genius evil

Chapter 1314 It's Really Stinky and Shameless

Chapter 1314 It's Really Stinky and Shameless
"Brother Ye, why are you hesitating, why don't you act quickly." Jiang Chen urged.

Looking at the situation, even if Situ Aofeng tried his best, he would not be able to hold on.

Usually it's nothing more than teasing and teasing Situ Aofeng, but in such a situation, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to die.

"Brother Jiang, I also have dignity." Ye Yufan said dissatisfied.


Jiang Chen raised his foot, and just kicked Ye Yufan's ass, kicking Ye Yufan out.

"Then what, you guys stop." Ye Yufan said with tears in his eyes, what is his identity, he has been reduced to Jiang Chen's thug, being ordered by Jiang Chen, and cannot be refused, this is too sad.


Those three people made a strong attack, wanting to kill Situ Aofeng in one fell swoop, and by the way, take away Situ Aofeng's sky-opening axe.

It can be seen that the sky-opening axe is very miraculous. Although Situ Aofeng could not exert all his power, he still withstood their attacks many times.

Otherwise, with Situ Aofeng's strength, he would have been killed long ago.

Suddenly seeing Ye Yufan appear, the expressions of the three of them involuntarily changed, and they quickly retreated to the rear, stopping their attack.

"Tell me, you three, how do you want to die?" Following that, Jiang Chen walked over and asked aloud.

"Jiang Chen, is that you?"

The three of them looked at Jiang Chen and finally understood why Ye Yufan would meddle in his own business.

This was because Jiang Chen had always walked with Ye Yufan, and it seemed that they had a good relationship, and Jiang Chen had a friendship with Situ Aofeng, so it was not surprising that Ye Yufan would intervene.

"Answer my question." Jiang Chen said, a little impatient.

"Jiang Chen, you are too domineering, do you think we are easy to bully?" Someone said angrily, Jiang Chen wanted to decide their fate with one word, and he was very unconvinced.

Smiling, Jiang Chen pointed at Situ Aofeng and said, "Then, is he easy to bully?"

Frowning, the three of them didn't understand the meaning of Jiang Chen's words.

"You guys can see clearly. Brother Situ is so handsome and extraordinary. He is not easy to bully at first glance, but you are still bullying him, so I have decided, whether you are easy to bully or not, I will It's all bullying." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Situ Aofeng smiled wryly, realizing that he couldn't get rid of the fate of being teased by Jiang Chen.

Hearing this, the three of them were slightly suffocated for breathing, knowing what Jiang Chen meant, the three of them would never leave alive.

"Jiang Chen, I have to remind you that you have offended enough people in the inner sect. Offending the three of us will not do you any good!" One person said in a cold voice, warning Jiang Chen not to go too far up.

"Since you have offended so many people, it doesn't matter if you offend a few more people, right?" Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said with a light smile.


The man gritted his teeth, never thought that Jiang Chen's attitude would be so firm, he was determined to kill them.

"Shoot, kill him!"

Another person shouted, he didn't think he was easy to bully, since Jiang Chen insisted on going his own way, he would fight.

After the words fell, the man launched an attack and violently shot. Afterwards, the other two also moved, and the three divided into three directions, heading towards Jiang Chen, and slaughtered him.

"court death!"

Situ Aofeng yelled loudly, and quickly brought out the sky-opening axe, beheading him.

"Brother Situ, don't be nervous." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, stepped back, and ordered, "Brother Ye, blow them up and let them know why the flowers are so red."

"What do you mean by that?" Ye Yufan was confused.

However, with a movement of his figure, he greeted them and forcibly stopped the three of them.

"The meaning is, send them to die." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Brother Jiang, don't lie to me, I don't believe that's what you mean." Ye Yufan said sincerely, telling Jiang Chen that he can be used, but he absolutely cannot tolerate being treated like a fool.

While talking with Jiang Chen, Ye Yufan shot casually, but he was too powerful, and his gestures flowed with vigor, chic and freehand.

This has something to do with Ye Yufan's martial arts secret technique. To a certain extent, it affected Ye Yufan's character and made Ye Yufan so carefree.

This secret technique is astonishing. It has the same level of horizontal push. Ye Yufan used it. When the three of them teamed up, they couldn't even get close. Ye Yufan used a kind of cat and mouse way toy.


The three of them were furious and extremely aggrieved. They were pretentious and thought they were superior, but under Ye Yufan's hands, they could only be played with, which was unbearable.

In an instant, the three of them sacrificed their magic weapons, and seeing the three magic weapons flying in the air, they were urged to attack and land, wanting to kill Ye Yufan.

"Do you think you didn't die fast enough?" Ye Yufan said coldly.

Being taken advantage of by Jiang Chen, he was very upset. Although he made a move at this time, he was passive and sabotage, just playing around casually, but the three of them all used big killing moves, which made Ye Yufan even more unhappy.

