genius evil

Chapter 1312 I am very vengeful

Chapter 1312 I am very vengeful

Hearing this, Chang Yulong's expression changed suddenly.

He didn't know Ye Yufan, but before, Ye Yufan stood proudly at the bottom of a ladder, towering over the others, his demeanor was peerless, and naturally, it left an extremely deep and unforgettable impression on him.

When Chang Yulong came looking for him, he naturally saw Ye Yufan.

But in Chang Yulong's view, Jiang Chen and Ye Yufan should have come together by coincidence, and they should have nothing to do with each other, so they wantonly provoked and taunted Jiang Chen, wanting to step on Jiang Chen.

What Chang Yulong never expected was that there was friendship between Jiang Chen and Ye Yufan. Moreover, Jiang Chen was too despicable. He didn't take action himself, but ordered Ye Yufan to do it.

At this moment, Chang Yulong's complexion became very ugly, and he realized that things were getting tricky.

In his opinion, this Ye Yufan exists in the same echelon as Ji Mobai and the powerful royal family, and if there is a trouble, he will never be spared.

"Brother Jiang, this one and I have no grievances or enmities, how can we have the nerve to kill someone?" Ye Yufan said, looking at Chang Yulong, his eyes were full of jokes.

"Brother Ye, you and I are like brothers. Although we are not real brothers, we are better than real brothers. Now, he came here to kill me, and even more so to steal. Are you ashamed to see death instead of saving?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied. , how could he not hear that Ye Yufan was planning to sabotage work?

But since this guy came to him on his own initiative, it doesn't matter what kind of plans he has in return, what kind of calculations he has.Jiang Chen, on the other hand, couldn't miss it no matter what, so he had to make good use of it.

Ye Yufan said slowly, "Brother Jiang, what you said is of course very reasonable, so I can't refute it, but unfortunately, I, Ye Yufan, have never killed a chicken before, let alone kill them." So, here comes the question, how to kill people?"

Jiang Chen felt speechless, could this guy be a little more embarrassing?Such stinky and shameless words are all out of the mouth. This level of cheekiness is even worse than him.

"Brother Ye, there's never been anything easier than killing people. The so-called first-time acquaintance and second-time acquaintance, after you kill a few more times, you'll fall in love with it." On the lips, Jiang Chen said.

"Is there such a thing? It's the first time I've heard of it, so it's true, you have to try it, but brother Jiang, don't lie to me, what I hate most in my life is when others lie to me." Ye Yufan said eagerly.

"Brother Ye, you also know that I am an honest gentleman and never lie." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Listening to the conversation between Jiang Chen and Ye Yufan, Chang Yulong's mood was agitated. He could tell that Ye Yufan didn't want to do anything, but he was finally persuaded by Jiang Chen.

As for what Ye Yufan said, he had never killed anyone, even if Chang Yulong was a complete idiot, he would not believe it.

He understood that once Ye Yufan made a move, it would be a thunderbolt, which made Chang Yulong feel awe-inspiring, and planned to retreat, unwilling to suffer this immediate loss.

"Brother Ye, hurry up and send him to die, or he will slip away." Seeing Chang Yulong's intentions, Jiang Chen urged.

"Jiang Chen, you are shameless!"

Chang Yulong was furious, pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, and said in a sinister manner.

He is well-known in the inner sect, and although he is not top-notch in the ranking, he is recognized as a difficult person. Even the top [-] powerhouses in the Tianbang are unwilling to offend him if it is not necessary. .

But now, his life and death are being manipulated by Jiang Chen in such a way, how can he be convinced?
"Chang Yulong, what are you, are you angry?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

He said leisurely and slowly, "When you asked me to take out the storage bag for you to check, wasn't it more shameless than what I'm doing now?"

"If you have the ability to fight with me, I will kill you!" Chang Yulong said viciously.

He didn't want to have a strong enemy under the tree for no reason, it was to stimulate Jiang Chen and let Jiang Chen jump out to do it.

"Clumsy provocative method." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said casually: "Shang Yulong, or else, I will give you a choice, kill yourself, lest you be beaten to pieces by Brother Ye and die ugly."

"Brother Jiang, I'm very gentle, not that violent." Ye Yufan reminded, muttering, thinking that Jiang Chen's words are really insulting to gentleness and destroying his glorious and upright image.

"Brother Ye, the fact that you and I are singing together is definitely going to scare this guy out of courage. Be serious, otherwise, if you scare people to death, it won't be much fun." Jiang Chen said.


Chang Yulong was trembling with anger, is he that unbearable?
He once charged on the top of the heaven list, was extremely domineering, and wanted to scare his guts out of him with just a few words, it would be too small to underestimate him.

"Jiang Chen, I said before, if you are really capable, fight me. Otherwise, you will only make me look down on you, grandstanding, and a clown." Chang Yulong Yinjiu said.

