genius evil

Chapter 132 Thank you, you're welcome

Chapter 132 Thank you, you're welcome

Accompanied by the sound of speaking, more than a dozen figures rushed over.

Just like the blood on the women, the dozen or so people were also stained with blood, but they were not as lucky as the women, because although there were other people's blood on their bodies, more of them were their own.

Those dozen or so people, each holding a machete, were full of murderous intent, vicious, and almost had a few big words "I'm not easy to offend" engraved on their faces. posture.

The one who yelled to let go of the woman was a middle-aged man with a slender scar on his face. The man with the scar face walked in the front, with the machete in his hand across his shoulder, and he smiled viciously and wickedly.

"Brother, I didn't hear what you said clearly." Jiang Chen played dumb and said in a daze after digging out his ears.

"I said, let go of the woman in your arms, or I will hack you to death." The man with the scar face said Hong Sheng.

"Oh, I heard it, but please don't speak so loudly, do you think that you can cover up the fact that you are a big fool by talking loudly?" Jiang Chen looked a little unhappy.

"What did you say? Say it again if you have the guts!" The man with the scar face narrowed his eyes, and looked at Jiang Chen as if he was dead.

"An idiot is an idiot. Could it be that you think these two words are very literary, so I'll say them a few more times to satisfy your perverted hobbies." Jiang Chen chuckled.

"Fuck, chop me up, hack this bastard to death." How could the scar-faced man know that Jiang Chen was so quick-spoken, he was scolded bloody in a few words, couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted , took the lead, grabbed the machete and slashed towards Jiang Chen.

"I told you that you're an idiot, but you don't believe me. With your slashing technique, in my opinion, you can't even chop up a watermelon." Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed, and stabbed the man with the scarred face. When he came over, his right hand stretched forward like lightning, and grabbed the wrist of the man with the scar face.

In the next second, the machete in the man's hand with the scar face dropped and appeared in Jiang Chen's hand.

"Hey, I see clearly, this is how the beheader cuts people." Jiang Chen said leisurely, raised his hands, blood splashed out, and a machete fell on the right shoulder of the man with the scarred face.

The face of the man with the scar face suddenly changed. He turned his head like a ghost and looked at his right shoulder. The sudden pain caused his face to turn the color of a pig's liver.

"The eyes are so wide, you should be able to see clearly, but it is still a bit late to learn the essence of my knife, so let's take a look again, this time we must see more clearly." Jiang Chen was grinning, without a trace of fireworks, but he struck quickly and ruthlessly, almost no one could see his movements clearly. The machete appeared on the left shoulder of the scar-faced man, deeply embedded in it. There was a cloud of blood in the flesh and blood of the man with the scarred face!

After being hacked twice in a row, the scar-faced man howled in pain even if he was an iron man.

"Well, it seems that I am really not a qualified teacher. You didn't even look at this knife... Forget it, a good person will do it to the end, so I will cut it again. What do you think is good for the third knife? Thigh On the waist? Or on the neck, or on the neck, then, the next moment is to witness the miracle, you will see what is called bleeding profusely, and then you will die slowly in despair, Sounds very interesting, right? Can't wait to try that feeling?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

Jiang Chen's words didn't sound scary, but the scarred man's heart jumped into his throat. He almost forgot the pain on both shoulders. He only felt his legs tremble and go limp. Like cooked noodles, with a "bang", it knelt down in front of Jiang Chen.

"Spare me, spare me!" the man with the scar face turned pale and murmured.

As for the dozen or so people who came with the scar-faced man, they were all frightened when Jiang Chen slashed at the scar-faced man for the first time. mess around.

At this moment, when they saw the man with the scar face kneeling down and begging for mercy, the dozen or so people were even more frightened, their legs became weak one by one, and they almost fell to their knees on the ground.

You must know that they dared to hack people on the street in broad daylight, and they were reckless in themselves. However, their recklessness did not take other people's lives at heart, and it did not mean that they were not afraid of death.

To be precise, the reason why they don't want to die is because they know that they won't die.

However, in an understatement, Jiang Chen's two sabers made them realize in horror that this young man who spoke and smiled slowly was enough to kill them, how could this not make them feel moved and afraid.

"What are you kneeling down for, stand up quickly, I haven't taught you how to cut people yet." Jiang Chen said displeased.

" need..." The man with the scar face was trembling.

"Oh, you don't need to teach it, right? It means, you admit that you are a big fool?" Jiang Chen smiled when he saw the man with the scarred face trembling in fright.

The scar-faced man nodded vigorously, not daring to speak, lest Jiang Chen really slash him on the neck, and he would die miserably.

