genius evil

Chapter 1313

Chapter 1313

Ye Yufan was stunned, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but say, "Brother Jiang, don't you think it's more appropriate for me to say this?"

Ye Yufan now not only thinks that Jiang Chen is crazy, but also thinks that Jiang Chen is a real crazy person.

Seven Star Martial Academy, number one in the Inner Sect Tianbang, Ji Mobai's reputation spread far and wide, with the strength of one person, he almost oppressed the entire Qin Empire's talented and charming girls, and how many people can compete with him? fight?
At least, Ye Yufan believed that there was still a gap between him and Ji Mobai.

But Jiang Chen was jumping so happily, he said something in front of Ji Mobai, what was that, did Ji Mobai not even take it to heart?
Who gave Jiang Chen the confidence and courage?

Don't you worry about Ji Mobai being enraged and raising his palm to kill him?

"Brother Ye, I guess I misjudged you. You are just Ji Mobai, who has a false name and appearance, but it scares you so much that you tremble all over. It disappoints me too much." Jiang Chen said.

The corners of Ye Yufan's mouth twitched even more violently, and he said with a mournful face, "Brother Jiang, is it really okay for you to open your eyes and talk nonsense like this?"

Jiang Chen sneered, and said seriously: "Sooner or later, Ji Mobai will kneel down in front of me and beg for mercy."

"You lunatic."

Therefore, Ye Yufan also cursed, and suddenly felt that it was definitely not a wise thing to approach Jiang Chen. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen was so crazy?

Judging by this level, it is almost breaking through the sky.


In Qianbao Hanoi, wars broke out everywhere.

With the passage of time, more and more strong men entered the Qianbao River, causing the fight to become more intense.

"Go away!"

Some people were shouting angrily, their murderous intent boiled over, they all took a fancy to a magic weapon, they competed vigorously, and finally triggered a big battle, each of them refused to give an inch, which meant that they were bound to win.

In the other direction, a magic weapon turned into the sky, it was a sword, and it released the sword light, which was extraordinary and attracted some sword repairers, and they shot separately to take it down.

These people are all strong men who have cultivated in the Guiyuan Realm, and some even have a glimpse of the threshold of the Mortal Realm. They are fighting one after another, and the space in Qianbao River is shaking.

Some people sacrificed the magic weapon at any cost, and it was extremely powerful, directly causing pieces of space to collapse and annihilate, and the air of killing filled the sky.

Jiang Chen and Ye Yufan were strolling, turning a blind eye to this kind of battle.

Naturally, there were also many troubles targeting Jiang Chen.

There is no way, there are really too many people who don't like Jiang Chen. Many people, like Chang Yulong, retreated and planned to use Jiang Chen as a knife.

Jiang Chen was very relaxed, and used Ye Yufan as a magic weapon to protect himself. Whenever anyone came to make trouble, he would just push Ye Yufan out.

It had to be said that the effect was quite good, which made Jiang Chen very satisfied.

Ye Yufan, on the other hand, was very hard-pressed, suspected of turning into Jiang Chen's thug, being used again and again, he almost couldn't help but turn his back on Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang, you can't go on like this." Finally, Ye Yufan couldn't bear it anymore and protested.

"You need to be strong and kill a few people to build your prestige. In that way, no one will know what is good or bad." Ye Yufan said, giving advice.

Because, I don't want to be used again and again as a shield.

"Brother Ye, you said earlier that you didn't even kill a chicken, did you lie to me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Of course it's true." Ye Yufan said swearingly, and then added: "People are good at being bullied, and Ma Shan is being ridden by others. They have never learned your methods, Brother Jiang, and they think you are easy to bully. I can't stand it anymore."

"I don't care. There are many people who think I'm easy to bully. Who are they?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Ye Yufan was about to vomit blood. What did Jiang Chen mean by that? Could it be that he was using him as a shield to get addicted?However, he also has dignity, okay? Can Jiang Chen consider his feelings a little bit?Are you not afraid that he will turn his face and deny people?

Jiang Chen and Ye Yufan were strolling, seemingly aimless, but in fact, they were looking for that ray of golden energy.

It was very miraculous, as soon as it appeared, the power was released, irresistible, as strong as Ji Mobai and that powerful royal family, they couldn't stop their sharpness.

It's just that since that streak of golden energy appeared, it has been hidden and never appeared again.

The same as Jiang Chen and Ye Yufan's purpose, Ji Mobai and others are also looking for them. They are very conspicuous, and wherever they appear, the people in that place will automatically retreat.

This situation made Ye Yufan very envious.

Ye Yufan thought that he could have enjoyed this kind of treatment in the first place, but he got involved by Jiang Chen. As a result, he was very embarrassed and no one gave him face.

"Brother Jiang, don't you really plan to kill a few people to stand up? Look over there, when those guys looked at you one by one, their eyes were not friendly... Hurry up and kill them, let them experience it, yours means."

Ye Yufan provoked, he didn't want to be slighted anymore, he felt too humiliated, because, after meeting Wen Yanxi again, he was coldly ridiculed by Wen Yanxi, and he never even took a look at him.