"Brother Ye, what are you still doing in a daze, kill him quickly." Jiang Chen seemed to be enraged, and he said loudly with a stern voice.

"Brother Jiang, I don't know why, but I suddenly realized that what he said seemed very reasonable," Ye Yufan said.

"Brother Ye, give me a quick shot, or don't blame me, Jiang Chen, for disregarding brotherhood and turning your face against anyone." Jiang Chen said in a vicious voice.

Today, no matter what, Ye Yufan had to make a move. Right now, Chang Yulong turned against him, but he didn't mind at all, and turned against Ye Yufan.

Ye Yufan took a deep look at Jiang Chen, knowing that if he didn't want to make a move, he could do nothing, so he waved to Chang Yulong and said, "Boy, come here and die, don't be nervous, I'm a gentleman, the way to kill , and will be very gentle, so you won't feel any pain."

"Why is it so lively here?"

A voice suddenly sounded, accompanied by the speaking voice, and then, a figure walked slowly.

It was an ordinary-looking man, he appeared, walked over, with a slight smile on his face, as if he was in a leisurely court, and when he got closer, he opened his mouth again and said, "Brother Ye, Chang Yulong has offended you." Have you? For my sake, how about forgiving him this time?"

"Brother Ji, are you here to intercede for this kid?" Ye Yufan said, he was a little indifferent, and said, "Brother Ji, this kid is jumping up and down in front of me, you know my character."

"Chang Yulong, please apologize." Ji Mobai just said.

He was very indifferent and ordered casually. Chang Yulong hesitated for a moment and decided to apologize, although he didn't think he had offended Ye Yufan.

"Brother Ye, I'm sorry." Chang Yulong said.

"Brother Ye, are you satisfied?" Ji Mobai said with a smile.

"I've always been magnanimous, since I've apologized, forget it, you guys go." Waving his hand, Ye Yufan said.

Just like Chang Yulong didn't want to offend him, Ye Yufan naturally didn't want to offend Ji Mobai, especially because of Jiang Chen.

Of course, if Chang Yulong really offended him, even if he apologized, it would be impossible for him to let it go so easily.

"Let's go." Ji Mobai nodded, motioned, and walked away.

Chang Yulong turned his head and glanced at Jiang Chen, very unwilling, but he knew that this was not the best time, and he would settle the score slowly when he had a chance later.

"Wait!" Jiang Chen said.

"What's the matter?" Looking back, Ji Mobai asked.

"You can leave if you want, but Chang Yulong must stay, oh, what I mean is, I want him to stay alive." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, you are courting death!"

In an instant, Chang Yulong was furious. Now, Ye Yufan was restrained by Ji Mobai, and Jiang Chen dared to speak nonsense. Did he really think he wouldn't kill people?

"Chang Yulong, give me your storage bag, or die!" Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

"Jiang Chen, who is also a member of the Seven Star Martial Academy, will make a joke if he goes to war, how about giving me face?" Frowning, Ji Mobai said.

"I'll give you face, will you give me face?" Jiang Chen asked back, very sharply.

The timing of Ji Mobai's appearance was very ingenious, it was hard for Jiang Chen not to think too much, it was so simple, he wanted to take Chang Yulong away, Jiang Chen was not so easy to talk to.

"Brother Ji, this son has always been rampant. He has slandered you several times before in the inner sect. Today, I will kill him." Chang Yulong said.

"Those are trivial things, not worth mentioning." Waving his hand, Ji Mobai said indifferently, he looked at Jiang Chen, and said, "Everyone take a step back, as if nothing happened, I think, I Ji Mobai still has such a thin face, what do you think?"

"Brother Jiang, that's enough." Ye Yufan said.

The threatening meaning of Ji Mobai's words is very obvious, that is, once Jiang Chen doesn't give him face, he will definitely not give Jiang Chen face ten times and a hundred times.

This is a powerful existence that even he is unwilling to provoke easily. In his opinion, if Jiang Chen is aggressive, in the end, he must be the one who suffers.

Grinning, Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "Ji Mobai, you may not know that I am very vengeful."

The pupils contracted violently, and Ji Mobai couldn't hear the threatening meaning of Jiang Chen's words. This is very interesting, but it's actually not that interesting.

Because, it was beyond Ji Mobai's expectation.

If what Jiang Chen said before in the inner sect could be regarded as a joke, then now, in front of him, Jiang Chen is still so strong, no matter what, it cannot be called a joke.

"I know now." Ji Mobai said slowly, and left.

As soon as Ji Mobai left, Chang Yulong followed.

This turmoil ended in such a calm manner, but Jiang Chen, Ji Mobai and Chang Yulong all knew that this matter would not end so easily.

Watching the two leave, Jiang Chen turned around and found that Ye Yufan was looking at him with eyes like he was looking crazy.

"are you crazy!"

Immediately, Jiang Chen started to curse!

(End of this chapter)

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