"So, I told you that you are an idiot and you still refused to believe it, so I must prove it to you. If you don't listen to the handsome guy, you will suffer in front of your eyes." Jiang Chen babbled.

"Yes... yes..." the man with the scar face said hastily. Under such circumstances, Jiang Chen naturally did what he said, and he dared to disobey.

"Unfortunately, it's too late for you to realize it. You think that if you admit that you are an idiot, I will definitely let you go..." Shaking his head, Jiang Chen said, "The biggest advantage of me is that I am a good teacher. Now, Teach you well, even if you are picking up girls, you have to pay attention to first come, first come first, just like this woman, you were the first to fall into my arms, you told me to let her go, this is wrong, you should call her It's right to let me go, after all, she must have taken the initiative to throw herself into my arms for the sake of my handsome face."


The man with the scarred face looked like he wanted to cry but had no tears. He thought to himself that Jiang Chen is obviously a real person who doesn't show his face, why doesn't he have the demeanor of a person at all?

Aren't experts always the kind who are ruthless to the end and speak hard? Why does Jiang Chen talk so much... so much nonsense?
"A child can be taught, it seems that you understand my words." Jiang Chen said with satisfaction.

"Understood." The man with the scar face nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Then you understand, I said that I will not let you off, and the next step is the third cut, chopping off the neck." Jiang Chen smiled and chopped down with one blow.

The man with the scarred face suddenly rolled his eyes, a stench came out of his crotch, and passed out. Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and casually dropped the machete. He hugged the woman, got into the Porsche, kicked the accelerator, and started the car. go out.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't take the initiative to throw myself into your arms, you picked me up." After the car was on the road, the woman in the passenger seat said bitterly.

"It's the same." Jiang Chen chuckled, blinked his eyes and said, "I woke up so soon."

"I'm not in a coma at all." The woman said angrily, she just lost her strength, and now she has recovered a little, and there is no problem with talking or anything.

Then the woman sighed faintly, and said, "Jiang Chen, you are very powerful."

Last time, at the Guilanyuan Villa Manor, she had fought against Jiang Chen. At that time, she knew that she was not Jiang Chen's opponent, but today, she realized that the difference between herself and Jiang Chen was so great.

Seeing Jiang Chen subdue the scar-faced man so easily, while she felt happy, she also felt an inexplicable depression!

"That's right, I've always been so good." Jiang Chenchou boasted shamelessly to himself, and said with a smile: "Besides, I'm also very good in other aspects. You can try it when you get a chance."


The woman, who was originally in a depressed mood, smiled amusedly by Jiang Chen, and that depressed mood immediately dissipated. She gave Jiang Chen a weird look and said, "I originally thought you would kill that scarface, but I didn't expect you... ..."

Speaking of this, the woman didn't go on. The man with the scar face didn't die, and even Jiang Chen didn't slash at all with his last knife. The man with the scar face just fainted from fright. In terms of the situation, almost everyone believed that Jiang Chen would definitely kill the man with the scarred face. Who would have thought that the final result would be so unexpected.

"Xiao Shuang'er, what you said is wrong. I have always been a good citizen who abides by the public and the law. I hate fighting and killing." Jiang Chen smiled, and then said: "Especially, I want to kill people I will kill myself, and there is absolutely no chance for other people to kill people with my hands."

This woman was Shuang'er who was with Tang Tian. Shuang'er remembered Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen naturally remembered Shuang'er, and the impression was quite deep, otherwise she wouldn't have recognized her at a glance today.

After hesitating for a while, Shuang'er said: "Jiang Chen, believe it or not, meeting you today is a coincidence."

"I believe what you said, but after meeting me, even if what happens next, even if it is all a coincidence, in the end, it will all become a premeditated act, and what I have to do is to put this This premeditated plan was killed in the cradle." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

Shuang'er looked at Jiang Chen in amazement, this man, besides possessing inconceivable skills, also possessed inconceivable wisdom.

But she didn't lie to Jiang Chen, because meeting Jiang Chen today was indeed a coincidence. She remembered very clearly that the last time he saw Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen was driving a BMW, but now it was replaced by a Porsche. .

Shuang'er is also very grateful for this coincidence, otherwise, she might have been hacked to death, even if she survived, she would not be able to escape the fate of being humiliated. For Jiang Chen, this matter today may have been a matter of convenience. But it saved her life.

Similarly, Shuang'er also knew that what Jiang Chen said was correct. After all, although she caused the trouble, once Jiang Chen killed someone, it would be tantamount to meddling in it. They will all be involved in disputes and become a murderous knife!

After a moment of silence, Shuang'er said, "Please take me to Guilan Garden, thank you."

"You're welcome, I've always liked being disturbed by women the most." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, drove the car, and quickly headed towards Guilan Garden!
(End of this chapter)

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