But before, this has never happened.

You know, he is a top-level sect, and the background of the sect is not inferior to the Seven Star Martial Academy. He is an extraordinary person and considers himself noble.

"Brother Ye, as you and I, why should we have the same knowledge as them?" Jiang Chen said lazily, ignoring it.

"Brother Jiang, look over there, that guy is too arrogant, is he provoking you? I can't tolerate it. If he wants to kill him, he has no way to go to heaven, and he has no way to go to earth." Ye Yufan said again, persistently.

"That guy won't live long, because he's too stupid." Jiang Chen said, carelessly.

"Boy, what are you doing, looking for death?"

In the end, Ye Yufan couldn't take it anymore, and he made a move.

Since Jiang Chen was indifferent and unwilling to make a move, he would come in person, because the feeling of being underestimated by others is too uncomfortable, and he really needs to show his prestige.

Ye Yufan's cultivation was outstanding, he fought at the same level, and had an invincible demeanor. Several guys were very unfortunate to become the targets of Ye Yufan's prestige, and the result was very miserable.

"A bunch of trash, how dare you look down on me?" Ye Yufan sneered, completely forgetting that he himself said that he had never killed anyone before.

His shots are quite domineering, even if the opponent is also a Returning Yuan Realm martial artist, he is directly suppressed, and then crushed.

"Brother Ye, you are so powerful, no wonder I feel so safe walking with you." Jiang Chen exclaimed.

If Ye Yufan is really going to vomit blood, is it really okay for Jiang Chen to say such sarcastic remarks?Can you give him a little bit of face?
Ye Yufan's attack was like a rainbow. It can be said that apart from the first batch of strong men who boarded the Qianbao River, there is no opponent in Qianbao River.

At this time, he went crazy and suppressed several people forcefully. Finally, there was no one who didn't have a good eye and ran over to make trouble.

"Brother Jiang, did you see that? It should have been like this a long time ago. These guys look down on everyone, but they don't know that the two of us can kill them to pieces with just raising our palms." Ye Yufan said triumphantly, showing off with.

"Brother Ye, you are worthy of being born in a famous family. I am ashamed of myself. In the future, I will have to rely on you a lot." Jiang Chen complimented casually.

Ye Yufan's face turned black, how could he not hear that Jiang Chen's words didn't have the slightest sincerity, they were purely teasing.

"This guy is so calm, is he conceited, or is he just pretending?" Ye Yufan muttered, a little puzzled.

Jiang Chen and Ye Yufan, the "golden partner", searched around. Their footprints almost covered the space of Qianbao Hanoi. It is impossible to perceive.

"Strange." Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Earlier, when the golden qi appeared, he sensed it with his spiritual sense, and clearly found that it was very different, not an ordinary magic weapon, and gave Jiang Chen the feeling that it should be derived from the Qianbao River.

And obviously, Ji Mobai and the others came here for that burst of golden energy.

But it just disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Chen asked Ye Yufan, but Ye Yufan was also hesitant, refusing to say more, and he had the heart to let Jiang Chen beat this guy up.

"Let's talk about it first, once we get it, you and I can get it, and it's someone else's." Ye Yufan said.

"No problem." Jiang Chen nodded in agreement, even if Ye Yufan didn't say so, he would still do so.

"Brother Jiang, if you and I cooperate, we will definitely sweep away the invincible." Ye Yufan said again.

Jiang Chen smiled, but such a smile appeared on his face, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

Ahead, there was a battle, a figure in blue, who was beaten and retreated steadily, was covered in blood, it was Situ Aofeng impressively.

"Situ Aofeng, aren't you crazy? Even something vulnerable to a single blow dares to speak out." There was a voice, and the man said coldly.

"Situ Aofeng, you are too weak, do you really think that no one can take care of you? It's just that no one has the same knowledge as you." Someone said again, extremely mocking.

"Situ Aofeng, with your strength, you don't even have the qualifications to enter the celestial list, not to mention disturbing the celestial list. You are looking for death." Someone said, sarcastically.

Situ Aofeng was fighting, his face was ashen, but he never said a word.

Originally, after entering the Qianbao River, he had been very cautious, but he fell into an ambush and was ambushed.

These three people are all strong men on the top of the list. At this time, they didn't show any mercy and directly joined forces to kill him.

Situ Aofeng was full of hatred, he sacrificed his own sky-opening axe, slashed horizontally, and fought the three of them.

It's a pity, after all, the strength is very different. Even if the Sky-Opening Ax is very extraordinary, with Situ Aofeng's current strength, he can't fully exert the power of the Sky-Opening Axe. He can only be suppressed and suffer heavy injuries.

"Hey, do those guys seem to be all from the Seven Star Martial Academy? What's the matter, the Seven Star Martial Academy has a tradition of infighting?" Ye Yufan said with a playful smile as he watched the excitement.

"Brother Ye, take action and kill them." Jiang Chen ordered,

Ye Yufan couldn't stop laughing immediately. Why, why did he have to do all the dirty work? Who did he provoke?

(End of this chapter)

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