Ye Yufan has a habit, when he is unhappy, he will make the other party even more unhappy.

So, Ye Yufan was serious, he was bombarding, and letting the attacks of the three magical weapons land, it had no effect on him, the difference in strength between them could not be made up by just a few magical weapons.

In the end, the three of them were bloodied and killed by Ye Yufan one by one.

"Unexpectedly, I, who had never killed anyone before, would now kill again and again. This is really not a good thing, and it makes my conscience uneasy." Ye Yufan sighed, and looked at Jiang Chen with innocent eyes.

"Brother Ye will fall in love with you if you kill a few more, I promise." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Brother Jiang, let me ask you a question, do I really look like a fool?" Ye Yufan said angrily.

Ye Yufan and Jiang Chen laughed and cursed, while Situ Aofeng was gasping for air.

"Is this the real strong man?" Situ Aofeng was startled and thought to himself.

He prides himself on himself, with extraordinary talent. Before, he ranked first in the top [-] among the outer sects. Now, when he enters the inner sect, although it is inevitable to be gloomy, Situ Aofeng believes that one day, he will shine with a new brilliance.

At this moment, Situ Aofeng suddenly realized that even if they were in the same realm, the gap between them would be so large.

This made Situ Aofeng realize that in the future, he will have a long way to go.

"Jiang Chen, thank you very much, I, Situ Aofeng, owe you a favor." Situ Aofeng said seriously, grateful in his heart, if Jiang Chen hadn't happened to show up, he would have died here today.

"Aren't you going to go with the two of us?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

" need..." Situ Aofeng shook his head and left immediately.

He knew in his heart that walking with Jiang Chen and Ye Yufan must be the safest, but his pride did not allow him to accept Jiang Chen's protection.

"That guy is interesting." Ye Yufan said with a grin as he watched Situ Aofeng leave.

"He's kind of interesting, but it's a pity that his luck is not good." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"What do you mean?" Ye Yufan asked.

"Because he was born in the same era as me, this is destined to be his sorrow." Jiang Chen looked at Ye Yufan and said, "Similarly, this is also your sorrow, destined to be reduced to my foil. "

Ye Yufan was dumbfounded for a long time, then murmured, "Shameless, it really stinks shameless."

Because Ye Yufan practiced that martial arts secret technique, his temperament became a bit weird, but it was a true temperament, and he had more contact with him. Jiang Chen understood this.

Regarding that secret technique, Jiang Chen was rather curious, and repeatedly made indirect remarks, but Ye Yufan was strictly guarded against it, and resolutely kept his mouth shut, not revealing it.

"Secret technique?" Jiang Chen said to himself in his heart.

This kind of secret technique is very strange and can affect a person's temperament. Of course, this can actually be regarded as a sequela, but at least Ye Yufan's sequelae are not bad.

"Wen Yanxi was also affected?" Jiang Chen thought of Wen Yanxi, that woman, unkind, turned her face like a book, but she grew a delicate and cute baby face. The contrast was too great to accept.

"That fellow Luo Qun?" Jiang Chen said.

In comparison, Luo Qun was rather sad, his height and appearance were all affected, it was tantamount to becoming another person.

"How could this be? This is a defect." Jiang Chen thought inexplicably.

Logically speaking, in terms of the flourishing style of martial arts in the Zhenwu Continent, all kinds of martial arts skills and secret techniques should be well-inherited, and there shouldn't be such obvious flaws.

After all, a slight difference is a thousand miles away. The existence of such defects will have a great impact on the future cultivation of warriors.

"Well, no, after returning to the Yuan Realm, it is the Mortal Transformation Realm, where warriors transform into mortal realms, the heaven and the earth resonate, and life undergoes a complete transformation, picking up what's left and filling in the gaps." Soon, Jiang Chen came to his senses.

Once stepping into the Mortal Transformation Realm, it will become a completely different life existence, and all defects will be made up and repaired.

"So that's the case." Jiang Chen was relieved.

"Jiang Chen, roll over here and die!"

Just as Jiang Chen was thinking about these things, a blunt sound resounded through the sky, like thunder from the sky, rumbling in all directions.

It was Luo Qun, he was roaring, mad with hatred.

"It's true, you can do whatever you want." Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, just now he was thinking about the secret martial arts practiced by Luo Qun, when Luo Qun spoke up.

"Hey, your karma has come." Ye Yufan said gloatingly.

"Correct me, revenge is more appropriate here." Jiang Chen said sternly, looking Ye Yufan up and down.

Ye Yufan's scalp felt numb and he had a bad feeling. The next second, he jumped and shouted, "Don't even think about it. This time, I will definitely not make a move."

"Brother Ye, if I remember correctly, you have said that Luo Qun has been an eyesore for a long time." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Really? Did I ever say such a thing?" Ye Yufan refused to admit it, and said firmly, "That guy is completely perverted. In short, don't think of me."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Luo Qun, get over here and slap you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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