docile, which made Chi Kaize very jealous.

"This guy is sneaky, what does he want to do?" Seeing Jiang Chen driving away in the car, Chi Kaize said to himself.

After finishing speaking, Chi Kaize's face suddenly became extremely ugly, because he thought of a possibility, a possibility that was difficult to accept, but perhaps the only truth.

That is, Jiang Chen spent the night in Jingyuan Villa last night. To be more specific, Jiang Chen spent the night in Lanxiu's room.

Thinking about it this way, there was a raging fire burning in Chi Kaize's eyes, because Chi Kaize realized that it was not the first time that Jiang Chen was familiar with the road, and it was not the first time he stayed at Lanxi's place for the night. It is very likely that the last time he left Afterwards, Jiang Chen also stayed at Lan Xiu's place for the night.

"Damn woman, pretend to be pure and pure in front of me. When I have the chance, I will definitely tear off your hypocritical mask and make you submit to my feet." Chi Kaize roared, his eyes flickering coldly, "Jiang Chen, right? You have the audacity to snatch a woman from Chi Kaize, I will definitely make your life worse than death."


Jiang Chen didn't know that when he came out of Jingyuan Villa, Chi Kaize saw him and caused Chi Kaize's jealousy.

Of course, even if he knew, Jiang Chen couldn't possibly care about it. Maybe Chi Kaize regarded him as a competitor, but Jiang Chen never regarded Chi Kaize as an opponent. To put it bluntly, even if Chi Kaize It has a lot of energy, but in Jiang Chen's eyes, it's still not enough.

After the car left Jingyuan Villa, Jiang Chen had no other place to go, so he just drove back to Yilan Middle School.

When the car turned a corner and passed an intersection, the red light came on, and Jiang Chen had just stepped on the brake when he saw a figure stumbling towards the front of the car, and then his body hit the front of the car.

"Fuck me, even if you want to touch porcelain, you don't have to make it so obvious, right?" Jiang Chen was speechless, and got out of the car angrily.

After getting out of the car and seeing the woman's appearance clearly, Jiang Chen immediately knew that this was definitely not Pengci. He knew the woman who hit the front of the car, especially those slender and tight long legs. He was quite impressed.

It's just that the woman's condition looks a bit miserable at the moment. On the black leather jacket and pants, there are spots of blood stains. I don't know if it is her blood or someone else's blood. It looks a bit shocking.

"This, was it hacked?" Jiang Chen muttered.

"It's such a waste of money. I don't know if this girl's legs are injured, or it would be too spoiled." Jiang Chen muttered, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the woman who was limp on the ground into his arms. After checking with his hands up and down , I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, he wasn't injured, but he just lost his strength." After saying a word, Jiang Chen walked into the car with his arms around the woman.

But at this time, a sharp shout sounded from behind Jiang Chen - let go of that woman!

(End of this chapter)

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